Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 140 Death

Everyone can see Xia Hanqiu's kindness to Zhang Jiabao. After getting along with him for a long time, he knows that he is a good child, so no one will deliberately embarrass him.

Xia De stayed in the same yard with him all day long, knowing that this was really not a disgusting thing, and the pimple in his heart was resolved early.

Xia Chun was favored. She ran to her cousin all day long, and there were more opportunities to meet Zhang Jiabao. After knowing her, she knew that this cousin treated her well, and she really regarded him as her as her brother. When she saw him, she talked and laughed.

Xia Hanqiu didn't feel anything. In order to write a few more books, she almost returned to her previous life before burying the book case all day long, and even had less time to study at the master, let alone other things.

Duan Ziyi saw Zhang Jiabao's reaction in his eyes. After thinking about it, he didn't say anything.

Qiu Er liked this younger brother and muttered that she wanted Jiabao to stay with her all the time and not go back to Zhang's house. In this case, he pushed him from it.

The Xia family would never agree to marry another daughter into the Zhang family at the beginning, but what if Zhang Jiabao broke away?

Zhang Jiabao is disgusted with the Zhang family now. If something happens to the Zhang family again...

Far away, even now, the two families of Qi and Zhang should have been lively.

Zhang's main house was in a mess at this time. Zhang Zetian still felt relieved and threw the only pair of landing vases left in the room. The loud noise scared Wu to shrink.

"That's great, that's great. I really raised a good daughter. The water spilled by my married daughter is true, but which daughter will bite her mother's family in turn? Does she still have a brain? If she doesn't have her mother's family to support her, can she stand up at her mother-in-law's house? When she was in the same voice, she loved her crazily. Can she treat her without relying on her? Pei Niang, don't you say in my ear all day that you think about me and worry about me? For so many years, I have something new in my hand that I didn't give to her. She and her sister's fiance are still there, and I don't care that Hanqiu will be sad and let her become Mrs. Qi. Is that how she repays me now? Ah?"

Wu Pei was panicked. Although she didn't know what had happened, the master was so angry that he didn't dare to argue and lowered his head without saying a word.

This year, the master came to her room less and less. He stayed in the room where the bitch lived for more than 20 days a month. If it hadn't been for her children, the weather would have changed long ago.

But now that her son is away from home, her daughter doesn't know what she has done to make the old man angry. She will be even more sad these days!

A few years ago, how could she have thought that one day she would fall into such a situation?

Xia Wei's bright face suddenly flashed in her mind. Obviously, she was just a merchant. If you really want to count it, her identity is higher than Xia Wei's. But in the eyes of outsiders, she has always been a foil. Xia Wei has no pette. In such a circle of calculating background, she is less suspicious, but everyone is How can she be willing to talk?

When she found that her cousin was more and more focused on that person, she knew that she could not wait. A little longer, she and her cousin's relationship for more than ten years would be defeated by that woman.

The opportunity was sent to her just in time, but with a little trick, Xia Wei was doomed. Since then, she has been the only hostess of the Zhang family, that is, the woman's daughter has to look up to her nose. At that time, she was very proud.

But now...

No, this is not retribution. She just wants to protect her happiness. What's wrong? Now it's just that I can't protect her, but whether it's Qi Tong or any bitch, I can't go beyond her! Don't want to have a son and a daughter!

Everything in the Zhang family can only be from Jiabao!


Wu Peiniang suddenly raised her head in shock. She thought it was the master who had smashed something again, but she saw the master fall to the ground and the blood slowly overflowed from the back of her head.

"Ah!!! Come on, come on!" Wu Peiniang screamed and ran to Zhang Zetian, but as soon as she took a few steps, she felt pain, and sharp fragments penetrated the soles and pierced the soles of her feet.

After enduring the pain, Wu remembered that the place where the master lay at this time was the place where he fell a pair of vases! That is to say, the master is lying on a pile of fragments at this time...

"Madam...ah, sir..." The housekeeper Zhang Song pushed the door in and was shocked to see this scene. Finally, he remembered what to do at this time. "Come on, come on, don't come here, go to the doctor, use the fastest speed, fast!"

Zhang Song took a deep breath to calm himself down, motioned several guards to follow him in, and carefully carried the master to a clean place, but no one dared to let him go.

- Zhang Zetian's back was almost full of fragments at this time.

"Housekeeper, let the master lie on my back first. I'm afraid it will hurt more if I lie down like this."

"This is the best. Sit still and don't fall, master."


At this time, Wu's maids also came in. Some people consciously cleaned up, and the others helped their wife aside with trembling, but no one dared to pull out the debris on their feet.

Zhang Song settled the master and hurried over to ask his wife if he was all wrong.

Wu Shi shook his head, "I'm not in the way, Zhang Song. First tell me what Qiaoer did to make the master lose his temper so much. Even at the beginning... At the beginning... the master was not so angry!"

Zhang Song and Zhang Zetian are about the same age. They have been sold to the Zhang family since they were young. After so many years, they have been sharing honor and disgrace with Zhang Zetian. Zhang Zetian never hide anything from him.

Naturally, he is also aware of this matter.

Listening to my wife's question, I couldn't help smiling bitterly, "Madam should know that the master was fighting for the position of the city master some time ago. Originally, the master's hope was great. Although the uncle is young and talented, after all, the foundation is not as deep as the master's, but as the result, you

"What does this have to do with Qiaoer?"

"It's a big deal, because the second lady was bewitched by her uncle and handed over the roster of some people who had contact with the master in private. The uncle contacted those people first and promised enough benefits, just..."

"How can this be blamed on Qiaoer..." Wu suddenly stopped, and her face lost blood in an instant. She suddenly remembered that her daughter, who had lived in her mother's house since she got married, had lived at home for four days ago. Her daughter said that her uncle snubmed her, but it turned out to be...

She wanted to convince herself not to believe it, but the truth was already in front of her. How could she convince herself? If it hadn't been for sure of this matter, the master would have been so angry!

Why is Qiaoer so stupid? I don't know if her mother's family is tough enough to make her feel better. If it hadn't been for the Zhang family's support for her, because she couldn't have children, the Qi family could still give her face everywhere? She should think that her mother's family is good!

No wonder the master is so angry. No wonder!

Closed her eyes, Wu felt cold. At that time, she should have seen that it was not a good thing for Qi Zhensheng to promise her such a thing. How could she marry Qiaoer to such a person?

"Go and ask the second lady to come back, just say that the master is sick and let her come back to serve the doctor."


"The doctor is here!"

Wu forgot that she was still stepping on the debris on her feet, and suddenly stood up. The debris was a little more fleshy. The pain made her gasp, and the woman beside her quickly held her.

"Don't leave me alone. Let's see how the master is doing."

He sweated nervously behind Zhang Zetian's guard's back. He didn't dare to say that from just now on, the master's heartbeat stopped.

At this time, no one paid attention to his expression. The doctor squatted down out of breath!

" Hiss..." The doctor sat on the ground and shocked everyone around him.

Zhang Song thought he was tired of running, so he hurried forward to help him up, " Doctor, how is my master? Are you going to pull out these fragments on your back?

The doctor swallowed a big mouthful of saliva and said shiveringly, "Why, why can't I touch Master Zhang's pulse?"

There was a moment of silence in the room. Soon Zhang Song came to his senses, pushed the doctor away, and shook his hand to find the master's pulse.

I haven't spoken for a long time.

The more Wu waited, the more frightened he became. His heart beat as if he was about to jump out. He pushed away the woman who was holding her and stepped on the debris and asked in a trembling voice, "Zhang Song, master, how is the master..."

Zhang Song looked up, and his eyes were no longer as sharp as usual, "Master, Master, Master..."

"Isn't the master all right?"

Zhang Song's eyes blinked, and tears rolled down. He has not been with people all his life. How can he fall into this matter? How can he...

Wu's eyelids turned over and he fainted.


The doctor finally came in handy and gave Wu's pulse. He was relieved. At least it's okay. "Madam is just angry. It will be all right when she wakes up. Instead, the wound has to be treated. Go and get some water. When I pull out the debris, you can wash it with water for your wife and wrap some medicine


The doctor secretly glanced at Master Zhang, who was still lying on the guard, and sighed, "Forgive me for my incompetence, Master Zhang... I'm exhausted."

Zhang Song's heart was sour, and his face was covered with tears.

Thinking of who caused this, Zhang Song suddenly gritted his teeth with hatred, "Dir, you have to deal with the master's wound. You can't be like this, like this..."

I couldn't say anything about the word "in the county", but the doctor also understood and silently picked up the medicine box to deal with it.

Zhang Song wiped his face hard and waved to the most trusted guard on one side. The two of them went to the place where there was no one outside the door. Zhang Song said softly, "Chen Cheng, you go to Huiting City as soon as possible, find Shuxiangzhai, find the prince there, tell him what happened at home, and Come to the funeral!"


The guard turned around and was about to leave. Zhang Song stopped him again, pondered for a moment and said, "Also tell the young lady. As for whether the young lady can't come back, it's up to her to decide. You don't say anything more."


"Go ahead." Zhang loosened his hand into a fist. The master could not see clearly in the game, but he had already understood that the young lady could not speak in the same way. If the young lady was a man, she would be the most promising one in the Zhang family in the future. Even if she was a daughter, only the young lady could rely on at this time.

Qi Zhensheng, he will definitely take this opportunity to make a black hand! The prince is gone, everything in the Zhang family is his, and he is so cruel. RS