Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 125 Provincial View

Chapter 125

Since the day of Song Nan's poisoning, many ears have been secretly waiting for the news of Song Nan's death. Song Nan came back to life. Some people were happy, while others gritted their teeth.

After winning the day, Luo Fang quickly reported the news to Fan Heng to know that Fan Heng was happy that Luo Fang had the ability. When he was about to hand over the appointment of 100 households to be sentenced to Luo Fang, Fan Heng knew what the poison Luo Fang used was, but it was not unique to poison, but after careful matching by a poison maker, this variety of poisons The mixed poison is almost insoluble. Although the attack is not domineering enough to kill immediately, it is deliberately done. The delayed attack is to give the poisoner a chance to escape.

Waiting and not waiting for the news of Song Nan's death, but waiting for the news of Song Nan's death, Fan Heng was furious; Luo Fang also felt obediently that she took the initiative to plead guilty before Fan Heng was summoned.

"Luo Fang, how did you make a guarantee to the governor on that day? I am very disappointed in you. Such a good opportunity actually poison him. What else do you have to say?

Luo Fang knelt in front of Fan Heng and sweated like rain and replied with fear: "I don't understand the reason. Is it the poison prepared by the pharmacist that has lost its effect? I heard that Song Nan rescued him the next afternoon. One day and one night, even a cow couldn't survive. I really couldn't figure it out.

"Poison fails? Fortunately, you came up with it. OK, you swallowed it in front of the governor. I don't think you will die.

Luo Fang's face is as pale as earth. How dare she answer? She can't help kowtowing.

Fan Heng said coldly, "If Song Nan doesn't die, what you promised will not be completed. Should you fulfill your promise?"

Luo Fang hurriedly said, "Lord, my subordinates are not afraid of death, nor unwilling to fulfill their promises, but my subordinates feel very unwilling. In addition, this action has not revealed any trace. Jinyiwei Yamen has not found that it was done by my East Factory, only headless flies bumped around. My subordinates believe that when the situation calms down a little, we can Look for an opportunity to kill Song Nan and ask the governor to give me another chance.

Fan Heng looked cold and said slowly, "No wonder that I didn't remind you. According to my experience, there is often only one opportunity, and if you miss it, you will miss it. However, the plan of your action this time is not bad, and there is no clue after winning it. I am willing to give you another chance. This time you have to do it well. Hold it. If you fail or miss it again, you don't have to come back to see me.

Fan Heng got up and left with Buddha's sleeve. Luo Fang was sweating all over. After a long time, he still lay on the ground and dared not move.


Song Nan's physical recovery, the first thing to do is to investigate the murderer. If someone wants to put himself to death, how can the nerves in Song Nan's brain be relaxed for a moment, but the investigation of the murderer must be carried out secretly. At this time, the person who attacks him will definitely not come out to ostentat.

Before investigating the murderer, Song Nan still had many people to thank him. They were all those who helped him during his poisoning. He was lucky to be able to pick up his life back. If it hadn't been for the help of the little princess and the prince, he would have been grounded long ago. It was because these two people didn't expect to help her that Song Nan felt lucky and re-examined the relationships around her.

Jiang Bin in Weizhou needless to say that many secrets between the two determine the iron alliance between the two. Fang Datong, who came to Beijing with him, has not had contact with each other for more than half a year. Although he shares secrets, I'm afraid Fang Datong has long been unwilling to communicate with him again, but since There are also unclean places on the buttocks. Although they will not become friends, they will never become sworn enemies, which can be ignored.

Then there is the network in the Jinyiwei. There is no connection between Mou Bin and himself. In his eyes, he is nothing more than a tool. If he hadn't been thoughtful and caused huge trouble, I'm afraid that Mou Bin would not be so polite to himself. Most importantly, he was in the emperor. After earning face in front of him, he had to promote himself to a thousand households.

Generally speaking, there is a relatively close relationship between Mou Bin and himself, but if you want Mou Bin to do something for himself, you'd better wash and sleep. Because of this, Song Nan did not report the matter of recognizing the back of the poisoned person to Mou Bin. Once it comes to a head-on confrontation with Dongchang, Mou Bin will obviously be extremely cautious. He not only wants to compete for short and long, but also suffers about gains and losses. Maybe he can take advantage of this.

Among the thousands of households in Zhengnanfang, no one can believe it except Zheng Da and Li Daniu Song Nan. The reason why Zheng Da was selected was that he helped him get out of trouble. In addition, he had a handle in his own hands, and this person's thoughts were exposed, not the kind of person who was scheme. He also promoted him to 100 households in 200 households, for Zheng Da , it is a great kindness. Judging from all kinds of performance, although this person is useless, he is definitely his loyal subordinate.

Another Baihu Hou Dabiao, Song Nan, listed him on the list to be observed. This man was rough-looking, but he was very independent. At the beginning, when the whole Zhengnanfang almost did not like Song Nan, this person treated him with courtesy. This was also the reason why Song Nan left him as the 100 households later, which was not only a reward. , pulling in again.

The little grandfather Zhang Lun is a friend. There are few children of a rich family, and he is also quite self-motivated. That's why Song Nan chose to make friends with him. Facts have proved that the strength spent on Zhang Lun is worth it. Zhang Lun has withstood the test at a critical time and won the trust of Song Nan. Although at present, it is impossible to have a deeper friendship between the two people with great disparities, Song Nan feels that Zhang Lun will be a great help for his future development.

The accident in interpersonal relationships belongs to the little princess and the prince. Needless to say, the little princess has a relationship with Zhang Lun, and the acquaintance and reconciliation between the little princess is inevitable, but it is unexpected by Song Nan to become a lifesaver; the little princess's temper is exactly Song Nan's least favorite, which can make fun of people. The little princess saved her life regardless of safety at the critical moment, which made Song Nan's heart mixed feelings. She thought that she had seen through the rebellious girl of such a rich family without responsibility and feelings, but unexpectedly, the reality gave her a big mouth and made her dizzy.

Is it true that the little princess is really affectionate with herself as Aunt Ye Fang made clear? This is unlikely and impractical. How could the princess of the Duke's Mansion get together with a low-level officer with a thin family? If this happens, I'm afraid Zhang Lun will be the first to stand up against it.

Another huge accident was Prince Zhu Houzhao, who inadvertently helped the prince. When he was poisoned, the prince also wanted to send a doctor to save himself, which made Song Nan look at Zhu Houzhao with new eyes. The cold history books and film and television are not credible, whether it is depiction. The ruthlessness or absurdity or smart and heroic image of the prince's grandson is not as true as dealing with them in person.

Later generations' comments on Zhu Houzhao, the future emperor, were overthrown by Song Nan. At this moment, the first impression of Song Nan was that the prince Zhu Houzhao was a sentimental person. His inadvertent help, and the favor left in Zhu Houzhao's heart prompted him to repay him.

There is no interest entanglement between the two, and the prince does not have to be a low-level officer to achieve a certain purpose. From this perspective, this kind of affection is more pure and precious.


It was sunny in the garden of the Duke's Mansion in winter. The little princess sat on the bench in a pink skirt and looked at the maidservant on the grass chasing each other, with a sense of happiness on her face.

"Girl, what are you thinking about?" Sister-in-law Liu didn't know when she came to her side and sat down and asked.

"I didn't think about it. I'm watching them play." The little princess laughed.

"Don't think about anything? I think I'm thinking about the Jinyi Guard officer surnamed Song, right? It's rare to see you stay at home so quietly these days. I thought you were sick, but looking at your face, you don't seem to be sick. Liu laughed.

The little princess thought about it and whispered a few words in Liu's ear. Liu was shocked and said, "Sister, how dare you do this? If your brother and old man know this, it will turn upside down.

The little princess smiled and said, "How could they know? Defenders, who dares to talk too much? The magic doctor won't talk too much, and the people present on that day won't talk too much unless your sister-in-law tells them.

Liu Shiyu said, "You girl, are you forcing your sister-in-law to lice with you?"

The little princess laughed and said, "Sister-in-law, you have been my accomplice for a long time. If you hadn't taught me in those days, how could I know how to do this?"

Liu Shi said with a straight face, "Don't talk nonsense. I didn't tell you to joke about your own life."

The little princess looked at the bustling crowd in the distance and said leisurely, "Sister, you forgot; that day, I said I liked Song Nan, but he had no intention on me. You taught me, 'Girl, it's actually very simple for men to like. Most men don't like domineering and cling women, so if you want to leave, you should always stay in his sight, but not Be too close to him; the most important thing is that when he is in danger, you should do anything to help him tide over the difficulties, but don't use it as a threat afterwards. He will look at you differently from now on; men are strong on appearance, but sometimes their hearts are more fragile than our women. Their weaknesses are well covered and caught Their weakness, this man is yours."

Liu Shi was stunned and said, "Did I say that?"

The little princess smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, you can't admit it. I'm afraid I'm so firmly tied by you."

Liu Shi said, "Don't talk nonsense. Don't spread our sisters' private words. If it hadn't been for seeing you and thinking about Song Nan, how could your sister-in-law have said these words to you? If your brother knew about it, she wouldn't have scolded me to death. You are also so bold. I didn't want you to risk poisoning to help him in times of crisis. The danger of death.

The little princess smiled and said, "What if you die of poisoning for him? I would like to."

Liu Shi sighed and said, "Nizi, you are possessed. What's wrong with this Song Nan? I really can't figure it out."