Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 095 Breaking the cocoon

Yang Nansheng looked at the master with a little more appreciation, and said, "Do you like this?"

"Yes, I want to be a bookstore and only sell Qiu'er's books in the future..."

"Change it!" Xia Hanqiu hurriedly stopped him, "If you are for me, there is no need for this bookstore to do it. If I have the ability to write popular stories, even if there is only one of my books, there will be people who will come here. It's ridiculous to run a bookstore but only sell the books I have written."

"Qiu'er, how old are you this year? How many years will there be in the future? Have you written the story of "Amazing Disaster" all your life? Don't you think it's great to watch the bookstore slowly and gradually enrich it?

In the thick bookstore, the two of them read a book side by side, or there will be several children around their knees to tell them the story in Qiu'er's book, so that they can know how great their mother is! I feel happy just by thinking about it like this.

A small warm smile appeared in Duan Ziyi's eyes. If he could end up like this in his life, he would die without regret.

There was light in Xia Hanqiu's eyes. In just a few words, the person who clearly said it may not have thought too far, but it showed his lifelong determination.

She thought that she also needed to have more confidence.

"Will it be too eye-catching? You didn't seem to say that at that time.

Hearing Qiu Er's let go, Duan Ziyi smiled even more. He resisted the impulse to touch her and said, "I didn't think so before, but now I just want to do this. Nanling is my fief. Who can dictate to me... No, it's different now."

Duan Ziyi's eyes moved to Qiuer's neck, where there hung the love token he sent - half a jade pendant. "Nanling is mine, but I'm yours. The person who makes the decision has naturally become you, and you have to agree."

Xia Hanqiu's neck turned red everywhere from the tip of her ears to her face. Her eyes tried not to look in the direction of Yang Lao. She couldn't look like Yang Lao's expression when she heard this, and she didn't want to see it.

"Qiu'er, don't think I'm being obedient to coax you. Every word I say is serious. I still remember clearly what my mother said to me before she died."

Duan Ziyi took out the other half of the jade pendant that he also hung around his neck from the collar and saved it in the palm of his hand. Because he fell into memories, the words he said sounded light. "My mother said that if I am so moved by a woman one day that I am willing to give out one of the jade pendants, all In this woman, she said that with my position, I can change a woman every day, but no matter how much I change, my heart is empty. No matter how many women I sleep around me, I still have to be alone in the end. I will live my life. If I have never even loved once, if there is even a person who can deliver everything. No, what's the difference between living and dying?

Duan Ziyi's voice fell down, "My mother said that she couldn't help herself all her life and didn't know the taste of love. I don't know if love is really as wonderful as what the wild history miscellaneous records said. She hopes that I can get what she didn't get. Don't you think it's ridiculous? Yes, how can I not want to get it?"

Xia Hanqiu didn't know how to comfort depressed people. She said clumsily, "Your mother wants you to be happy."

"Um." Duan Ziyi looked up at this man, and his mood gradually got better. "I'm more fortunate than my mother. Without her, I can't help but get what she dreamed of... Love, next time I worship her, I will tell her that love is really so wonderful. In her next life, she will vote for a good family and taste this taste."

Looking at Qiu'er's face blushing, Duan Ziyi also kept talking. Instead, he asked a question that was so straightforward that Xia Hanqiu should not be wrong, and should not be afraid of cold people's hearts. "Qiu'er, are you willing to be my master?"

At this time, Xia Hanqiu can't wait to step on him fiercely and shake his hand away. Saying this in front of others, where should she put her face? She knew that he didn't treat Mr. Yang as an outsider, but he couldn't be an insider between them, right?!

How can you ask such a question!

Yang Nansheng looked at his nose, nose and heart, but his eyebrows did not raise his ears but stretched long. For the first time, he knew that his master's love words were affectionate and thick-skinned.

"You don't have to care about Yang Lao, just think of it as... I let Yang Lao be a witness here, just like the Lord Fu witnessed for us that day."

Duan Ziyi's words were too straightforward, and his attitude was too straightforward, like a sharp knife, which opened a crack in Xia Hanqiu's heart. There was light. From there, she came in to brighten her heart, warm, and a drum of impulses from the bottom of her heart.

Why has she been so trembling all the time! Why do you hide it? Why be afraid of people's words!

How can't she live a wayward, more like herself.

If her parents and brothers in her previous life knew that she lived such a cowardly life, would they scold her for being disappointing or distressed her for living aggrieved life?

If she was healthy in her last life, she would be the happiest person in the world!

She never really let her parents show her face for her, and also let her parents send white-haired people to black-haired people, which is her biggest regret.

Here, she doesn't have the protection of her parents, but she doesn't have any capital, does she?

In fact, she has the capital that no one can reach, but she has never been ambitious. Even if there are many more things in her mind, in essence, she is still the Zhang Hanqiu who just wants to live a safe life.

Even if she knew that it was impossible to spend the day safely in the future, she deceived herself and told herself that she had come to the pavilion. This is the place with the least war and fire. Just get through it.

Is it really possible?

It's impossible. This life is different. She can't ignore the Xia family, her brother, or even the in-laws of the Xia family.

God sent a man like Duan Ziyi to her, and she vaguely felt that this was what God meant.

Otherwise, how could Duan Ziyi, who should have disappeared, suddenly come out?

She - she can't go on like this.

No matter who she is for, or just for herself, she can't be so afraid to live.

In this way, she can't even look at herself. How many days can Duan Ziyi look at her? If she wants this man's heart to be entangled in her all the time, and if she wants her to keep his eyes away from her, she must let herself have the charm of keeping people's hearts.

Seeing that she has been silent, Duan Ziyi doesn't know if she is too anxious. Qiu Er is a slow-moving person. What if he waits longer?

"Qiu'er? I..."

"I do."

Duan Ziyi doubted whether he heard it wrong, "Qiu'er, you just said..."

"I do." Xia Hanqiu's smile was bright, and the feeling of not being close to strangers always unconsciously on her body disappeared at this moment. "I'm willing to be your master, as long as you need it."

"Need, I need it." Duan Ziyi nodded in a hurry, and his face was full of smiles. If there was no more calculation, there was only a giggle like a fool, "Qiu'er, what's wrong with you, why did you suddenly..."

"I just figured out something." The fingertips gently swept over the rice paper, and her eyes drooped. Xia Hanqiu smiled lightly. "I didn't rely on it. I'm still a woman, but no one in the world stipulates that women can't support themselves. No one clearly says that women can't straighten their waists and point out their hands and feet. For thousands of years, it Short knowledge, but have men ever given women the opportunity to learn? When women are circled in the inner house, aren't men really afraid that women are better than men? Look at the world ruled by men now. Is it really that good? It's messy. If it's messy, you can reshuffle the cards.

Is you want to challenge on behalf of women and men?

Yang Nansheng looked at Duan Ziyi, who was dumbfounded. It seemed that the master never thought that he had shown such a result.

He has never looked down on women, but it's not easy for a woman in captivity to challenge a man.

Looking at Duan Ziyi's surprise, Xia Hanqiu Duanzhan drank a few sips of tea and waited for him to fight back.

Probably, no man will like a woman who is too strong and independent, so I don't know if he regrets marrying her!

She was not panicked. She was afraid of losing the man who was good to her, but when another Xia Hanqiu, who had been sleeping in her heart, woke up, she had no intention of suppressing and did not hesitate to combine with her.

It's like she has been waiting for such an opportunity.

And now, she has waited.

Even if she really wants to lose something important or people because of this, she... doesn't plan to look back.

She wants to live so happily.

I really want to think that even if she can only live like this for one day, she will admit it.

Her free left hand was held by a pair of warm hands. By comparison, she found how cold her fingertips were.

"Have you figured it out?"

Xia Hanqiu was slightly stunned and nodded to the changed eyes.

"You should have figured it out. I've told you many times that you have me behind you. You can do whatever you want, but you have always... You can't trust me. You definitely don't believe me now, but you just don't want to aggrieve yourself anymore, do you?"

She really knows herself. Xia Hanqiu's face is a little amazing. She really doesn't believe in changing it.

Duan Ziyi smiled helplessly. Qiu'er would not know how happy he was when he heard Qiu'er say that, even happier than Qiu'er promised his marriage request at that time.

His Qiu'er can do nothing but be his Duan Ziyi's wife, but she must be happy.

But Qiuer has too many things in her heart and has never really been happy.

Now I don't know why Qiu'er has solved the knot in her heart, and her spirit is dazzling.

He doesn't care whether Qiuer wants a woman to come out, whether Qiuer has become independent, and no longer echoed by others, he doesn't care. He just wants Qiu'er to be as happy as she is now.

"What you want to do, just let your hands go and do it. Everything has me."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll make trouble for you?"

"I grew up in trouble. I'm afraid you don't trust me enough. I'm never afraid of trouble."

Xia Hanqiu smiled, "Then I'll tell you that the turmoil begins in October, and it's only more than April from now. Are you ready?" RS