Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 168 End of righteousness

Chapter Sixty-eight

In the corner of the small teahouse, Song Nan and Fang Datong sat opposite each other. The morning tea time had already passed, and the teahouse was empty.

"Song Qianhu, how's everything going? More than ten days have passed, why is there no news at all? Fang Datong drank tea and asked with some complaints.

Song Nan said, "Do you think it's a home? Get a mud to pinch a thousand-family waist card for you, and then you can take office?

Fang Datong said, "I just want you to hurry up. I can't stay for a day."

Song Nan looked out of the window and said lightly, "It's useless to be anxious. You have to do it step by step."

Fang Datong said, "Don't stand me up. Don't think I don't know what you're doing. You ordered someone to secretly investigate what happened after I returned to Beijing. Don't you know? I have made it clear to you that I have nothing now, which makes us play together.

Song Nan was shocked, and his men's visit to Fang Datong was discovered by him, but it is no wonder that Fang Datong is a hundred households of brocade guards after all, and he also knows those ways of brocade guards, which is naturally easy to detect under deliberate precautions.

Song Nan frowned and said, "Fang Datong, don't blame me for looking good for you. Do you know it's a good thing for me to check your experience? Don't you need to touch his bottom first to promote a deputy thousand households? These are all procedures. If you don't want to, I won't check them. Don't blame me if things can't be done at that time.

Fang Datong was stunned and said, "Why do you still want to investigate the eight generations of ancestors? Why didn't anyone check me when I was promoted to 100 households?

Song Nan said, "Are hundreds of households also officials? All official appointments of 1,000 households or more need to be checked. Are you a thousand households?

Fang Datong said shyly, "So that's the case. I blame you. I forgive you. Otherwise, I will slap myself a few times to calm you down."

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "No, we can't calm down with a few slaps when we make such a scene now. I'm very unhappy about this matter when you grab my handle and blackmail me. What do you think? How can you play these dirty tricks?"

Fang Datong laughed and said, "What's the next three? This is thanks to you and Jiang Bin. That's how we dealt with Wang Dan at the beginning. Have you forgotten?"

Song Nan said, "Who is Wang Dan? Who am I? It's because Wang Dan himself is a scum to deal with Wang Dan. Why have I ever been sorry for you? You are here to take me; I ask you, if I promote you to deputy thousand households, will you keep your mouth shut? Will you never mention it to anyone again?"

Fang Datong opened his mouth and said, "You must keep your mouth shut."

Song Nan said, "With the eight generations of your parents, wife and children, you swear that if you threaten this matter again, you will be struck by five thunder, and there will be no place to be buried, and your descendants will be prostitutes for generations."

Fang Datong said angrily, "You are cursing me to my face. Well, let me tell you the truth. As long as you can take good care of me, I plan to rot this secret in my heart all my life. However, a thousand households may not be worth the price of keeping this secret. I know you have great ability. In the future, I will follow you if you are promoted and become rich. Don't want to dump me, or I'll break the sky for you."

Song Nan sneered and said, "Sure enough, you are an insatiable person."

Fang Datong laughed and said, "I can't help it. Who told me to hold your life in my hand? Since the day I decided to blackmail you, I didn't intend to make you have a good impression on me. People are not killed for themselves. Our previous days are gone forever, and I also understand. If you want to take office in the year, you need to do whatever you want to do; Song Qianhu, you'd better get promoted and get rich quickly. I'm still waiting to climb up the corners of your clothes, so that these dogs who see me laugh will be shocked, and I will deal with them one by one.

Song Nan turned pale and said angrily, "You are going to haunt me for the rest of your life."

Fang Datong smiled and said, "Don't be so unpleasant. This is called win-win cooperation. You once said this. I didn't understand it at that time, but now I have an epiphany."

Song Nan's last trace of pity disappeared, and the other party had no longer had any expectations. Fang Datong threw his last chance to live. No wonder himself.

Song Nan sighed and said, "I'm unlucky. I've met such a bad star as you in my life."

Fang Datong grinned and said, "It's good to accept your fate. You can be content. At least you can live a stable life. As long as you live a good life with me, I won't do anything to you. Of course, except you force me to take action."

Song Nan nodded and said, "Okay, let's talk about business. Your position has been identified. The report on your secret investigation has been handed over to Sun Zhen. With my face, they have no objection. Of course, I didn't mention the scandal of being swept out of the door and the problems of your lower body. That's yours. In private matters, the promotion of official positions mainly depends on ability.

Fang Datong automatically ignored the satire in Song Nan's words and said happily, "Really? When will you be in office?

Song Nan scolded, "It's not that easy. There is one thing that is not easy to do now."

Fang Datong said, "What's the matter? Does Commander Mou disagree? Or does Xiao Zhenfu disagree?

Song Nan shook her head and said, "It's not true. You know, although the promotion of more than 1,000 households of officials is a command and power, it needs to be subject to the emperor's approval. Although the emperor will not personally intervene most of the time, these trivial matters are directly appointed by Si Li Jian Pihong after being reported, and Wang Yue will not make too difficult, but the promotion of officials There is always a need for a reason, such as political achievements and merits; and your approval can only be left blank in the merit column, which is how to report it?

Fang Datong said in astonishment, "Is it a credit? Doesn't it count us to kill the salams in Weizhou?

Song Nan frowned and said, "But you have done it in Weizhou. It is your fault that Liu Wufu was assassinated. The meritorious deeds have long been offset. If you want to write this merit, you must mention the fault. Do you want to report that your men were assassinated but can't find the murderer?"

Fang Datong squeaked his lips and said, "This... the murderer is in your house. Although I can solve the case, but..."

Song Nan said, "But as soon as you make it public, I can't help you anything."

Fang Datong rubbed his hands and said, "Yes, when you come to Fusi in this north town, you don't have as many big cases as the thousands of households outside you. Besides, it's not my turn to deal with those cases in the government office. Teach me how to make contributions?"

Song Nan pondered for a long time and said, "You have to find your own way to solve this matter and quickly find a case to solve it. I can also record it for you in the credit book, so that you can contract it to be red."

Fang Datong frowned for a long time and said, "I'm afraid you still have to figure it out."

Song Nan shook her head and said, "I can't help you with meritorious service. This is your own business. Do you want me to do it for you?"

Fang Datong's eyes lit up and said, "Yes, yes, you can do it for me. Anyway, you have so many cases in Zhengnanfang in a year, why don't you just take out a few and add them to my head?"

Song Nan looked at Fang Datong contemptuously and said, "Are you crazy? Do you speak in your mind? Are you from Zhengnanfang? Why did the case fall on your head? Isn't this fraud? Besides, all the cases that have been solved are handled by someone who is responsible for it. Remember it on everyone's head. Do you want me to put my fist into everyone's eyes and teach them to turn a blind eye?

Fang Datong spread out his hands and said, "What... what should I do? You have to find a way for me, and I don't care."

Song Nan frowned and thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll give you a clue. If you solve the case by yourself, you will say that you seized the clue and arrested the perpetrator by yourself. I haven't assigned this matter yet. Naturally, it's your credit."

Fang Datong said happily, "Good idea, what kind of case is it?"

Song Nan said, "Do you know the arson case of the Lantern Festival in Zhengnanfang?"

Fang Datong shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Song Nan sighed and said, "What else do you know? It's a waste."

Fang Datong suppressed his anger and said, "Try about this."

Song Nan said with a straight face and said, "The two families in Zaoshu Lane had a dispute over the homestead. The Zhang family was prosperous, and the Li family suffered a loss. So they secretly ordered the Zhang family's house on Shangyuan night, burned the house into white, and burned seven or eight people. Li, who set the arson, fled, and our dark Chun After visiting for a month, I haven't found it; but yesterday, I sent a message from Anchun outside the city that Li appeared near his aunt's cousin's house outside the west city and hid in the mountains near the left of Zhuang, 30 miles outside Beijing. It seems that it was hidden by his relatives to deliver food. Originally, my men were waiting for hundreds of households to be seized today, but now I have to let you to support this. It's a credit."

Fang Datong was shocked and said, "Fire murder case? Seven or eight people died?"

Song Nan scolded: "Otherwise, how can it be called great credit? Everyone is investigating, but isn't it a big face that I took the lead in solving this case? Don't worry, Li is just a thin man with no power to tie chickens. If it hadn't been for the fire, he might not have been able to defeat a woman and children.

Fang Datong nodded and said, "Okay, I'll get him. Where is the specific location?"

Song Nan told Fang Datong the details and reminded him: "Don't blame me for not reminding you that this man is already like a frightened bird. I'm afraid you should be careful if you take people there. Once the villagers near Zuo find a large number of brocade guards arriving, they may inform them. My suggestion is to go in the dark and bring fewer people to show off; if you mess up I don't have a big case on hand, so you can only wait for another big case in Zhengnanfang to add credit to you, and even if the case is solved for a while, there may not be a clue to be solved.

Fang Datong waved his hand and said, "It's not easy to take a man. This guy is just a civilian. There is no need to shock people. I quietly pretended to be a citizen and went into the mountain depression and his hiding place to catch him."

Song Nan said, "How exactly do you take people? That's your problem. Originally, I wanted to accompany you to get people, but I still have to go to the palace to study. I can only wish you success."

Fang Datong laughed and said, "Song Qianhu takes care of thousands of machines every day. How dare I delay your work? Well, can't I do this?"

Song Nan drank the tea in a toast, paid for the tea, and went out indiscriminately. Fang Datong did not move his nest and drank tea gulp by gulp. His eyes rumbling and didn't know what he was thinking.