Attacking Fox

Chapter 51 Little Rabbit

"Actually, what he said is not completely unreasonable." Feidian thought for a long time and actually said the same thing.

Yin Sheng stopped, looked at him in surprise and asked, "Brother Fox, what are you talking about?"

"I'm in Yunyou, and I've never encountered such a disaster, so I don't know whether it's true or not..."

"Wrote without a trace?"

"Half of the books in his room were written by himself," Feidian said. "One of them said that 'there will be a big epidemic after the disaster', and it is the worst decision to let the victims migrate, because they will bring the epidemic to a safe place..."

"There must be a major epidemic after the disaster..." Yin Sheng muttered this sentence and said helplessly, "But they are also my people after all..."

Feidian looked at Yin Sheng's sad face and felt a little distressed. He quickly said, "Don't be sad yet. There may not be an epidemic, right? I think it's better to let the exiles in..."

"Even if there is no epidemic, Xuchang can't accommodate so many disaster victims..." Yin Sheng said, pulling the electricity to the side of the pavilion and sat down.

Feidian put his hands on his cheeks, meditated for a moment, and said, "As soon as the bell was flooded, Qingzhou was flooded..."

"Is it retribution..." Yin Sheng said with a wry smile.

Feidian stared at him, reached out and rubbed his hair, and said, "What are you talking about, dead child. The plan of Yancheng is what I thought, and if it is retribution, it should also be retribution to me. I just want to let you know that you human beings are building too badly. It's like an impenetrable bucket, and the water attack is simply invincible.

"What? Are you going to laugh at us stupid human beings again?" There was finally a flash of smile on Yin Sheng's face. "But without those airtight walls, there will be nothing to defend when others hit the door."

"But drainage is a big problem," Fei Dian said. "If Xingzhong had a large enough tunnel to drain the water, it would not have been destroyed so early. So would Qingzhou. If it could be drain, what would it be afraid of rain?"

Yin Sheng listened carefully, thought for a long time, jumped up and hugged the flying electricity, and said excitedly, "Brother Fox, I thought that I can only accept the old and weak women and children, and let the young man go back to dig the canal and drain all the water into the sea, no matter how long it rains, as the speed of the water below is faster than the water entering the water above. Fast, there will be no flood!"

Feidian was a little helpless. He silently opened his hand, sat him on the stool, and asked, "In addition to letting Qingzhou dig canals now, other states should also start digging canals, so as not to fall into the same situation as Xingzhong Kingdom in the future."

Yin Sheng nodded, and this matter seemed to have been solved again. He smiled and put his face close to Feidian and said, "Brother Fox, you are so awesome. I find that I can't live without you more and more."

Feidian turned his face slightly and did not dare to look at him, because he felt that his ears were getting hot again.

How can this dead child say such disgusting words without changing his face?

When Yin Sheng saw his blush, he leaned over and kissed his face. Feidian quickly waved his hand to block him, but Yin Sheng grabbed his hand and kissed him on his slightly open lips...

After a long time, Yin Sheng let go of the flying electricity, bent his eyes and laughed, "What are you resisting, brother fox? It's not cute to refuse to welcome anything.

Flying electricity: "...shameless!"


In the Lingxu Hall, Yin Huan and Fu Li lay on the ground and drew pictures. Yin Huan giggled. Fu Li threw down his pen and asked curiously, "Brother Huan, why are you laughing?"

"Li'er, let me tell you some good news. The stinky white bastard who has been pestering his brother is going to leave the palace today, and he will only accompany Huan'er in the future."

After listening to this, Fu Li's face immediately sank. He lowered his head. Yin Huan couldn't see his expression clearly. He only heard Fu Li's voice a little cold and asked, "Brother Huan, but your majesty still has to deal with government affairs. How can he have time to accompany you every day?"

"I can also be with my brother when dealing with government affairs~ I just need to look at my brother and as long as there is no one else around him~"

"Will Brother Huan still have time to leave with his son?" Fu Li raised his head and asked expectantly.

Yin Huan wrinkled his chubby little face, thought about it carefully, and said, "Of course, I still have to accompany Li'er..."

When Fu Li heard this, his little face immediately lit up.

"But there may only be a little time to leave in the future."

Fu Li's expression darkened again. He squeezed his mouth and clenched his fist tightly.

Yin Huan did not notice Fu Li's expression at this time. He drew a lifelike little rabbit on rice paper as big as his height on the ground and said happily to Fu Li, "Li'er, this is you! You are just a cute little rabbit~"

Fu Li listened, looked at the three-billed red-eyed rabbit, took the picture to his hand, looked up at Yin Huan, and asked, "Has brother Huan given it to Li'er?"

Yin Huan nodded and said, "If Li'er likes it, I will give it to Li'er."

He left and smiled. The gloom just now swept away. He folded the little rabbit carefully and carefully put it in his arms.

However, in his opinion, this rabbit is not him. He knows whether he is a wolf or a rabbit. This rabbit... will obviously draw his own self-portrait, right?


Playing until the evening, Fu Wan sent someone to pick up Fu Li and go home. The person who came was Fu Wan's eldest brother Fu Lang.

Sitting in the carriage, Fu Li took out the little rabbit from his arms again. Fu Lang came over and asked, "Eight brother, did you draw this?"

Fu Li shook his head and said, "It was painted by Huan Shizi's brother. Isn't it cute?"

Fu Lang smiled and pointed to the painting and said, "It turned out to be a self-portrait painted by Huan Shizi, exactly the same as Huan Shizi."

Fu Li was very happy and smiled, "Brother also thinks it's very similar, right? Li'er likes this painting very much.

Fu Lang pinched Fu Li's nose and smiled, "I think you like Huan Shizi, don't you?"

Fu Lang had no other meaning. What he said was simply "like to play together" between the two children, but Fu Li didn't think so. His face turned red in an instant, he quickly shook his head, and then nodded slightly...

He likes Huan Shizi so much that he wants to kill all the people he likes one by one, so that his brother Huan is alone.

But in the future... his brother Huan will go with your majesty again.

No! Fu Li clenched his fist. Brother Huan belonged to him alone, and he couldn't let His Majesty take him away! can you make your majesty have no time to accompany Brother Huan?

Fu Li put away the painting, raised his head and asked Fu Lang, "Brother, is your majesty busy recently?"

Fu Lang thought for a moment and said, "There should be nothing to do. Although there has been a continuous influx of exiles into Xuchang recently, your majesty will soon settle their residences and open warehouses to release grain and so on. It won't be too busy. Why are you asking this?"

"Li'er is also a citizen of the State of Li. Of course, he wants to know something to share his majesty's worries," Fu Li innocently smiled and then asked, "So how can your majesty be busy?"

"Haha... Eighth brother, you think too much," Fu Lang smiled and touched Fu Li's head. "Eighth brother, you are so young. Just study hard and have fun. There is no need to think about these things so early."

"Brother, you are wrong," Fu Li said in a winkly. "Father often tells us that your majesty was also about the same age as me, and began to take Huan Shizi to avoid killing everywhere, and finally regain his country, govern the turbulent state of Li into today's situation, and his son should also contribute to the country early. My brother told me, how can your majesty have unsolvable sorrows?

Seeing his younger brother so promising, Fu Lang was very happy and thought for a moment, "Unless there is another big war, or a big disaster or something... However, your majesty should be almost done with this Qingzhou flood."

Is it a big war disaster epidemic... Fu Li lowered his head and thought about it, a big war can't be asked for, and a big disaster depends on the sky but not on people. This big epidemic...

Fu Li raised his head, and his always innocent eyes actually had some unknown haze. He lifted the curtain of the carriage, and he could already see three or two foreigners begging in shabby clothes on the street outside.

The kind and enthusiastic people of Xuchang did not refuse to come and brought out a basket of steaming steamed buns to give to the disaster victims. Some people also began to set up sheds for the disaster victims, giving them some old but unbroken quilts or something.

It's really a scene of boundless love.

Fu Li put down the curtain and smiled at the corners of his mouth.