Attacking Fox

Chapter 180 Conspiracy with Ghosts

Li Yuanyang came back and saw Feidian's side face from afar, and the sunlight slightly projected at his feet was a little dazzling.

He couldn't even believe that he had this person.

He recalled that he really wanted to die at the beginning, but he was saved by another goblin. When his soul was buried under the dark glacier and was remodeled by others, the seeds of the ice lotus under the glacier talked to him and told him love and hope.

He couldn't believe the words of those seeds until later, when the three-legged Jinwu found this forgotten place. The sun suddenly shone, and the seeds that had not sprouted for thousands of years soon bloomed.

He will never forget how beautiful the flower is.

Then he was resurrected, returned to this bloody place with a new body and complete memory, holding a glimmer of hope to see his beloved, but he didn't expect God to favor him so much.

This is the time to start again. This time, he met him earlier than Yin Sheng.

He walked to Feidian and asked him, "What are you thinking about?"

Feidian looked up at him and replied, "I want to go out."

Li Yuanyang's face changed, and he said gently, "No, this is Xu Chang, dirty Xu Chang, which will stain your soul..."

"If my soul is so easily defiled, it can only prove that I am not a good person in the first place," Feidian interrupted him. "I hope you can understand... There are many things that I need to see myself before I can make my own decisions. Whether this Xuchang is colorful or dirty, I believe it is different in everyone's eyes.

And how could Li Yuanyang refuse him again and again? He is not Yin Sheng. No matter what he does, the fox will forgive him.

He had to nod and said, "You can go out, but not now. The injury on your head has not fully recovered..."

"Yes, the wound on my head..." Feidian touched the back of his head and asked, "This injury is the culprit of my amnesia. I want to know how my injury was caused?"

"Yes..." Li Yuanyang thought for a moment and said, "This starts with your identity. You were an ordinary young man outside Xuchang City. You planned to make some money when you entered Xuchang, but you were favored by Emperor Yin Sheng. He forced you. You ran away if you didn't want to. When you escaped, you were blocked by the bodyguard and your head was injured."

"Oh..." Feidian nodded suddenly, "It turned out to be like this. No wonder I felt flustered when I heard Yin Sheng's name."

"It's okay," Li Yuanyang rubbed his electric hair. "I won't mention him again, and I will also protect you and let him have the possibility of meeting you again."

"Well, when are we going out?"

"Two days later, it will be the Zhongyuan Festival. After Youshi, there will be a lantern show on the street. We can go out to see it."

Feidian obviously forgot what this "Zhongyuan Festival" is, but I'm still very happy to hear that I can go to the lantern party.

Li Yuanyang smiled at him.

Zhongyuan Festival, also known as Ghost Festival.


In the sixth year of Tiance, July 13, the lord of the country was in serious illness.

This is the news heard by the people of the whole State of Lebanon.

In fact, Yin Sheng, who made the most reckless decision in his life, has secretly left the palace. This time, Jing Yuanying did not know, his dark guards did not know, the ministers did not know, and his royal brother and daughter did not know.

Similarly, when he left the palace, he didn't know where to find his lost lover.

He inferred that because Yin Huan was still in Xuchang, Fu Li was also in Xuchang, and Fu Li was in Xuchang, and the flying electricity that tried to find out the behind-the-scenes black hand through Fu Li should also be still in Xuchang.

Xu Chang said whether it was big or small. If Feidian planned to avoid him, he would never find it.

He planned to stop a passer-by in the stupidest way and ask him, "Have you ever seen a man dressed in white, beautiful and shorter than me?"

The passer-by replied, "I'm sorry, I'm blind."

Yin Sheng saw the man's godless eyes and let go of him.

Then he stopped a passer-by and asked, "Are you blind?"

passers-by: "..."

"Oh, I know you are not. Have you ever seen a man in white, who is very beautiful and shorter than me?"

passerby: "I'll tell you if you buy my watermelon."

Yin Sheng took out a bank of silver and bought a basket of watermelons, and then the passer-by replied, "I didn't see it."

Yin Sheng: "..."

He didn't give up and then asked. This time, he asked a girl. As soon as she heard it, tears flashed in her eyes and asked, "Your wife who escaped from marriage must have disguised as a man, right? It's so touching that you are looking for her alone in the vast city of Xuchang!"

Yin Sheng: "..."

He can never figure out why the girls' thinking jumps so much.

He looked for a whole day and didn't get any news about Feidian at all. He couldn't believe the current situation in the palace... He could deceive others and couldn't deceive Jing Yuanying. If he didn't get Feidian back quickly, Jing Yuanying would come out to help him.

But how can you show your sincerity, and more importantly, how can they let others interfere in their affairs!

He was sleepless all night, walking in the dark night Xu Chang, and could even feel non-life things running past him, but he did not dare to approach him, because the emperor's spirit he carried with him was the best thing to ward off evil spirits.

The headless kid who strolled out on the diagonal street corner couldn't see the breath that could crush it and hit Yin Sheng's body. The kid found that he had hit a person and immediately put on a scary look in an attempt to scare this person.

Yin Sheng stared at the kid for a long time and was surprised why these ghosts came out so openly to scare people. Then he suddenly thought that the day after tomorrow, it was the Zhongyuan Festival.

The headless kid felt that the living breath in front of him had not dissipated, so he turned out a mouth from his stomach and roared angrily at Yin Sheng, "Human! I'm going to eat you! Wow~"

Yin Sheng pulled out the knife fairy and put it into the kid's mouth and kept asking him, "Have you ever seen a man dressed in white and beautiful, one head shorter than me?"

"Woo..." The kid had a knife in his mouth and couldn't speak at all.

"Oh..." Yin Sheng withdrew the knife, "You don't even have eyes. How can you see it?"

The headless kid knew that he had met a powerful character, so he immediately trapped himself in the wall and no longer wanted to come out.

Yin Sheng stood at the corner of the street with a knife in his arms, looked around, and said to the endless nothingness, "Are there any other ghosts? Come out."

There was a cloudy wind blowing, but nothing else came out.

"If you don't come out, I will order to cancel the Zhongyuan Festival the day after tomorrow, and there will be no more days when you can come out to wander."

As soon as the words fell, many miscellaneous goblins and ghosts of all appearances emerged from all over the place.

They fell in front of Yin Sheng, and the leading ghost asked, "Great human monarch, please don't deprive us of the only time we can recall our days and restore a little freedom."

"As long as you find someone for me... No, it's a fox demon," Yin Sheng said. "He will always wear moon-white clothes. He is the most beautiful man in the world. His name is Feidian. You can only find it before the Zhongyuan Festival. In that case, I can extend your holiday for three days.

Hundreds of ghosts and demons were very happy to hear this, and they dissipated here one after another. Without further talk nonsense, they went out to find your "the most beautiful man in the world".

Yin Sheng smiled. He felt that he could not let others interfere in their affairs.

I hope I can find him soon.

On July 14, Yin Sheng asked aimlessly all day without any news of the electricity. He patiently waited until the evening and summoned those demons and ghosts on the sloping street last night.

They chatted in a mess. Yin Sheng listened a little annoyingly and said coldly, "Enough."

These two words were not strong, but all the demons present heard it, calmed down and listened to Yin Sheng's words.

"If there is news, say it one by one." Yin Sheng ordered.

First, a hanging ghost with a tongue growing to the soles of his feet said, "Your Majesty, I didn't find any man who can be called the 'most beautiful in the world', but I found out a great news."

"What?" Yin Sheng raised his eyebrows and asked.

The hanging ghost took out a white dog head mask from under his tongue, "Your Majesty, I'm in a smoky place... Yes, even my ghost feels smoky, and I found a large number of hidden people. What are the words they discussed about? Huilongjiao, Zhongyuan Festival, joint secret code, and white dog's head ju."

Yin Sheng took the mask and pinched it in his hand to look at it. Is the Huilong religion, which has not been silent for a long time, is about to choose the day of the Zhongyuan Festival to add chaos to the court? Taking advantage of his serious illness?

Do you want to go back to the palace to host the overall situation now? Do you want to put aside the male affair first and put state affairs first?

"Your Majesty," after the hanged ghost retreated, the white-faced and puffy drowning ghost also came out. "Your Majesty, I hid in the well today and heard a man called flying electricity. I risked being burned to death by the sun and floated to the well in the evening to peek at him. As a result, I really found a one that can be called For the most beautiful man in the world, he is really beautiful——"

"What, did you find it?" Yin Sheng immediately gave up the idea of returning to the palace, regardless of the water grass coiled around the drowning ghost, grabbed his shoulder and asked, "Where is he?"

The shoulders of the drowned ghost in the heart of Yin Sheng's hand burned up. He quickly let go and listened to him say, "It's the same place as the ghost just now. He was underground and heard everything. I saw the most beautiful man on the ground, but he may not be what your majesty is looking for, because there is no demon on his body. Qi is not just a goblin at all.

Yin Sheng fell down again and then listened to the news of a ghost.

But except the drowning ghost, no ghost has heard the word "flying electricity".

Tomorrow is the Mid-year Festival. Is the Huilong Church dispatched? What kind of conspiracy did they have this time?

What should he do if he wants it?