Attacking Fox

Chapter 178 Really lost memory

Fu Li took Feidian away and locked him in the restaurant that had been sealed up all night. Li Yuanyang didn't know what he had done to him. He was anxious and confused. He couldn't wait to catch Yin Huan now. He was the only man in the world who could threaten Fu Li, a madman.

At dawn, Fu Li came out of the room, washed his hands with water, and smiled at Li Yuanyang, "I'm worried."

Li Yuanyang ignored him and rushed into the room. Seeing the regular undulating chest of ** people, he was relieved.

When he approached, he saw that the pillow under the flying computer bag was stained with blood. His heart tightened again. He lifted the flying electricity and looked at the back of his head.

There are also many undry wounds, bleeding outside.

"Fu Li!" He roared outside the door, "What the hell did you do to him?"

Fu Li pulled out his ear and said, "But he just nailed 72 nails in his head. He can't die."

"Believe it or not, I killed you..."

Facing Li Yuanyang's gritting anger, Fu Li smiled at him, "With this kung fu, you'd better stop the blood for him."

Li Yuanyang was silent for a while, turned his head, put his palm on the forehead of Feidian, and his spiritual power flowed, and the blood hole in the back of Feidian's brain healed in a short time.

"Why did you do this?" His voice was cold and he asked Fu Li like this.

"For your own good." Fu Li replied.

Before Li Yuanyang could say anything more, Feidian's fingers moved, and such a subtle action was not ignored by those who cared about him. Li Yuanyang immediately turned his head and shook his hand, looking forward to the moment he woke up.

Feidian's long eyelashes trembled gently, and then slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were blurred, and everything seemed to be covered with a layer of water mist. He wanted to sit up, but found that he had no strength all over his body.

It seems that the strength has been blocked.

Li Yuanyang held his hand tightly and asked softly, "Are you awake?"

Feidian felt a little pain in his throat, but he couldn't open his mouth when he wanted to speak. His body moved. Li Yuanyang saw that he wanted to sit up, so he reached over and helped him up.

He thoughtfully sent a glass of water and drank it. Then he felt that his throat was no longer so dry, and his vision became clear. He turned his face and looked at Li Yuanyang, full of alienation and strangeness. He asked, "Where is this? Who are you?"

Li Yuanyang's hand holding the cup trembled and almost fell down. He looked back at Fu Li and didn't say anything, just smiled at him.

Li Yuanyang understood that Feidian is, in the true sense, amnesia.

He narrowed his eyes again to look at the spiritual light of flying electricity and found that the spiritual light, like his memory, could not be seen at all.

So... Fu Li not only blocked his memory, but also locked his spiritual power?

"You don't remember who I am, so do you know who you are?" Li Yuanyang asked softly.

"Who am I?" Feidian's face turned pale. As soon as he wanted to think about it carefully, the back of his head was torn and painful. His eyebrows frowned, but his mind was still blank.

"Since you can't remember, don't think about it..." Li Yuanyang pressed the temple of Feidian to relax him.

"Who am I? Who are you?" Feidian turned his head and asked him, and then pointed to Fu Li behind him, "Who is he?"

"I'm Li Yuanyang, your name is Feidian, and he..." Li Yuanyang thought for a moment and said, "He is a devil who trades with us. In the future, I will never have anything to do with him."

Fu Li spit out his tongue innocently, but when he saw that his goal was achieved, he no longer disturbed others and went out alone.

"What is our relationship?" Feidian asked with a curious face.

"We..." Li Yuanyang lowered his head with a lonely look, and then raised his head and looked directly at Feidian, "We are people who love each other. Don't you even remember this?"

Feidian looked at him and seemed to be thinking about the credibility of this sentence. Then he laughed and nodded, "Why are you so sad? In fact, we are not the people we love each other, but you love me, but I don't love you, right?"

Li Yuanyang can't say no to this sentence.

"Why don't I love you? Are you not good enough?

"What do you think?" Li Yuanyang also laughed, as if he had let go of all these entangled emotions.

"Then I'll have a look." Feidian said, lifted the soft brocade quilt and came down from ** and said to him, "Yuanyang, I'm hungry. Let's go to dinner."

Is it far-reaching...

Li Yuanyang smiled at this name. If he could, he still hoped that Feidian could call him the name of ten years ago.

He immediately prepared a meal for Feidian and watched him eat. Feidian struggled with his amnesia when he first woke up, but now he seems to accept it and never ask again.

As ten years ago, he fell to the mortal world without the surprise and discomfort of his new arrival, and entered a new life with the situation. Such a calm fox, at that time, made him, who had been indifferent for more than 20 years, lose his proportion and fall step by step.

Fortunately, we have met again now.

The man, alias Yuanyang, carefully cares for the hidden memory, as if he can make up for the missing time of ten years.

After dinner, Feidian was stunned for a while, and then asked the man who had been looking at him, "Where are we now?"

Li Yuanyang thought for a moment and replied, "This place is called Xuchang. It is the place where the devil and * gather. It is the dirtiest place in the world. It absorbs the resentment of every corner and burys every beauty."

Feidian frowned and then asked, "In this case, why do we still stay here?"

"Because I still need to find something in this place..."


Li Yuanyang rubbed his electric cheek with his right hand, and his eyes were full of love and pity. "It is a thing that can make another devil escape from the place that sealed her. It is a deal with the devil to make you return to me and stay with me safely."

"Is there any seal in this world that the devil can't escape?" Feidian was a little suspicious, "Why did the devil come to you to look for her? You are very powerful?"

"How can we human beings know what the devil is thinking?" Li Yuanyang smiled and shook his head gently.

"It's also..." Feidian looked at him with his cheek, "Find that thing, and we can leave here?"

"He also wants to send a person to hell," Li Yuanyang said. "He is a bloodthirsty vulture and a poisonous snake spitting letters. He governs the people with violence and is mediocre. He is Yin Sheng, the emperor of the State of Li."

"Yin Sheng..." Feidian muttered the name and suddenly felt a severe headache. He quickly hugged his head and suppressed the strong feeling of dizziness and extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

There seems to be something stuck there.

"Yes, you have to remember this name, don't trust him again, and don't... fall in love with him." Li Yuanyang gently hugged the flying electricity into his arms and comforted the frightened little fox.

"Fare in love with him? Why did you fall in love with him? The thing stuck in his chest seemed to disappear. Feidian struggled to open his arms and asked puzzledly, "He is a tyrant. Why should I fall in love with a tyrant?"

"Yes..." Li Yuanyang smiled and said, "I shouldn't worry about this. He is a tyrant who will be killed by everyone, and no one will fall in love with him."

"Well," Feidian nodded, "In that case, don't let me meet him in the future, okay?"

"Well, I will protect you from meeting him."

This should be a promise.

But Feidian's mind was empty, and he was not excited about this promise or any other emotions, but he felt that he should be happy to hear this, so he smiled at Li Yuanyang and saw the other party's particularly satisfied look.

Then the man was busy cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks. As soon as he stepped out of the door, the electric smile was removed.

He lost his memory, which does not mean that he is demented. He doesn't know everything here or the name Xu Chang. He doubts everything.

But Li Yuanyang was good to him. Feidian saw that it was from the bottom of his heart, but he also felt that the man did not want him to know more. He was just simple and wanted to monopolize himself.


Feidian stood up and walked out of the room. There was a yard outside, which was very big and quiet. There was no one.

The sun is very good outside, and there is a big banyan tree in the yard. It's hard to believe that this place called "Xu Chang" is so dark, wet and dirty.

Looking at the sun and the degree of warmth, Feidian is estimated to be July and August, on the tail of summer.

There is a red door directly opposite the room without a plug. He walked over and pulled it and couldn't open it. It should be locked outside.

Why is it locked from the outside? If this place is a normal person, it should not be locked from inside, right? Could it be that he lost his memory and lost these common sense?

Feidian put his ear against the door and listened to the movement outside. He heard the footsteps of people coming and judging that this place should be in the downtown.

He listened and felt that someone, not alone, stopped outside the door and began to stop and talk.

"...Oh, it's a pity that it's so delicious that it has disappeared from the world."

"What a pity? Don't you know that it's poisonous? If it hadn't been for your majesty and his mysterious male concubine found the medicine, we... we could have died!"

"Yes, there is such a** poison in the world. If it weren't for personal experience, I really can't believe it."

"Hey, why do you want to make that kind of thing to sell?"

"Is it possible that he is a detailed work of other countries? He wants our imperial capital Xuchang to be a group of people. Everyone does not want to make progress, and then attack our country of Li in one fell swoop?"

"Oh, fortunately, our majesty is wise and did not let his conspiracy succeed!"



*Is the board a fine work? Your Majesty's heroic martial arts?

Feidian moved his ears, which seemed to be a little different from Li Yuanyang's words.

He looked back. Before Li Yuanyang came out of the kitchen, he sneaked back and sat in the same position as just now, waiting for Li Yuanyang to come back.

P: Please cooperate with the relationship between these two people. "Finally, I'm going to wait for you and almost miss you." Eat this song together.