Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 124 The cheap business

Zhu Sisi was so angry that her face trembled. If she hadn't remembered her mother's warning, she really wanted to drench the pot of water off Xia Hanqiu's head!

"Xia Hanqiu, don't dare to be disrespectful to me with Fu Yingying's support. The days will be very long in the future. Let's wait and see."

"I also hope Miss Zhu remembers that the future will be long. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. There are some things that no one can say well. It's good to leave a way out for yourself."

"Are you really not afraid of anyone when the Xia family climbs to the Fu family? It's just an in-laws of the Fu family. I really think I'm an aristocrat. Zhu Sisi sneered. After saying this, he didn't say much. He closed his eyes as if he was no longer willing to look at her.

Xia Hanqiu hooked his lips and smiled. He thought he was superior and regarded himself very high. These are all common problems of nobles. Yingying can't get rid of vulgarity, but Yingying's performance is not annoying. This Zhu Sisi really doesn't make people like it.

A maid came and a guest arrived. Xia Hanqiu took a look at Zhu Sisi and motioned her cousin to stay with her sister-in-law. She took the girl out to welcome her.

As for whether Jiang Zi will be bullied... She has behaved like this before. If she is still bullied, it only shows that Zhu Sisi is not smart, and she is not much better.

There are a lot of juniors today. At the beginning, Xia Hanqiu didn't recall it. When she heard the two noble ladies talking, she recalled it.

Probably only Yingying has this ability. The relationship between the aristocratic daughter of a city and her is polarized. Either they are good friends or bad friends. Naturally, they want to go out to support the little sisters. The bad friends are not lacking. Fu Yingying, who usually overwhelms them, marries into a cheap business. Home, how can they feel relieved? How can they not come on such an occasion?

Jiang Zi also calmed down after her panic at the beginning. She didn't feel the malice towards people. Whoever made the request, she also let the servants try to be satisfied. As for those who deliberately embarrassed her and asked her to run errands for it, she just smiled and let the servants run.

Her attitude made others dare not underestimate her. Gradually, there was less embarrassment.

Jiang Zi completely believed Han Qiu's words. She can't be too timid in front of these people. The weaker you behave, the more they bully each other. When they know that you are not so easy to bully, they will be soft.

"Sister-in-law, what is it used for next to the flower hall?"

Jiang Zi looked at the room and understood what she meant and whispered, "It's also packed up to treat guests. I've been prepared before. Both sides are open, right behind the screen."

Xia Hanqiu took a look around the screen and packed it up exquisitely, so he nodded with satisfaction, "Call someone to move the screen away."


Sweeping around the room, Xia Hanqiu walked to the three young ladies who were talking together and whispered, "Miss Chen, Miss Wu, Miss Pan, there are too many visitors today. I'm afraid the flower hall will be smaller. Hanqiu wanted to ask the three people for help and called some people to go to the next room. The two sides were It's just a little farther away. Hanqiu is worried that it will make people feel uncomfortable if they take them there again.

"You just want us to help accompany the guests, right?" Miss Chen saw that the four rough ladies over there were lifting an eight-page screen to one side, revealing a circular arch in the back. "No problem, you can arrange it. Just tell me when you can go there."

"Ha Qiu thanked the three ladies."

Miss Pan looked at her and smiled, "Yingying always said that she would bring us to know you, but she has not been able to do so. Now without her, we have seen her. Today is Yingying's big day. If there is anything we can help, you can come to us and talk to us when you are free."

There was a temptation in the other party's eyes, but the goodwill shown was enough to cover this temptation. Xia Hanqiu responded generously and said, "When Yingying arrives, I will take you to the new house to accompany her."

The three of them looked at each other, "Can you?"

"Yes, the Xia family doesn't have many rules. Yingying can relax with you." After saying that, Xia Hanqiu smiled again, "You can't call her Yingying in the future. You have to call her little aunt."

The three of them couldn't help laughing when they heard the words. In one day, these two people were one generation short of generation.

Three people came forward, and the daughter who made friends with Yingying had basically passed. Through a door, it was obviously divided into two camps.

If someone comes again, they don't need Xia Hanqiu to arrange it. They will find their own acquaintances and automatically join in.

In this way, the tit-for-tat in the open and dark is gone. Jiang Zi, who has been affected, was greatly relieved and thought that after a day like this, I'm afraid it will take several days to recover.

Fortunately, there is a Hanqiu in the Xia family, otherwise they really can't suppress these people.

Turn around, if there hadn't been Han Qiu, I'm afraid there wouldn't be such a family.

When he was busy, there were finally fewer visitors. He told his cousin-in-law that Xia Hanqiu went home.

Wuwei and his three disciples and Duan Ziyi were sitting in the same room talking at this time.

When he saw her come in, he smiled, "Can you still handle it? It's good to exercise more. It's inevitable that there will be time to come forward in the future.

"It's okay, some little girls can't embarrass me. Besides, on such a day, no one will make trouble even if it's for the Fu family." Naturally, he sat next to Duan Ziyi, drank more than half of the tea he pushed over and asked, "Master, when are you going to go there?" Did all the brothers show up today?

"No hurry, it's not too late to wait for Jing'er to welcome back. The other three brothers won't show up. At that time, just set up a table in the inner courtyard and have a few wedding drinks."

If several people appear in one family, I'm afraid it will cause a sensation. In this way, a master alone is enough to hold up this scene. At that time, she will carefully look at the expression of those people. It must be very interesting.

"What about you? With the brothers?"

" Li Rong assigned the task to me." Duan Ziyi's expression was a little lazy, "I will accompany the guests of the two families of Fu He."

It's really not appropriate for the two families to be accompanied by the Xia family. If they hold on, I'm afraid the scene will be embarrassing. It would be the best if they were willing to help this. Xia Hanqiu thought that her uncle must have threatened something to exchange it.

If you can change your head, it's their marriage.

Xia Hanqiu smiled, the friendship between the two people was indeed hidden, otherwise the little uncle would not have threatened him regardless of his identity, and would not be willing to be blackmailed.

After a break, I ate some pastries to cushion my stomach, and Xia Hanqiu passed again.

As soon as she entered the flower hall, she felt something was wrong. The two connected rooms were too quiet.

Seeing her, Jiang Zi was obviously relieved and hurried over to tell her the whole story.

But it turned out that the people on both sides couldn't help the conflict, and every sentence poked into the other party's heart.

The people of the two camps were not very easy to deal with. Xia Hanqiu was not surprised that they would have a conflict, but... The time was also very good. How long did she leave?

"Where's the chican?"

Jiang Zi pointed to the other end of the arch, "I'm waiting over there."

Xia Hanqiu nodded slightly and raised her voice to the room as if there was no humanity that fell on her: "No matter what mentality you come with today, you should remember what day it is today. If Yingying knows who disturbed her good day, she will not swallow her voice. At the same booth, it is inevitable in the future. When you meet on such an occasion, especially those who have not yet been married, if Yingying has the heart to avenge this, can you feel at ease on the day of marriage?

"Take Fu Yingying to suppress us. At least she used to be the daughter of a city owner, but now she is the daughter-in-law of a cheap businessman. I really think we are afraid of her."

Shameless, Xia Hanqiu sneered, "Then this young lady, please continue. If you have the ability to mess up this marriage. On the day you get married, someone must be willing to make such a joke for you to your husband's family."

The speaker changed his face, "Are you threatening me?"

"I'll just tell you the consequences." Xia Hanqiu walked to the arch and said, "You are all the bodies of a daughter. You don't need to eat, drink, you don't need rouge gouache, you don't buy jewelry and don't make new clothes. Silver is useless to you, but for your family, you can't do without silver. You might as well go back What does it mean for a nobleman to open a shop?

No matter how the people behind reacted, Xia Hanqiu walked through the arch and looked at the people with the same wonderful faces in the room. That's right. What you said just now offended everyone.

But what's the matter?

Xia Chun looked at her cousin with admiration. If it hadn't been for the wrong occasion, she would have wanted to rush over and hug people and rubbed desperately!

Xia Hanqiu glanced at her with a warning. When he didn't see their bad-looking faces, he smiled and said, "The greeting team is halfway there. Please wait a moment. The Xia family has prepared the pastries, and everyone will pad their stomachs first."

After that, the well-prepared maids filed in, and for a moment the room was full of fragrance.

Knowing that he would be unpopular, Xia Hanqiu did not make people suspicious here and led Xia Chun to leave together.

Give them a space for them to tell her right and wrong.

"Cousin, you are so awesome!" As soon as he went out, Xia Chun couldn't wait to put out his thumb, and his face was full of excitement.

"You have the confidence to say so." Xia Hanqiu tidied up her collar. "Go and call your cousin-in-law out to eat something, and you still have to be busy."

"Oh, I'm just hungry."

Xia Hanqiu was too lazy to listen to what others said behind her behind her back, and she couldn't leave here. She simply walked to the porch and leaned on the porch pillar, closed her eyes and emptied her head to rest for a while. She had never experienced such an occasion, and she was a little tired.

She didn't open her eyes until she heard the maid whisper excitedly that the bride had arrived.

Finally, this day made her feel like it was longer than ever.

I hope I won't be so tossed on the day I get married. Anyway, the Xia family can't be her master, and there are no elders on the other side. At that time, I will discuss with Changzhi, and it will be a simple visit to the hall. Everyone will be relaxed. RS