Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 158 First Assistant

Chapter 158

Yang Ting and his head are as big as fighting. In his experience, he has never seen anyone write poems like this. Song Nan extracts and combines other people's poems. A poem is actually a combination of four poems. Although it feels a little strange to read, he thinks it is quite good.

"How can this... be this way of writing poetry?" Yang Ting and his eyes were astight.

"Can only read such a poem?" Song Nan smiled.

"This... is barely eye-catching." Yang Tinghe also told the truth.

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's an honor to be able to barely enter the eyes of Bachelor Yang. This is my joke. Although it is not elegant, I just want to explain a truth. Rules are rules, but they are not unbreakable. Breaking rules may not be all bad things."

Yang Tingyu was stunned for a long time and said, "It makes some sense."

Song Nan said, "Bachelor Yang is a well-educated man today. The emperor invited you to teach the prince. Naturally, it is because there are goods in the bachelor's belly. I have no intention to dictate. I just hold the same purpose as Bachelor Yang, so that His Royal Highness can learn the truth and true articles. In this way, both you and me, a little servant can be regarded as a full performance. After the responsibility, Bachelor Yang will consider it.

Yang Ting and Jing stood for a long time and said, "Let's come here today. I'll go back to Hanlin Academy to think about it. Maybe you're right. I have to think about how to teach the prince."

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Congratulations to Bachelor Yang." After saying that, his eyes hinted that Zhu Houzhao and others were as dull as a wooden chicken. Zhu Hou lighting came over and got up and said, "Send Bachelor Yang. Thank you for your hard work."

Yang Tinghe returned Li and silently turned away, frowning, as if he was still thinking about Song Nan's words.

After Yang Tingyu left, Zhu Houzhao jumped three feet high and took Song Nan's arm and said, "Song Shidu, there is a set. In a few words, Yang Tingyu ran away. Oh, I'm still worried that he will turn his face to you. It's awesome."

Liu Jin, Zhang Yong and others also came up and stretched out their thumbs to praise them. Liu Jin slammed and said, "I didn't expect that Song Shi's reading is quite eloquent. What's more strange is that those two poems are really a little strange. The patchwork is a good poem, and Yang Tinghe is speechless; how did you think of it?"

Song Nan laughed and said, "This is not difficult. It's just a joke. This kind of poem is very simple to write. I still have a lot in my stomach, such as: 'When I leave home, can I be recognized as a male and female?'"

Zhu Houzhao smiled and said, "It's simply nonsense. Isn't it possible to distinguish between men and women when they come back from home?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "So it's called a joke. And this: 'I am willing to be a winged bird in heaven, and fly separately in the face of disaster.'"

Zhu Hou fell with a smile and pointed to Song Nan and said, "This...this...isn't that unreasonable? Isn't this ruthless? A good song of long hatred has been ruined.

"When the father and daughter heard that the daughter came, they raised their bodies and went to the clear pool; when the sisters heard that the sister came, they hung themselves in the southeast branch." Song Nanyin said.

"Hahaha..." Zhu Houzhao, Liu Jin, Zhang Yong and others were all laughing crazily and pointed to Song Nan and said, "You...you...you..."

Song Nan said again, "Three thousand beautiful women in the harem are grinded into embroidered needles."

This time, Liu Jin, Zhang Yong and others were all dumbfounded. They wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. They blushed and had to bow their heads and endure.

Zhu Houzhao didn't seem to understand. He blinked and asked, "What does this mean? What does the harem beauty have to do with the iron pestle?

Song Nan was deeply surprised. She thought that people like Zhu Houzhao must have understood the affairs of men and women for a long time, but he didn't expect to be poor. Zhang Yonglian wink and laughed, "Your Highness, this sentence is meaningless. Song Shidu just said it casually."

Song Nan also felt that the joke was too much. This was to make fun of the royal family. He caused trouble for no reason and hurriedly said, "Yes, it's just casual. It doesn't mean anything special."

Zhu Houzhao didn't think much about it. When he was happy, he didn't have time to delve deeply. He stepped out and asked Liu Jin, "Xiao Jinzi, I'm free today. What shall we play?"

Liu Jin bowed and said, "Didn't the prince always think about being a shopkeeper? The maidservant set up a winery in the backyard. Won't the prince go to be the shopkeeper?

Zhu Houzhao said happily, "Okay, okay, ask everyone to go shopping. I will be the shopkeeper, and Song Shidu will also come to be the accountant for me. Xiaojinzi Xiaoyongzi Gaofeng, you guys who run the hall, let's have a good day."

Liu Jin said with a pale face, "Okay, prince, please."

Song Nan couldn't help frowning at this situation. Isn't her behavior today condoning the prince's stubbornness? This is not my original intention. I thought that Zhu Houzhao was too oppressed by his studies before he came out to say those words to Yang Tinghe, but now he regrets it.

Besides, as a prince, what's not good to play, but you have to sell alcohol. Isn't it a joke to spread out? Liu Jin and Zhang Yong and these eunuchs just coaxed and fell down. What's wrong with them?

Thinking of this, Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Your Highness, I'm sorry that I can't play with you. I haven't studied today. I'm busy in Nanfang. Please allow me to go out of the palace."

Zhu Houzhao was slightly disappointed and said, "Don't you come? It's fun."

Song Nan shook her head and said, "I won't go to the humble position, prince, the humble position reminds you that you still need to learn to play and have fun. Yang Tinhe may reduce the weight of his studies, but His Royal Highness also needs to pay attention to study, and it is not in vain that the humble position is not in vain. You know, the humble position can be regarded as offending to Bachelor Yang today. , Bachelor Yang is recommended by the cabinet elders. If he reports to the cabinet elders, won't I even offend the cabinet elders?

Zhu Hou thought for a moment and said, "That's right. You are doing it for my good, so I will also study hard for you today. Just play for a while in the morning, and in the afternoon, I will ask Xiao Jinzi to invite Bachelor Yang to give a lecture."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Your Highness is a reasonable person, and the people in the world are blessed."

Zhu Houzhao laughed and said, "Go and do your business, but you have to come often. You can't see anyone for more than ten days, or I will be angry."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Yes, when I came back, it was much better to teach the prince to play something fun than to be a hotel shopkeeper."

Zhu Houzhao said happily, "Okay, I'll wait."

Song Nan said goodbye and left. Liu Jin's face was gloomy. Song Nan's words were 'much better than being a hotel shopkeeper', and he still said that his ideas for fun were meaningless. This was pointing to Sang and scolding Huai in front of him. Naturally, Liu Jin's heart was not happy.

Zhang Yong smiled and put everything into his eyes.


Yang Tinhe frowned on the hall road leading to Daming Gate and thought about what Song Nan said. Although in Yang Tinhe's eyes, Song Nan was just a martial artist in Jinyiwei's eyes, he knew that his name was also because of the things that happened between Jinyiwei and Dongchang some time ago. Song Nan went to the East Palace to study in the court. I have also expressed objections; but the waiter is just a small official with big sesame and mung beans, and no one can take it seriously.

I haven't seen this Song Nan for more than ten days, and I was also full of ambition to teach the prince to become a talent. But more than ten days later, the prince was like a stone mill. No matter how he drilled, he couldn't get into it, and Yang Ting and himself were also confused.

Today, Song Nan said that her professor's method was wrong and said that she was a duck-style professor. Thinking that she had been eager to do things for more than ten days, she did have such a sense of ducking. She couldn't wait to make the prince full of experience overnight, but in fact, it didn't work out.

Maybe it is really time to accept Song Nan's suggestion and think about how to give a lecture on the prince. Otherwise, the prince will not learn the skills, and he will fail to live up to the expectations of Li Dongyang, the first assistant. If the emperor asks about the prince's studies, he can't explain it.

Thinking of Li Dongyang, Yang Tinghe's heart warmed up. As the chief assistant of the cabinet, Li Dongyang had a father-brother-like care for himself. He also regarded him as his mentor. Li Dongyang often pointed out to himself that he was over 40 years old and had not made any achievements in the court. He couldn't help but feel anxious and wrote many self-abandoned articles. Li Dong After seeing this, Yang specially asked him to go to the house to have a heart-to-heart talk and let him hone his mood and wait for the opportunity. Without Li Dongyang's teaching, he would have lost his fighting spirit.

Now, Li Dongyang recommends himself as the young master of Donggong, which gives him a chance, but he is confused and can't do anything about the prince's studies. Isn't this disappointing to teach the teacher?

Yang Tinhe stood by the roadside and hesitated. The palace was sunny and warm as spring. The grass buds on the flower bed were also pointed, but he completely ignored these and frowned.

"Isn't this Tinghe? Why are you standing here and hesitating? Someone said loudly in the side street opposite the flower bed.

Yang Tinhe was shocked and looked up. He saw a group of people surrounded by a thin but self-looking old man walking along the side road. It is true that Cao Cao Cao arrived. The person who came was Li Dongyang, the head of the cabinet, the prince Taibao and the minister of the Ministry of Household, and the head of the Ming Dynasty, the head of civil officials in the Ming Dynasty.

"Teacher!" Yang Tin and hurriedly took a few steps to salute respectfully.

Li Dongyang narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Is this coming to the cabinet to find me?"

Only then did Yang Tinghe find that the place where he stood was outside the wall of the cabinet public house just south of the Wenhua Hall, and the rows of public houses in the round door were the office space of the three elders in the palace.

Yang Tinhe hurriedly said, "No, the student happened to pass by here and went to Hanlin Academy."

Li Dongyang was surprised: "The prince didn't go to school today? Today is the 19th day, which is the day for the prince to go to school. At this time, it is over before noon?

Yang Tinhe bravely said, "The student just came out of the Wenhua Hall, today... today..."

Li Dongyang said solemnly, "What? The prince doesn't want to go to school?"

Yang Tingyu said hurriedly, "No, no, no, there is another reason."

Li Dongyang thought for a moment and said to the officials around him, "You go to the household department first, and I will come later."

The people around said that they went outside the Daming Gate one after another, and the six offices were on the east side of the imperial city Daming.

"Come with me." Li Dongyang turned around and walked to the cabinet. Yang Tinghe followed silently and made up his mind to explain the matter to Li Dongyang and ask his teacher to solve the puzzles.

(Thanks to the two brothers who were depressed by chance and acxld for giving them a monthly ticket.)