Attacking Fox

Chapter 45 Zero

The moonlight was blurred. Feidian put down the book in his hand and looked up to find that Yin Sheng had fallen asleep on a pile of books.

Feidian gently walked to him and took out the map held in Yin Sheng's hand. In addition to the small country that was about to attack by him with a red pen, the ancient fish country to the east of Li and the Yu country to the east were also hooked out with a red pen.

These are the places he wants to occupy next.

Feidian suddenly felt a little distressed. Thinking that when he was 15 years old, he was still studying in the fox school. There were a large number of brothers and sisters, and no one dared to bully him, and his people would never kill each other for interests and power, but at a young age, he had to bear all this.

He is not in the mood to love others.

So it is also forgivable that you haven't completed your mission for so long. If you want Yin Sheng to fall in love with yourself, you must first solve other things for him.

Feidian thought and picked up **'s thin quilt and put it on Yin Sheng.

"Yo, my noble brother actually succumbed to a low-level human quilt. If I were that human, I would definitely fall in love with you, my dear brother~"

Suddenly, when he heard someone speaking, Feidian was shocked and looked at the source of the sound. He saw his brother Jueying squatting on the window sill and tilting his head to look at him. His twelve white black pointed tails swayed casually behind him and looked particularly enchanting in the moonlight.

Feidian made a "sh" gesture to him and waved, "Sh down, don't wake him up."

Jueying was stunned. He thought of many reaction of Feidian, such as jumping on a dead face and saying "Brother, I miss you so much", or asking coldly "Brother, why are you here" with a dead face, or looking at him lightly without saying a dead face.

But why is it such an expression?

Why did he have a faint tenderness and doting in his eyes? In an instant, Jue Ying felt as if he had seen the flying electricity two years ago. And the first thing you said when you saw him was not to wake up this inferior mortal?

The shadow jumped off the window sill, pinched the face of Feidian, and said, "It's not pretending. Why is it so strange..."

"Don't make trouble..." Feidian gently pushed away Jue Ying's hand and pulled him out of the room.

After getting outside, Feidian asked, "Brother, why are you here? Did you also bring me any utensils that can be used to seduce me?

"Well, in fact... I was kicked down by my grandma..." Jueying grabbed his head and said.

"Hey? Why?" Feidian asked puzzledly, "Do you also want to complete the mission of our fox clan?"

"It's not Feidian, I want the next fox king!" Jueying said solemnly, "I went to ask the current Fox King how to become the Fox King. He said that he would go to the world to find my predestined person to cross the disaster and go with me to find the Fox King's grandma and kicked me down as soon as she heard this sentence."

"...So you don't know what kind of predestined person you are looking for?"

"I know, it's the ninth princess of the underworld and the children of the shadow clan with the ability to understand the sky. I guess it's a girl as beautiful as the ninth princess~" Jueying opened her mouth and smiled, as if she was looking forward to this girl.

"Have you seen the Nine Princesses?"

"No, but the princess is beautiful~"

Flying electricity: "..."

"Oh, don't talk about me all the time," Jueying hugged Feidian's shoulder and asked, "My dear brother, looking at you are so kind to that child. Is he the emperor destined to fall in love with you?"

Flying electricity nodded.

"Then did he fall in love with you?" Jueying gossip asked.

"I don't think so..."

"How is that possible?" Jueying seemed to be indignant, "Don't you have a divine book to protect like Mr. Jiao and grandma?"

"Bright, when it comes to Mr. Horn, is it really an artifact? What kind of magic does it have? Feidian asked, and remembered the strange things Yin Sheng had done to him, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, "Why don't I feel it at all?"

"This thing is not an artifact," said Jue Ying. "My grandma asked the fox wizard to melt your hair and nails into this thing, and then cast a spell, it has the ability to charm people, so that the first mortal who touches it can't help but want to make friends with you. he, every time you leave, you will feel unbearable, powerless and dizzy or something.

It turned out that Yin Sheng suddenly followed him step by step... Feidian suddenly felt a little lost.

"Hey? Feidian, why are you suddenly so sad? What's wrong? Jue Ying asked.

"Oh..." Feidian's eyes wandered and said, "I think the eldest sister and the second sister are really unreliable. They didn't make it clear to me when they gave me this thing. What if they were not the emperor who first met it?"

Jueying nodded and said, "Well, the eldest sister and the second sister are indeed unreliable. They didn't tell you anything."

"Brother, can't you use mana in the world?" Feidian asked.

Grandma is not allowed to use power for fear that he is too kind and will use power to save people or something. Jue Ying has never been soft-hearted, and naturally she is not allowed to use magic power.

So Jueying made up a reason and said, "Feidian, you know that my brother's mana has always been stronger than yours, so even if you use your magic power, it won't be a problem. What's more, you're here to complete the mission. I'm here to overcome the disaster, so I can use it."

Feidian nodded, took out Mr. Jiao and said, "Then help me destroy it."

"Destroy...destroyed?" Jueying pulled out his ears and didn't seem to understand, "Why?"

"Because... I don't want him to follow me step by step, just because I bound him. I want to rely on my own efforts to make him really fall in love with me and really can't live without me." Feidian said lightly.

"But..." Jueying knew the arrogant character of Feidian, and he would not have told him the truth.

"Don't say anything, brother, I've made up my mind."

The shadow was helpless. He took over Mr. Jiao and ignited a blue flame in his right hand. Mr. horn instantly turned into ashes and dispersed with the wind.

Feidian looked at the blue flame and was a little distracted... Maybe Yin Sheng will return to his old appearance in the future, and he will often kill himself, put himself in prison or something, and will never blink his innocent eyes and sweetly call himself "fox brother".

The matter of "Mr. Horn" has come to an end, and then... it will start from scratch.

"back-soul--" Jue Ying stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Feidian. Feidian came to his senses and looked straight at Jueying and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Well, Mr. Jiao is gone. I guess you have to work hard and seduce yourself in the future."

"Well, I know."

"Don't let us down~"

"When did I disappoint you?"

Jueying grabbed his head, "Yes... But I can't stay here all the time. I'm going to find my predestined person."

"Where are you looking for it?"

Jueying closed his eyes and turned around. After ten turns, he stopped and faced the west, so he said, "Go to the west."

Feidian is a little helpless, "You can decide which way to go by yourself by this method?"

smiled desperately, "Since predestined people certainly rely on fate, it's not fate to do it deliberately through any plan, understand?"

Feidian nodded and said, "That's what you said. Then come on."

Jue Ying patted him on the shoulder, "Yes, we both have to work hard and go back to Yunyou as soon as possible!"

Feidian nodded, and Jueying reluctantly rubbed the top of Feidian's head and said, "Brother really left."

Flying didn't say anything, and then nodded.

A flash disappeared in front of Feidian, and the wind gently blew Feidian's hair. The hair fluttered away for a moment, and finally fell slowly, as if nothing had happened.


The shadow came out of the imperial city and suddenly thought that when I held Mr. horn just now, I found that it had no magic power at all. It should be that the demon exorcist in the world had sealed its magic.

So, the little emperor has been following Feidian not because of Mr. Jiao, but purely because he wants to follow Feidian?

How did you forget to tell Feidian just now?

Jueying looked back at the high wall around the imperial city and thought that it was better to forget it. I didn't bother to go back and tell him. It's not too late to come back when he finds his predestined person.