Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 139 Listen to the corner

Duan Ziyi naturally would not sweep away Xia Hanqiu's interest in this matter. He only let the maidservant go to get a thin cloak for Qiuer and lead people out of the door.

It's inconvenient to make a sedan chair on a rainy day. This time, the two of them are in a carriage.

The carriage is very spacious, and you don't have to worry about the rain coming in. The curtains are set up.

People come and go on the street. Even if they hold the rain gear, there are still people standing in the rain and talking and laughing loudly. They look much more vivid than when they are in the drought.

"Has a lot of people died in the drought?"

"I didn't pay attention to this matter. Fu Rui should know better." Of course, Duan Ziyi knew it, but he didn't intend to say it, because it would definitely make Qiu Er less happy.

Xia Hanqiu didn't ask much, probably she didn't want to know so much.

The two entered the most famous teahouse in Huiting City. The upper and lower three floors, the first floor is an open lobby, and the second and third floors are elegant rooms. It is absolutely unique in Huiting City.

The shopkeeper read countless people and practiced a good look. When he saw people coming in, he greeted them in person. Thinking that this person would never sit in a crowded place, he led people upstairs.

"Sit in the lobby." He found a bright place to help Qiuer sit down. Duan Ziyi looked up and said, "Come and have a pot of good tea. If you have any good tea, make it clean."

"Yes, please wait a moment." The shopkeeper hesitated and answered in a hurry. He thought that he would not see the wrong person. Even if they did not choose to go to Yajian, they did not dare to be disrespectful at all.

The conspicuous aristocratic manners of the two, coupled with Duan Ziyi's clothes, many people stopped talking and looked over.

Xia Hanqiu was a little nervous. She was not afraid, but she had never been to such an occasion, and she was used to hiding, and she was a little uncomfortable being seen by strangers.

"Are you still worried about Zhang Jiabao?" Seeing her uncomscomed, Duan Ziyi deliberately provoked the topic to attract her attention.

"Eh?" Xia Hanqiu looked up at him and said, "How come, haven't you arranged everything?"

Duan Ziyi immediately smiled, "Yes, I've arranged it. I heard that the tea in this teahouse is not bad. You can drink it. If you like it, we will come back later."

No matter how good it is, it can't be compared with those exchanged. It's just to make her get what she wants. Xia Hanqiu smiled and felt that there were not so many people looking at her, so she glanced around a little.

The teahouse is quite large. I'm afraid there are no less than 20 tables. Now it's half full, but the woman only has her. "If only there was a screen."

"All the people who need screens have gone to the second and third floors. It's okay. Just when they don't exist. Shh, they are talking about shocking disasters."

Xia Hanqiu suddenly held his breath and listened carefully.

"Have you read the eleventh and second volumes of the shocking disaster?"

"I've seen it. If I haven't finished it, I won't go out. I'm looking forward to it when I haven't read it. I have to look forward to it after reading it. If only it comes out once."

"You can ask those who have seen the world-shaking disaster who doesn't think so." The speaker seemed to have a sip of tea, and there was a swallowing sound. "But if you have to wait for a year and a half to see it, it's better to release two volumes every other month at the current rate."

"That's true."

Xiao Er sent tea, but Xia Hanqiu ignored it and listened to those people attentively.

Another table next to him talked about this topic, "Do you think the prescriptions mentioned in the shocking disaster really work?"

"Don't say that, I deliberately asked the doctor. They all said that there was no problem with this prescription, that is, the prescription mentioned in the book that can keep the wound from ulcerated. They all said that it is completely feasible. Zhu Yan is not a doctor, is it?"

"Whether he is a doctor or not, he plays very well. Those doctors don't cover their own things for fear of being learned. When they are believers, they don't forget to keep one hand. Who has Zhu Yan's mind? Just write it into the book and follow you to learn, as long as you want."

"Don't mention, I learned to do it, and I don't know if I can really do it."

"Me too, haha, we also regard it as a doctor's addiction."

Xia Hanqiu raised the corners of her mouth. She was not afraid that they would destroy the veto, as long as they tried.

"Are you happy?"

Xia Hanqiu nodded vigorously, "Happy."

Duan Ziyi took two pieces of tea and put them in her bowl. "Have some tea first and then drink tea, otherwise we will be hungry. We will go to dinner later."

"Um." I was eating tea in my heart. I didn't feel the taste of good or bad food at all. I used all my mind to catch other people's conversations.

Every time she heard others say Zhu Yan's good words, she smiled. The smile from her heart infected Duan Ziyi, which made him look soft and his heart softened.

After drinking tea in the teahouse, they went to the restaurant for dinner. The two went to several wine and teahouses, and they lingered until the sunset.

Of course, the unfinished person is Xia Hanqiu.

"I never knew it was so interesting to hear people talk in the crowd."

That's because what you hear is good. Even if you hear someone's gossip, it's not sharp. If you really want to meet the mean words...

Duan Ziyi smiled and listened to Qiu Er's interesting words she heard today. From time to time, she answered and handed over a sentence to make her more interested, and her eyes were full of tenderness.

The next day, the rain finally rested for a while, and the sky was still calm.

This day is the day when Fu Yingying returns to the door.

After sending the two away, Xia Hanqiu asked Xia De about the follow-up of the separation of the Xia family.

"A small half of the people still plan to go back to Chengyang, and the other part led by Xia Chen will continue to stay in the pavilion, and some people are unwilling to separate. My father means that if he doesn't want to divide, he will accept it. The Xia family can't leave only one direct branch, and the side branch can also be

"If you want to say that Xia Chen is a smart man, he has done something stupid. If you want to say that he is stupid, he is not stupid to the end. He knows that he will not leave the meeting pavilion and stay away from the Xia family." Xia Hanqiu sneered, "They will move away."

"Well, even if my father doesn't say that they don't have the face to live there. I began to prepare yesterday, but I'm afraid I can't move away for a while. The house is not so easy to find."

"We can help with this, in exchange, what do you think?"

"Naturally, I'll have it done in a moment."

Xia De smiled secretly. He said this to his cousin, and that's what he was trying to do! Since you have separated your family, don't think about it anymore. You feel regretful after procrastinating. If you take your share, you don't want to leave. That kind of thing must never happen.

Duan Ziyi looked at him and didn't say anything. After all, this was the result Qiu Er wanted.

"Cousin, are you there?"

Big cousin? Xia Hanqiu got up quickly and answered, "I'm here. Big cousin, please come in quickly."

The people of the Xia family can come in directly without communication. Xia Chen's move made Duan Ziyi look at him. There are not many people who can control his heart from beginning to end.

Xia Chen came alone.

After seeing each other, Xia Hanqiu asked, "Cousin has something to do with Hanqiu."

Although the eldest cousin is not as close to her as the second cousin Xia De, she is now extremely ** and can feel his kindness to herself, so Xia Hanqiu's tone of treating him is also very close.

Xia Chen smiled and handed over the account book in his hand, "The Xia family's family business is divided into two. My father and I think these should be made with my cousin. My cousin's share will be given to you as a dowry. If it is useful in advance, just tell me, and I will give it out to you as soon

Probably everyone in the room felt that she would not really take over to check the account book with Xia Hanqiu's nature, but she unexpectedly took it over, took it in her hand, looked at the total amount and handed it back to him, "I have confidence in my heart, as for where the silver will go..."

Xia Hanqiu looked at Duan Baiyu faintly, "I will discuss it with my uncle then. Don't be in a hurry to give it to me."

Xia Chen nodded and answered. He didn't know much about the inside story, but he had eyes to see. Although Wuwei Taoist priest was an uncle's master, he did not live in the Xia family from beginning to end, but he was particularly close to Hanqiu. Since Hanqiu said this, she certainly had her intention, and it would certainly not

Zhang Jiabao has been watching quietly. At this time, he feels more and more that the Zhang family can't afford the eldest sister. Compared with the Zhang family who only wants to get everything from the eldest sister, the Xia family is really like a family.

Although Xia De had not shown hostility to him since he saw him yesterday, he did not have much goodwill and basically ignored him.

If it hadn't been for the eldest sister's words first and Nian'an's treatment to him very well, I'm afraid that this cousin of the Xia family, who protects the eldest sister, would not have just ignored him.

It can also be seen that the eldest sister is not attached at home, but has a certain right to speak, and what he sees today makes him affirm what he thinks. The Xia family cares about the eldest sister's words very much.

"Cousin..." was distracted, and a crisp and delicate voice came in. Immediately, a little girl trotted in at the door. She should be twelve or thirteen years old, but her face was still childish.

"Wan, are you alone? Where's your maid?

"It's in the back!" Xia Chun ran to his cousin and was about to sit down. He was gently pushed away by Xia Hanqiu, "Where is the etiquette? Have you learned it in vain?"

Xia Chun spit out his tongue and obediently saluted the people in the room.

Xia De couldn't help laughing, "She can listen to your cousin's words. It's not easy to accept my sister's gift."

"I used to be young, but I can't do it now. I'm almost thirteen years old. If I don't learn what I should learn, I will suffer losses when I get to my mother-in-law's house." Xia Hanqiu took Xia Chun to sit next to him, and pushed the cake in front of her.

Xia Chen also smiled like her. If she really wants to say that she is used to Xia Chun, her cousin is not inferior to anyone, but she has a good grasp of her degree, and she will not let go because of her girl's eyes when she should be strict.

However, the girl listens to her the most.

Xia Hanqiu looked up and noticed that Jiabao's eyes fell on the girl. She thought it was because she didn't know it, so she introduced it to him, "This is my uncle's daughter Xia Chun, and she is also your cousin. Girl, call her cousin."

"I know him. My mother said that he is from the Zhang family, but he is very kind to his cousin. I should call him cousin." Xia Chun inadvertently revealed the attitude of the Xia family, but she didn't know it. She wiped her mouth generously and got up to salute Zhang Jiabao again.

Somehow, Zhang Jiabao felt that his heart beat a little fast. RS