Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 162 Undertake

Wuwei is also a little irritable.

He caught up with a good time, which coincided with the peace of the world. Although there was a prophecy, he did not encounter such a big thing as now. Hanqiu is really...

What should I do now? Prophecy is to let the prophet know everything in advance and give you the opportunity to change. Even if you can't completely change the ending, you can make the ending not as bleak as a prophecy.

This is the role of the prophet, otherwise how could there be such a leaking secret in the world?

This is also a bit of mercy of heaven to people, but how cruel it is to the prophet who is forced to know everything.

After a while, the crying gradually stopped, and occasionally there was a choking sound, which made the listener feel distressed.

Qiuer has experienced so much, and her nature has been extremely tough, but she has always been calm and indifferent. The first thing she thinks about is that the solution is that the person is now breaking down and crying. He can almost imagine how tragic the prophecy is. The more Duan Ziyi thinks about it, the more distressed he is.

After waiting for a while, Xia Hanqiu withdrew from Duan Ziyi's arms. Her face was slightly red. I don't know whether it was because she cried in other people's arms or purely because of crying.

Even if she blushed, she didn't want to let go of the hand.

At this time, she needed to draw strength from this powerful man to drive away the shadow of the violent scenes in her heart.

Wouwei sighed. He was really reluctant to use his righteousness to force the closed disciple who rarely showed weakness. "Let's put this aside in advance and do what should be done today first..."

"Probably not, even if I want to forget these things that only take care of myself, here," Xia Hanqiu pointed to his head and smiled bitterly. "It's like automatic playback. It's all those pictures. I can't suppress anything. I don't know if I can't let it go by myself, or there is a I don't care, master, the prophet is not a blessed person, but the most miserable person in the world. What is favored by heaven is all fooling people!"

As he spoke, Xia Hanqiu's eyes turned red again, and tears rolled in his eyes, and he was about to cry.

Wuwei turned his eyes away and didn't answer. He didn't know how to answer. As a teacher, he was so speechless for the first time.

Fortunately, Xia Hanqiu did not continue to talk about this topic, and asked Duan Ziyi, "How long will it take to go from the pavilion to the border quickly?"

"Seven days, this is the fastest speed."

Xia Hanqiu withdrew her hand and pinched her tiger's mouth hard to keep herself calm. But how can a woman as a woman fulfill the responsibility of the prophet?

There is a group of manpower in the hands, and there is a group of manpower in the Wuweiguan, but even if all of them are sent to the border, what role can it play? Moreover, if you go to the border, you can't join the State of Yan and the State of Liang as enemies. This is too difficult to exchange. She can't rely on the exchange to spoil her regardless of his feelings.

Besides, the incombted view, the incombted view never participates in any political affairs, which is a detached existence for all countries. If she intervenes rashly, not to mention that the master will be pulled down from the altar, then the power accumulated by the incombable view for decades will also be squandered by her

War is going to kill people, and no one has three heads and six arms. How can she carry those living lives?

The hand pinched on the tiger's mouth was taken away. Because of the force, the tiger's mouth lost its blood color when the hand was taken away. The moment it was released, it immediately turned red, which was more red than any other part of the hand.

Duan Ziyi rubbed her sadly and took the topic over in a firm tone. "It's easy to save with our strength. If we participate in the war, there must be ten people, and there will be no profit. It's too bad. If the two countries want to fight, let them go to war. We just need to think of a ."

Xia Hanqiu waited for him to continue to say. Duan Ziyi did not live up to her expectations and said his plan. "Then let the people of that city take the initiative to give up the city after the defeat of the State of Yan. How about they avoid the territory of Yan?"

Xia Hanqiu thought along with this thought, "If it can be so natural, how can we let them abandon their homes and leave?" If they had such an idea, they would not have known that the State of Yan was defeated and still guarded.

"It's really a coincidence. I have a native of Yan under me. Although he has been with me for a long time, it's about such a big deal. Presumably he is very willing to go this trip."

Xia Hanqiu wanted to say that if he was an ordinary person, even a person of Yan would not play a role, but on his mind, in exchange for a person, he would definitely not talk about it. He must be a little sure to say so, so he did not raise any doubts.

"Then don't do anything?"

"Since I dare to let him go, I won't let this matter fall. Don't worry, my identity as a prince is sometimes a little useful. A small game can make the other party believe it. Qiuer, don't worry about this matter in your heart, in case you can't sleep well at night. Why don't you start thinking

Xia Hanqiu was stunned and nodded invisibly. She would try her best not to let the exchange effort be in vain.

Duan Ziyi smiled at her warmly and turned to the others present, "I'm going to arrange it. Everything will go as usual. There must be someone around Qiuer during this period."

A few people have no objection. He doesn't need to say that in Qiuer's current state, they will never leave her alone.

Although the movement here was not small, Xia Jing reacted quickly, but it did not spread. The rest of the Xia family did not know it.

Only Xia Yusheng knew that the Taoist priest Wuwei came to talk with him.

Xia Hanqiu didn't want her grandfather to see her abnormality. She bowed her head and asked An to leave with Fu Yingying on the grounds that she wanted to make up. Xia Wei was worried about her daughter and followed her. Guo Nian'an also wanted to follow, but when she thought that she was no longer a child, she was afraid that she .

What happened today is enough for him to digest for a long time.

Fu Yingying personally twisted the veil and handed it to Xia Hanqiu, without mentioning the previous incident, let alone her identity. She complained softly as if she still knew nothing, "You shed more tears today than I have known you for a few years. If I had known you that you would keep crying today, I shouldn't have got up early to pick it up Now I have to do it again, and the clothes are also marked. Do you think it's a change?

Xia Wei was busy with the interface, "There are clothes. I have made several pieces, all of which are made of this kind of silk material."

Xia Hanqiu's mind just separated a little, "Did you do it?"

"Um, I knew you were going to get married, so I wanted to do something for you, but at that time, my health was not well, and I had more time to sleep in a day. I could only do something that didn't hurt my mind. At the beginning, my hands were unstable, and I couldn't even see the first thing I

Xia Hanqiu imagined her mother wearing a needle and thread, and her heart gradually warmed up. She touched her clothes and whispered, "Thank you, mother. I like it very much."

"Why do you need to thank me? Just be a good mother." Thinking of what Qiuer looked like just now, Xia Wei tried not to ask more questions, but she couldn't let go of her heart.

Suddenly, Xia Hanqiu felt that there was nothing to hide in front of the closest people, "Mother, Yingying, I am a prophet, the same identity as the Taoist priest."

Fu Yingying had been psychologically prepared for a long time, and she was not surprised. Instead, she asked about this identity, "Is Wuwei Taoist priest famous for divination? Why is it a prophet again?

"The master can divination, which was learned later, but the prophet is a natural talent."

"Are you the same as the Taoist priest?"

"It's the same, but it's different." Xia Hanqiu tried to find the right words to explain, "The master was born, and it was not right. It was in his mother's stomach. At that time, the master of the master was waiting for him to be born in his home, and I didn't wake up until recently. The prophet passed on from generation to generation. The master knew my existence for a long Because... that's what happened anyway."

Xia Wei didn't have much idea about the prophet. After listening to her daughter's explanation, she suddenly said, "No wonder the Taoist priest will go thousands of miles away to save me. It turns out that it's because of Qiu'er. In the final analysis, my mother still has your fault."

"I just hope I can give you more light to keep you worry-free for a lifetime and don't have to suffer so much."

"My mother is also very good now. Although this voice is a little unpleasant, I don't have to see outsiders. It's okay if it's unpleasant. If anyone in the family doesn't like it, I will talk less in the future. My mother has endured so much hardships. It doesn't make sense that I have to care

Fu Yingying pushed Xia Hanqiu to sit in front of the dresser, untied her hair and combed her. She smiled and said, "My aunt said this badly. Who is Qiu? There is no Taoist priest. Who is the Taoist priest? How many people have been offered on the altar? In the future, you will be like the Taoist priest Wuwei. You are Qiu's mother. Who dares to look down on you? To say something disrespectful, it's the Xia family, who dares? There were some things I couldn't understand before, but now I can fully figure it out.

From the position where Xia Wei sat, she could only see Fu Yingying's side face, but she still looked at it calmly. If she had seen her as her sister-in-law before, now, looking at her maintaining Qiu'er like this, she can't help but regard her as a younger generation and regard her as Qiu's best friend.

When she was looked at like this, Fu Yingying naturally felt it, but she didn't take it seriously. She didn't look down on this aunt, but she had a clear conscience, and her waist was naturally straight.

Pick up the hair, turn it to Xia Hanqiu, choose the right rouge gouache on the dressing table, and continue the previous topic, "I met Qiu first, and then married the Xia family. I'm willing, or even take the initiative to marry in. I can't look down on the Xia family, but everyone is like this. A person It is inevitable to be neglected, but if you not only have the power to protect yourself but also protect the family like Qiu, who can't hold it? You should take advantage of Qiu's light and live at home at ease. Let's see who dares to disrespect you. If there is such a person, you don't need to do anything, and you don't have to be angry. The Xia family has a lot of people who clean her up.

Xia Hanqiu's mouth is shallow. This is her friend. Even if her identity changes, she is still the one who takes the initiative to come to her and want to be friends with her.

Xia Wei was stunned and immediately laughed. Although the words were not very pleasant to say, it was reasonable. She had such a daughter, so no one could be despised. So what if she took advantage of her daughter's power? She is happy to enjoy her daughter. RS