Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 146 Trick

Chapter 46

As soon as the three were stunned, they saw the broken alleys and haystling trees. They learned that more than 20 guys with blades were drilled out in an instant. They were well-trained to surround the three people and surrounded them. Song Nan was relieved to see that the swords and blades in those people's hands were all regular standard weapons in the Ming Army.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Song Nan shouted.

Everyone did not answer, and only used the blade to force the three people to form a circle. Only a burst of laughter was heard from the front house. The dilapidated firewood door was kicked away, and five or six people in strong clothes slowly walked out. The leader was short, and the two hanging eyes on a horse's face were muttering. It was not Luo Fang.

Song Nan's face changed color, and Luo Fang laughed. Shi Shiran came to the front and smiled, "Song Qianhu, Luo Fang is polite."

Song Nan frowned and said, "Mr. Luo, why are you here? What do these people do to themselves with blades? Who are they?

Luo Fang laughed and said, "Do you still need to ask? Naturally, the brothers of my East Factory, Song Qianhu, have met in the mountains and rivers. I didn't expect to see you in this remote countryside. You are really busy.

Song Nan said with a serious look, "I came here because I found the murderer's arachta of the intention to poison myself in the four seas restaurant, so I came to bring him to justice. Since these people are your people, why are they pointing them at me with a blade?"

Luo Fang smiled and said, "Zong Qianhu, I know you are full of questions. I'll answer them for you. Aren't you here to find Hu Dahai? *, come out and take a picture. At least Song Qianhu came all the way to see you. You always have to give us Song Qianhu face.

Someone behind the crowd laughed loudly and said, "Brother Luo, brother is not a bride who passed through the door with a red head. What are you looking at?"

The fans dodged a way, and saw the sloppy old man with a dung basket at the entrance of the village just now, laughing and approached, and then pulled his dirty beard and scolded, "Daes, you got such a dirty beard from there. Is the stinky old man disgusting. Did it dig it out of the pile of dead?"

Luo Fang smiled and said, "That's not true. For the truth, it was cut off under the cheek of an old man. Blame this old man for not washing his beard."

Song Nan saw that the rickety old man turned into a black fat man with straight chests and folded his belly, and said in surprise, "Are you... Hu Dahai?"

Hu Dahai smiled and said, "It's you, Master Hu, and I. Didn't you come to arrest me? I have been to you, but you don't know me."

Song Nan turned to Luo Fang and said, "Luo Fang, this person was in danger of poisoning himself under the Sihai Restaurant. Take him down quickly. This case can be solved."

Luo Fang smiled and said, "Are you stupid? Can't you see it in this situation? You are in big trouble today.

Song Nan said angrily, "Luo Fang, is it possible that you collude with the thief to deal with my Jinyiwei? Are you confused?"

Luo Fang sneered and said, "It's you who are confused. Haven't you been secretly investigating who is going to poison you? Today, I will tell you that it was your Master Luo who poisoned that day. I didn't expect your life to be really hard. The secret poison didn't kill you, but today you can't escape.

Song Nan was stunned and said, "Are you the murderer who poisoned me? Why?"

Luo Fang gritted her teeth and said, "Anyone who opposes my East Factory will die. You know what you have done. Aren't you very arrogant in your store that day? Kneel down and kowtow to me, give me a good time, and I'll leave you a whole body.

Song Nan scolded, "Dog, it turned out to be you. You have eaten the leopard. How dare you openly intercept thousands of households in Jinyiwei in broad daylight? Can you escape if you kill me?"

Luo Fang laughed and said strangely, "That's why I brought you to this barren mountains. Everyone in this village is dead, and there is no witness. Who knows I killed you? Moreover, you should have died. You don't know how to be a boy who wants to make a name in the capital. This is the end of you to offend my Dongchang.

Hu Dahai shouted, "Lord Luo, what are you talking about with him? Let's cut it to death.

Luo Fang smiled and said, "*Ah, you are impatient. How can you not play after scratching mice?"

Song Nan scolded repeatedly and shouted loudly, "Luo Fang, let me ask you if this matter has been approved by Governor Fan?"

Luo Fang smiled and said, "Guess." Suddenly, his face changed and he shouted, "Do it, cut it into eight pieces and feed the dog."

The fans shouted in unison and raised their blades to rush forward. Song Nan shouted loudly, "Slow down."

Luo Fang smiled and said, "Is it a moment? So what if you get dark? In this lonely place, is it possible for you to run to the sky?

Song Nan said angrily, "Since I must die, I just want to hear from you again. Are you poisoning me in the four-sea wine building?"

Luo Fang said, "Doesn't your ears work well? Well, I'll tell you again, so that you won't close your eyes. It's Mr. Luo ordered Boss Hu to take people to hurt the staff of Sihai Restaurant. The next day, my brother and I recommended ourselves to sneak into the Sihai Restaurant when the shopkeeper Xu was blind. When you went to eat fish, I sprinkled poison on your dishes, but unfortunately I didn't kill you to death.

Song Nan said, "Okay, good, how do you want to get out of me today?"

Luo Fang said, "No one knows that I killed you. The two families in this village are dead. They were all killed by you. You also died in the fight. As for why you came here to kill people, maybe it's for money or maybe it's for the fugitives. In short, I don't need me to bother these things. In order to cover up Naturally, Gai will find a way, and you can go at ease.

Luo Fang waved her hand, and the fans raised their knives and rushed up. Song Nan suddenly laughed and shouted, "Can you hear me clearly? Remember to go back in your mind to bear witness. Hou Dabiao and Zheng Da still don't show up!"

Luo Fang was stunned and suddenly heard the bamboo whistle shrill and harsh. He shouted loudly around. In the mixed footsteps, the mouth of the village was mixed. In an instant, hundreds of red armored flag schools gushed out, and two angry shouts came from the east and west: "Zhengnanfang Jinyi Wei Ti rode here on business. Everyone squatted down and hugged their heads, and the unauthorized person will be killed without mercy!"

Hundreds of brocade guard flag school surrounded Luo Fang's more than 20 people. Hou Dabiao and Zheng Da held an embroidered spring knife and scolded repeatedly. Luo Fang was stunned and at a loss for a moment.

"Lord Luo, be all right." Song Nan joked, "We meet again."

"Soong Nan, you son of a bitch, it turns out that you are overshadowing me." Luo Fang cracked and cursed.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Remot down, Luo Yu, will I not allow me to take care of you? Put down your weapons and don't kill your innocent brother.

Luo Fang gritted his teeth and shouted, "Let's die together and kill him."

Fanzi's men looked at each other, but the blade in his hand could not be handed out. Luo Fang shouted, "What are you still doing? Do you think he will forgive us? Kill him on the back."

When the fans heard the words, they rushed up and raised their knives to cut randomly. Ye Fanggu waved her sword to block it, and kicked out two fans with her feet. Song Nan raised the knife to block the two steel knives cut off her head and shouted, "What are you still doing? Don't you wait until I die?"

Hou Dabiao and Zheng Da hurriedly waved their hands to call the Jinyi Weiqi School to rush into the entrance. More than 100 people dealt with more than 20 people and controlled the situation in the blink of an eye. When they were cut down randomly, Li Daniu was stabbed on the shoulder to protect Song Nan. Although it was not fatal, it was also bloody.

Song Nan stamped her feet and scolded, and ordered people to quickly put on the medicine and bandage. Fortunately, the three of them were armored inside their clothes. This knife only entered half of the flesh, and the thick blood on the medicine quickly stopped.

Song Nan was relieved and ordered people to tie up more than 20 Fanzi and Luo Fang, Hu Hai and others together. Luo Fang's teeth were beaten out of blood, and she sneered and said, "Do you dare to touch me a hair? I'm from the East Factory. If you want to move me, I'll take the initiative. You're not qualified yet.

Song Nan shook her head and sighed, "You are so stupid. Do you think you can still live? Will Fan Heng cover up for you? Not only you, but more than 20 of you will all die.

Luo Fang's heart was gloomy and knew that what Song Nan said was true. She boasted Haikou in front of Fan Heng and made an oath to kill Song Nan. Now it is made by Song Nan, and Fan Heng will never forgive himself. However, Luo Fang still holds a glimmer of hope that it is better to fall into Fan Heng's hands than to be tortured in Song Nan's hands. Maybe a miracle will occur. It is also unknown.

"Tell me, how did you see through my plan?" Luo Fangdao.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Then I have to ask Meng Xiaosi. This boy almost lied to me. Where's Meng Xiaosi? Bring him here."

Zheng Da strode behind the haystole, reached out and tied Meng Xiaosi with straw stuffed in his mouth and threw it on the ground, and pulled the messy grass in his mouth.

Meng Xiaosi vomited, spit out the grass stems in his mouth, and cried, "Mr. Hu, Boss Hu, I didn't expect this to be like this. I did it according to your instructions, and there was no deviation at all."

Hu Dahai was tied to the ground, but his feet could move. He raised his feet and kicked Meng Xiaosi's head a few times and scolded angrily, "Waste, die with me."

Luo Fang was stunned and said, "I chose the person. Tell me how you recognized it."

Song Nan looked at the sky and smiled, "It's still early. Let's go on the road first and explain it to you slowly."

(I stepped on the green in the spring rain, making my whole body dirty, but I'm in a good mood. Don't stay at home and go out for a walk in the spring.)