Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 157 Teacher

Chapter 57

Zhu Houzhao did not dare to answer and opened the book silently. Yang Tinghe took a look at Song Nan and said, "Today, I was going to learn a new article, but according to the rules, what I had learned before should be digested. Can the article, reason, poetry and calligraphy be completed?"

Zhu Houzhao was speechless and could see that it must be a mass of paste in his heart.

Yang Tinhe's face sank and said, "I'll randomly check a recitation to listen to it. Well... just recite the first article of University."

Zhu Houzhao got up helplessly, blushed and stammered, "The way of college is to be virtuous... close to the people, and stop at... the best. Know the stop... know the stop... and then... have a fixed, set and then... set and then..."

Yang Ting and his eyebrows twisted into a pimple and sighed, "Your Highness is not attentive to learning. In a university, folk children can also recite like running water. Why are you so stammering?"

Zhu Houzhao blushed and said, "Isn't it a historical record that you learned the day before yesterday? Why do you have to recite college today?"

Yang Tin-he said, "Haven't you ever studied "University"?"

Zhu Houzhao said, "I have learned it, but it has been a long time."

"I can't remember what I've learned. What's the use of learning? The left ear goes in and the right ear goes out. What's the use of learning today and losing tomorrow?

Zhu Houzhao was extremely embarrassed to be ridiculed. Song Nan knew that Yang Tinghe was taking revenge just now. Today, he must recite the article he learned the day before, but he had to pick up a random recitation he had learned before. Zhu Houzhao was perfunctory. How can he recite it?

"The way of university is to be virtuous, to be close to the people, and to stop at the best. After knowing it, it can be fixed, after it can be quiet, quiet and then it can be calm, and then it can be worried, and then it can be worried and then it can be obtained. Everything has its end and its end. If you know the sequence, you will be close to the road.

"In ancient times, those who want to be virtuous in the world should first govern their country; those who want to govern their country should first align their families; those who want to align their families should first cultivate their bodies; those who want to cultivate their bodies should first correct their hearts; those who want to correct their hearts should first be sincere; those who want to be sincere should first know. Zhizhi is in the object. The quality is known, and then the intention is sincere, the heart is upright, the heart is upright and the body is cultivated, the body is cultivated and the family is united, the family is united and the country is ruled, and the country is ruled and the world is peaceful.

"From the emperor to the common people, they are all based on self-cultivation. The original chaos and the end of the treatment, no. What is thick is thin, and what is thin is thick. This is called knowledge, and this is the knowledge.

Yang Tinghe recited it with his hands, recited the feature film word for word, and turned his head and said, "Your Highness, this university minister has been familiar since he entered the school at the age of eight. Now 40 years have passed, it is still engraved in his heart. This is the reason for studying hard. Your Highness, it is better not to read it."

Zhu Houzhao whispered, "I know."

Yang Tingyu said again, "Then what do you mean by self-cultivation? What is the knowledge of things?"

Zhu Houzhao shook his head blankly and said, "I can't tell."

Yang Tinhe said again, "Then why do you talk about the reason for the country to flatten the world?"

Zhu Houzhao shook his head again and said, "I can't tell."

Yang Tinghe sighed, "I am good at being diligent and playing, and my career is ruined by thinking. I heard that His Royal Highness is very smart to ride a horse and shoot arrows and play with birds. Why are you not good at playing with fun?"

Zhu Houshao's face turned red, his hands clenched, and his body trembled. He was about to explode stimulated by Yang Tinghe's words.

Seeing this, Song Nan hurriedly said, "Your Highness, if you are wrong, why should you be aggressive? Don't you know that the string is tight and easy to break? Relaxation is the way of learning."

Yang Tinghe said coldly, "Is there a degree of relaxation? How to have a degree of relaxation?"

Song Nan said, "I think scholars should first be interested. The cramming professor can't wait to pour all the knowledge into the prince's stomach. How can they digest and master it? The prince is not ignorant of the truth of better governing the world for learning. According to the following, the prince is afraid and tired of this greedy teaching method; the prince is still young, and it is a lifelong thing to learn to cultivate himself. Why not do it slowly and accumulate more?

Yang Tinghe said, "It seems that Song Shidu is not like a martial artist. He is quite insightful about the way of learning. I would like to hear what you have; tell me how can I be interested? Reason is reason, learning is knowledge, how can it be half fancy?

Song Nan said, "You don't have to laugh at me. Naturally, I'm a martial artist. I haven't read the book well, and I can't get it, but it doesn't mean that I don't have any ideas. If Bachelor Yang can learn it day by day, interspersed with facts from past and today, I believe that His Royal Highness will learn more interestingly, remember more clearly and understand."

Yang Tinghe sneered, "Joke, you came to teach me how to be a teacher. What qualifications do you have?"

Song Nan said, "Of course, I'm not qualified. I'm just a suggestion. There is a saying that teaches according to one's aptitude. Some people certainly don't forget it. Some people really need to follow the good guidance and blindly follow the script. How much do you say and how much can others understand and accept it? But being a teacher and being a good teacher are two different things.

Yang Ting trembled angrily and said angrily, "You mean I'm not good at being a teacher?"

Song Nan said, "I didn't say you, Bachelor Yang, just an example."

Yang Tinhe slowly stepped down from the stage, stared at Song Nan and asked, "If you say so, do teachers still need to accommodate scholars?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Naturally, you have to accommodate yourself. Teachers should preach and teach to solve puzzles. Don't you think about how to preach and teach to solve puzzles? Kong Sheng's disciples are 3,000, and only seventy-two people can learn and achieve something. Is the remaining two thousand and 900 people all elm? After all, there is something wrong with the saint professor's method.

Yang Tinghe shouted angrily, "Hold up, do you dare to desecrate the saint? You are against the sky. I finally know why the prince is tired of learning. It turns out that it is you who deceive the prince.

Song Nan said tit-for-tat and said, "Don't label me. I'm just talking about things. What's more, saints are also human beings. Later generations follow it as saints. It is because of their profound knowledge and courage to introspection. Ancient sages said: I will reflect on my body three days, and saints will not make mistakes. Why self-reflection?"

Yang Tinghe's face was red and his ears were red when he was choked by Song Nan's crookedness. He wanted to refute but there was no way to refute it.

"You are crooked, how can you be so?"

Song Nan said, "Bachelor Yang, don't be angry. Even if this is crooked, but Bachelor Yang should think about who you are teaching? It's okay if the professor is a common scholar, but you are teaching His Royal Highness, the future Lord of the Ming Dynasty, can't you put down your body and seek a way to learn from the prince?

Yang Ting and Mo Ran, Song Nan are reminding themselves not to forget his identity. Yang Tinghe seems to be pedantic, but in fact he is by no means pedantic. The reason why he is strict with the prince is naturally to show his hand to the emperor. Li Dongyang, the head of the cabinet, recommended himself as a young teacher, and he wants to seize this. A chance to make a name for it.

Second, it is based on the common disease of the literati of the Ming Dynasty. The literati in the Ming Dynasty all pretended to be courtiers and were conceited and conceited. They spoke amazingly and did not stop. Being hit by the board is glory, and being hit by the board is capital. Over time, it has been overcorrected. The literary ministers of several dynasties also have this temper, and scholars and ministers also talked about it happily. Yang Ting And nature are not exempt from vulgarity.

Professor the prince should regard the prince as a commoner. He should be blamed and scolded, as if he had no backbone if he did not do so.

Song Nan's reminder cooled Yang Tinghe's hot mind. After all, this is the prince. If he can't teach others well, he won't say that the prince can't learn well, but people who can only preach are not good. Before he was ordered to be a young master, when the emperor summoned him, he more or less complained about the prince's lecturers poor knowledge, and the prince was uncuous. Even if it is not his fault, the emperor will still think it is his own problem in the future.

The prince is the only son of the emperor. Although the emperor is strict with the prince, everyone knows that the emperor will not lose to any parents in protecting his shortcomings.

Yang Tinghe's heart was moved, but he must not admit defeat verbally. He said positively, "I, Yang Tinghe, think that one is two is two, and everything has rules and round. The same is true for learning. Just like writing poetry, poetry must have rhyme, and there must be pressure. It is a rule."

Song Nan smiled and said, "So what if you don't rhyme?"

Yang Tinghe said, "That's not a good poem. It's meaningless."

Song Nan smiled secretly and said to himself that if you look at those things in the future, you would be eager to strangle yourself with a rope. What 'The moon on a cat's tail is like a piece of shit.' A broken hand in the wind waved up and down, spewing out a ball of white milk, which was regarded as a classic by the poetry world; fortunately, Yang Ting and did not know this, otherwise he would go straight crazy.

"Bachelor Yang, I'm not arguing with you. I don't think you need to care too much about some rules. When you talk about poetry, I will also say poetry. Even unruly poetry is also a good poem."

"Nonsense." Yang Tinghe was stunned by Song Nan today. He easily caught Song Nan's mistake and immediately scolded him severely.

Song Nan said, "Don't you believe it? I tried to write a song and asked Bachelor Yang to taste it.

Everyone was surprised when they heard it. Song Nan was going to write a poem in front of Yang Tinghe? Isn't this a big knife in front of Guan Gong? Seeing that Song Nan's paper and grinding ink really started, in surprise, Liu Jin, Zhang Yong and others, who were hiding outside and eavesdropping, poured in. Yang Tinghe was also curious and did not care to scold Liu Jin and others for their irregularities. A few people looked at Song Nan and saw Song Nan dipped his pen in ink and brushing and writing a few lines of poems on rice paper.

After reading this poem, Yang Tinghe suddenly felt that the three views were destroyed, and he was stupid in the local area.

Poem says:

The sunshine incense burner has purple smoke, and a line of egrets go up to the blue sky. I don't see the Liao sea every year, who misses the cold west wind alone.

One more song:

I'm depressed and wine-carrying, but I hope I won't wake up. The hall was full of 3,000 drunken guests, which was not as good as Wang Lun's love for me.