Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 136 Snowy Night

Chapter 36

The banquet broke up unhappily, and Song Nan didn't want to wait for a long time. She walked out of the Wanxiang Building with her two women. The night was dark and there was no moon. The cold night wind blew to her face with a trace of watery coldness. She reached out and took a look in front of her. It turned out to be a small snowflake, and it actually snowed.

The shopkeeper stood at the door and sent Song Nan out. Song Nan asked, "Where did a little girl downstairs just go?"

The shopkeeper hurriedly said, "The guys said they were going west, and I don't know exactly where they went."

Song Nan nodded silently and took Ye Fanggu, Lu Qingli and Li Daniu to her home. They walked near the courtyard that had just been rented in the capital. Song Nan stopped and said, "Fanggu, Qingli, the little princess didn't know where she was going. The shopkeeper said that she had gone west. That must not be the Duke's mansion. I want to find her, Wan If there is really a bad pool, I'm sorry for others.

Ye Fanggu nodded and said, "I'll go with you. The big cow brother protects Qingli and goes home first."

Song Nan thought for a moment and nodded. He knew that since she was poisoned, it was impossible for Ye Fanggu to let herself wander around the streets alone in the dark, and there was no one to secretly hit her own ideas.

Although Lu Qingli was reluctant, she did not dare to argue more when she saw that Song Nan was in a bad mood today. As Li Daniu went home, Song Nan and Ye Fanggu went to the courtyard of the old house.

Aunt Ye Fang asked, "Do you know where she has gone?"

Song Nan shook her head and said, "I don't know. Look everywhere."

Ye Fanggu said, "She should be unlikely to go to the old house. We have moved. It has already been empty, and it may have been rented to another family."

Song Nan said, "Go and have a look. I didn't go anywhere else."

Ye Fanggu sighed and followed silently. Song Nan's heart was shocked. She stood up and looked back at Ye Fanggu and said, "Do you believe me? I have never thought about how the little princess will be, and I have never thought of getting the help of the British mansion through the little princess. What the little princess said today makes me very uneasy. Do I give you this impression?

Ye Fanggu stretched out her hand and took Song Nan's hand and said, "Don't think about it. That's the little father-in-law's angry nonsense. Don't others know who you are yet? The British government is extremely noble. In their opinion, naturally everyone wants to be up to them, but I know you won't.

Song Nan reached out and put her arms around Ye Fanggu's shoulder, put on her big hood to cover more and more falling snowflakes, and smiled, "I'm relieved that you can think so. You must believe me about the little princess. I have no intention of her."

Ye Fanggu smiled gently and said, "In fact, the slave family saw that the little princess was extraordinary to you very early. Last time I mentioned this, you laughed at it. Now look, am I right?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "How do you know? It's really strange."

Aunt Ye Fang said, "It's not normal for a woman to abuse and beat a man. At the beginning, the little princess must not understand that she fell in love with you. There is no love without hatred. The more she hates you, the more you are because the more impressed you are in her heart. Maybe she herself is aware of this. If I don't love you very deeply, how can I be willing to risk my life to inject blood for you?

Song Nan nodded and said, "Maybe, but it's impossible."

Aunt Ye Fang said, "We won't stop you. It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. We are naturally happy if you care about our sisters, but you don't need to worry about it."

Song Nan sighed, "Don't you understand what the young master said? The princess of the Duke's government must marry a rich and noble family in the future. This is not only a political marriage, but also a bond of contact. All the rich families use this as a means to form alliances to consolidate their relationships with each other, which is an important means for these big families to flourish. And I, Song Nan, are just a small deputy thousand households, how can I have a chance to get involved? Besides, although I have no evil feelings for the little princess, I have no love. Do you think I will marry a woman casually?

Ye Fanggu smiled silently, and what about the little princess's prominent family? What about your own life? In Song Nan's heart, his weight is the heaviest, which is not even comparable to Qingli. Not to mention the little princess, the attraction of Song Nan is that he has an indomitable courage, but he adheres to some principles he knows himself. He always feels that he is too mature beyond his age, like a mystery, sucking It leads people to explore and understand him.

Song Nan turned around and wanted to move, but Ye Fanggu hooked Song Nan's neck and kissed Song Nan's lips, and then quickly let go, hiding in the darkness of the street corner.

Song Nan smiled and walked away. The two walked through several alleys without saying a word and came to the courtyard of the old house. They were silent. There was a big iron lock hanging on the door of the courtyard, and there was no sound or light inside.

"I'm afraid it's not here." Aunt Ye Fang said.

Song Nan didn't stop and said, "I didn't expect her to be here. I think she may be in one place."

Ye Fanggu said, "Where is it?"

Song Nan said, "Come with me."

The two walked west along the alley for another quarter of an hour. After passing the left south of the alley, Ye Fanggu suddenly remembered this place. This is a lotus pond. On that day, she and Song Nan hugged here and were bumped into by the little princess here. Because of the jade bracelet, there was a bloody incident. Is Song Does Nan think the little princess will remember this place?

The two walked a few steps south, and suddenly Song Nan sighed. Ye Fanggu also faintly saw a small dark shadow standing on the embankment of the lotus pond, next to it with the sound of a horse's nose. Suddenly, there was an inexplicable sour feeling in her heart. Although she didn't want anything to happen to the little princess, she seemed to have a heart with Song Nan and the little princess. It's normal, and it's always a little difficult.

"Go ahead, it's her." Ye Fanggu whispered.

Song Nan said, "Let's go there together."

"The slave family is waiting for you here. It's hard to say something when I go there. Go and comfort her and persuade her to go back to her house. I'm afraid the people in the Duke's mansion are crazy all over the world."

Song Nan pinched Aunt Ye Fang's hand to thank her for her generity and slowly walked along the path to the shore embankment. Although it was dark and snowing could not see her face clearly, Song Nan knew that it was the little princess who led the horse standing by the lotus pond, and there was a faint sound of sobs.

"Little princess, I'm Song Nan." Song Nan said in a low way.

The little princess turned around in a stunned way, her eyes shining in the shimmer, and whispered, "Song Nan, is it really you?"

Song Nan said, "It's me. I guess you will be here, and let me find it."

The little princess sniffed and suddenly jumped into Song Nan's arms and cried. Song Nan was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to comfort her, but she felt that the little princess's body was cold, and a pair of small hands wrapped around her neck were as cold as ice. At that moment, she quickly took off the thick cloak on her body and put it on the little princess and whispered, "Don't cry. Go home. Your brother must have been looking for you all over the world. If you don't go back to your house, I'm afraid it will be earth-shaking.

The little princess twisted her body and cried, "If I don't go back, my grandfather doesn't love me at all. What should I do when I go back?"

Song Nan said, "Stupid words, how can they not love you if they are your relatives, but... It's just that you are too wayward in this matter. Why do you want to say those words to annoy your brother?"

The little princess raised her face from Song Nan's arms and said, "What I said is true. Don't you believe it? I... I think about you day and night. I don't even want my life for you. You have to believe me."

Song Nan said with a wry smile, "Okay, I'll take you back."

The mainstream of Xiaojun burst into tears and said, "You don't believe me at all. You must think that I am unruly and unreasonable, and you must despise me in your heart. I can show you my heart. Look, I came here because I have been here since I stabbed you that day that I realized that I was actually jealous. You came here to look for me. Isn't it because you understand my mind?"

Song Nan reached out and touched the cold face of the little princess and wiped away her tears and said, "Don't say silly things. You and I are from two worlds. It's impossible to come together. Your good impression on me also stems from the friendship between me and your brother, because you don't have many young men. I'm afraid there is no one else but your brother, so You just became interested in me. In fact, this is your impulse. Go back to bed early, and you won't feel this way after a while.

The little princess pushed Song Nan away and said coldly, "You go, I don't have to worry about you."

Song Nan said, "How come? It's snowing. If you dress thinly, won't you freeze to death?"

The little princess stamped her feet and said, "What does freezing to death have to do with you?"

Song Nan said quietly, "You are my lifesaver. How can I allow you to suffer from the cold here? If you don't leave, I will be stronger."

The little princess turned his head and said, "Do you dare?"

Song Nan said, "Of course I dare. At worst, it's not the first time to stab you again."

Song Nan stepped forward and grabbed the little princess's arm and walked up the circuit. The little princess turned over a dagger on his wrist and appeared angrily, "I really want to do it."

Song Nan was unmoved and didn't even return her head. The little princess raised the dagger but couldn't stab it for a long time. Suddenly, she bit Song Nan's wrist. Song Nan let go in pain and staggered. She stepped on one side of the round stone under her feet and fell forward. The little princess was shocked and came to help her, but was knocked down by Song Nan.

The two rolled a few times along the slope of the pond. Fortunately, Song Nan's foot rested on a dead tree stump to stabilize her body, but it was less than half a foot away from the pond. If it hadn't been for several piles, both of them would have rolled into the cold pond.

Song Nan secretly shouted flukely and struggled to get up, but felt that her chest was soft, and the corners of her mouth were itchy by a fragrant heat. Only then did she find that the little princess was lying on her body and looking at her, and her mouth was only half an inch away.

"Little princess..." Song Nan whispered a few words and saw the little mouth close at hand coming up. When their lips were handing together, both of them shook, as if they had been electrocuted.

The little princess didn't know how to kiss at all. She pressed Song Nan's lips desperately, and a pair of teeth almost bit Song Nan's lips. Song Nan sighed secretly and her heart softened. She held the little princess's head with both hands to adjust her position to teach her how to be a man. The two gradually got along and kissed like glue. The little princess was a good student and learned it after a moment. He swallowed a small fragrant tongue in Song Nan's mouth.

After a long time, the little princess gasped and lay on Song Nan's chest. Song Nan put her arms around her body and gently stroked it, sighed, "You are playing with fire."

The little princess whispered, "I do, are you afraid?"

Song Nan laughed dumbly and said, "What am I afraid of?"

"Aren't you afraid that my brother and grandfather will trouble you?"

Song Nan said, "Of course I'm afraid, but what's the use of fear? Since you have confirmed me, how can I be so ruthless?"

The little princess smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. If anyone dares to touch you, I will fight with them."

Song Nan smiled bitterly and said to himself: You are too naive. Although Zhang Mao and Zhang Lun love you, how can they break the rules because of you regardless of the interests of the family? This matter is really a dilemma.

"I hope you don't like me because I saved your life. I know I used to be very bad, but from now on, I will change myself well."

Song Nan was told the central thing, and at the same time, she was moved by her infatuation. She was the most difficult to feel the beauty's kindness. Although it was clear that the little princess was not as easy to arrange as Ye Fanggu and Lu Qingli, and it was bound to cause trouble, in any case, the little princess was her savior and had a deep affection for herself. She had no How do you feel? Now you have to admit the cuteness of the little princess, so you must not fail to live up to the beauty.

The little princess first tasted love, snuggled up on Song Nan and refused to get up. She gathered her lips and kissed for a long time. Song Nan suddenly remembered that Ye Fanggu was still waiting for her under the embankment. She got up and pulled the little princess down to the alley.

The entrance of the alley has long been empty, and a line of vague footprints on Bo Xue went north. That was the direction of returning home. Aunt Ye Fang had already quietly left.