Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 199 The Death of the Rabbit

(I got up early and went to the countryside to help my father and mother with labor and transformation. I set up an automatic update, but I don't know if it can be updated.) Chapter 19

"Deputy Song, today I might as well make it clear that the case of the inner court transportation warehouse shocked the government and the opposition. This is not only a case, but also a matter of the ownership of the power of the inner court. I think you must know this in advance. But as a member of the Jinyi Guard, you acted in private and didn't even disclose any news. Is it a little too much? Sun Xuan's voice was calm, but there was hidden majesty.

Song Nan frowned and said, "Lord Zhenfu, you can't blame me. You know that the emperor summoned me to take orders privately. How dare you disobey the imperial edict?"

Sun Xuan turned around and said, "This is an excuse. Director Mou said that before that you had come to ask him about his opinions on the internal court disputes, and Commander Mou personally told you not to participate in it. Even if the emperor wants to investigate this matter, he can call our Fusi of Beizhen to do it. Why do you want you to go to the government office outside Zhengnanfang?"

Song Nan said, "I'm afraid I'm going to ask the emperor. How can I know who the emperor wants to investigate?"

Sun Xuan shook his head and said, "The emperor won't understand this. Even if the emperor doesn't understand, you should also make this clear. We are not blind. In fact, you took the initiative to find out the whole thing. It's not the emperor's instructions at all. It may be Liu Jin who asked you for help. Am I right?"

Song Nan said, "Is that what Commander Mou said?"

Sun Xuan sneered and said, "Those with long eyes can see it."

Song Nan bit her lower lip and thought for a moment and said, "Well, I won't hide it. This matter is indeed done by me secretly, but not for Liu Jin, but for me and myself. There seems to be an agreement between Wang Yue Fanheng and foreign civil servants. The internal power struggle seems to have nothing to do with us, but do you have any I have thought that once Liu Jin is defeated this time, Fan Heng and Wang Yue will be even more arrogant. Isn't my life more sad? Fan Heng sent Luo Fang to kill me several times. You should know that whether it is Yu Jinyi's guard government or me personally, I have to do this. Besides, Wang Yue and Fan Heng is not wronged. Ku Yin was greedy for millions of ink. Shouldn't he be punished?

Sun Xuan's face was solemn and silent, and his fingers unconsciously tapped on the table.

Song Nan's rise continued, "I don't understand why Commander Mou blamed me for this. Fan Heng has suppressed our brocade guards for a long time. What's the pity for him? Leaving aside my personal factors, even standing in the position of Jinyiwei, and the Mou command should not blame me. This is exactly a good opportunity for our Jinyiwei to drive the East Factory; Liu Jin got the help of my Jinyiwei to do today, and the East Factory is at least not as powerful as before in his hands. Isn't this a good thing?

Sun Xuan still did not answer. He looked at Song Nan, and his eyes were full of ridiculing.

Song Nan said, "I see. Did Commander Mou think that I didn't pay attention to him and didn't report the matter to him for his private actions? If this is the reason, I will go to the general office to plead in person. If it is inconvenient to resign from the official position, it is not a big deal.

Sun Xuanyan sighed and said, "Deputy Song, you are still young after all. If you sincerely defend the above, I won't blame you well. Fan Heng wanted to kill you several times. You must blame Mou for not making a decision for you. Luo Fang and others were arrested by you. You also suggested using this to pull Fan Heng down, but he was accused by Mou. Rejection, you must also be confused. But have you ever thought about why Commander Mou did this?

Song Nan shook her head and said, "If only I knew. I don't know what Commander Mou thinks."

Sun Xuan said, "Then I will tell you that my Jinyiwei and Dongchang are one. Although there are often frictions between them, for example, our two dogs are the two evil dogs led by the emperor. It is common for the two families to quarrel and fight for food, but if one evil dog bites the other, the one that survives will also suffer the owner. Severe punishment, do you understand this? This is why you caught Luo Fang's handle, but Commander Mou had to hand over Luo Fang to Fan Heng and let the big things become small.

Song Nan said, "Then why does Commander Mou blame me for the matter of the inner court? Fan Heng's downfall was not due to Lord Mou. Everyone will only think that it was caused by the competition between him and Liu Jin. Even if I participated in Zhengnanfang, he only acted under the order of the emperor. How could the emperor be blamed?

Sun Xuan said, "I'll give you another example. The owner's family has two vicious dogs. One day, the owner's family died and a new owner came, and one of the vicious dogs is teething at the new owner. What do you think you should do as a new owner?"

Song Nan said, "What else can I do? Killed. Just raise another one."

Sun Xuan said, "Okay, it's straightforward to kill the matter, but what will the other one think?"

Song Nan thought for a moment and suddenly said, "The rabbit died and the fox is sad!"

Sun Xuan nodded slowly and said, "You are not too stupid after all; the new owner must have a new dog. The previous vicious dog's teeth will only make the new owner think that all the vicious dogs are loyal to the original owner, and the new owner will not keep the vicious dogs that are not loyal to him, and he is bound to be raised again. If Fan Heng falls down, Liu Jin is the new dog. What will Commander Mou think? Does the emperor think that Jinyiwei also needs to be transformed, and is Commander Mou loyal to himself? Will it be like the emperor like Fan Heng? This is what Commander Mou is thinking about.

Song Nan muttered to himself, "So it is, so; there is a second one after killing the first one. Commander Mou turned out to be worried about his seat."

Sun Xuan sneered and said, "Who doesn't worry about his position? The new emperor's accession to the throne will change the sky. One emperor and a courtier, except for the Xunqi royal family, who is not worried about the inner court and foreign court? Do you think the civil servants are just to be dissatisfied with Liu Jin? The reason is that the emperor is not allowed to raise a new dog. There are two things. Look, Liu Jin is not a simple person. After turning over this time, I'm afraid no one can suppress him.

Song Nan suddenly felt that Sun Xuan's analysis was already in place, and every sentence was reasonable. Some of it was what he had thought of, but some of them had never thought about why Mou Bin did not move, that is, he thought that Fan Heng and Wang Yue would be able to suppress Liu Jin. If Fan Heng was arrogant, at least it would not affect his status of Mou Bin, and Liu Jin is different. His victory represents the rise of new forces. How can Mou Bin not worry about his position?

"Why did Sun Zhenfu tell me this?" Song Nan couldn't help asking.

Sun Xuan turned around and sat behind the desk and squinted and said, "You asked another childish word."

Song Nan understood, but she really couldn't say it.

Why did Sun Xuan tell himself this? It's very simple. Only the middle and senior officials in the Jinyiwei are the most stable. To put it unpleasantly, if they say new dogs, I'm afraid they are one of them. Commander Mou is worried about their position. Who is not afraid of Sun Xuansun Xuan? Almost everyone who understands this truth will think of this, and Sun Xuan's move is probably to have a good relationship with himself and leave a way out.

"Although I am the first command, I am an official of the court, not an official of someone. The command asked me to pay attention to your words and deeds and strictly monitor you, but I will never do it. Don't worry, Wang Yong and others are brave people, and I also have no intention. They don't want to spy on you at all. If you don't believe it, you can choose your own guards in the camp. Sun Xuan said lightly.

Song Nan smiled and said, "There is no need to choose, just the two of them. Thank Sun Zhenfu for his guidance. Listening to Sun Zhenfu's words is better than reading for ten years."

Sun Xuan smiled and said, "Don't just think that I'm despicable and shameless in your heart. In the face of great trouble, you will fly separately. I, Sun Xuan, have worked hard until today, but I don't want to be sucked to the end. Do you understand this?"

Song Nan said, "I fully understand that Sun Zhenfu is frank enough and courageous enough to act. Song is ashamed of himself; however, director Mou is a good person, and maybe he can help him."

Sun Xuan looked at Song Nan and said, "Do you really think so?"

Song Nan said, "It's from the bottom of my heart."

Sun Xuan smiled and said, "Then you can find a way. I can't help it. Sooner or later, this day will come. Look at it."

Song Nan knew that Sun Xuan was laughing at his naiveness again, but his impression of Mou Bin was indeed not bad. Maybe he could ask for help from the side.

Sun Xuan got up and said, "Deputy Song, I'm on official business, so I won't disturb you any more. Before I go, I'll tell you another news. Liu Jin has begun to take action. I'm no longer a piece of iron in the Jinyiwei. Do you know Shi Wenyi?"

Song Nan said, "Isn't it the leader of General Han?"

Sun Xuan smiled mysteriously and said, "This gentleman and Liu Jin are very close. Hey, Mo Daojun is early, and there are more sleepless people. Some people can see more clearly than me. Don't ask me how I know. Who doesn't have a life-saving guy? Everything is in the dark. I don't know why I died.

The cold sweat on Song Nan's back came down. Shi Wenyi and Liu Jin had hooked up so quickly. Originally, they thought that Sun Xuan, Sun Xuan and Shi Wenyi were hardcore cronies under Mou Bin. Today, the three views were suddenly destroyed. Two of the three had other plans. It can really be said that they flew separately in the face of great trouble.