Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 096 Cheng Butterfly

No longer asks him if he believes it or not as usual, but asks him if he is ready!

Duan Ziyi was overjoyed. He saw that Qiuer was trying to believe him.

Yang Nansheng, who listened openly, saw that he had not responded for a long time and couldn't help interfering, "How did Miss Xia know so much in such detail? Is this the right time?

"It's up to me whether you say it or not. Believe it or not, it's up to you. I can't answer the rest." Xia Hanqiu got up and said to Mr. Yang Fu, "The house next to him has not been repaired yet. If Mr. Yang doesn't dislike it, he can stay here for a few days first."

"I don't dare to listen to what I want. I'm afraid I'm too presumptuous."

Xia Hanqiu smiled and said, "I'm going to let someone pick it up. You talk first."

When leaving, Xia Hanqiu took all the maids away, leaving room for the two to talk.

Yang Nansheng only saw Xia Hanqiu today. He didn't feel much about her transformation, but Duan Ziyi felt deeply. His Qiu'er really let go.

It's good that she is no longer limited to the frame she drew for herself, no longer binds herself layer by layer, and even smiles is no longer shadowed.

"Your Majesty, if Weichen didn't remember the messenger, there was a mention of the war in your first letter to Weichen after coming to the pavilion. At that time, Weichen thought you had learned it from Wuwei Taoist priest. Now it seems that you know it from Miss Xia?"

Duan Ziyi nodded, held back the thought of following Qiu'er, and talked about business. Although Yang Laohui came in person because he had a person he liked, it would never be just because of this matter, and he did not mind to make it clearer to him.

"Don't ask anything else. Qiuer's words can be trusted. How did I ask you to prepare?"

"Weichen did not dare to neglect it. As soon as he received your letter, he did it. However, if the world is really in chaos, I'm afraid your fiefdom will not be stable, and you don't want to go back to Nanling to sit in town... Your Majesty, this matter must be brought out with a charter. Anyway

"I thought so before, so I left half of my strength to stay in Nanling, but now, I don't look at it like this." A map appeared in Duan Ziyi's mind, "Nanling is located in the southern part of the State of Liang, living next to the Southern Dynasties. If it is just a small mess, Nanling will definitely be safe with our strength, but now it is a war that drags the ten countries in. How can we avoid the war? Do you think I'm sticking to a place for others to attack, or do I want to be good to others?

"The best defense is attack, and naturally the latter is stronger." Yang Nansheng said without thinking, "The prince means to abandon Nanling and fight flexibly?"

"It's no use to abandon Nanling immediately. Before no one took action against Nanling, it was still my fief. What should I do? It's better to be quiet than to move. Once there is a change, I will evacuate immediately. As for flexible combat." Duan Ziyi hooked his mouth slightly, "Flexibility is natural, but the battle is not necessarily. Even if the two countries fight for a while, it can't be finished. What's more, the ten countries are fighting. It takes ten or eight years to get a result. It's not impossible to delay for decades. We don't have to participate in Bai Yu is too young. At least, it will take four years to be dormant. It is the best way to preserve his strength.

The prince said so in detail. How could Yang Nansheng not understand what the master was doing? Yes, the master has never been willing to confront others. How to take advantage of it is what the prince can do.

"But all the things you said are based on the war that hasn't happened yet."

"Qiu'er said that October must be October. I believe her."

Such trusted words actually came from the prince's mouth. Yang Nansheng had to look at Xia Hanqiu higher. He swallowed all the questions and said, "Is the prince going to stay in Huiting City all the time?" Is it... safe here?

"It's not good to say what will happen in the future. Let's see if Qiuer has any ideas before making a decision. Your actions in Nanling should be smaller. The geographical location of Nanling, even if Liang Guo dies for a while, no one will pay attention to it. There is no need to scare the snake for the time being."

"Yes, Weichen wrote it down." When I remembered it, I was still asked to say something. Although I knew that there was no difference between saying this and not saying it, Yang Nansheng thought it was better to say something. "When you come, Miss Shi asked Weichen to bring you a word."

"Is she still dreaming?" There is no need to listen to Duan Ziyi to know what she is going to do. It's strange to say that this woman is also strange. How many people are afraid of him changing his face. She is obviously afraid. She is afraid of being afraid. After being afraid, she still runs after him. The idea remains unchanged at all. Is the position of a princess so Why can't you see it from Qiuer at all?

Yang Nansheng suppressed his smile, "Yes, Miss Shi said that in order to wait for you to pass the age, if you don't marry her, she will hang her hair to be a sister-in-law."

"Then go, no one stopped her."

"Weichen will definitely bring the words." Yang Nansheng doesn't hate the noisy Shi girl. Sometimes he just feels that her brain is too bad. If she really becomes a princess, he is worried that the child born in the future will be stupid. For this reason, he didn't want to set up.

If the princess is Miss Xia... Yang Nansheng's eyes fall on the rice paper confiscated on several cases, and his little master will definitely be very smart in the future. He can inherit the prince's mantle and keep everything left by the prince.

Just thinking like this, Yang Nansheng is looking forward to it.

"Your Majesty, is the date fixed?"

"I sent a letter to the Taoist priest Wuwei. I haven't received a reply yet. I have prepared everything that should be prepared. Don't miss anything in a hurry to underestimate Qiu'er."

"Your Majesty, don't worry. I have saved some money over the years, and I will definitely not do anything wrong."

This is what Duan Ziyi didn't know. He can't blame that the first person he thought of when he knew that he was going to get married was Yang Lao. This person has never been as loyal to outsiders.

Now it is this person who can make him respect his elders.

"I have a heart."

Yang Nansheng just smiled and talked about the trivial things on the land until Xia Hanqiu came to invite the two of them to lunch in person.

Since Xia Hanqiu came into sight, Duan Ziyi has run away. His heart is full of that person. How can he have the heart to pay attention to what Mr. Yang said?

Seeing this, Yang Nansheng simply shut up and looked at the prince's expression at this time with a smile.

I have never seen such a prince when I have been with him for more than ten years. It looks really fresh.

"Your mother cooked the meal in person, and the wine was warmed up. In other words, Yang Lao ran all the way. If there is anything, it's not too late to wait until Yang Lao eats well."

"All right, it's up to you." Duan Ziyi responded happily and turned his head to Yang Nansheng, who got up and said, "Yang Lao, your mother's food is excellent. It will definitely suit your taste."

"Weichen is looking forward to being so praised by the prince."

Xia Hanqiu smiled and led each other.

Yang Nansheng naturally would not walk to Duan Ziyi. Duan Ziyi wanted to walk side by side with Qiuer. Seeing this, he simply pulled Qiuer's wrist to walk together.

Xia Hanqiu struggled to take back his hand, but did not follow those rules, but walked calmly beside Duan Ziyi.

Duan Ziyi, who was still tentative, couldn't help but be a little happy, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were stained with a smile.

With such a warm smile, Yang Nansheng felt that he had not met today as much in the past ten years.

"In other ways, do you need to invite Bai Yu over?"

"In the evening, let's come together when Nian'an comes back in the evening."

"That's fine."

The dining room is close, and it will arrive soon.

Seeing that there were only two pairs of bowls and chopsticks on the dinner table, Duan Ziyi frowned. These days, they have been eating together, and they can't make a living because of the old man.

Kneel down and pour wine for the two people. Xia Hanqiu said, "I set a table behind the screen. In other, you can drink a few glasses with Yang Lao. The degree of wine is not high, and it's not intoxicating."

"Don't be like this, Qiu'er, just use it together. Mr. Yang is not a stranger."

Yang Nansheng estimated that the two of them were eating together when he was away, and he helped him and said, "Miss Xia just cares by herself, and you don't have to care about me."

Xia Hanqiu intended to change. At this time, seeing that both of them did not refuse this attitude, she ordered the maid to put bowls and chopsticks on the table.

After three rounds of drinking, the topic began.

"Qiu'er, do you know where the war started?"

Xia Hanqiu smiled and elegantly wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief and said, "You must have never thought of who provoked the war."


"Liang Guojun."

Duan Ziyi really didn't expect that it would be his third brother. In his impression, he was ambitious, but he was so ambitious that he would go to war with his country...

Duan Ziyi shook his head secretly, afraid that someone had designed it again.

"Don't believe it?" Duan Ziyi's disapproving face was too obvious, but Xia Hanqiu was not angry in his eyes. On the contrary, he thought it was quite interesting. This man had said before that he believed her no matter what she said!

"It's not that I don't believe you. I don't believe that he has that courage. Not long ago, something happened that I didn't tell you. My third brother listened to the rumors and mistakenly thought that his favorite second son was not his own. He killed the second son and the concubine who had followed him for more than It's too easy to provoke such a person.

These are what Xia Hanqiu doesn't know. If the current king of the State of Liang is really so brainless, he will have a greater chance of being used.

Seeing Qiu Er's thoughtful face, Duan Ziyi picked up a chopstick dish for her and asked, "Did he send troops to neighboring countries?"

"He vividly staged a scene in which the mantis caught the cicada and the yellow finch, and lost the whole country of Liang." Looking at him, Xia Hanqiu said meaningfully, "If you want to intervene, it is not impossible to turn the situation around. As long as you are prepared, it is not certain who is the mantis and who is the yellow finch."

Duan Ziyi shook his head slightly and said something beyond Xia Hanqiu's expectation with disapproval, "Qiu'er, you have to learn more from the Taoist priest Wuwei in this regard. Some things are doomed and forced to change. Not only you, who leak the secrets, can't get well, but even the change is The blue sky has always been ruthless. You haven't seen its power, so you can joke, but I wish you never had to see its power. RS