Attacking Fox

Chapter 213 Suddenly Entering Wonderland

Feidian also found the strange spiritual light not far away. He panicked for no reason, so he hurried to the direction of the source of the spiritual light.

According to his familiarity with the path of the palace and the guidance of his spiritual light, he should not get lost, but as he walked, he found that he had entered a completely strange realm, and there was no palace on his side.

After Feidian found that this matter was a little strange, he immediately stopped, and his spiritual power turned into a boundary to protect himself. In the form of a half-fox, he narrowed his emerald eyes and looked around.

unconsciously walked into another time and space, and he only knew that this was another time and space, but he didn't know how to get out.

"Who risked ashes and smoke to shape a time and space just to trap me? Do you want to take advantage of Yin Sheng's absence? Feidian said to himself, and his hands were imprinted to summon the Xuanguang mirror. Some pictures flashed intermittently in it, and there was a person in the picture without exception.

Jing Yuanying.

Feidian saw him enter the dungeon, and also saw him struggling for a while, and finally being finally being conquered by his own demon bone... To be precise, the heart demon was conquered, and the messy and obscure spiritual power wrapped around his head, exactly the same as what Feidian had just saw.

Is it really Jing Yuanying? After Jing Yuanyin really lost consciousness, he followed the order of the demon bone to create this realm and trapped the flying electricity here?

"It's not such a fragile thing..." Feidian muttered to himself, holding his chin and thinking about it carefully.

The Xuanguang mirror is just a treasure. It absolutely honestly reflects what the owner wants to see, but it can't have the ability to distinguish between true and false like a living body. So... even if you see it with your own eyes, the person in the Xuanguang mirror is not necessarily Jing Yuanying. Even Jing Yuanyin is not sure that he created this realm.

Feidian walked back and forth twice in the realm. After thinking about it, he still felt that the person who trapped him actually wanted to attack Yin Sheng. After thinking that Yin Sheng was likely to be in danger, he inevitably panicked and wanted to escape from here immediately, but he couldn't find the exit.

Suddenly, the Xuanguang Mirror, which was removed by the flying electricity, jumped out by itself, and there was a palace full of fire, and Yin Sheng, who was full of blood and dragged a big knife!

Feidian's heart has been raised to his throat... The Xuanguang mirror will only appear what is happening now. So now, the outside world is experiencing a *? Less than the moment you left?

"" Feidian shook his head. Since this matter has been interfered by the Southern Barbarian Princess, as a god, she should not let Yin Sheng be injured... But as Feidian just thought about it and suddenly waited for the Xuanguang mirror. He actually saw the Southern Barbarian Princess trapped in the crystal tank of the mermaid on that day. The skin is soaked white!

As soon as the picture turned, Yin Sheng was covered with blood. He raised his head, his eyes were sad and helpless, and looked at the man opposite him, Jing Yuanying.

Feidian's eyes were covered with a layer of blood color, and the dark spiritual power roared to find the exit, gradually* like flatulence. Except for doing so, Feidian could not imagine any way out.

He saw the scene around him being distorted, and the powerful spiritual power hit a point, and the created realm collapsed.

Flying electricity originally thought that what he saw in the realm was all illusions. After coming out, it was still sunny, with flowers blooming and hundreds of birds singing in the palace, but everything in front of him told him that what he just saw... was true!

In less than a moment after he was trapped, the palace had spread a blazing fire, and the corpses were everywhere, and the smell of burnt and blood rushed into the nose of the flying electricity.

"Yin Sheng..." He didn't have time to think much about it. He quickly went to find Yin Sheng and found the place where Yin Sheng was according to the picture in the Xuanguang mirror. He was really full of blood!

"Yin Sheng!" Feidian rushed to him and said, "What the hell is going on? Why did I just leave for a while and it became like this?

Yin Sheng saw that it was Feidian and shook his head and said, "This matter is too complicated. I don't understand what happened... It's just... just mirror him..."

"I know..." Feidian interrupted him and didn't let him go on. "What about you? Are you hurt?"

Yin Sheng shook his head, "Just like that night, many goblins suddenly appeared just now. The blood on my body is theirs."

Feidian nodded and was about to say something. Yin Sheng suddenly pulled Feidian away and split the big knife behind Feidian. The palace man who had just died in the chaos actually stood up again, looking at Feidian's back with blood in his eyes, trying to sneak attack him!

Feidian was pulled aside by Yin Sheng and looked at the palace man who died and cheated... What's going on?

Thinking about it, Yin Sheng cut off the palace man's body with a knife, and a short sticky insect spirit came out of his body. Now, this body is really dead.

So, was it the slime worm spirit that controlled the body and resurrected him to attack Yin Sheng? It can also be said that since there are sticky worm spirits, there will be bedbug spirits and caterpillar spirits. Anyway, these miscellaneous goblins obey the demon bones... Maybe it is Jing Yuanying's order to attach themselves to the dead palace man and attack them?

"Yin Sheng, we have to get out of here quickly!" Feidian didn't have time to think about it, so he pulled Yin Sheng and immediately rushed out of the palace.

"Hey..." Yin Sheng still couldn't react. Since the sudden fire just now, he has been unable to react. He called Feidian, but found that Feidian didn't want to pay attention to him, so he stopped talking and followed Feidian.


After the Southern Barbarian King and the princess found Jing Yuanyin's transformation, they immediately came to inform Yin Sheng, but they found that Yin Sheng and Feidian were facing them without seeing each other. They said these words that others didn't understand, and then the two ran out of the palace like a wind.

"What's wrong with them?" The Southern Barbarian King scratched his head and asked puzzledly.

"I don't know. It looks very flustered and doesn't seem to see us at all... Have you noticed their pupils?" The Southern Barbarian Princess asked.

The Southern Barbarian King shook his head.

"Then it's impossible to know what kind of scene they saw in their eyes..." The Southern Barbarian Princess frowned and said, "It hasn't been half an hour since we saw Jing Yuanying's spiritual light changed. In such a short time, Jing Yuanyin may have created a void environment and shut down the powerful fox demon and fate. Yang's Yin Sheng? I think even if the demon bone enters the body, he will never do it. So, assuming that there is really a spiritual person who traps the two of them in another realm, and this realm has no obvious boundary with our real realm, then this person must not be Jing Yuanying, but the goblin who always wants Jing Yuanying to be suspected by Yin Sheng and provoke the relationship between them.

"Golden carp?" The Southern Barbarian King asked.

"Does the golden carp have this ability? If she has this ability, she even has to rely on her son to solve the seal? The Southern Barbarian Princess shook her head, "We are facing a crazy, powerful opponent with an extremely good brain. You see, the two of them have fallen into the fantasy world created by their opponents.

"Why didn't the fox doubt it?" The Southern Barbarian King asked, "It is reasonable that the fox should easily know that the realm is an illusion. Why did he fall into the same way as Yin Sheng, who is also a human?"

"May..." The Southern Barbarian Princess thought for a moment and said, "Maybe he has just come out of another fantasy. Any goblin, even a god, will be confused if he enters two illusions one after another."

"Save them." The Southern Barbarian King said decisively.

"Well, follow first and see if we can also enter the fantasy world and break through it from the fantasy world!"

After saying that, the Southern Barbarian Princess and the Southern Barbarian King followed Yin Sheng's footsteps.


Within the boundary where Yin Sheng and Feidian are located, the omnipotent Vulcan Southern Barbarian Princess has been removed from the divine bone and locked in the crystal cylinder. In Yin Sheng's eyes, all this was done by Jing Yuanyin.

Yin Sheng has begun to feel chills about Jingyuan.

"Fox..." Yin Sheng said, "If I had known that Jing Yuanyin would become like this, I would have... should have..."

Hearing Yin Sheng's words, Feidian turned his head and a strange emotion appeared in his heart. The idea flashed by, and Feidian did not catch it.

"Anyway, you shouldn't doubt the mirror so much. He is just a demon into the body, and everything is not what he wants." Feidian frowned and unexpectedly excused Jing Yuan.

"If he has never been rebellious, how can he be eroded by the demon bone? Look at what he made the palace!" Yin Sheng couldn't control his mood and was a little angry.

The idea that just flashed in his mind flashed again. This time, the flying electricity did not let the idea slip away. He clearly knew what he was thinking...

This Yin Sheng... has a problem.

Feidian turned his eyes and stared at him silently. He could not see the spirit of the monster from his body. It can be inferred that if Yin Sheng became a goblin, then the goblin was either too weak or too strong.

Yin Sheng was a little panicked by him and asked, "What's wrong with the fox?"

Flying electricity shook its head, "Nothing..."

How could it be nothing? When he saw the palace become like this, his first reaction was to leave with himself? How could he suspect Jing Yuanyin? How can he know the demon bone so well?

Feidian deliberately walked two steps forward and distanced away from Yin Sheng. Yin Sheng hurriedly followed. When he was about to walk to Feidian, Feidian suddenly turned around and hit Yin Sheng's abdomen fiercely with his elbow. Yin Sheng's face was twisted and his eyes were ferocious. He suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a three-inch black from his mouth. The slime worm.

The fingertips of the flying electricity shot out the spiritual light and turned the sticky insect into ashes. In an instant, the messy palace suddenly returned to its original state. In an instant, it seemed that nothing had happened. It was still sunny and the flowers were blooming brilliantly.

He looked at Yin Sheng, who was at a loss, and asked, "Are you still doubting Jing Yuanyin?"

"What are you kidding?" Yin Sheng straightened up and said, "What do you doubt him? And why did you hit me just now? Did you murder your own husband..."

Feidian stared at him angrily and happily and said, "Just now, you were occupied by the goblins. Your aura affected me and took me into the fantasy. If it hadn't been for my superior wisdom, we would have almostn't get out."

Yin Sheng seemed to be confused. After a while, the Southern Barbarian King and the Princess also followed up. Seeing them chatting so leisurely, the Southern Barbarian Princess laughed and said, "Come out of the fantasy?"

Fly electricity nodded, "Obviously."