Attacking Fox

Chapter 212 Erosion

It was not until the second day that Yin Huan finally had a chance to see Jing Yuanyin.

He decided to tell Jing Yuanyin everything yesterday, so as not to think nonsense and be sad. He and Zhu Fengting stopped Jing Yuanyin before. Jing Yuanyin came to salute Yin Sheng with just the right intimacy as usual.

Yin Sheng saw Jing Yuanyin like this and laughed and said, "It's all the queen talking nonsense. I know you should not be so vulnerable."

"Hmm?" Jing Yuanyin didn't seem to understand what Yin Sheng was talking about and quickly looked up at him.

"The queen said, you should think I'm doubting you, so you will be sad," Yin Sheng patted Yuanying on the shoulder and smiled, "I knew that you are not so pretentious, right, mirror?"

Jing Yuanyin is a little helpless. In fact... he is so fragile and pretentious.

"Mirror, I wanted to tell you last night, but I haven't had a chance," Yin Sheng scratched his head and said, "I was attacked by a goblin last night, but don't worry, I have nothing to do. Also, what I want to tell you is that I don't doubt you, but because the purpose of everyone opposite me is to make me doubt you, I at least follow their wishes, on the one hand, to expose them as soon as possible, and on the other hand, to protect you.

Jing Yuanyin was surprised for a long time. He couldn't say what it was like. The big stone that had been hanging in his heart fell to the place with a crack. He felt panicked and unreal, as if he were in a dream.

There is joy and relief, and many people feel indescribable and unclear.

"Your Majesty..." Jing Yuanyin didn't know what to say.

Yin Sheng took his shoulder and said quite seriously, "Jiang, we have known each other for so many years, and I am absolutely assured of you! So you can't think nonsense and misunderstand my good intentions!"

Jing Yuanying didn't know what kind of expression to put on to see Yin Sheng, but just looked directly into his eyes. These eyes have been like this since Yin Sheng was very young. They can attract anyone's heart, but they can't let people know whether he is sincere or not.

My voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

This is your king. Maybe he has no heart, maybe his heart is given to the fox.

Anyway, he won't be sincere with you. Anyway, if you do everything, he will doubt you. He just thinks that you still have useful value. You can't betray him, but he can doubt you anytime and anywhere and kill you with your loyal ministers.

"Who is it?" Jing Yuanying frowned and asked out of thin air.

Yin Sheng looked at him inexplicably, looked around, shook his head and asked, "I don't feel anyone around me. What's wrong, mirror?"

You are just a magic weapon. You are destined to be with the corpse of the royal family. Aren't you aggrieved? What a chance to make you have a body, but you can't enjoy the fun of living and contribute everything to the royal family all your life.

Life is the same life, and death is the same death.

Why on earth do you want to succumb to human beings?

Why didn't you kill him and try to change your fate?

Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...

"Please stop talking..." Jing Yuanyin shouted like this, hurriedly covered his ears and retreated two steps away from Yin Sheng.

"Mirror?" Yin Sheng was still puzzled and wanted to see his situation, but Jing Yuanyin suddenly pulled out his sword and pointed it at Yin Sheng with his sword.

"Mirror..." Yin Sheng paused and said puzzled, "Mirror, what are you going to do?"

Jing Yuanyin seemed to suddenly come to his senses and found that he was pointing his sword at Yin Sheng now. His hand loosened and his sword fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty..." Jing Yuanyin's eyes were full of panic, and he quickly picked up the sword and said, "Your Majesty, I have something else to do. I'll leave first."

After saying that, Jing Yuan faintly lost his surprised Yin Sheng and left.

"How did the mirror become like this... Everyone knows, but I don't know?"

Looking at Jing Yuan's distant back, Yin Sheng couldn't help frowning.

Jing Yuan escaped a long distance and came to the place where the prisoners were interrogated in the dungeon of the palace. The red iron made the whole place very hot.

Jing Yuanyin raised his eyes and saw the file used to remove the prisoner's nail cover. He reached out and took it and said to himself, "Is the demon bone into the body? Then I'll dig out this demon bone now!"

The sharp file stabbed into the flesh of his arm, "hissing" tore off a piece of meat, and Yin Hong's blood immediately dripped down. Jing Yuanyin didn't seem to feel any pain, and his empty eyes did not have any waves.

You hate Yin Sheng, which has nothing to do with the demon bone entering the body. It is you who have long buried the heart of hating the royal family. It is you who has long been unwilling to bear it as a magic weapon without freedom. It is you who want to kill Yin Sheng!

The demon bone just makes you stronger and gives you enough strength to resist fate.

Obviously, it is because you are unwilling to give the demon bone a chance. Obviously, it is that you are desperate for Yin Sheng that the demon bone will invade your whole body and make you become a demon.

"Stop it!" Jing Yuanying roared angrily at the air, waved her hand and overturned the whole charcoal basin. The burning charcoal rolled on the ground, rolled on the rope used to tie and beat the prisoner, and immediately lit the rope.

The rope crackled, emitting a burning smell of hair. Jing Yuanyin stared at the increasingly powerful fire there for a long time and stretched out his hand that had just been cut. The flame flew to his palm and disappeared in his palm as if it had been inhaled. At the same time, the wound on Jingyuan's arm The mouth has also recovered as before.

"I won't betray your majesty." Jing Yuanyin withdrew his hand and clenched his fist tightly. He knew that what controlled the demon bones in his body could hear him.

"Then you will betray yourself." The demon bone answered his words through Jing Yuanyin's mouth, looking like he was talking to himself.

"What does that matter? Anyway, like the magic weapon named Jing Yuanying for generations, I will not betray the royal family and coexist with the royal family."

"Please touch your heart. Do you really think so?" The demon bone in the body is talking again. "The royal family will not care about you as a magic weapon. If you die, the royal family will still prosper, and there will be the next Jing Yuanyin. But if the royal family dies, you have to die with them. How unfair is this? Why do you, as a magic weapon, even obey the fate of the royal family?

Jing Yuan didn't say a word, but quietly clenched his fist.

There seems to be something coming out of his body, but in fact, something is indeed separating from him. The thing started from the head, gradually separated from Jing Yuanying's body, and finally completely peeled away. It turned out to be exactly the same thing as Jing Yuan's looming.

Jing Yuan looked at the things in front of him, as if he were looking in the mirror. He looked at him blankly and asked, "Are you a demon bone?"

The thing suddenly knelt down and said to Jing Yuan, "Master."

"I'm not your master!" Jing Yuanying pulled out her sword and wanted to split it down.

"I don't have an entity. I'm just a few miscellaneous goblins that have penetrated into your body and merge together, transforming into something very similar to your face. Yes, I am a demon bone. It is the one who turns you into a goblin, but it also makes you stronger.

"I don't need it." Jing Yuanying said coldly, and the tip of the sword pierced the heart of the demon bone, but as soon as the tip of the sword touched his body, Jing Yuanying's own heart hurt violently, and blood was imprinted on his white shirt.

Jing Yuanyin now knows that what he does to the demon bone will be reflected in himself.

The demon bone stood up with a gentle smile on his face, just like Jing Yuan's previous appearance, "What you need."

"No! I don't need it! I don't need these evil forces, and I don't need to turn myself into demons. I'm very satisfied with my own mission. I love the feeling of following Yin Sheng. Even if he is always in front of me, even if I can never get close to him.

"You can't resist what you need." As the demon bone spoke, his body gradually approached Jing Yuanyin and integrated with Jing Yuanyin as if it had been separated at the beginning.

Jing Yuanyin suddenly frowned, as if something was biting his internal organs, breaking every nerve in his brain, and constantly repeating it.

"You can't give in, you need to resist!"

Resist his fate and everything unfair. There is no need to sacrifice everything for the royal family for the so-called mission. There is no reason to treat him so well, but he does not cherish it!

"Ah--" His heartbreaking roar echoed under the dungeon, and a powerful and obscure spiritual light gathered above his head and broke through the sky.

His eyes revealed a murderous red light, and he said to himself, "I need to resist..."


The Southern Barbarian Princess, who was enjoying a nap, woke up from her sleep, quickly rushed out to look at the spiritual light not far away, and came back to wake up the Southern Barbarian King.

"What happened, my concubine!" The Southern Barbarian King sat up and asked nervously.

"Yesterday... the bodyguard I saw seems to have been eroded by demon bones. He may be unfavorable to Yin Sheng!"

"No way..." The Southern Barbarian said incredulously.

"But this is not what I'm most worried about..." The Southern Barbarian King bowed his head, thought for a long time, and then said, "reasonably, the golden carp can only cultivate a demon bone. If that person is the one who controlled the goblin to attack Yin Sheng last night, then who cultivated the demon bone in the body of the bodyguard? And... If it's just a demon bone, it won't affect his thoughts. Why was he so angry just now..."

"What are you talking about..." The Southern Barbarian King was a little puzzled. "I don't seem to understand what you're saying now."

"I mean, the demon bone of this bodyguard seems to have affected his heart."

The Southern Barbarian King was surprised for a long time and asked, "So, we still have to find the golden carp quickly and take her back to Nanman."

"No, find her, destroy her directly, let her ashes and smoke, and never appear in this world again." The Southern Barbarian Princess looked fierce, "She has hurt too many people, and her sins are too deep."

"But..." The Southern Barbarian shook his head, "This is a refutation of Zhan's wish. He won't want to see the golden carp disappear..."