Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 149 Compromise

Chapter 49

The lobby of Fusi Yamen in Beizhen suddenly calmed down. Mou Bin's eyes glanced at Luo Fang and other criminals in the hall. His face was either cloudy or sunny, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Sun Xuan said, "Your Excellency, take a step to talk."

Mou Bin nodded and walked to the back hall. He suddenly stopped and turned around and waved to Song Nan, "Soong Nan, you come too."

Song Nan walked into the back hall with no expression on his face, stood down for the first time, and heard Sun Xuan say, "Your Excellency, this matter is tricky."

Mou Bin looked at Song Nan and said, "Song Deputy Qianhu, you are not very smart about this matter today. It's a good thing to catch the poisoned people, but they are all from the East Factory. They should be sent to the Zhenfu office in a low-key manner. If you are so noisy, the capital is shaken, and the world knows that the emperor will be furious when he knows about this matter. You think What's the consequence?"

Sun Xuan also frowned and said, "Yes, Song Vice Qianhu, there is a secret struggle between my Jinyiwei Yamen and Dongchang Yamen, but both sides are secretly competing. There is an unwritten agreement that they will never put these things on the stage to speak; now that you do this is equivalent to publicizing the contradictions between the two sides, and all people have no faces. Glory, hey, it's really a lack of consideration.

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Your Excellency, I don't hide my humble position. This move does mean intentional, but this time it's not my fault. Dongchang Fanzi bullied people too much. It's okay for us to secretly fight and make trouble. They actually poisoned me with despicable means. Now that I have lost my life, why should I be polite to them? I didn't kill them on the spot, so I already considered the identity of our brocade guard, otherwise I'm afraid there are more than 20 bodies in the hall at this moment. "

Mou Bin shouted, "Stupid words, how can people kill directly? Isn't that death without evidence? As soon as the person died, Fan Heng had no scruples, and then he had no scruples. Fortunately, you had a heart and left their lives back. Generally speaking, the situation makes sense to me.

Sun Xuan said, "The subordinate requested that the prisoner be interrogated immediately, obtain a confession, and take the initiative. The emperor must know about this matter. The murder of the East Factory is the first, and the emperor's command also has something to say. However, if you tear your face like this, you may be in trouble later."

Mou Bin nodded and said, "Yes, you immediately go to arraign Luo Fang and others and take a confession. Fan Heng must have known about this matter. Soon he will come to inquire and get the confession in front of him, and I will deal with him again."

Sun Xuan took the order and left. Song Nan turned around and walked out, but Mou Bin said, "Hist, I have something to say to you."

Song Nanjing said quietly: "I respectfully listen to Mou's command and admonition."

Mou Bin sighed with his hand and said, "You are complaining that I am timid and cautious. You think I'm afraid of Fan Heng and dare not be tough on Fan Heng with this matter, right?"

Song Nan said, "I don't think so."

Mou Bin waved his hand and said, "Don't deny it. I understand the resentment in your heart. If it were me, I would have been almost killed and feel unbearable. If you can't help killing Luo Fang and other personalities, it shows that you have taken care of the overall situation, which is quite praised by this command."

Song Nan said, "I don't want to, but I think it's more beneficial to kill them than not killing them."

Mou Bin said: "Of course, there is no room for man to maneuver as soon as he kills, but at this moment he has flexibility to advance and retreat; you must think that you can make a difference to Fan Heng with this matter. To be honest, I don't think about it? Fan Heng, an old dog, was arrogant and domineering. He rode on the head of my brocade guard and peed. If he could live on him, it would be a very happy thing. But unfortunately, this matter is not enough.

Song Nan said indifferently, "I understand that the humble position is acting with great fanfare. I also wanted the whole court to know the secret business of Dongchang. Even if it can't shake Fan Heng's status, a lax evaluation by the imperial government and the impression of a Dongchang's nonsense must be deeply rooted in people's hearts."

Mou Bin shook his head and said, "You are still too naive. Who doesn't know what the East Factory has done? The emperor knows it in his heart, but the emperor just doesn't say anything; just like our brocade guard government, isn't it the same reputation in the eyes of others? If you say something that shouldn't be said, the emperor doesn't say anything, just needs my Jinyiwei Yamen and Dongchang to shock people's hearts. How can you understand the mystery of it?

Song Nan said, "But this matter is not an ordinary act. The Fanzi of Dongchang attacked thousands of households, just like the emperor's left arm cut his right arm with a knife. How would the emperor sit back and indulge?"

Mou Bin said, "This is what I'm worried about, and it's also the reason why I just scolded you. It's not beneficial to anyone. If the emperor doesn't go up and down, there will definitely be 20 major boards. Look, Fan Heng and I will be trained with dog blood. If you keep a low profile, but on the contrary, I can negotiate with Fan Heng in private, Fan Heng will inevitably give in, which is more advantageous.

Song Nanxin said, "You think it's beautiful. What's good for me if you want to be private with Fan Heng? I'm just afraid that you will be selfish with him, so it's known to everyone. If things are not made public, Fan Heng's revenge on me will be endless. Once it is made public, Fan Heng will restrain him. Even if he wants to be unfavorable to me, he can only act with a camera.

"What Commander Mou said is that the humble position is not well thought about, but the humble position feels that we are reasonable about this matter, and the emperor will not be dissatisfied with Lord Mou. On the contrary, Fan Heng wants to find a way to pick himself up. Although I suspect that this matter is his secret instructions, Luo Fang will never admit this matter."

Mu Bin said, "Of course he won't admit it. Doesn't his whole family want to die? The Dongchang was killed because he said something he shouldn't have said. Besides, what's the reason why Fan Heng told him to poison you? As a governor, how can he be entangled with you, a small thousand households? I have figured out that where the emperor will be tomorrow, Fan Heng and I will make big things smaller and never involve anything else. The matter between Luo Fang and you can only be based on personal resentment. You have to keep the same caliber with me and don't say anything else.

Song Nan sighed silently.

Mou Bin comforted: "I know you are dissatisfied, but you can only do this. It's not good for anyone to make a big deal. There is no doubt that Luo Fang and related people will be severely punished and can also explain to you. If Fan Heng dares to cover up, I will not allow it. At that time, I will definitely support you. Your behavior is not wrong. On the contrary, this matter is more powerful for me. After this incident, I may get rid of the oppression of Dongchang. In order to praise you, I plan to promote you to thousands of households in Zhengnanfang; this is not a deal, but a reward for you.

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "It's good to obey your humble position."

Mou Bin smiled and patted Song Nan on the shoulder and said, "Song Nan, this commander has great expectations for you. Compared with other people in Weizhong, you are excellent in ability and act vigorously. You are quite like my youth. Over time, your future is unlimited. But I also have to advise you that I have suffered a lot of setbacks when I was young, but I don't know how to be mutable. I hope you don't follow my old path, avoid the twists and go straight. The day of the clouds is in front of you. It's an unprecedented speed to think that you are among thousands of households before you are weak.

Song Nan said, "It's not Lord Mou's help, otherwise there will be no humble position today."

Mou Bin waved his hand and said, "Don't be polite. This is all earned by your own ability. Remember my words and don't talk nonsense. You go back to the government first. I'll deal with the rest. If necessary, I will order someone to call you over."

Song Nan retreated and galloped back from the town's government, which was quite proud. Song Nan had long expected Mou Bin's displeasure. After the big trouble, the family was ugly. Of course, the emperor would play 20 boards each for Dongchang and Jinyiwei. In order to avoid such a result, Mou Bin and Fan Heng would accumulate between the two government departments. The matter caused by the long-standing contradiction boils down to the personal feud between Song Nan and Luo Fang, so that the big thing became smaller.

In order to appease himself, Mou Bin will also demand that Fan Heng severely punish Luo Fang and other servants, and also give comforting rewards. There are only a few days when he became a deputy. Peng Wanli will definitely be transferred to an idle position somewhere, and he is the head of the veritable Zhengnanfang Jinyiwei Yamen.

As for the fight with the East Factory in the future, there is no need to think about this problem. After several frictions with the East Factory, if there are still eyeless battles in Song Nan's jurisdiction, Song Nan will not hesitate to flatten it; Zhengnanfang is his own couch, and next to the couch will not allow others to sleep soundly.


The progress of the matter was rapid. Fan Heng, who got the news, rushed to the Jinyiwei government, and Mou Bin also waited for a long time. The two reached a consensus without much communication.

Although the two dogs bit each other, they had no choice but to wag their tails and fight when they met their masters. Before the emperor called them into the palace, they were stronger. They went to the palace overnight to plead, and attributed Luo Fang's poisoning of Song Nan to Luo Fang and Song Nan's private grievances in Zhengnan Square.

Of course, Hongzhi understood that this was an excuse, but this explanation was more or less explained in front of the ministers. The two children were ignorant, and the fight between adults was a family resentment. At least the relationship between adults was still harmonious. As the fault of the matter, the fate of Luo Fang and Yi Gan Fanzi was self-evident. After leaving the palace, Mou Bin also simply handed over a man and others to Fan Heng.

That night, Luo Fang committed suicide in fear of guilt. When the news came out, people with a little wisdom understood that Luo Fang had been silenced.