Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 207 The Day of the Confrontation

(Thanks to Mac for the gift of my beloved brother) Chapter 207

"Eunuch Liu, is your source accurate? Don't worry, I'm not interested in knowing who you put among the civil servants as ears and eyes. I just want to know what the bottom line of the foreign court is this time, whether it is really to kill it all or just to punish and scare you.

Liu Jin said, "In fact, it's okay to tell you. Jiao Fang, the servant of the Ministry of Ceremonies, reported the news. Last night, he was in the secret meeting and participated in the whole process without omission."

Song Nan frowned and said, "In this way, the court is determined to eradicate you this time. According to what you just said, their purpose is to kill you and Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Gao, but I don't know if there is any room for maneuver."

Liu Jin scolded, "Is there room? You don't know that foreign civil servants are actually the most ruthless. They never leave room for life. They will never leave a way to die. How can they be graced?

Song Nan sneered and said, "That's natural. You don't leave room with others, so why do you expect others to leave room for you? Don't you do the same to Wang Yue? It had been decided to be assigned to Nanjing, but he died violently in Liulin halfway. Don't tell me that I have nothing to do with you.

Liu Jin's face was gloomy and silent.

Song Nan walked a few steps and said, "This matter can't be a head-on confrontation. If they really don't leave room, they still have a chance to win."

"How do you say this?"

Song Nan stopped and leaned over Liu Jin's ear and said, "In the morning tomorrow, how many father-in-laws can take the lead to do so? Let's see how the foreign court reacts?"

Liu Jin was stunned and said, "How can this... be? What should we do if the emperor is really approved and the civil servants really agree?

Song Nan frowned and said, "This is a retreat. If they don't pursue it, won't they save their lives? Isn't this the best result compared with losing your life?

"What if...they insist on killing them all?"

Song Nan said, "If that's really the case, it will definitely cause the emperor's disgust. There should be no result in the court today. I will meet the emperor in the early morning and talk to the emperor. I believe it will be more effective than directly pleading with the emperor now."

Liu Jin still hesitated and frowned. It seemed that he was unwilling to adopt Song Nan's strategy. Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Mr. Liu, this is the matter. If you have a better idea, you can do it yourself. I'm not sure whether this method will be effective or not. Everything is up to you. But I remind you that this matter is about life, if If you take a step or do it in a hurry, it may be irreparable. Take it yourself.

Liu Jin was still lingering, and Song Nan rudely picked up the teacup, which was a sign to see off the guests. Liu Jin had no choice but to leave.

After leaving Song's house, Liu Jin rushed back to the palace. According to his idea, it is natural to plead with Zhengde at this time, but Song Nan's reminder was also right. One step of the wrong step is irreparable. After all, the emperor is the last trump card. When things are really out of control, it is the time to plead with Zhengde.

Although he knew that there would be no good way for Zhang Yonggao Fengqiu and others, Liu Jin quickly gathered a few people to discuss it. When Liu Jin told everyone about the matter, except for Qiu Ju, who knew in advance, everyone else's faces turned white.

"Why don't we go to the emperor? After a while, we will be finished as soon as we go to court. Gao Feng shouted in a shrill voice.

Liu Jin scolded: "What's the panic? It's useless."

Zhang Yong said slowly, "Eunuch Liu, have you considered Song Nan's method?"

Qiu Ju scolded, "What a bullshit idea. Didn't you jump into the pit? This boy is cheating us."

Liu Jin also frowned and said, "I don't think it's appropriate either."

Zhang Yong shook his head and said, "I think Song Nan's method can be tried. Think about it, is it good for him? What's more, he is also involved in this matter. To help us is to help himself. He has no reason to cheat us. Besides, we fought to the death with Wang Yue and Fan Heng. Who can make a final decision like Song Nan and directly grab Wang Yue's piggy and drag them off the horse? Before that, who would think it was a feasible solution? We didn't even think about it."

Everyone was silent, and it was not too much to say.

Liu Jin nodded and said, "That's right. Song Nan asked me to get a leopard into the palace for the emperor to watch, and took the opportunity to propose the construction of the leopard house, so that the Ministry of Internal Affairs was able to allocate money, forcing Wang Yue, Fan Heng, Xu Zhi and others to make up for the deficit and internal chaos. This step is exquisite. Among other things, he must know that the emperor will be happy. Huanhubao agreed to build the leopard house, and it can be seen that he knows the emperor very well. Maybe he is right. We should not be in a hurry to find the emperor now, maybe we should follow his plan.

The eight tigers looked at each other in condescenance, but Song Nan's plan is not a good plan, and on the surface, it is a bad idea. Does it look like a fire pit, but he has to close his eyes and jump down?

Liu Jin made a decision and glanced at the people around him: "Well, whether the eight of us can escape this disaster depends on today. I have nothing for you. Now that we have high positions in the inner court, even the foreign civil officials and nobles have to look at our faces. All of this is instant. If God wants to give it to you, you can't do it. If God takes it away, we can't keep it. It's better to be more open-minded and follow Song Nan's method. If we should be timid, we should be timid. As long as we survive this disaster, I, Liu Jin, swear here that we will retaliate ten times against those guys in the outer court. If we don't stand up our power, we will continue to suffer in the future.


After sending Liu Jin away, Song Nan could no longer sleep and paced in the yard. In the early morning of October, the weather was very cold, and the bluestone path in the courtyard was also wet and white with a layer of heavy frost.

Ye Fanggu and Lu Qingli leaned at the door to look at Song Nan, and Song Nan's figure made them feel quite pity.

"Cousin, Brother Song is really not easy. He is annoyed and worried every day. It's easy to be a little comfortable and spread such a thing during this period. Sister, do you think the ministers will really be unfavorable to Brother Song?"

Ye Fanggu whispered, "How many officials in this world have compassion? Although Song Nan is not a decent gentleman, he is at least much better than those people. Song Nan is implicated and is nothing more than a victim of the struggle for power and profit in the court. Those ministers are not good things. I really don't know how Song Nan should live in this.

Lu Qingli said, "In fact, it's nothing. Brother Song didn't make a big deal, but he was implicated. At worst, he would not be an official. Our family is not as happy as Meimei."

Ye Fanggu gently tapped Lu Qingli's little nose and said, "Well, it would be better if you think it's so simple; Song Nan is a person who does big things, how can he keep us live a small life every day? That doesn't drive him crazy. Besides, is there any paradise in this world? If we can really live a life without dispute, how can there be such a miserable experience as you and my sisters? Song Nan didn't want to be bullied for nothing, so he seemed to have a desire for power. This was also one of his initial motivations. He saw through all this.

Lu Qingli sighed and looked at Song Nan's wandering figure without saying anything. Ye Fanggu turned back to the room and came out for a moment. She put a cloak on her arm and said to Lu Qingli, "Go and put it on him. It's cold in the morning. Don't freeze his body."

Lu Qingli nodded, quietly approached Song Nan with a big cloak in her arms, and gently put on Song Nan's shoulder.


At that time, the officials waiting for the early morning outside the Fengtian Hall had lined up and waited. The civil servants did not greet each other as sour as before, nor did they show off their proud poems written with each other, let alone communicate with each other with a bad smile and whispered with the length of their concubines in last night's spring night account. He They closed their mouths silently, with calm faces and a trace of excitement and cruelty in their eyes.

The three university scholars in the cabinet also cleaned up today. The crane's purple official clothes, which symbolized the extreme of literary ministers, were meticulously ironed, and the ivory board that was easily used was also held in his hand.

Today is a big day. For civil servants, the depression and anger of the months after the new emperor's accession to the throne will be vented today. They regard this day as a battle, and the goal of the battle is the eight tigers of the inner court and their party members.

Eradicate the Eight Tigers and their party members, revitalize the prestige of the court, and make the little emperor Zhengde dare not despise the perfunctory ministers of the court.

This battle is a life-and-death battle that determines the status of the foreign court and whether it can limit the emperor's power and has the right to speak in the politics of the Ming Dynasty.

The morning bell rang, and the heavy door of the hall creaked open. A ray of morning sun shot into the hall from outside the door. An eunuch on duty stepped out of the high threshold and stood on the front steps of the hall, squinting his eyes to adapt to the sun. After a moment, he shouted loudly, "Please come to the hall for discussion!"