Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 123 Find fault

Ke was actually relieved to see Xia Hanqiu coming as promised.

It's true that the Xia family is the protagonist of today, but the Fu family is too big, and most of the people who come to congratulate are nobles. The origin of a businessman in the Xia family undoubtedly makes them lower than one head.

They also understand Hanqiu's nature. As early as before the discussion, they decided to just say that if Hanqiu is willing to come forward, it would be the best. But if Hanqiu does not want to appear in front of others, the Xia family will support it by themselves.

It's just a strange look, and they can stand it.

But as soon as they said it, Hanqiu agreed. She did not hesitate at all. She was relieved that she also had a better impression of Hanqiu in her heart. Blood makes them relatives, but family affection also needs to be maintained by mutual efforts.

Hanqiu treats the Xia family so attentively. If Hanqiu needs the Xia family one day in the future, the Xia family will definitely repay her. At least the Xia family thinks so at this time.

"It's going to be hard for you today. I will receive the older generation, and the younger generation depends on you. Your cousin-in-law can only help you."

"Don't worry, auntie. I informed Yingying before, and Yingying said hello to the little sisters she made friends with her. Even if there is something unpleasant to deal with the Fu family, they will help me."

"That's good." I didn't expect that the young sister-in-law would help Hanqiu like this. Ke was even more relieved. She would have been trying to pounce on her side when she saw her cousin, and her daughter, who was secretly pulled by her, was pulled to the front. "This little girl has been shouting that she wants to be with you. Hanqiu, do In the big days, I can't allow her to cause trouble.

"It doesn't matter. Just let my cousin follow me, just so that she can know a few more people."

Ke secretly twisted his daughter's back, pushed her forward, and stared at her warningly, "Don't cause trouble for Hanqiu."

"When did I cause trouble?" Xia Chun is not happy. Isn't he just want her to know more people with her cousin? She knows that even if she doesn't say those words, she also believes that her cousin will do this, which is the most heartless.

Xia Hanqiu didn't see Ke's little move. He saluted her and pulled his cousin who was still muttering to leave on the grounds of going to the new house to see what else needed to be arranged.

"Cousin, don't be too kind. You will be bullied." After going away, Xia Chun said inaudiblely.

Xia Hanqiu squeezed her hair and smiled, "If I'm not willing, no one can bully me. It's okay to suffer a little loss in front of your family. Don't have a hunting idea about anyone in your heart because of this. She is not sincere to others, but she is selfless to her children. Others can think about

Seeing that she squeezed her mouth and her face was full of stubbornness, Xia Hanqiu couldn't help laughing, "If you care about everything, what's the fun of living? Sometimes taking a step back is to live a better life. You are still young, but you should also keep these words in mind, so as not to suffer losses in the future. If you suffer losses from outsiders, you will really suffer losses.

"I see, cousin." Since she overheard her parents' conversation two years ago and knew about her cousin, Xia Chun has been very convinced of this cousin, who is not much bigger than her. As the wife of the head of the family, her mother is generous and good to her family, but she just doesn't like her to trick her cousin, so this time she complains for her cousin.

However, I still need to listen to my cousin's words. Xia Chun tried to think about my mother's good. After thinking about it carefully, I found that my cousin's words really made sense. It was not too much for my mother to say to her.

"Don't think about that now. Nannan, there must be guests who don't have a good relationship with Yingying in the afternoon. If you say something unpleasant, don't choking with others and learn to be patient, huh?"

Xia Chun responded obediently.

Xia Hanqiu smiled. This cousin is really annoying. There is a sister like Zhang Qiaoer in front of her. She thinks that Xia Chun is as good as she thinks.

I met my cousin Jiang Zi face to face. Before I saluted Jiang Zi, she quickly came in and picked her up. "But I'm in a hurry. Hanqiu, please teach me how to talk to those nobles. There are few nobles I have seen in such a long age. What if I say something wrong and provoke them angry."

Xia Hanqiu saw that her nervous people were a little trembling and comforted her in a warm voice: "Cousin-law, don't always think that they are nobles. Apart from these, they are just women, just like us. It doesn't matter if they don't like the Xia family. The Fu family dares to off Well, they can't pick it out."

Jiang Zi smiled bitterly, "I want to see them as women like me, but different identities and lives are different, but you are a little confident when you say so, but you have to teach me how to grasp your posture."

"Good, my best, you can come with me, too."

The Xia family is a newly moved family, not aristocrats. Those who congratulate them on their relationship are some merchants who have newly made friends after coming to the meeting pavilion, while the Fu family is full of nobles, and most of them are nobles with great status. Many people are waiting to see how the Xia family can hold up this scene so that they will

I don't know if everyone has the mentality of watching the hustle and bustle. Today, guests came very early, and people came one after another after noon.

And the first one actually wanted to give the Xia family a horse.

Xia Hanqiu looked at the woman waiting for her to salute in front of her. Obviously, her eyes were arrogant, but she wanted to pretend to be gentle. She probably pretended for a long time, but it was not discordant.

If Xia Hanqiu is still Xia Hanqiu a year ago, maybe she will tolerate it, but at this time, she represents the Xia family. It is impossible to show weakness on such an occasion, otherwise the Xia family will not want to raise their heads in the meeting in the future.

What's more, she is still a prophet.

All the prophets have extraordinary identities. She can't weaken her reputation. The master knows that he will be disappointed.

With a slight smile, Xia Hanqiu didn't see what she meant. She said warmly, "Miss Zhu, this way, please."

Zhu Sisi frowned, "Isn't the Xia family too unruly?" Have you never even learned how to do salute?"

"Miss Zhu is a guest, and I am the Lord. I don't know what kind of gift Miss Zhu wants me to do?"

"You..." Xia Hanqiu's voice was not small, and many people's eyes looked over, including Mrs. Zhu. Zhu Sisi was unwilling. It's okay if he can't deal with Fu Yingying at ordinary times. Who makes her family better than her!

But this girl is a cheap businessman of the Xia family, and she dares to challenge her. Isn't she hitting her in the face in public? If the people in the circle knew about her, they didn't know how to laugh at her.

She can't stand this tone.

I was about to have an attack when I found my mother coming here.

"Sisi, why don't you stand here and go in?"

Before Zhu Sisi could speak, Xia Hanqiu saluted Mrs. Zhu with great rules and said slowly, "Miss Zhu didn't want to go in because she didn't want to go in because Hanqiu didn't salute her. Han Qiu was asking Miss Zhu what kind of big gift was appropriate."

Mrs. Zhu was secretly annoyed that her daughter had no brain, but there was no change in her face. It's right that they came to see the fun, but they didn't come to smash the scene. If something really happened, the evil woman of the Fu family would not make her feel better.

Looking at her daughter with a smile, Mrs. Zhu asked, "Sisi, is that what you mean?"

Being scared by the warning in his mother's eyes, Zhu Sisi shook her head hurriedly and didn't care about her foreword. "I'm just kidding. The Xia family is the host of today. There is no reason for the master to salute the guests. I usually like to play with my friends. Miss Xia, don't mind."

Not to mention Xia Hanqiu, he is as simple as Xia Chun, and as careful as Jiang Zi, he is disgusted.

On such a day, Xia Hanqiu naturally won't hold on. It seems that she didn't hear her words insincerely, and her smile is still gentle. "It turns out that Miss Zhu is such an interesting person, but I'm slow to react. Miss Zhu, this way, please."

Looking at the two turning into the flower hall, Mrs. Zhu asked Ke, who was obviously relieved, "Is this the girl of the Zhang family?" It's very smart."

I don't know if she was influenced by Hanqiu. Ke felt that she would not be so stiff. While leading people in, she said, "Haanqiu is indeed the daughter of my bitter sister-in-law, but she has entered the Xia family tree. She is the daughter of the Xia family and has nothing to do with the Zhang family."

Since he knew that the Fu family had married the Xia family, the nobles in Huiting City had investigated the Xia family. Except that the details of the groom's official today were not so clear, the affairs of Xia Hanqiu and Guo Nian'an's sister and brother were not hidden from them.

Self-improvement and self-reliant people have always been difficult to hate, not to mention that she is quite bold. Xia Hanqiu has a good reputation in the aristocratic circle these days. Mrs. Zhu only feels that she lives up to her reputation when she sees her.

If only my daughter was so excellent.

This is probably to know that many ladies have had ideas after Xia Hanqiu's incident. If this is their own daughter, they will definitely let her live the best life, and they will not be willing to let her suffer a little.

Fortunately, they just wanted to investigate the Xia family. They also knew the existence of Xia Hanqiu and knew that she had opened a Shuxiangzhai, and then there was no in-depth investigation. Otherwise, how could they not find out so many people entering and out of that house every day.

In the past, Xia Hanqiu still wanted to hide, but now he let it go. Duan Ziyi is even less afraid. Even if he gives them a check, how much can they find?

I found it, so what!

After Zhu Sisi entered the room, she put on her face. After a while, the tea was cold, the tea was hot. Xia Hanqiu saw Mrs. Zhu's attitude that she didn't want to make trouble. After seeing the maid changed the tea twice for her, she said, "Put the boiled water and cold boiled water in front of Miss Zhu I think I know it the most. Why don't I let Miss Zhu do it herself?

Xia Chun lowered his head and tried his best to suppress his laughter. His cousin really did not suffer losses in front of outsiders, while Jiang Zi was a little worried, which was different from what Hanqiu taught them.

The bullied maid really obediently put a pot of cold boiled water and a pot of boiling water in front of Zhu Sisi, and quickly retreated at the instructions of the cousin.

Xia Hanqiu was worried that Zhu Sisi would go crazy and splashed the pot of boiling water on the maid. The good days were disturbed by her. RS