Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 200 Chicken and Dog

Chapter 200

Coming out of the Fusi Yamen in Beizhen, Song Nan felt a little heavy. Song Nan was a little worried about Liu Jin's rapid efforts. This guy was really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

However, for Song Nan, Liu Jin is not a threat. At present, Liu Jin's situation is very good for him. If Mou Bin's downfall is an inevitable outcome, Song Nan naturally doesn't mind taking a piece of it. However, Song Nan warned herself not to have a deep relationship with Liu Jin. All kinds of signs show that Liu Jin has a greater desire for power and is more unrestrained. However, it is obvious that Liu Jin still needs to pass the level of civil servants if she wants to be powerful, but this barrier is never easy to pass.

After the match in the palace that day, although the outer court seemed to be defeated, it was a strategic retreat. The literary ministers did not want to disturb the whirlpool of Wang Yue and Fanheng and other greedy ink library silver. As long as the opportunity was right, the foreign court would make a comeback. If he wanted to keep a distance from Liu Jin, otherwise it would be easy to get involved in it; still the same sentence, muffled It's best to make a fortune, and it's always a good way to make profits.

However, Song Nan still decided to go to the palace. First, he came to explore Liu Jin's mouth, and second, he also met the emperor. He inquired about the property that Liu Jin gave to his mansion. If the emperor did not know, he would hand over all the gifts given to Liu Jin. Although it was painful, he must not leave a handle for this benefit.

Song Nan entered the palace in a low profile from Dong'anmen. When she passed the imperial road outside Donghuamen, she happened to meet the arrogant Qiu Ju who led the team out of the palace. Qiu Ju is now in charge of the East Factory and jumped from an unknown to become a high-profile governor. It can be said that he is a complete ambition. Seeing Song Nan is not as respectful as before, but his attitude is still hot. Love.

"Oh, isn't this Song Qianhu? No, no, no... It's Song Zhenfu. Congratulations on the promotion. Brother Song's promotion is like sitting on two kicks. He flew to the sky with an empty wipe. Haha, congratulations. Qiu Ju was in a good mood and didn't speak as submissive as before.

Song Nan laughed and said, "Master Qiu laughed. Governor Qiu is the one who sat on the rocket to heaven. Now he is in charge of the East Factory and is on an equal footing with our Mou Commander. Song is going to call a humble position. Please help him more in the future."

Qiu Ju laughed and flirted with the black mant. His movements were extremely unrestrained. He pointed to Song Nan and said, "Brother Song, don't be pretentious. Isn't this the emperor's trust? Song Zhenfu has a bright future. Isn't Mou Bin's command your position in the future?

Song Nan hurriedly said, "Don't talk nonsense. It's great for the instructor to hear it. Governor Qiu doesn't want to call Zhenfu. I'm just an idle deputy governor, and I have to fool around in Jinyiwei."

Qiu Ju smiled and said, "Look, you are scared, as for that? If you are unhappy in Jinyiwei, why don't you come to our East Factory to be the second gear?

Song Nan scolded secretly, which made him feel unattended. In the past, he couldn't interrupt when he saw himself, but now he actually wants to help him by himself. In the past few days, his tone of speaking has not been the same as before. However, Song Nan knew very well that Qiu Ju was just a loyal lackey of Liu Jin. Liu Jin was smart and knew that the eyes inside and outside the court were staring at him now, so he simply hung up the identity of a ceremonial supervisor and eunuch. The rest of his positions were all at the scenes and hidden behind the scenes, which can be said to be as deep ingenuity.

"Thank you, Governor Qiu's help, which also makes me. When I can't get along in the Jinyiwei Yamen one day, I will ask Governor Qiu to have a meal." Song Nan smiled.

Qiu Ju laughed and said, "Well, is this going to see the emperor?"

Song Nan said, "Yes."

Qiu Ju smiled and said, "Then you can go directly to Qionghua Island in the Taiye Pool in Xiyuan. The emperor and Duke Liu are both in Xiyuan."

Song Nan said, "The emperor went to Xiyuan to play?"

Qiu Ju smiled and said, "Mr. Liu took the emperor to see the location of the leopard house."

Song Nan was shocked and said, "Why does the leopard house still need to be built?"

Qiu Ju whispered, "Why don't you build it? The old guys outside are noisy and won't build it? Eunuch Liu said that the more noisy it is, the more it wants to be built. The emperor sits in the world and is even threatened by people to build a leopard house.

Song Nan nodded slightly and arched her hand, "Then I'll go to Xiyuan and say goodbye."

Qiu Ju smiled and went with a group of fans to show off their power.

Song Nan entered the palace from Donghua Gate and did not stop. She went straight to Xiyuan and went out of Xihuamen to the north along the palace. On one side is the Taiye Pool surrounded by the green willow embankment, and on the other side is the tall wall of the palace. Xiyuan is originally a place for the royal rest and play. Although all kinds of exquisite places are a little deliberate, they are indeed a beautiful scenery on earth. Unfortunately, Song Nan did not want to appreciate it at all. After passing the Weapons Bureau, he could see a stone bridge leading to Qionghua Island in the middle of the lake. The white tower and green trees on the island and the red and yellow corridor were reflected in the blue water, which was like a fairyland on earth, which was extremely beautiful.

General Dahan, a brocade guard with hundreds of red armored golden helmets, stood on the stone bridge in several steps. Seeing Song Nan's arrival, someone immediately came forward to the bridge sentry and asked, "What are you doing? The royal driver is here, and you are not allowed to take a step forward.

Before Song Nan answered, a scold came from the bridge: "You blinded your dog's eyes, don't you know Lord Song? Why don't you get out of here?"

The words were still falling. A tall and burly-looking strong officer came down from the bridge and arched his hand to Song Nan and said, "Lord Song, these guys don't have eyes. Don't be surprised."

Song Nan recognized this person as Shi Wenyi, the commander of the general of Jinyiwei. He often saw it in the palace and greeted each other. Speaking of him, he was also a subordinate of Shi Wenyi, because in order to make it easier for him to enter the palace, Mou Bin also let himself hang the title of a big man general.

"Lord Shi, your humble position is polite, and the brothers are also performing their duties. What's the wonder? Is the emperor on the island? I want to see him."

Shi Wenyi touched the thick black beard and smiled and said, "Lord Song, don't call me a humble position. Now you are the deputy governor of the Fusi of the North Town. Your official rank is on an equal footing with me. If you claim to be a humble position, you will be a broken official. The emperor and Duke Liu are playing in the Linshui Pavilion in the north of the island, and I ordered someone to lead you."

After saying that, he turned around and waved his hand and said to the general in brocade guard who had just stopped Song Nan: "Who, you led Lord Song to the island and served the blind fool."

The big man came over with a red face and bowed his hand and said, "Lord Song, the villain has been offended. Please follow me."

Song Nan nodded with a smile. As the general walked across the long bridge and climbed Qionghua Island, he walked half a circle along the stone steps. In the distance, he saw a long corridor across the island, like a giant boat on the shore, with the faint sound of bamboo, mixed with murmuring songs and Zhengde laughter.

The big man general arched his hand and stopped and said, "Lord Song, the villain can only send you here. In front of you is the position of guard with a knife, and the villain can't get close. ...Please forgive me for what happened just now."

Song Nan smiled and said, "I'm tired. Don't mind. You're right. It's your duty. What's your surname, brother?"

General Dahan hurriedly said, "Ye Qinglin, who works in Jinyiwei Dahan General's camp, and lives in the position of chief flag officer."

Song Nan knew that there were more than 1,500 people in the Dahan General's camp, which was equipped with 15 hundred households under its jurisdiction, with the words "mighty, brave, loyal, righteous, strict, diligent and prudence" as the name of 100 households, which is naturally much more majestic than his title as the first 200 households in Zhengnanfang.

Song Nan nodded politely and walked towards the island corridor. Around the corridor, more than a dozen imperial officials with knives were slowly wandering. The eagle-like eyes looked around warily and did not look at the singing and dancing in the corridor. The officials with knives around the emperor knew Song Nan, and no one stopped Song Nan from coming.

Song Nan walked into the corridor. There was a long case in the corridor with all kinds of delicious fruits. On the soft puddle behind the case, Zhengde stared at a group of dancers dancing with silk bamboo in the corridor. Liu Jin and Gao Feng stood beside Zhengde and leaned down and said something to Zhengde from time to time. Zhengde smiled and nodded.

A little eunuch saw Song Nan and hurried to Liu Jin's side and whispered to tell him. Liu Jin looked this way, and his face suddenly smiled. He bent down and said a few words in Zhengde's ear. Zhengde turned his head and waved to Song Nan.

Song Nan saluted and said, "See you, Emperor." He said to Liu Jin again, "I have seen Grandpa Liu."

Zhengde laughed and said, "It's just the right time to come here. Come with me to watch the song and dance. The songs and dances of these dancers of the workshop are very good. If Liu Jin hadn't found them, I would have forgotten that there were still dancers in the palace."

Song Nan smiled and said, "The emperor is too busy to relax. Grandpa Liu is relieving the emperor's fatigue."

Zhengde nodded and said, "Xiao Jinzi has a heart, and I know it in my heart. Song Nan, are you satisfied with your official title? The deputy envoy of Zhenfu is not small. I wanted to promote you directly as Zhenfu, but Xiaojinzi said that that would attract everyone's opposition. I think so. Anyway, you are still young and not in a hurry at this time.

Song Nan glanced at Liu Jin and smiled and said, "The emperor is right. Eunuch Liu is also for the sake of ministers. This deputy governor made me a little scared. Thank you, emperor."

Zhengde waved his hand and said, "You deserve it. If you hadn't thought of a way to let me breathe, otherwise, I would be desperate by Li Dongyang and others. Come and sit down to watch singing and dancing with me."

Song Nan looked at Liu Jin and winked. Liu Jin knew that Song Nan had something to say, so he reached out and slapped him. Suddenly, the sound of singing and dancing stopped. Zhengde said stunnedly, "Why did you stop?"

Song Nan said, "I have something to say to the emperor. Stop for a while. It's almost noon. Let them go out to eat something and rest for a while. Wouldn't it be more graceful to dance?"

Zhengde smiled and said, "Don't coax me, when I don't understand? How can you dance lightly when you are full of food and drink, but if you have something to say, teach them to go back to the workshop, and then go back to the palace to do things in the afternoon, hey! Li Dongyang and others don't let me idle for a moment.