Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 137 Antiphagy

Chapter 37

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the trees and streets have been covered with a thick layer. The little princess got into Song Nan's hut and hugged Song Nan's waist tightly, and the two rode back to the British mansion together.

The horse's hoof stepped on the snow and made a creaking sound, which looked quiet and warm in the quiet night. The little princess closed her eyes and put her face on Song Nan's body in an extremely comfortable mood. As the horse slowly moved up and downs, she gently sang a small song:

Shun Maoer sprinkles Cuiluan's chicks,

Warm water storage of flounder,

The balcony road is busy.

Looking at the clouds and the evening rain, Chu Wu'e stole some time.

The drinker has not returned, and the song has stopped at the beginning of the month. How is it tonight?

Song Nan listened interestingly and smiled, "I didn't expect you to sing."

The little princess said shyly, "Grandpa likes to listen. I listened to him a lot when I was a child, so I could understand it naturally."

Song Nan stopped talking, and the little princess was suddenly silent. Because of the mention of Zhang Mao, she pulled the two back from the romance of the quiet night snow scene to reality. The reality is cruel. It is unknown what consequences this will cause.

After a few miles south, the houses in the market gradually sparse, and the road of the Duke's Mansion under the trees were in front. It was faintly visible that the lights were gathered and the voices were noisy. Song Nan knew that it must be the people in the Duke's Mansion who saw that the little princess had not returned to the house for a long time. This was to call people to look for it.

"Little princess, here, you can ride back. I shouldn't appear in front of your brother at this time."

The little princess nodded and whispered, "My name is peizine. You don't have to call the little princess."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Then how about I don't call you in the future?"

The little princess said, "Okay, I'll come to you tomorrow."

Song Nanxin said: You may not be able to go out tomorrow. But he couldn't bear to hit her mood and nodded and said, "Good student to explain to your grandfather and brother, even if it's perfunctory, don't play with children's temper. They are your closest relatives in this world. I'll go."

After saying that, he turned over and got off the horse and handed the reins to the little princess. The little princess shouted, "Song Lang!"

Song Nan turned around and said, "What?"

The little princess leaned down from the horse and kissed him with Song Nan's head in her arms. The two kissed endlessly and heard the sound of dogs barking and horses getting closer before they separated. The little princess stood up and closed her hot cheeks to urge the horses to gallop forward. Song Nan had been standing in the snow and watching the little princess converge into the surprise crowd of the Duke of the country. Then he turned his head and left.


Under the huge candle, the British prince Zhang Mao sat in the study of the other courtyard with a gloomy face. Zhang Lun stood aside with his hands down respectfully and looked at Zhang Mao's gloomy face and dared not come out.

"You mean that you fell in love with Song Nan? Do you still inject blood to cure this Song Nan?" There was a faint anger in Zhang Mao's words.

"Grandpa, don't be angry. I will deal with this matter. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. The girl is too wayward and too simple. This Song Nan's schemely seduced me must have been fooled by him."

"Shut up. When you say these words now, don't think that I don't know what you have done. You are very close to this Song Nan. In the last reply, you tried to stand up for him and offend the East Factory, and what else did you do? Your sister was deceived without anyone, and you are not much better. The admiral of the martial arts camp, the marquis of the Duke of the country, and a gangster with a brocade guard. It's not shameful to call you brother!" Zhang Mao scolded angrily.

Zhang Lun's face turned white and said awkwardly, "Grandpa's lesson is that I was also confused by this man. At the beginning, he helped me solve the matter of the five city soldiers and Ma Si. Sun'er was grateful for a moment and thought he was good, so he approached him, but he didn't expect that he had a lot of opportunity. Shen, it turned out to be my sister's idea.

Zhang Mao stretched out his hand on the table angrily and said, "This matter must not continue. Xu Guangzuo, Duke Rongxi, has already told me about the marriage. Originally, I saw that the child was still young, so I didn't agree, but now it seems that I have to be prepared.

Zhang Lun was stunned and said, "Are you going to marry your sister to Xu Yande? He is a bad guy. He doesn't do business all day long. He was fooled by the Tarts during the leadership of Xuanfu. The emperor almost punished him, and he is nearly 20 years older than his sister. Do you really want to marry him?

Zhang Mao's white beard blew and shouted, "What do you know? Although Yande is a little old, the main room has always been vacant. More importantly, Yande is the eldest son of the Duke of Dingguo. In the future, the position of Dingguo will be hereditary to him. He is not surprised by those things in Xuanfu, and the emperor is also angry. In the emperor's mind, he is still extremely relieved of Lao Xunqi. Now Xu Guangzuo is in charge of the central army governor's mansion. , except for the direct guard of the regimental camp, the Jingjiwei is under its control. If the emperor is really angry, how can he let Xu Guangzuo hold such an important position?

Zhang Lun squeaked his lips and said, "However, this is too wronged."

Zhang Mao said, "What's wrong with you? Are you still wronged for your wife in the future? Is it more wronged than being a Jinyiwei Qianhu wife with Song Nan? What a short sight! You don't seem to have grown at all over the years! What's more, why don't you think that after the marriage of my Zhang Xu families, who can move us in the inner and outer courts in the future?

Zhang Lun thought for a moment and said, "Grandpa's lesson is."

Zhang Mao sighed and said, "I know that it will be difficult for me, but as a woman, there is no reason for me to make my own decisions. The marriage we arranged for her is also a doorkeeper, and it is good for herself and my British government. Which woman in my British government is not married to a rich family? I love her the most. Can't the beloved granddaughter marry a thousand households of Jinyiwei? What a joke!"

Zhang Lun said, "Grandpa, don't worry, I will persuade the girl and teach her to change her mind."

Zhang Mao said, "How are you feeling now?"

Zhang Lun sighed and said, "Sitting in the room crying. When I came back, I ignored me and wore a man's cloak. I suspect that she just met Song Nan."

Zhang Mao said angrily, "It's up to her. From today on, she will not be allowed to step out of the house. In addition, Song Nan will also be punished and teach him what heaven and earth is. He thinks that he can succeed if he plays tricks. He can find a way to drive him out of the capital and where he comes from."

Zhang Lun nodded and said, "Yes, Sun'er will do it."

Zhang Mao waved his hand, and Zhang Lun retreated lightly. The snowflakes danced in the patio and fell on his face. Zhang Lun sighed secretly and said to himself: Song Nan, don't blame me. It's just that you shouldn't be wrong and delusional. Sister, don't blame your brother, just blame you for not being born in the Duke's family.


It snowed all night. Early in the morning, Song Nan was awakened by the laughter in the yard. After getting up and washing clothes, she stepped out to the yard, but saw Lu Qingli and Li Xiaomei Xiaopinger holding thick snow and making snowmen. The three girls' playful faces were red and carefree.

Ye Fanggu stood on the edge of a blooming plum branch and watched the three girls playing, with a smile on her face. Seeing Song Nan come out, she hurriedly greeted her and said, "Did I wake you wake you up?"

Song Nan stretched out and said, "No, it's very comfortable to sleep."

Ye Fanggu glanced at Song Nan and whispered, "Your lips are broken..."

Song Nan reached out and touched her lips, and there was a small scar on her lower lip, which was the evidence left by the little princess's clumsy first kiss last night. She couldn't help blushing and said, "I..."

Ye Fanggu smiled and said, "No need to explain. You'd better think about how to deal with the aftermath. What should you do with your troubles? We can't help."

Song Nan laughed and said, "What else can soldiers do if they come to block the water and cover the earth? Is it possible to pull a rope and hang it? Let's make a snowman first. Qingli and the others are so ugly.

Ye Fanggu shook her hand and said, "No, I'm too old, and I'm still making trouble with you."

Song Nan took Ye Fang's hand and said, "Oh, are you an old woman? Come on, enjoying life is the most important thing.

Ye Fanggu wanted to shake her hand and break away, but she was dragged by Song Nan's little hand and dragged her to join it. Five people took me and made a big snowman with snow blocks. Lu Qingli found a red cloth wrapped around the snowman's head and said, "It's like a bride."

Xiaopinger joked, "You are in a hurry to be a bride. Make a snowman and say it's like a bride."

Qingli blushed and looked at Song Nan and chased Xiao Pinger with her hands. The two stabbed in the snow and sprinkled a coquettish smile and scolding. Song Nan looked at them with a smile and had a lot of thoughts in her heart.

Although I am under heavy pressure and my heart is full of blocks, I must not give up fighting for the peaceful and happy scene in front of me. No matter how difficult it is, in this era, striving is the only way out.

(If there is something to do tomorrow, it may be a day off. It depends on the situation. If you come back, it will be updated.)

(Thanks to Lingnan Yizhimei brothers for their monthly tickets and brothers 66226633 for their rewards.)