Attacking Fox

Chapter 153 He lost his memory

Under the urging and encouragement of Hongyin, Feidian planned to secretly go to Yin Sheng in the dead of night to explain what happened that year.

Finally, in the middle of the night, Hongyin lay on the table and fell asleep, and the palace was quiet.

Feidian got up and went to Yin Sheng's bedroom ten years ago. He also thought about what to do if Yin Sheng did not sleep here, but slept with the queen.

But he only knows this place and doesn't know where the queen's bedroom is.

He went in quietly, waved the lamp and lit up by himself. He flew into the inner room and looked at the position of the bed. It was very good. The quilt did not seem to be raised by two people.

He was really afraid to see Yin Sheng sleeping with the queen, or bumping into them doing those things.

He walked gently to Yin Sheng and reached out to lift his quilt slightly to look at his eyebrows, but when his hand touched the quilt, ** suddenly turned over, stretched out his hand and squeezed the pulse of the electric wrist tightly. The other hand also took out and put a knife on his neck.

That knife was left by him, the knife fairy.

Yin Sheng's eyes are clear, not like being woken up at all. It seems that he hasn't slept all the time, just waiting for him to fall into the net.

He looked at Feidian for a long time and didn't say a word.

Feidian couldn't help being so silent and said first, "Yin Sheng, you..."

Yin Sheng frowned, interrupted him and asked, "Who are you?" How dare you call my widow's name!"

Feidian was stunned. Looking at the temptation and alienation on Yin Sheng's beautiful face, his heart was full of mixed feelings... After ten years, his appearance had changed, and he did not forget him, and his appearance had not changed at all, so he forgot him?

After being silent for a long time, Feidian opened his mouth weakly and asked aggrievedly, "Yin Sheng, have you really forgotten me?"

"Oh..." Yin Sheng thought for a moment and nodded, "I remember."

Feidian's heart jumped from the bottom of the valley to the top of the mountain again. He did not answer and waited for Yin Sheng to continue.

"You are the assassin who went down today and smashed the top of my imperial pool hall," Yin Sheng frowned. "Didn't I order you to take you to prison and let you run out? Those guards are really useless."

Feidian's heart was as cold as the temperature of this knife fairy on his neck. After all, he was unwilling and then asked, "Think again, we met a long time ago."

"A long time ago..." Yin Sheng looked very seriously and shook his head. "Ten years ago, when I went to fight at sea, I was seriously injured. When I woke up, I forgot something. I don't know if I forgot you."

Is that so... Feidian was still not deterred by Yin Sheng's emperor's anger. He stared straight into his eyes and was sure that he could not see a lie. Only then did he believe that Yin Sheng had really forgotten him.

Then he has been thinking about how to explain what happened ten years ago for a long time, so he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

This may be God's will, which made Yin Sheng forget everything and gave him a chance to do it again.

Feidian clenched his fist and said secretly: I could make you fall in love with me ten years ago, and ten years later. Start all over again. Who is afraid of whom?

But it was just that he thought so. Yin Sheng's knife never put down. He asked, "Who sent you? What's the purpose?"

Feidian really wants to go back to him. It was sent by grandma to seduce you! However, he is still measured. Now Yin Sheng is not the "pure" little boy ten years ago. Now he has a wife and children... Thinking of this, Feidian is still a little stuffy.

He thought that when he let Yin Sheng fall in love with him again, he must pay for his infidelity!

"I didn't expect a long and weak look, and my nature was quite hard," Yin Sheng said to himself when he saw that Feidian didn't say anything. "I have executed all the top ten tortures on you, but I don't believe you! Come on, catch the assassin!"

As soon as Yin Sheng's words fell, more than a dozen dark guards lying under the roof outside the window jumped out and rushed straight to the flying electricity.

It was Feidian naive. Ten years ago, Yin Sheng was careless. The whole bedroom did not allow anyone to come in and was not afraid of danger. He thought that Yin Sheng was still like this now, but he didn't expect that he had ambushed so many secret guards.

Does he want to escape now? If you don't escape, will you really be tortured by Yin Sheng?

Let's escape first. Anyway, Yin Sheng doesn't hate him, but forgets him. He wants to gradually capture his heart and can't kill himself at the beginning.

He stretched out his hand and pinched it and disappeared in front of everyone.

When Yin Sheng saw him suddenly disappear, he waved his hand and said to the dark guard, "Don't chase him. Go down first."

The dark guard bent down and went back to the place where he had just been.

Yin Sheng spread out his left hand and looked at his palm. He had just been holding his veins and felt his powerful pulse. He was real. He really... came back!

Yin Sheng smiled, as if he was self-deprecating and helpless, and muttered to himself, "If you use mana so easily, won't you become a fox again?"

Feidian came out of the bedroom and felt that he should first find a place to live. The palace was not good. He didn't want to see Yin Sheng and his queen show their love every day. After thinking about it, it's better to go out of the palace. I don't know if the military division is still there.

So he took advantage of the moonlight to leave the palace, and the Vega flashed in front of him.

Xuchang's late-night silence is not lonely. There are still some sleepless residents lighting the lights late at night, or some have got up and are busy with what to do the next day.

The street in front of the palace is very different from the memory. After a few times, I still couldn't find any trace of the military palace, so I began to suspect whether it was on the wrong road, or... the military palace had actually been demolished.

Let's find someone to ask.

Feidian looked around and saw a liquor-like shop lighting a light, so he knocked on the door and knocked for a long time. Feidian thought for a moment, left the door and went around, went to the backyard of the restaurant, and turned in.

landed steadily in the yard and shouted, "Are there any human beings?"

He didn't seem to feel anything wrong with this question. Seeing that no one answered him, he shouted again, "Are there any goblins?"

No one answered him.

Feidian frowned and felt a little strange. Do people in this restaurant light the lights when they fall asleep?

What a waste.

He turned around and wanted to leave, and then thought of something. He looked back at the room with the light.

Feidian hesitated for a moment and walked to that place. When he entered the room, he saw two large pots in front of him, with all kinds of dishes beside them.

Oh, it turned out to be someone else's kitchen.

There is nothing strange about this. Maybe they are afraid that mice will come to steal things, so they keep lighting the light.

Feidian turned around and was about to leave, and suddenly heard a hisss sound behind him.

He turned around again and looked at the place where the sound was made. It was a bamboo basket.

Is there something alive in it?

I don't know why, Feidian couldn't help walking over and lifting the lid of the bamboo basket. Something jumped out of it. He felt a pain in his left wrist and quickly shook his hand.

is a small snake biting his wrist.

Feidian quickly reached out and pulled the little snake down and threw it into the bamboo basket. When it was covered, it accidentally looked inside. The basket was full of this kind of snake.

His wrist was burning and painful. He looked down at his wound and did not turn black or swollen. The snake should not be very poisonous, but it still needs to be dealt with.

He pressed the wound with his right hand and took it away after a while. The wound had healed by himself.

He finally looked at the box of snakes and said to himself that it would not be raised for food...

Humans are so horrible that they dare to eat such disgusting things.

He stopped staying, walked out of the kitchen, quickly climbed over the wall, fell to the ground, and found that there was still a man standing under the wall.

Feidian was shocked by the sudden appearance of the person and quickly stepped back two steps. After coming to his senses, he said to the man, "Human! Why are you running around so late? Do you know that you will meet goblins when you run around at night!"

The man just looked at Feidian for a while, then smiled and asked, "How do you know I'm not a goblin?"

Feidian frowned slightly and looked at the man in front of him carefully. His face was like jade, his lips were red and his teeth were white, and his peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly. Ruo Mo's long hair flew straight down, and it was estimated that he was only 17 or 18 years old.

This is a slightly charming young teenager, with a little familiar eyebrows, but Feidian hollowed out his memory and didn't think who this person was.

"You're not a goblin," Feidian shook his head and asked, "Who are you?"

"Who am it has nothing to do with you?" The teenager raised the corners of his lips and said, "Why did you sneak into my store at night?"

Feidian was a little surprised, "Is this your store?"

The teenager replied, "One of my stores."

Feidian nodded. It seems that this is a young master of a rich family, otherwise there would not have such a big restaurant at a young age.

But in my memory, I don't seem to know any rich young master.

"I just looked at the light inside and wanted to ask for directions. Do you know where the Military Division is? Feidian explained.

The teenager raised his eyebrows, did not say anything about Feidian's explanation, and did not mean to answer his questions at all.

Feidian saw that he didn't answer and stopped asking. He turned around and wanted to leave. Thinking of what he had just seen, he turned around and said to him, "It's disgusting to eat snakes in your store."

Hearing Feidian's words, the teenager actually laughed and said, "Although I am the big owner of this store, what kind of food is sold in this store is none of my business. If one day all the people in Xuchang are poisoned in the dishes of this restaurant, it has nothing to do with me."

Is there any off? Feidian is not familiar with these laws, but what does it mean that people in the whole city are poisoned? Is this snake poisonous?

Feidian lifted the place where he had just been bitten and looked at it, and now there is still no discomfort.

"It's all dead, and it has nothing to do with me," the teenager said quietly and smiled, "I didn't expect that Xu Chang hasn't changed at all for so many years, and it's still so--

A string in the flying computer suddenly moved. He turned his head to look at the person who had left. The teenager's figure had disappeared, with the unfinished words.

Will it really...

Flying electricity shook its head. Absolutely, it's impossible.