Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 156 Stir

Chapter 56

Zhu Houzhao also didn't believe that Song Nan could do anything, but after venting, he talked about it and adding delicious moisture. He felt much better and had a smile on his face. The eighth duck meat wrapped his stomach and was about to make some duck rack soup to have fun. The little eunuch's sharp voice came from outside: "Bachelor Yang came to lecture!"

Zhu Houzhao swomp and quickly got up and said in a hurry, "It's amazing. Clean up for me and teach him to say another word when he sees it; Xiao Jinzi, change clothes for me."

Song Nan looked at Zhu Houzhao's two greasy hands and looked a little funny. It was not like a teacher's gentleman coming, as if the devil had entered the village.

Liu Jin, Zhang Yong and others hurried forward to clean up and took their clothes to change clothes for Zhu Houzhao. Song Nan said, "Your Highness, let's go after eating. Why are you panicking?"

Zhu Houzhao was stunned and said, "Yang Tinghe is here."

Song Nan said indifferently, "If you come, you will come. Why don't you let people eat? Just ask him to go to the studio and wait. You are the prince, and he is just a minister.

Zhu Houzhao was stunned for a long time and suddenly straightened his chest and said, "Yes, I'm the prince. He is a minister. Why are you so flustered?"

Liu Jin and others looked nervous and said to them: Song Nan, Song Nan, you don't know how to know Yang Tinghe's rules? You said it was easy. After that, Yang Ting and added obstacles to the prince, and I was unlucky.

At this time, a simple male voice came from outside the door, indifferently and majestic: "Has the prince gone to the lecture hall?"

A little eunuch replied, "His Royal Highness said, ask Bachelor Yang to wait in the lecture hall. Your Highness will come later."

The voice was slightly dissatisfied and said, "It's been two quarters. Why didn't His Royal Highness wait in the lecture hall early?"

The little eunuch said, "Bachelor Yang, Your Highness is eating."

"Eat? What kind of meal did you use earlier?

"This... Song Shidu brought fresh roast duck in outside the palace, and the prince tasted it while it was hot."

The man hummed and stopped talking, and then the curtain was lifted, and the light in front of the door dimmed. One person stepped in. The little eunuch couldn't stop it, and Yang Tinhe had already come in.

Zhu Houzhao looked at Yang Tinghe, who rushed in with his mouth full of oily soup, and there were still unchewed duck meat buns in his mouth, and his expression was dull; Liu Jin, Zhang Yong and other eunuchs were also silent and said to himself: It's over, Bachelor Yang is going to train people again.

Song Nan turned his head and saw that Yang Tinghe was handsome, handsome, square hat, long shirt, black beard and beautiful beard. He looked very comfortable. At the age of 40, there was no anger on his face, but there was a faint momentum all over his body, and his eyes were like torches, looking at the people in the room.

As soon as this man entered the room, even Zhu Houzhao had no momentum. The atmosphere of the whole room was suppressed, but it was also a little evil. Song Nan attributed it to the word temperament, and Yang Tinghe had a temperament that was not angry and majestic.

"Your Highness, Minister Yang Tinghe came to give a lecture." Yang Ting and Shi Lidao.

"Ah... Yang... Bachelor Yang, please sit down and pour tea..." Zhu Houzhao was like a child who had done something wrong and was found by his father, and his words became stammer, jumping out in two words.

"No." Yang Tinhe glanced at Song Nan, who was wiping his hands, and said lightly, "Your Highness, didn't you use breakfast?"

Zhu Houzhao said hurriedly, "I used it."

Yang Tinhe frowned and said, "I had breakfast, and lunch time has not arrived. Why do you eat these things here?"

Zhu Zhaohou opened his mouth and looked at Song Nan, but he was speechless.

"Sometimes in four seasons, three meals are moderate, and there are rules for what to do. As a prince, how can you eat freely and do whatever you want? Saint Cloud:......”

"Bachelor Yang." Song Nan interrupted his son Shiyun and saluted with a greasy hand.

Yang Tinghe frowned at Song Nan and said, "Who are you?"

Song Nan said, "When the prince is studying Song Nan, Prince Yang naturally doesn't know me. I haven't come to the palace to serve the prince for more than ten days."

Yang Tinghe raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you Song Nan?"

Song Nan said, "Do you know me?"

Yang Tinhe shook his head slowly and said, "I don't know, but I've heard that Song Shidu and Song Nan, who is rumored outside, are the same person who is quarreling with Dongchang?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's just the bottom, but it's not that I have a lot of trouble with Dongchang, it's just business."

Yang Tingyu said lightly, "I'm not interested in how Song Shidu is outside the palace, but in the East Palace, as a waiter, you should urge the prince to go to school. Have you done it?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's a little dereliction of duty, but I'm working hard."

Yang Tin and pointed to the mess on the table and said, "Is that so hard work? Did you bring this food into the palace?

Song Nan said, "Yes, what's wrong? His Royal Highness wanted to try a kind of duck, so I brought two of them in to eat for His Highness. Isn't it right?

Yang Tinghe said angrily, "It's not too early or too late. His Royal Highness has had breakfast, and the lunch has not arrived yet. This is the time to go to school. Is this what you should do?"

Song Nan said, "Is there any fuss about this? It's just something to eat."

Seeing Song Nan's indifferent attitude, Yang Tinghe gathered angrily on his face and shouted, "There are rules and restrictions on everything. Those who are monarchs need to be self-righteous and punctual. Is this kind of indulgent desire caused by the crown prince? Instead of persuading, you promote dissity. What's the reason?

Song Nan said, "Bachelor Yang, I know that you are about to say what the saint Yun Shengxian said to scold me. Yes, the saint said that he wanted three meals, but the saint also said that he knew the etiquette, and he knew shame after eating fruit. Before going to school, in order to let His Royal Highness better learn the principles of governing the world, Shouldn't His Royal Highness be fed and warm to study at ease?"

Yang Tinghe was stunned and pointed to Song Nan and said, "You... you are unreasonable."

Song Nan said, "Don't you believe it? If you don't believe it, you go and tell the truth to the hungry beggars on the street. They are designated to roll your eyes at you. I did this so that the prince can study hard. My mother said that you can study hard and make progress every day. Although my mother is not a sage, I think it makes sense. She is dizzy with hunger and trembling with cold. Who is in the mood to study?

Yang Tinhe's face was red, and his heart was furious. He took a long breath to stabilize his position and secretly told himself not to lose his temper. In the face of Song Nan's unreasonable words, he was speechless for a moment. He stared at his eyes for a long time and forced out a sentence and said, "Your Highness, time is like gold. I went to the lecture hall to wait for a cup of tea. To do the theory of academicism.

Yang Tinghe brushed his sleeves and left. Everyone in the study looked at me and looked at you. For a long time, Song Nan wiped the oil stains on his hands and said, "Eunuch Liu, hurry up and change your clothes for His Royal Highness. I'm afraid that Bachelor Yang will go to complain about the prince Kuang Kuang."

Liu Jin and others reflected and quickly changed their clothes for Zhu Houzhao. Zhu Houzhao smiled like a flower on his face. Looking at Yang Ting and the hoarseness, they were speechless. They were extremely comfortable. They dressed in clothes and hats like a gyro that were turned around by Liu Jin and Zhang Yong and others. While clapped Song Nan and praised them with thumbs, "Song Nan, you can be relieved. Speaking of the saint Did you really say these words?"

Song Nan laughed and said, "The saint has said too much. Why don't you eat, drink and sleep? In addition to the great principle of governing the world, saints also have to eat and drink.

Zhu Houzhao nodded and said, "Yes, can't we eat the fireworks of the world?"

The two laughed at each other, and Song Nan laughed and felt sad in his heart. This was just the beginning. When he arrived at the lecture hall, he didn't know how Yang Tinghe would deal with himself and the prince. Naturally, those who competed with him in ancient literature were willing to bow down. After that, he would have to mess with him and attack his shortcomings with his own strengths, but he could not be without a way. Li, it's time to test yourself.

Everyone hurriedly cleaned up and rushed to the lecture hall in the west of the back hall. On the porch, they had heard the sound of sounding. Zhu Houshao's face changed greatly and accelerated his pace and trotted. Song Nan followed him and said, "Slow down, why are you in such a hurry?"

Zhu Houzhao kept saying, "You don't know that it's almost time for Bachelor Yang to knock on the inkstone. If I don't sit down after 30 times, he will punish me for being late, recite, copy books, and practice calligraphy. In short, as soon as the inkstone rings, I will sit down quickly."

Song Nan rolled his eyes. Yang Tinghe was too awesome to treat a prince as a primary school student. This kind of strict teacher is also difficult to find. He especially teaches the future emperor of the prince. If he dares to do so, he must be a slanderer. No wonder the emperor will send him to teach the prince.

The last sound of pressing the inkstone, Zhu Houzhao finally got his buttocks on the futon. Song Nan stood in the back, but when he saw Yang Ting and his majestic look, sitting behind the desk, the thick ancient books on the case made people afraid.

When Yang Tinghe saw the prince sit down, he snorted, "He was flustered, his appearance was not neat, and his behavior was lost. What a style did he become?"

Song Nanxin said: Just open your mouth and teach. This is too cruel.

(The third update is to thank the monthly ticket of the Mei brothers in Lingnan.)