Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 169 Suburb

Thirty miles away from the capital is a bleak and desolate scene. It is hard to imagine that the capital of the Ming Dynasty is so prosperous, but it rarely benefits the surrounding area. Unlike later generations, the people of towns and villages are also living well in prosperous cities.

The land is northwest, and the land is not very fertile. The wind and sand in winter and spring are very large, and the land is covered with a gray dust. Fortunately, there are many continuous mountains here, although they are not high. If described by measurement methods in later generations, the altitude will not exceed 100 meters. But even so, it is very useful. The villages gather according to the mountain situation, to block the wind and sand, and they can also rely on dense mountains and forests to hunt firewood to supplement their families.

In the afternoon, Fang Datong went out of Fucheng Gate. After riding for an hour, Fang Datong arrived at the ravines 30 miles west of the city and saw that there was no one on the left. Fang Datong got off his horse and hid in a ditch, tied the horses, untied the package and put them into the clothes of ordinary people, and embroidered spring knives. He shrank his head in his arms and couldn't walk to the dense forest hill not far away.

Fang Datong is very clear that Song Nan is not so easy to be blackmailed. Although he has clearly explained that once he dies, Song Nan will immediately lose his reputation and follow the end, it is difficult to guarantee that Song Nan will not take risks in his mind, so he has to be on guard from time to time.

After Song Nan left in the morning, Fang Datong quietly followed him and peeped. Seeing him enter the palace and went to the prince's house, his heart was a little calmer. The man did not fail to his promise, and there was no movement, which showed that Song Nan had at least no idea about himself at present; and after returning to the government office, Fang Datong read the positive In Yueli's case file, there was indeed an unrewiled arson murder case on Yuanye in Zhengnanfang. Zhengnanfang government is trying its best to investigate this matter, and Fang Datong is much more relieved.

But Fang Datong would never take it lightly, so he deliberately rode a big circle before leaving the city. After that, he went out of the city to observe whether there was anyone with a small tail in the back. At present, everything is normal.

Fang Datong was very cautious. The roads he chose were all overgrown paths. His eyes huddled in his collar looked around warily, and he squatted down from time to listen. And the reason for this is not to be afraid of anything else, but to scare the villagers without being noticed.

In the twilight, the village by the mountain has emitted curling smoke. Fang Datong identified the direction, but was a little confused. According to Song Nan's description, the arson murderer Li is hiding on the hillside behind the 30-mile village, but the problem is the two villages in the east and west of the mountain in front of him, which one is the 30-lizhuang?

When he was anxious, Fang Datong saw a figure walking to the village at the foot of the mountain with a bundle of firewood on his back on his back. Fang Datong quickly caught up and came to a tiger behind the man, and rushed to him with firewood. The man opened his mouth. Fang Datong had covered his mouth cleanly and controlled him. His hands and feet, and at the same time, the cold tip of the knife also aimed at the man's eyebrows.

The man was a 13 or 14-year-old teenager with a dark face, ragged clothes and messy buns. He was just an ordinary peasant teenager. Seeing the tip of the knife pressing his eyebrows, the teenager was so scared that he almost peed his trousers. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the knife and people in front of him in horror.

"I'll let go of your mouth, you won't shout, will you?" Fang Datong shouted in a low voice.

The teenager's big eyes were full of panic and nodded hard; Fang Datong slowly moved his hand away, but the tip of the knife did not move at all. As long as the teenager shouted, he would not hesitate to prick the knife down.

"Tell me, is this 30 Lizhuang?"

The teenager said in a low voice: "Yes..."

"Is it the village in the east or the village in the west?"


"Hmm?" Fang Datong frowned and his eyes became fierce.

"This uncle, what I... said is... To tell the truth, these two villages are called Thirty Lizhuang, the one in the east is called Thirty Li Dongzhuang, and the one in the west is called Thirty Li Xizhuang..."

Fang Datong was depressed and scolded Song Nan's dark Chun for not being clear. These two villages are 30 miles of villages, and there is a hill behind them. How can he find them? Although the two hillsides are not high, it is enough for you to search them all.

Fang Datong thought for a moment and asked, "Let me ask you, have any strangers on this mountain recently?"

The teenager nodded and said in a trembling voice, "Yes."

Fang Datong said happily, "Where is it? Who is it?"

The teenager pointed to Fang Datong and said, "Isn't it you, uncle?"

Fang Datong scolded angrily, "Do you want to die? Dare to make fun of me."

The teenager trembled with fear and said, "You are really the only stranger. I pick firewood and catch hares on two mountains every day, and I don't see any strangers coming. I know the uncles in the two villages."

Fang Datong frowned and thought to himself: Is Song Nan's information wrong?

But the teenager said, "Is the uncle here to look for someone? Dongzhuang Xizhuang, who are you looking for? Tell me your name and I will point it out to you immediately.

Fang Datong said impatiently, "I'm not looking for the people in your village, but the people who hide in the mountains behind your village."

The teenager thought for a moment and suddenly said, "Yes, I remember that there is a hut in the depression behind the mountain, which was not inhabited before. In recent days, I passed by and found that someone seemed to have lived there, and there were traces of poop and urine around. I went in and saw that there were broken tile pots and leftover food on the ground. Who else do I think I am? Uncle stayed there for the night.

Fang Datong said happily, "Oh? Where is it?"

The teenager pointed to the back of the mountain and said, "After crossing this mountain, there is a depression, and there is a small hut under the northernmost cliff. That's it."

Fang Datong was overjoyed. He reached out and took the cloth beside him and tied the teenager's hands and feet. He grabbed a mess of grass and blocked the teenager's mouth. He lifted it up and threw it in the forest grass next to him. He said viciously, "If you lie to me, I will kill you later."

The teenager was frightened and kept struggling, but unfortunately he couldn't make a sound and couldn't break free from the bondage.

Fang Datong patted the weeds on his body and looked up at the sky. It was almost dark. He had to act quickly. A cat's waist got into the forest and quickly climbed to the top of the mountain. The mountain was not high, but the forest was lush. In order to avoid trouble, Fang Datong did not dare to walk the forest path for fear of meeting idle people going down the mountain, but chose to walk through the forest. When he climbed to the top of the mountain, his underwear was soaked with sweat, and his face was also scratched by thorns. Fang Datong, who was panting, cursed secretly. He would catch the guy surnamed Li and take a good breath.

At the foot of the mountain he had just left, the two figures quickly approached the young man's lying grass, pulled the teenager up from the grass nest, pulled out the weeds in his mouth, and untied the cloth on his body. The teenager pouted the grass dregs in his mouth and scolded, "Damn it's, stuffed My mouth is about to crack.

A slender figure said andly, "Don't swear. Tell your mother that it will break your ass."

The teenager laughed and said, "Sister Lu, how is my acting? The man thought I was scared to death.

The slender figure has not yet answered, and another thick figure smiled and said, "Yes, there are some skills. No wonder the young master will choose you as the guide. You have passed the test. From today on, you can go into the house to work and be Brother Nan and my personal little follower."

The teenager jumped up and said happily, "Thank you, Brother Niu. I came here with my parents from Weizhou. I have nothing to do, and I don't want to read the book. I'm almost suffocated. This time, I can finally do great things with the young master."

Lu Qingli said anxly, "What's the big deal, little boy, he wants to play with guns all day long."

Li Daniel said, "That man has gone up the mountain. The young master and Miss Ye are waiting for him in the mountain nest. Let's go and help quickly."

The three got up and quickly walked along the mountain road to the top of the mountain. At the same time, Fang Datong had gone down to the northern depression. He carefully stepped on the grassland along the wet depression and slowly walked north with the cover of the trees. After less than a ray of incense, the cliff mentioned by the teenager was in front of him.

The sky was dark, and the trees and cliffs blocked the limited light. Fang Datong opened his eyes wide and observed carefully. He found the low thatched hut next to the big tree on the left of the cliff. It was a simple and short hut, but it seemed that it could accommodate two or three people to rest inside. This is a typical night hunter habitat. In the place, the grass shed is dark, there is no light, and there is no voice.

Fang Datong crept up and suddenly heard a low cough in the shed. Fang Datong's heart was about to explode with joy. It seemed that the man surnamed Li really hid here. Someone entered the mountain in the daytime. Naturally, he did not dare to hide in it, but he could only spend the night here.

Fang Datong slowly pulled out the narrow and sharp embroidered spring knife, jumped to the door of the hut and whispered, "Who's inside, roll out."

There was a panic in the hut, but the people inside did not show up. Fang Datong shouted again, "Friend, you have committed a case in Beijing. I came to Jinyiwei Baihu Fang Datong. I'm here to find you. Those who know you will appear immediately to avoid trouble. If you don't know each other, I will kill you."