Attacking Fox

Chapter 154 Suppression of Sexual Desire

Feidian didn't find the position of the military division's mansion all night. Maybe it was really demolished, or it would be replaced by other military divisions. Anyway, this is just a position.

At dawn, Feidian was a little sleepy and planned to go back to the palace to sleep. As for the place to live in the future, let Hongyin find it for him. Anyway, just don't live in the palace.

He returned to the palace along the road. In his memory, this point was still a while away from Yin Sheng's court. He could go back and secretly look at him. Don't rush to make him fall in love with himself again. Take your time.

He quietly returned to the palace and sneaked into Yin Sheng's bedroom. He happened to see ** that the man was half dressed, and the other half casually put on his body, half squinting his lazy eyes and looking at the sudden flying electricity out of thin air.

This look and this look made Feidian trembling all over, and his heart immediately warmed up. Unexpectedly, there was an impulse to hug him or throw himself into his arms to hug him.

Yin Sheng did not call someone to come to catch the assassin this time, but reached out and hooked the flying electricity and ordered Feidian in a waveless but irresistible voice, "Come and serve me to change my clothes."

If you had followed the character before Feidian, you would have scolded "fan fool" and let Yin Shengai get out of here.

But now, for some unknown reason, Feidian actually walked over obediently.

Feidian walked to him, grabbed his collar, and kissed him according to his slightly open mouth...

No... This situation is very wrong!

Even if he misses Yin Sheng for ten years, he still thinks about this person, not his body! And what happened to this series of unexpected actions today? Is it possible that anyone gave him **?

Feidian's brain reacted and immediately pushed Yin Sheng away, which made Yin Sheng inexplicably. While licking his lips, he asked, "I have to take the initiative to seduce the widow and push the widow away when I am happy. Who sent you? Didn't you have a good time before sending it?"

This sounded familiar... By the way, ten years ago, when he first came, Yin Sheng suspected that he was a person sent by Yin Jiyu and said something similar to him.

Feidian was sure that he was not trying to seduce him now. The purpose of coming here this morning was very simple, that is, he wanted to see him, and his body seemed to completely disobey his orders at that moment and made such a move.

He didn't know how to explain it. Yin Sheng forgot him. He didn't know how innocent he used to be. Will he think that he is very * because of today's behavior and will not like him in the future?

He panicked and turned around to escape from him, but after taking two steps, his body staggered up and felt very hot and extremely uncomfortable.

He touched his forehead and found that the heat was scary, but it was also because his head was too dizzy to find that he was also hot in other places except his forehead.

He didn't know what was going on, but he subconsciously felt that he could not be known by Yin Sheng. He quickly accelerated his pace and didn't take two steps. As soon as his body softened, he would fall straight to the ground.

But before he touched the cold ground, he felt that his body had been caught from behind. Looking back, it was Yin Sheng.

He stood up with his arm and wanted to show that he was fine, but after standing so close in front of Yin Sheng, he suddenly found that he had to hold his head high to look at Yin Sheng... This child has grown so tall.

Yin Sheng didn't have too much expression on his face. He just felt that the fox was playing something again and wanted to wait for him to finish his performance, but when he saw that he was about to fall down, he still couldn't help but catch him from **.

He found that Feidian's body was soft and seemed to have no bones, which made people eager to swallow him immediately.

But he now looked at him with such a blank face and asked impatiently, "Are you finished? Who sent you? You couldn't assassinate me last night. I came to seduce her this morning!"

Feidian didn't know why he had such a situation. He quickly loosened his hand holding Yin Sheng's arm and stroked his half** chest to push him away, but when his hot hand touched his cool skin, his head did not think so at all.

He only felt that this coolness could relieve the heat of his body, so he contacted him more closely. He almost put his whole body on his body, raised his cheeks slightly, and the tip of his tongue dishonestly licked the corners of Yin Sheng's lips.

Yin Sheng stared at him and was very surprised by his behavior.

Although they haven't seen each other for ten years, Yin Sheng is deeply engraved on every move of Feidian and knows that this fox will not die so actively.

Is this fake?

Yin Sheng pushed him away and frowned to ask him who he was, but Feidian made a sharp stump under his feet and threw Yin Sheng down **.

Feidian pressed the back of his head with his right hand and kissed it again.

However, Yin Sheng is not the 15-year-old teenager. Now he has a lot of strength. He turned over to change his position with Feidian, firmly controlled Feidian's hand with both hands, looked at Feidian's dissatisfied look, picked up the corners of his mouth and asked, "Who are you? I really don't know you."

"I'm..." Feidian's eyes were blurred, but he still understood Yin Sheng's question and replied, "I'm Feidian..."

"Who is that widow?" Yin Sheng asked again.

"You are... you are Yin Sheng," Feidian replied honestly, "It's my favorite person. Over the past ten years, I have been thinking about you all the time..."

Yin Sheng's heart softened and his blood rushed straight into his head. Now he wants to wipe out the fox under him, and don't pretend to be bored with amnesia and never torture each other anymore!

However, even Yin Sheng underestimated his self-control. He was not carried away by some impulses and still calmly looked at the situation of Feidian.

Although he knows who he is and knows Yin Sheng, his appearance is indeed very unknown.

This stupid fox is either plotted by others or plotted himself.

Yin Sheng lowered his head, kissed his body that he had been thinking about for ten years, and said to him, "Do you want me to be lucky?"

This Feidian, who is confused but has the most sober mind, replied, "Think."

"Do you want to..." Yin Sheng asked.

He stretched out his thin cocoon palm, gently rubbed his smooth cheek, and said, "But I don't know who you are. What should I do?"

Feidian looked at him doubtfully, as if asking again, why not?

If you are infatuated, you will be infatuated. Ten years ago, we were already infatuated with each other, right?

"Of course not," Yin Sheng shook his head. "You know, it's not easy for the widow to rise to the throne. There are many people who try to pull the widow off the horse. What if you approach the widow with other purposes, leave after the widow falls in love with you, or kill the widow and stab the knife into her heart, what should you do?"

Feidian was shocked... Didn't he lose his memory? Why do you ask such a question?

Could it be that the incident ten years ago left an invisible shadow in his heart, so even if he lost his memory, his heart is still rejecting who he really falls in love with so as not to get hurt again?

Flying electricity squeezed his lower lip and finally planned to explain, "Actually, the truth is not what you think..."

"What do you think?" Yin Sheng raised his eyebrows and touched his waist dishonestly with his right hand, which made him tremble again. Then he asked contentedly, "You are not a widow. How do you know what my heart is thinking?"

Feidian turned his head and said, "Anyway, you have lost your memory. I said it in vain. It's getting darker and darker. It's better not to say it."

Yin Sheng smiled softly, lowered his head and blocked his mouth. After a mixture of lips and teeth, he finally let him go and said to him, "You are very interesting. I'm going to give you a chance to stay here."

After saying that, Yin Sheng came down from ** and looked at Feidian, who was still dissatisfied, and was secretly proud.

In short, ten years ago, you and I never thought you would have such a day.

Yin Sheng took the clothes next to get up and put them on. He moved slowly, resisted with a little seductively... He thought, what it was like to get stuck in the last step every time he wanted to do it ten years ago. Fox, you should have experienced it now.

Feidian does feel extremely difficult, but why is it unwilling to touch itself now? Could it be that he has been with the queen for ten years and no longer likes him?

Or...actually, he...*?

The more you think about it, the more possible it is. Otherwise, how can the whole harem be a woman?

Finally, after getting dressed, Yin Sheng pushed the door out of the bedroom without looking back.

At the moment when Yin Sheng's back disappeared in front of him, the feeling of Feidian just now suddenly disappeared. He sat up in horror and looked at his messy clothes...

Why can't he figure out why he was so impulsive just now?

He likes Yin Sheng, which he does not deny, but he is obviously not the kind of fox who likes to possess the body! And if it had been in the past, no matter how much Yin Sheng grinded himself, he would not have become so active... What happened to his body!

Only now did Feidian realize that something strange had happened to him. He carefully recalled when his general performance happened...

It seems to be the moment I saw Yin Sheng in the morning.

So since he came to the world yesterday, when will someone have a chance to give him **?

It doesn't seem to be... He doesn't feel that he has eaten anything...

Where on earth went wrong?

Feidian recalled what happened yesterday and one night, and suddenly woke up somewhere. Could it be the snake of that strange restaurant?


Outside the door, Yin Sheng was burying his whole head in the cold pool. When the fire was extinguished, he took out his head, lay on the big rainstone and looked at the newborn orange sun in the sky, secretly applauding himself.

He felt that he was simply too powerful, and the fox must be very uncomfortable in the room.

Hahahaha, Yin Sheng laughed silently in his heart.

I just want you to taste what I have tasted before!

After laughing, Yin Sheng patted his wet hair and got up.