Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 145 Lair

Chapter 145

There is a market town called Xishanyi in 25 outside Fuchengmen, Ximen, the capital. As the name implies, it was originally a post station for messengers and civil servants to and from the capital to exchange horses or rest and bathe when entering and leaving the capital. Over time, people gathered, inns and shops gathered, and people from four miles and eight townships also spontaneously formed a small market here. The place adjacent to the official road gradually became quite popular.

Because it is very close to the capital, but the land of the house is not a little cheaper than the capital, so some people gradually open a manor here as a separate courtyard. It is not only convenient to the capital, but also avoid the densely populated city of Beijing. The land is expensive, and the houses are even more beautiful and livable.

There is a village in the north of Xishanyi, called Hujia Village. The people in the village are engaged in farming and are very poor. When the post station is prosperous, in addition to the poor people of the old and young families, the people with a little brains choose to move to live in the market town, do business, or serve large households. The mountain village is also lonely, empty and dilapidated.

But there is a green brick courtyard between this large amount of thatched earthen houses, which is the manor of Hu Hai outside Beijing.

It is actually not accurate to say that the manor is. Hu Dahai is originally from this Hu's village. This should be called his hometown. Hu Dahai was a bad farm when he was young. He did not want to follow his father and brother at home facing the loess and turned his back to the sky. After being beaten and scolded by his father, he went to Beijing to be a gangster. After doing a lot of murder and arson, the gangsters in those years also came into a humane. Relying on the pits and abduction in Fucaifang, they accumulated a lot of unrighteous wealth.

This man is quite good at win-warming people's hearts. There are more than 20 loyal gangsters under him. Last year, Lao Liu, a ruffian in Xianyifang adjacent to Fucaifang, saw that he was small and wanted to invade the land. He was encouraged by Hu Dahai's brothers to fight with more than 20 people to fight on more than 70 people. This deadly method makes his face old. Liuhui retreated, but made Hu Dahai famous in the battle and became famous among the people in the capital.

As the old saying goes, rich and noble do not return to their hometown at night. Hu Haimingled famously and naturally wants to go back to show off. Instead, he wants his father and brother to live a good life, but to let his father and brother who scolded him for nothing to see if he was useless, so he did not hesitate to spend more than 100 taels of money to build a big house in his hometown. He set up more than a dozen banquets to invite the villagers to come to eat and drink, but he did not invite his father and brother. What he wanted was their effect.

Of course, Hu Dahai's house naturally has other uses. Years of hard work experience told him that cunning rabbits need to have three caves, especially those who rely on extraordinary means to live in Beijing. If they commit crimes, there must always be a place to avoid the limelight. With Hu Dahai's experience, as long as they are not caught on the spot, they will hide three or five big cases. Yue, the small case will be quiet after hiding for ten or 20 days, and the government office will do things with a gust of wind. After that, even if you bump into it head-on, you will turn a blind eye.

A few months ago, when the soldiers and horses of the five cities carried out a big clean-up of the idle ruffians in the neighborhood, he escaped the net of the soldiers and horses of the five cities in this way. Few people know his origin, so others know little about this place of hiding. Only three people have known this nest so far. One is One is a dog-headed master with a lot of ghost ideas, and the other is a good woman named Lanxiang in Beijing. The rest of his brothers don't know anything about it.

Now the mountain village is dilapided, but it is what Hu Dahai wants to see. This village is his secret nest.


Song Nan galloped on the official road, and the Xishanyi in front of him was far away. Ye Fanggu around him was still dressed in men's clothes and followed him closely. Li Daniu and Meng Xiaosi each rode a horse behind him. The four of them were all dressed as ordinary merchants in order not to scare the snakes.

The official Tao of 25 miles is not close. He rode for nearly an hour to arrive in the eastern suburbs of Xishanyi. Song Nan stopped and asked Meng Xiaosi, who had arrived, "How far is the village?"

Meng Xiao's four faces were like earthy, and the immediate bumps made his chest hurt faintly when he was kicked yesterday, but he didn't dare to say a word. He took a few breaths and said, "When I returned to Song Qianhu, the villain didn't know how far it was. Last night, I was drunk and asked Master Qian for a long time before I knew that there was a village called Hujiazhuang near the left of Xishanyi. I really don't know where the location is.

Song Nan sighed and said, "Look, you can't stand it anymore. Well, you stay in the town in front of you and stay on the roadside and stare at it in case you miss that man. Let's inquire about it. Don't run around or run around. If you reveal your whereabouts, you only ask."

Meng Xiaosi quickly thanked him and said, "This has saved the life of the villain. Thank you for your care of Song Qianhu. The villain's chest is blue and bruised, and it immediately bumps all the way to kill me. You three go to inquire, and I will stare with wide eyes."

Song Nan nodded and agreed. As he was about to rush to the market town, Meng Xiaosi suddenly shouted, "Song Qianhu."

Song Nan said, "What's the matter?"

Meng Xiaosi said, "No...what, the villain... The villain wants to remind Song Qianhu that Hu Dahai is very tough. This guy will definitely arrest and resist. He still has a bird on hand. That thing is not a joke. When he hits his body, he will open his skin and flesh. According to the villain's meaning, he still found out where to bring more places. People are good at him."

Song Nan was stunned and said, "Bird? Isn't this a firearm only in the army? There is no such thing among the people.

Meng Xiaosi said, "Song Qianhu, the money in this world can make ghosts grind. As long as you have money, what can't you get? The soldiers in the Beijing camp are desperate to gamble money and drink. Many people have stolen the blades and arms to exchange money. We street gangsters all know why you still pretend to be confused.

Song Nan nodded and said, "I thought it was enough to get someone back, but now it seems quite dangerous."

Meng Xiaosi hesitated and said, "Why don't we take a long-term plan?"

Song Nan asked Ye Fanggu around her, "What do you say? Why don't we bring more people later? It's not easy to mess with. In case this guy goes crazy and hurts any of the three of us, I will regret it.

Ye Fanggu said disapprovledly, "I'm not afraid. It's not that I haven't seen a bird. Look at the speed of his iron sand or my sword. That thing can only be shot at a time. After it is released, it needs to be loaded with medicine to be compacted. It's not a big deal at all, and there is no accurate head 30 steps away. What's there to be afraid of?"

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "It's better not to take this risk. I've seen it. I used it when I fought against the Tatans in Weizhou. It's not as useless as you said."

Ye Fanggu said, "I'm so timid that I want to go back and see me take that man back alone."

Seeing her stubbornness, how could she let her take risks alone? So she said, "In this case, everything is at my command. If you don't listen to me, I won't allow you to take risks."

Ye Fanggu smiled and said, "Yes, look at you so scared that you are not afraid of the big cow."

Song Nan said, "I'm not timid. The fire broke out without a trace, but it's different from the fight between the knife and the gun. If you get a shot, although you won't die, it's not a joke if you are covered with iron sand embedded in the meat. It's okay for me and Da Niu to be shot. If you are shot in the face, you will become a marijuana from then on. Face, is that going to kill you?"

Aunt Ye Fang was stunned and felt a little guilty. If she was shot into marijuana skin, she might as well die.

Meng Xiaosi interrupted and said, "Yes, Hu Dahai likes to hit people in the face with birds. Once there was a street fire. I saw someone being beaten to bloom. Although he did not die, he was not a ghost after being treated. Who will be scared to death with him at night? If this face is as handsome as Ye Sanjiao, this face is ruined. That's not worth it."

Ye Fanggu said angrily, "Shut your mouth. What are you doing? If you talk more, I will kick you more.

Meng Xiaosi was so scared that he quickly closed his mouth and shrank aside without saying anything, with a slight look of regret on his face.

Song Nan looked at it and smiled and said, "Well, just in case, let's secretly find a good place to act according to the opportunity. If we really can't, we can go back and ask a few rough-skinned soldiers to do things, and we can also bring a few rattan shields, so we won't be afraid."

Ye Fanggu nodded and said, "Listen to you."

Song Nan and the three went to the town to ask for directions separately. Meng Xiaosi quickly left and got off their horses in front of the first pub in the east of the town. They were extremely sharp and could not see the pain in their chests at all. Song Nan and the others inquired for a while and met in the middle of the town. They got exactly the same news. Hu Jiazhuang was in the north of the town. Six miles, it's just a strange path, and the horses can't ride.

Song Nan did not plan to ride a horse, which was too noticeable. The three of them deposited the horses in an inn and walked north along the path out of the town. These days, the wind and sun were gentle, and most of the snow on the field melted, and only a shallow layer of snow could be seen in the shade.

The path is also muddy due to the melting of snow. People who are tossed in the deep ditch on the two-foot-wide dirt road are naturally exhausted. Naturally, they cannot ride horses on such a road, but there are traces of rugs on the road. Song Nan knows that it is a kind of one-wheeled flat car commonly used by the people.

After a few miles, I saw the bare tips of the two hills in the distance. Near noon, there were still a few wis of cooking smoke rising on the bushes, presumably coming to the village.

The three did not dare to enter the village and looked along the village from afar. The village was dilapidated, there were not many houses, and many people could not be seen. The three quietly approached the south of the village and saw a ragged old man walking around the village with a dung basket on his back. The old man quietly approached. The old man heard the movement and looked up at the three people with stunned. The corners of the eyes are full of filth.

"My father-in-law, is this Hujiazhuang?" Song Nan arched his hand and asked.

The old man raised his eyebrows and asked loudly, "What? The back of the ear, I can't hear it.

Song Nan was shocked and wanted to ask the way quietly, but he didn't expect the old man to be so loud. He hurried to check left and right. He saw several heads of villagers dressed in several adobe houses not far away and looked at this side curiously. Some dogs also barked wildly when they saw strangers.

Song Nan was anxious and asked loudly in the old man's ear, "Do you dare to ask if this is Hujiazhuang?"

The old man shouted, "The land is barren? Yes, there is a flood in summer and a drought in autumn. Can it not be desolate?

Li Daniel was anxious and shouted, "Is there anyone named Hu Hai in your village?"

Song Nan exclaimed that it was terrible and hurriedly stopped it, but it was too late. As soon as he said this sentence, he heard the door of several nearby families clattering. A figure flashed past the backyard of the nearest family and hurried to the village.

Song Nan gritted her teeth and waved her hand and said, "Keep up."

The three quickly followed. The man looked back and ran wildly. When he came to an open space, the man suddenly shouted, "It's coming, it's coming!"

(I'm sorry for asking for a day off tomorrow.)