Attacking Fox

Chapter 50 Favorite

Nights that can't sleep always seem particularly long.

This night, Feidian tried to fall asleep many times, but finally failed, so he stared at Yin Sheng's face and kept seeing Dongfang Weiming.

Yin Sheng was particularly clever when he slept. He rarely moved all night, and only his long eyelashes kept trembling with the ups and downs of his chest.

Feidian doesn't know why he can't sleep. Maybe it's because it's the last night in the palace and he's leaving here today, so he wants to keep Yin Sheng's face in mind in his last time.

He didn't know when Yin Sheng opened his eyes. He only knew that his slightly steamy eyes looked at him for a long time, and then suddenly came over and kissed him...

This dead child...

After kissing, Yin Sheng touched Feidian's dark eyes and asked, "Brother Fox, haven't you slept all night... Why do you look so haggard..."

Feidian pinched his eyebrows and said, "I don't know why... can't sleep."

Yin Sheng sat up, picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on. He said sadly, "Brother Fox, don't go to court today. You go to sleep first. In the afternoon, I will send someone to send you out of the palace."

In the court... Feidian thought that he was already a minister of Yin Sheng, and from now on, he would stand below and worship him like other ministers... Feidian was a little unhappy at the thought that he would stand with so many low-level creatures.

Feidian buried his head in the quilt and thought that it would be better not to go to court today and not to court every day in the future.

When Yin Sheng saw Feidian like this, he expected that he should be extremely tired. He silently fastened his belt and was ready to leave. As soon as he got out of bed, he said, "Hey, Yin Sheng!"

Yin Sheng looked back at him and asked puzzledly, "What are you doing?"

Feidian sat up, hooked his finger and said, "Come here."

Yin Sheng thought for a moment and obediently leaned over his face. He saw Feidian stretched out his hand and carefully buttoned the top button of his underwear, and then tidyed up his skirt for him, and then said, "Go."

After saying that, Feidian fell into the quilt and pretended to sleep. He didn't look at Yin Sheng's expression at this moment, although he wanted to know.

Yin Sheng was slightly stunned. After coming to his senses, he squeezed his mouth and smiled, looking like a child who ate sugar. He said happily, "Brother Fox, have a good rest, widow... I'm going to court."

After saying that, Yin Sheng turned around and wanted to leave, but suddenly something came to his mind. He turned around and lifted the quilt of Feidian. Feidian grabbed the quilt and shouted, "What are you going to do? Didn't you say that I won't go to court?"

"Don't be like this, brother fox," Yin Sheng smiled, pulled out the white jade hairpin on his hair and said, "Here you this."

"This?" Feidian looked at him suspiciously, "What do I want this to do?"

"I know you can't hair, so I'll give you a hairpin so that you can learn how to hair." Yin Sheng blinked and said.

Feidian blushed, grabbed the hairpin and lay down again, and said sullenly, "I know."

Yin Sheng narrowed his eyes and smiled before leaving.

Listening to Yin Sheng's footsteps getting farther and farther away, and the sound of gently closing the door, Feidian blushed and opened his eyes and held the hairpin in his hand. Thinking that last night and just now, Yin Sheng used "me" instead of the cold emperor's self-title, Feidian was inexplicably happy.

was even happy to run behind the white jade screen above the hall again, secretly looking at his side face while listening to the ministers.

He tossed and turned for a long time and was still not sleepy, so he sat up and planned to really do that.


In the court, after the ministers shouted long live three times, some people began to look for the former military master who was awarded yesterday, but naturally they couldn't find it, so the people with many things boldly asked, "Your Majesty, why hasn't the former military master arrived yet?"

Yin Sheng casually put one foot up, looked lazy, and asked faintly, "What, do you have to ask the former military division about anything important?"

"No, Your Majesty..." The man quickly vetoed, "I just feel that the former military master has been disrespectful to you many times, and now he has not come to the court for a long time. Is your majesty..."

"I'm accurate," Yin Sheng raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Do you have any opinions?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. After ambush, he almost rushed forward to talk about the flying electricity. Fortunately, Feng Lingzhi beside him stopped him in time and whispered, "Lord Fu, you can bear with it..."

"But look at what your majesty said?" Fu Wan asked angrily, "He said he was accurate? Your Majesty allowed the goblin to disrespect him? Is it allowed for him to be late in the morning? This... is obviously the goblin who confuses the main criminal, and clearly the man Daji!"

The minister who was embarrassed by Yin Sheng had long heard that the former military division was just a male pet of His Majesty, relying on the means of ascending the throne. Now seeing His Majesty's appearance, it is clear that he has messed up the etiquette for this person, which shows how important this man is in His Majesty's heart. He didn't dare to be presumptuous and hurriedly said, "I dare not..."

Yin Sheng raised the corners of his mouth with a sneer and asked, "Is everything okay today?"

After Yin Sheng asked, Feng Ling came forward and said, "Your Majesty, it has been raining heavily in Qingzhou for more than half a month. The people are complaining and the people are not living."

Yin Sheng frowned and said, "Didn't I open a warehouse to release grain and allocate funds for relief a few days ago? Hasn't the disaster still not been alleviated?"

Feng Ling said, "The rain has never stopped. No matter how much your majesty rescues it, it won't help. At this time, a large number of disaster victims have migrated to Xuzhou and Xuchang..."

Feng Ling knew only half of what he said and stopped talking about it. Yin Sheng already knew what he meant. If it goes on like this, a large number of disaster victims will pour into Xuchang soon. Although Xu Chang is rich and it is not a problem to help the disaster victims, where do these people live and eat? How can Xu Chang have so much work for them?

However, this is only one aspect of the Qingzhou flood. I'm afraid that Yu Guo in the east has already heard the wind. If they sent troops to attack Qingzhou at this time, Li Guo would definitely be caught off guard... What should we do?

Yin Sheng frowned, turned his face to look at Yin Ji, and asked, "Do King Rui have a good idea?"

Yin Jiqi looked uninterested and said, "Guancheng, don't let the exiles come in, otherwise what will the original people in Xuchang City do?"

Yin Sheng did not answer. What Yin Jiyu said was just a problem for the exile, but he didn't believe that Yin Ji didn't know that the real big problem now was not the exile but the State of Yu.

"King Rui's words are not good," Fu Wan said, "The exiles are also His Majesty's people. How can they favor one over the other?"

Yin Jiyu smiled indifferently and said, "Since Your Majesty asked, I have just said what I think. Lord Fu don't have to be excited. Hasn't your Majesty decided yet?"

After lying down, he couldn't hang on his face, and Nuonuo retreated.

Yin Sheng stroked his forehead. I don't know if there will be a good idea about this matter. Let's go back and ask him.

So he said, "If there is no good way for Aiqing, then retreat from the court first."

After saying that, Yin Sheng got up and went back. He turned his face and saw behind the white jade screen, holding his chin and didn't know what he was thinking.

Yin Sheng was a little surprised at first, but immediately became happy. He even ignored the voices of the ministers in the court and went straight to Feidian.

Walking behind the screen, Yin Sheng quickly asked, "Brother Fox, when did you come here?"

Fly telegram came to his senses and replied, "I've been here since you said 'you have an opinion'."

"So you heard what Feng Ling said later?" Yin Sheng pulled Feidian out of the hall.

"Well," Feidian nodded, took out a map from his arms, and pointed to Qingzhou, "Qingzhou is near the sea, and the east is empty. You just frowned. Are you afraid that the State of Yu will attack at this time?"

"Yu Guo is belligerent and has long had the ambition to attack us across the sea."

"It must be because of the ancient fish, a small island country, right?"

"Although the ancient fish is small, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is only by blocking between the State of Li and the State of Yu that make our two countries peaceful for a long time," Yin Sheng explained. "That's why I want to marry the ancient fish country."

"So don't worry about this," Feidian said. "If the ancient fish helped the State of Yu fight against the State of Li, and sooner or later, the ancient fish will become the State of Yu after the attack, the king of the Ancient Fish Kingdom would not be so stupid. Even if his small country has the ambition to unify the world, it will not move until the border defense is empty like the State of Li. At this time, you just need to solve the problem of the exiles.

"What should I do? I don't want to take all the exiles out of the city as Yin Ji said.

Feidian thought about it carefully and said, "Actually, what he said is not unreasonable..."