Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 208 Group Attack

(Thank you for the monthly pass of Bobby75222 and user 90787335.) Chapter 208

The civil and military officials stood in line, and everyone seemed to smell an unusual smell. In the past, the buzzing voice was inaudibility, and the public looked at the curtain of the side hall. However, as soon as the curtain was lifted, Xiao Jing, the eunuch in charge of Si Li, showed half a white head. Then, under the guidance of Xiao Jing, Zhengde's pale face and blue eyes came out, followed by Liu Jin, Zhang Yong, Ma Yongcheng, Qiu Ju and others.

With a sharp shout, it resounded in the hall: "The emperor is coming to the court...!"

Suddenly, there was a noise in the hall, and the civil and military officials knelt down and saluted in unison, saying in unison, "Holy my emperor!"

Zhengde sat on the dragon seat, covered his mouth and made a silent a bow. He waved his hand and said, "Don't be polite, get up."

The ministers got up and tidyed up their clothes and stood up. The hall was calm. Xiao Jing said tremblingly, "Do you adults have anything to play?"

The civil servants exchanged their eyes. Li Dongyang coughed and nodded slightly. Han Wen, the minister of the household department, stepped forward and took out a memorial from his arms and was about to play. Suddenly, Liu Jin, standing on the side of the dragon seat, shouted loudly, "Your Majesty, I have something to play!"

The civil and military officials were shocked. The hall has always dealt with government affairs. The eunuchs usually meet the emperor face to face, and there is no need to take up the early morning time to discuss. What the hell is Liu Jin doing?

Zhengde frowned and said, "Liu Jin, let's talk about it when the affairs of the inner court are over."

Liu Jin knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly. At the same time, Ma Yongcheng, Zhang Yong, Gao Feng, Qiu Ju, Gu Dayong, Luo Xiang, Wei Bin and others also quickly came behind Liu Jin and knelt down and kowtowed desperately.

"What are you doing? Liu Jin, what's the matter?" Zhengde was shocked, and his tired and depressed spirit after conquering several maids one night was also stimulated and suddenly became excited.

"The maidservants are guilty, and the maidservants will die." Liu Jin kowtowed, without any fraud, and his forehead was bruised and bleeding.

The civil servants looked at all this in surprise, with doubts on their faces. Han Wen turned his head and looked at Li Dongyang, who made a gesture to watch the change. Han Wen put the play into his arms and returned to the train.

"I want you to tell you, what the hell happened?" Zhengde was a little angry, and Liu Jin's inexplicable behavior really made Zhengde confused.

"Your Majesty." Liu Jin stopped kowtoing, blood flowing down his forehead, mixed with tears from his eyes to the corners of his mouth, which looked really horrible.

"Your Majesty, the slaves have been following the emperor for more than ten years and have been serving the emperor as hard as possible. Whether in the East Palace or after the emperor ascending the throne, the slaves and maidservants have only one idea, which is to be loyal to the emperor and let the emperor govern the Ming Dynasty in a comfortable mood; but the slaves and maidservants are really stupid and don't think too much at all. They don't know Some of the behaviors of the slaves have delayed the emperor's governance of national affairs, and they really deserve to die.

Zhengde said in astonishment, "Who said this?"

Liu Jin mourned: "Naturally, the maidservants heard rumors that the ministers in the court had clenched their teeth at the maidservants and others, and even gave them a name of eight tigers, which means that the eight of us are already tigers and wolves around the emperor. These days, the slaves and maidservants thought hard and finally knew that we were wrong. Today, they pleaded guilty to the emperor in the early morning. The slaves and other eight people admitted that they were unintentional and were no longer suitable to serve the emperor. We asked the emperor to remove us and other internal court and drive us out of the palace. Whether they were assigned to the border or demoted to civilians, the slaves and maidservants had no complaints.

Zhengde opened his mouth in surprise, and the ministers blew up a lot of discussion. This was a dream. Liu Jin finally got the position in the inner court, and unexpectedly resigned from the office because of some rumors?

Li Dongyang and others were more shocked. The Eight Tigers said that it was only mentioned last night, and today Liu Jin knows it, which means that some people last night must inform. Who is the specific person is not busy to investigate. What is the purpose of Liu Jin's behavior? Do you know that today's impeachment will be the first step to show weakness?

Li Dongyang's eyes stopped the civil servants from whispering to each other and signaling to continue to listen.

I only heard Zhengde say, "Liu Jin, it's just gossip. I think your errands are doing a good job. You don't have to do this. Get up."

Liu Jin turned his eyes and did not stand up: "Although the emperor does not blame himself, the slaves and maidservants blame themselves deeply. The emperor does not punish them today, and the slaves are in peace of mind. If someone mentions this in the future, he does not want to punish us, so the slaves and maidservants must punish us."

Zhengde laughed and said, "There is no such person who will punish himself on the pole. Well, since you think you are really wrong, well... everyone will be fined for three months. Is this satisfactory? Get up and stand aside. The ministers are watching your jokes.

Liu Jin said loudly, "The slaves and maidservants are punished and obey the order." Then he had to get up.

At this time, the civil servants understood that this was a retreat as a strategy and received this small punishment before the proposal of themselves and others. Next, no one could make any more proposals to these eight people. The emperor punished them. What else did you say?

"Wait!" With an angry shout resounding through the hall, Zhengde was shocked and saw Han Wen come forward with a green face.

"Korean, do you have anything to say?" Zhengde asked unhappily.

Han Wen glanced at Liu Jin and others kneeling in front of him, took out the seal and arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty, Liu Jin and other eight people are the most evil. How can they forgive them so easily? Yes, the ministers can no longer sit back and watch what Liu Jin and other eight people have done. These eight people are all traitors, and it is really unfavorable to the emperor to surround the emperor. , the three bachelors of the cabinet, the ministers of various ministries, the six subjects, the imperial envoys, and the officials of various ministries in Nanjing have jointly proposed the memorials for the impeachment of the eight tigers of the inner court, please take a look.

Zhengde was stunned and listened to Liu Jin's words as a joke. Unexpectedly, Han Wen came out to prove that this was true. So many people jointly proposed to impeach Liu Jin and others, which was really not small.

As His Royal Highness knelt down as a heavy minister, the voices of secondment were endless, and the voice requesting the emperor to severely punish the treacherous ministers was also louder and louder one by one. Zhengde and the military officers and relatives understood that this was a premeditated impeachment.

Li Dongyang, Xie Qian and Liu Jian, three cabinet scholars among the dozens of civil officials who knelt down on the ground, are, are three big figures who shocked the government and the public. In addition, they include Ma Wensheng, the minister of the Ministry of Household, Zhang Sheng, the minister of Ceremonies, Min Silicon, the minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Zeng Jian and other giants, as well as Zhang, the left and right imperial envoy. Fuhua and Shi Lin, coupled with the leaders of important ministers from various departments in Nanjing, this lineup is unprecedentedly luxurious and powerful; so many prominent civil officials impeached Liu Jin and others, and few people think that Liu Jin and others can escape this disaster.

Zhengde obviously panicked. Although he was the emperor, he had another fear among the ministers of the foreign court. After all, he was a 15-year-old teenager. Before that, the literary ministers had to compromise even his most admired father. This shadow was naturally deeply rooted in his heart and controlled. These stubborn, straightforward and annoying old guys are still an impossible task for Zhengde.

"What...what do you do when you get up and talk?" Zhengde stammered.

"If the emperor doesn't approve the proposal, I can't wait to get up." Li Dongyang said in a low voice.

"Please approve the deliberations of ministers and others, for the sake of the Ming Dynasty, distant ministers, and the villains." The ministers said in unison.

Zhengde turned pale, licked his lips and said, "I... I still don't understand what Liu Jin and the others have made."

Han Wen said in a low voice, "The emperor is deceived by the eight tigers. Naturally, he can't see the intentions of the eight tigers. Please take a look at the memorial. The charges of the eight tigers are listed above, which is clear at a glance."

Zhengde had no choice but to stretch out his hand and say, "Take it over and have a look."

Xiao Jing took the Korean memorial and spread it on the dragon case. Zhengde and his entourage looked at it, sweating on his face. Everything in the palace was on paper, pretending as a businessman, building a wine shop, building a leopard house, playing ball, singing and dancing ** music, listening to operas, as well as irrespecting government affairs, refusing to attend the ceremony, etc.; Zheng De looked at himself and had a fever on his face. He didn't feel anything when he did it. He only felt happy and comfortable, and his face was really shameless. All of this was attributed to the instigation and deliberate arrangement of Liu Jin and other eight tigers. Naturally, he came to the conclusion that the eight tigers had different intentions and tried to make the emperor ignore government affairs and control the government.

Zhengde raised his sleeves to wipe the sweat on his face and thought for a moment, "I... I think there is something wrong with what is said on it. Liu Jin also confessed to be guilty just now, but it's not as serious as your memorial. I don't think you adults are too worried."

Han Wen protested, "It's not too much. The wolf's ambition is already obvious. Do we have to wait until it is uncontrollable?"

Xie Qian said, "The emperor needs to remember the disaster of the civil castle. Wang Zhen, the eunuch of the inner court, bewitched the British Emperor to go on an expedition, so that he was captured in a great defeat. How can the emperor not be prepared."

"Please be careful. The treacherous minister is harmful enough to destroy the country and destroy the species..."

"The emperor thinks twice..."


The ministers shouted that the court was in chaos. This time, not only Zhengde, but also the military officials of Xunqi frowned. These civil officials were really too unruly. They made the court like the street market. Everyone had to interrupt a word without any rules, and there was no respect for the emperor.

The British Duke Zhang Mao couldn't stand it and shouted loudly, "Your Excellency, this is above the court. Please pay attention to your identity."

Li Dongyang realized that the literary ministers were a little out of control and turned their heads and stared angrily. Then everyone restrained a little and waited for Zhengde's decision.

Zhengde coughed and said, "Then what do you want me to deal with them?"

Li Dongyang said, "A slang minister is like a tiger, and he will never be killed in the future, and he will warn people with ulnerable intentions."

Zhengde opened his eyes wide and said, "Kill...kill?"

"If you don't kill, it is difficult to calm down the resentment and anger of the people. Please judge!" Han Wen said in a low voice.

"Please judge!" The ministers said in unison.