Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 150 Wine Gallbladder

Chapter 150

Fan Heng was on fire, but he had to order his men to restrain himself a little, especially in the Zhengnanfang area. Song Nan was a stone of a pit. He was tough and his ability. Luo Fang, such a delicate person, fell into his trap and made himself disgraced.

However, he can't do anything against him in a short period of time, because the emperor has clearly told the two secret agent leaders that if there is another scandal, he will no longer listen to their explanation. The implication is to pursue the leadership responsibility of the two; for Fan Heng and Mou Bin, they can only put down the superficial struggle first, take a step back, and make an appointment for the time being. Bundle up your men.

In fact, the balance between the two government houses has been quietly reversed. If the last time Song Nan's blatant beating of Fanzi has little impact, the impact of this incident can be regarded as a sensation in the capital. Rumors on the street that Fanzi of Dongchang was escorted through the city by Jinyiwei Banner is well known to everyone. The rumored Dong The saying that the factory was superior to the Jinyiwei was self-defeated, and he did not see how Fan Heng was after the event, which only shows that Fan Heng was not as powerful as others who chose to swallow his anger.

Cabinet scholars, officials from various ministries, and Jingzhong Xunqi covered their mouths and talked about this matter in private. Of course, they have no preference. It doesn't matter who the dog bites. They are happy to read jokes on the sidelines. However, it is inevitable that a name has been quietly known to them, which is the Jinyiwei Office of Zhengnanfang. Song Nan.

This strange name was mentioned in the streets and alleys, and gradually became familiar in the hearts of officials. Some people gossiped and heard Song Nan's information. When they learned that Song Nan was the 100-family of the great victory in Weizhou, and now he was the waiter in the Prince's East Palace, many people's eyes fell to the ground. What was this guy like? What about the people?

In the face of the curious eyes of many people, Song Nan chose to smile and silence. She neither denied that it was because of personal feud with Luo Fang nor admitted it. Only in silence can she make a fortune.

Song Nan can also obviously feel the improvement of her prestige in the flag school. Zhongjinyiwei used to see himself as contemptuous, and then he was a little surprised later. Later, he was close because of his bold and kind relationship. Now there is a trace of alienation in this intimacy, which is not a betrayal, but a kind of worship alienation; everyone Knowing that this Song Qianhu's ability and courage exceeded their expectations, and the person who dared to challenge Dongchang Fanzi head-on, there was only Song Nan in the heart of the old man of Jinyiwei in the past ten years. When he saw the Fanzi of Dongchang walking around him on the street, the satisfaction in the hearts of Jinyiwei's flag schools was infinite. They knew that This is all thanks to Song Nan.

On December 9 of Hongzhi's 17th year, Mou Bin fulfilled his promise and promoted Song Nan to the position of thousands of households in Jinyiwei, Zhengnanfang. Peng Wanli, the original Qianhu, was transferred to the position of chief of Fusi Zhao prison in Beizhen. In fact, he became the deputy prison director of Fusi Zhao prison in Beizhen. He rose and surrendered secretly, but for Peng Wanli It's a good position. With his ability, I'm afraid it's best for him to see the prisoner's idle job.

Compared with Peng Wanli's gloomy departure, Song Nan's inauguration seemed extremely lively. * Within a few hours, officials inside the Jinyiwei government office gathered in Zhengnanfang. Some people took the opportunity to meet Song Nan and saw Song Nan, who was bold and untempered. For a while, the government office was bustling. It's like a vegetable market.

Song Nan was busy taking care of the crowd and secretly paying attention to the figure of Mou Bin Xiao Lang and Fu Sun Xuan in Fusi Town, Beizhen, but these people have not arrived; Song Nan estimated that they would not come, because his promotion will inevitably remind people of the struggle with Dongchang. Several giants of the Jinyiwei government had to consider the feelings of others, which is also one of the reasons why he was promoted more than ten days after the incident. Obviously, Mou Bin wanted to dilute the connection between the two things.

Before the person arrived, the gift arrived. Xiao Lang's personal guard sent three gift boxes, each with 100 taels of silver. The personal guard made it clear that the commander was busy with official business, so he specially entrusted Xiao Zhenfu Sun Zhenfu to congratulate Song Qianhu on his promotion, but he could not come.

Song Nan smiled and rewarded his guard, and asked him to bring a message to Xiao Zhenfu to express his gratitude. There were many guests. Song Nan held a big banquet in the spring breeze restaurant outside Zhengyang Gate. Dozens of tables on the three floors upstairs and downstairs opened a flowing banquet. This feast did not stop until the afternoon. Everyone left drunk. Song Nan was also full of wine and staggered with Hou Dabiao Zheng Da and others. When they went out crookedly, the horse couldn't climb up, and the group could only walk back to the government.

On the top of the street, the horses' hoofs in front of him were obtained, and several horses galloped, and the people avoided them one after another. Song Nan and others were dizzy and unable to avoid them. The horse galloped and saw that they were about to hit several people, which shocked the people around them with exclaim, but the horse knight was superb in riding skills. As soon as he pulled the rein, the horse, the people stood up and stopped there alive.

Zheng Da said angrily, "Who is so rampaging? Do you want to kill someone?"

Several knights arched their hands and said, "Do you dare to ask which one is Song Qianhu?"

Song Nan fixed his mind and said, "Who are you?"

The knight jumped off the horse and bowed his hand and said, "Are you Song Qianhu?"

Song Nan said, "That's right."

The knight took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Song Nan and said, "At the request of my master, Song Qianhu, please go to a gathering."

Hou Damiao asked, "Who is your master?"

Before the knight answered, Song Nan had opened the letter and browsed it, waved his hand and said, "I know, wait Baihu, Zheng Baihu, take the brothers back to the government. Don't come out after drinking wine. I'll come as soon as I go."

Li Daniel quickly came up and said, "Brother, do you want me to go back and call Miss Ye?"

Song Nan said, "No, I'll deal with this matter by myself, and it's not a dangerous thing."

After saying that, he took the horse, staggered up the horse and said to the knights, "Please lead the way."

Several knights turned the horse's head and rushed south with a whip. Song Nan urged the horse to follow. As soon as the cold wind blew, his mind gradually woke up. Looking back on the content of the letter, he couldn't help thinking secretly: "Why did the British suddenly want to see himself? In the past ten days, he has not had anything to do with the little princess, and I guessed that he knew that it was unlikely to be with him under the persuasion of others. In addition, he had nothing to do with the British government. Zhang Lun asked to disband the urban management team and no longer occupy shares in Yipin Duck. Do, under such circumstances, what does the British public see itself?

Thinking all the way, I didn't realize that the horses had set foot on the wide boulevard road leading to the British mansion. It was the first time that Song Nan officially walked on this road. The tall gatehouse and the red outer wall in the distance were the separate courtyard of the British mansion in Zhengnanfang, or the new mansion. The guard walking in front of the door was tall. The stone steps and the squatting stone lions give people a sense of calmness.

I didn't enter the house and felt majestic.

In front of the Guogongfu, several knights got off the horse, and Song Nan also turned down. The leading knight said, "Song Qianhu, the humble position is Wang Cheng, the guardian of the Guogongfu. Please invite Song Qianhu."

Song Nan straightened her clothes and made a gesture of invitation. Wang Cheng strode up the steps. Song Nan followed behind and felt that the guards standing at the doors on both sides were staring at him like electricity. When he was about to step into the entrance, a guard suddenly stretched out his arms and crossed in front of Song Nan and said, "Wait."

Song Nan said, "What's the matter?"

"Remov your blade." The guard frowned and smelled the wine on Song Nan, with disdain in his eyes.

Song Nan looked at Wang Cheng, who stopped and waited in front of him, and said with a smile, "You don't have to do this. My brocade guard has always been inseparable."

The guard said, "When you enter our government, you need to release the blade of the army. This is the rule of our government."

Song Nan was stunned and said, "I'm a thousand households in Jinyiwei, Zhengnanfang, and I'm not a evil person. Your grandfather invited me to meet, and it's not me who tried to break in."

"No matter who you are, you need to solve the blade when you enter the house." The guard said impatiently.

It's okay if Song Nan wanted to untie the blade, but the guard's attitude made him feel very uncomfortable, so he smiled and said, "What if I can't obey?"

The guard said, "Then forcibly release it."

Song Nan sneered and said, "I have come to beg to see your father-in-law. In this case, forgive me for being rude. General Wang, I'm going to say goodbye."

After saying that, he turned around and walked down the stairs. Wang Cheng shouted, "What do you think this is? Come and leave if you want? Take him down."

Seven or eight guards rushed down the steps, and surrounded Song Nan with swords everywhere. Song Nan sneered and said, "What is it that I asked me to come here as the Duke of the country? It turned out that I went to this banquet of Hongmen. The Duke's Mansion is such a big style, not to mention that I am a thousand households of brocade guards in Zhengnanfang. Even if it is my identity as a prince's servant, it is not what you want to take. I took it."

Wang Cheng smiled and said, "In the eyes of the guards of my royal palace, there is no official title. There are only two kinds of people in the world, one is someone who can take, and the other is someone who can't take it for the time being. Don't mention any official position to me. I ignore this at all."

Song Nan's wine and laughed and said, "What a big tone. In my eyes, there are only two kinds of people in the world. One is the person I am willing to give in to him, and the other is that I would rather splash five steps than fulfill his wishes. Unfortunately, you are the second kind. Come on, say less and do more. See you. Zhenzhang, if you think there are few people, go to your house and call more people.

Song Nanlang pulled out the embroidered spring knife and lay it across his chest. Under the sunlight, there was a brilliant flash on the embroidered spring knife, which was eye-catching.