Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 161 Slaughter City

Because of Xia Wei's return, the next job is not so important.

On the contrary, Xia Wei cares very much.

The time in the Zhang family is not long, but after more than ten years as a city owner, she has learned a lot.

Although she has no experience in doing such a big event, as long as Ke's a little reminder, she will understand it. As for the taboo rules of the nobles, she knows better than Ke's. When dealing with it, she looks a little familiar with it.

Fu Yingying was so happy that she sat down beside Qiu and whispered to her.

"You didn't know anything about it before?"

Xia Hanqiu shook her head. She really didn't know anything before. Now when she turns around, I'm afraid your mother knows more than her.

As for the master... No matter what reason he hides until now, she thanks him.

Compared with him who went to save his mother, this concealment is nothing.

"It's a pleasure."

"Um." Xia Hanqiu nodded without hesitation. In the past few years, she regarded herself as a fatherless orphan, but now, the person who thought had passed away stood in front of her alive. Happiness was not enough to describe her current mood. She felt satisfied.

Those who have not lost will never know this feeling.

"I'm so happy for you."

Xia Hanqiu grabbed her hand tightly and felt the same hard holding back. Looking at Nian'er's little tail following her mother, Xia Hanqiu felt even happier.

Hearing that Yingying ordered someone to get the rouge gouache, Xia Hanqiu turned her head to look at her.

Fu Yingying explained, "I know you don't want to leave here now, but you have to make up your makeup. You can't be red in good days."

"In that case, there won't be any relatives coming over there. It's okay. It's okay if you don't get involved. No elders can point fingers at me in the future, and you don't have to worry about being disliked by others. It's good."

Fu Yingying hesitated for a moment and asked, "Isn't everyone in his family coming?" Do you know the reason?"

"He can make his own decisions, and others can't control him. His relatives are equal to whether they are or not. At the critical moment, it's more important than the enemy. It's good now." Thinking of Duan Jiaxia Hanqiu, I inevitably think of the war at the border, and I don't know what's going on now!

If you don't have that ability but want to get everything, no wonder you don't like his brother!

Just thinking about it, some pictures suddenly appeared in his mind, and negative emotions rushed over like a tsunami, making Xia Hanqiu almost close her breath.

Even if she was firm in her heart, she would also look pale. In just a few moments, cold sweat soaked her clothes.

"Autumn, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with you?" Fu Yingying was in a hurry. She opened her mouth and wanted to call for a doctor. A vague 'Don't say it' fell into her ear.

Fu Yingying has always trusted Xia Hanqiu very much. She endured when she heard the words. She also moved her sitting posture and covered Qiu with her own body to prevent her aunt from seeing her abnormality.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long. Xia Hanqiu slowed down and sat up straight with Yingying's strength. Her eyes signaled Yingying to wait for a moment, and closed her eyes to comb the information she had just obtained.

The State of Liang broke through the border defense of the State of Yan and captured a city. However, in order to prevent the people of the State of Yan from helping their own country, the State of Liang actually slaughtered the city, burning, killing and capturing like bandits and robbers, and had no mercy for women. What does the war between countries have to

Fu Yingying looked at her face more ugly, and her body trembled slightly. After all, she was still worried that she would have the upper hand. She whispered to the maid to find her husband.

After a while, Xia Hanqiu opened her eyes. At this time, she wanted to see him and asked him who was the leader of the Liang Kingdom. Obviously, he was still so young, but his heart was like a demon.

As soon as he stood up, his hand was held. Xia Hanqiu bowed his head and looked at Fu Yingying's worried eyes, "Qiu, where are you going?"

She wants to go home, yes, go home and see her.

However, even if you ask clearly from the other place, what can you do? Although she knew this, how could she change these? The border is thousands of miles away from here. It will take a few days to get there.

And, even if we get there, what can we do? Can she change the situation? Can the State of Liang be suspended? Can the strength of the State of Yan be greatly increased until the reinforcements arrive to save the people of a city?

I can't, she can't do anything.

There has never been a moment when she hates the identity of a prophet like this, so that she knows everything, but she can do nothing but to watch painfully and wait for everything to happen.

Instead, it's better not to know anything.

Xia Jing quickly came in, strode to Qiuer, and held her shaky body and asked his wife, "What happened?"

Fu Yingying shook her head, "Qiu doesn't say anything."

Xia Jing knew the identity of Qiu'er's prophet. Looking at Qiu'er's appearance, he couldn't help but associate with that layer of identity. While considering whether to take Qiu'er to find the master, he heard a rapid footsteps outside the door. In a few breath, the master appeared at the door.

Looking at the master's expression, Xia Jing knew that things were not good, and quickly signaled all the servants around him to leave.

At this time, Wuwei didn't care about anything else. He came over quickly and asked in a low voice, "Ha Qiu, what did you see?"

As if he had seen the backbone, Xia Hanqiu looked at the master, "You also saw it, didn't you?"

"My ability faded unexpectedly quickly, but I vaguely saw a few pictures, but I was shocked by the series of these pictures. Han Qiu, tell the master, what did you see?"

Master! Fu Yingying was shocked and quickly covered her mouth, as if she was afraid that the secret would be revealed from her mouth.

Qiu, how could Qiu be an apprentice of the Taoist priest? When did this happen?

At this time, no one paid attention to her surprise. Xia Hanqiu's body was shaking and her voice was trembling. "The State of Liang took the lead and seized the city of the State of Yan. They will... slaughter the city, master, they will slaughter the city, just like bandits and robbers. Women, children, old There is a way for me to lose this identity. I don't want to know this. If I know it, I can't do anything. I don't want this identity, don't know..."

Xia Hanqiu broke down and cried. Xia Wei, who was not far away, was so scared that she quickly trotted over and said, "What's wrong with this? What's wrong with Qiu Er? What's going on?"

Xia Jing winked at his wife. Although Fu Yingying was shocked by what she heard, her body was also shaking slightly, but she knew very well what she should do at this time.

Bypassing her husband and walking to her aunt's side, Fu Yingying used a strong force that was completely incompatible with her soft voice to hold people out of the house. "Uncle, there are some things that Qiu can't be said to outsiders. You can't help her here at this time. Let's With my husband and Taoist priest here, there will be nothing to do in autumn.

Xia Wei only said for a moment at the beginning. After listening to her sister-in-law's words, she thought that Qiu was a disciple of Wuwei Taoist priest. The Taoist priest just told her about this relationship. As for what Qiu and Taoist priest learned, the Taoist priest did not disclose any details. She did not ask much.

My sister-in-law is right. Not only can't help her here, but she will also distract Qiu. She should go, she should go.

Xia Wei was easy to send, but Guo Nian couldn't, but although his face was full of unconcealed worries, at this time, he just bit his lips tightly and didn't ask anything.

Xia Jing saw him like this, but he still didn't chase him away. In his opinion, it's good to let him know a little bit, but he has to let him know how difficult Qiu Er is.

Wuwei doesn't know how to comfort the little apprentice, and her question can't be answered, because no one has ever rejected this identity so much, and every prophet is also polished as hard as iron in one thing. In the end, it is difficult to wait for idle things.

But Hanqiu is a woman. The woman was born with a soft temperament, and it didn't take long to wake up as a prophet. Every time she predicted it was not a good thing. This time, it was even more frightened by the slaughter city. He could imagine how much impact Hanqiu, who was extremely clear and coherent in every prophecy, had just I can't sit still at the face.

After calming down, Wuwei ordered Chen to follow, "Go and invite the fourth prince."

"I've sent someone. It should be soon... He's coming."

With Chen Chen's words, several people looked at the door. Duan Ziyi appeared there almost in an instant. With a flower in front of him, he had already arrived in front of him and hugged Xia Hanqiu, who had almost fainted.

patted her back like appeasing a child, and her voice was extremely gentle, "Qiu'er, Qiu'er, I'm coming. Don't be afraid. There is always a solution to things in the world. Have you forgotten what I said to you? I will fight your responsibility with you. I will be with you for both good and bad. Don't take the so-called prophet too seriously. This is just an identity, an identity added to you, but you are just a person, not a god. As long as you try your best to do it, even if the ending is still irreversible, it's not your Stop crying, stop crying!"

Xia Hanqiu hugged him tightly, relaxed at ease, and let all his weight be handed over to the man. In exchange for a strong hug, she was at ease, but the powerlessness in her heart still tormented her.

Wuwei whispered Hanqiu's prophecy just now, and finally asked him, "Do you know who is the general led by the State of Liang this time?"

Duan Ziyi almost gritted his teeth and said the name, "It's Duan Baicheng, the eldest son of Liang Wang, who was appointed as a prince before the expedition."

A prince, or the future king of the State of Liang, actually did such a cruel thing as slaughtering the city. Did he want to arouse public anger and make the State of Liang the target of the public? At this moment, Duan Ziyi had to admit that it was completely reasonable for Liang to destroy the country.

Fortunately, the country was subjugated. If Liang had a tyrant like Duan Baicheng, it would be the great misfortune of the State of Liang. Even he could not live a stable life. His good nephew would never tolerate him. RS