Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 212 The situation is out of control

(Thanks for the monthly tickets of light tea like ink and immortal origin) Chapter 22

The staff is not only a kind of torture, but also a kind of humiliation. Before Zhengde, some officials were also punished by the staff, but it was more a kind of spiritual humiliation and punishment. Spanking was also a kind of grace. Most of the officials who were beaten also got up and patted their buttocks to walk, and then scolded. Speaking of which, it's a big deal to get another meal.

But today's punishment is different. He took off his clothes and exposed the flesh. The general who executed the execution was also full of energy and had a posture of not giving up. Although Dai Xian was in his prime, how could he resist it?

Seeing that he was going to die, a young official couldn't stand it and got up and shouted, "Liu Jin, are you going to kill people in private?"

Most people don't know him, but his colleagues in the Ministry of Industry know him. His name is Wang Yangming, who is the head of the Ministry of Industry. His official rank is low, and naturally few people know him.

Liu Jin narrowed her eyes and shouted, "Who are you? Our family was ordered by the emperor to punish those who attacked the dormitory. Do you have to force yourself to come out?

Wang Yangming said coldly, "Wang Yangming, the head of the Ministry of Industry; Duke Liu, isn't it going to kill people if we continue to fight like this? Did the emperor let you kill people?"

Liu Jin said, "I only have 20 sticks, but Dai Mill's mouth is dirty and unruly, so he punished 20 sticks, which is all his fault."

Wang Yangming stepped out of his robe and shouted, "Then let me take the remaining 20 sticks for Lord Dai."

Liu Jin sneered and said, "You are really righteous. Our family will satisfy you. If someone comes, he will be rewarded with twenty sticks.

Jinyiwei came out from side to side and wanted to grab Wang Yangming's arm. Wang Yangming shook his hand and said, "I will leave by myself." After saying that, he walked to the bench, carefully took off his trousers, lay on the stool in his little clothes, and shouted, "Come on."

Liu Jin snorted coldly, "Strive me, Wang Yangmingqiang came up, broke the rules of the court staff, added ten sticks, and rewarded him 30 sticks! You guys are really good at fighting."

As soon as he said this, Shi Wenyi's face changed, and he was very clear about the rules of the factory guard, saying that 'it's a real fight' is to fight alive. However, Shi Wenyi will naturally have no objection. He has long been Liu Jin's person and has also reached a secret agreement with Liu Jin. Liu Jin promised to replace him as the commander Mou Bin of Jinyiwei, and he has already betrayed Mou Bin.

The mulberry sticks in the hands of General Jinyiwei Dahan rose and fell one after another without leaving a backhand. Wang Yangming was also tough and didn't say a word. He gritted his teeth and stood up. He only raised his head and stared at Liu Jin.

Although Dai Mill over there has stopped being stopped by the court staff, his whole body can't move, and the blood behind his buttocks is dripping, and the flesh is blurred. Just as everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Yangming receiving the court staff, Dai Mill gritted his teeth and stood up and stood up tremblingly; several civil officials went up to help him and was blocked by Dai Milling to reach out his hand.

Dai Mill staggered a few steps, bowed his hand to Wang Yangming, and then turned his head to bow to the ministers kneeling below. He held his head high to the sky and shouted, "The Emperor! Open your eyes and have a look. Save my Ming Dynasty. I will go with you. I will tell you what happened here face to face.

After saying that, Dai Mill suddenly ran out and crashed into the boulder at the gate of the hall. In the exclamation, they couldn't pull it out. They only heard a sound of Kala. The Dai Mill skull was broken, and his body slowly fell soft. General Jinyiwei Dahan rushed to help him up, but his breath was gone and his soul returned to the west.

The ministers were in an uproar and cried everywhere. Li Dongyang, Xie Qian, Liu Jian and others shouted, "Your Majesty, how can you sit still in the hall? The emperor...Your Majesty...!"

Liu Jin shouted loudly, "What's the noise? Dai Mille deserved the crime. Look at what he said and said to save me in the Ming Dynasty. This is a blatant slander of the emperor's incompetence. Although Dai Milling is dead, the crime still needs to be investigated.

The incident shocked, and the two Jinyi guards who were firing Wang Yangming stopped. Liu Jin shouted, "What are you doing? Keep fighting."

Two brocade guards raised their sticks and wanted to fight again, but they heard a shout in the hall: " Stop."

Liu Jin looked at it in astonishment and saw Song Nan come out with a green face. Liu Jin said, "Lord Song, what are you doing?"

Song Nan looked at Dai Xian's body, then at Wang Yangming's bloody lower body, and looked at the group of sad and angry civil servants below. She finally felt that it was a mistake to help Liu Jin. Although the literary ministers were also excessive this time and targeted themselves, such a situation was by no means what Song Nan wanted to see. Liu Jin It's a little out of control. I really can't see that Liu Jin is so cruel.

"Eunuch Liu, let's stop it." Song Nan said coldly.

Liu Jin said, "You feel sorry for them. Don't forget, they are going to kill you."

Song Nan said, "Even if it's not good for me, I don't want to kill people because of this. One person has died. Aren't you going to stop?"

When Liu Jin saw that Song Nan was indeed annoyed, he turned his eyes and said, "Well, I will give you Lord Song a face and spare Wang Yangming's experience."

Song Nan stepped down the steps and picked up Wang Yangming from the bench. Wang Yangming pushed Song Nan's hand away and said, "What do you want to save? Don't think I will be grateful to you if you pretend to be a good person. You are all slangs.

Song Nan was speechless and whispered, "I'm not here to thank you, but this method hurts himself and sacrifices his life in vain. How can it make up?"

Wang Yangming didn't answer and limped back to the civilian team. He wanted to continue to kneel down, but he couldn't bend his knees anyway.

Song Nan turned his head and looked at the Wenchen all over the scene and arched his hand and said, "Your Excellency, I have just come out of the emperor's study. The emperor is angry. Why do you have to embarrass yourself? Please get up and go back."

"Get out of here, what are you?" Xie Qian roared.

"Lord Song, you are not qualified to say such a thing. Please go away." Liu Jiandao.

Song Nan sighed and turned to Zhang Yong and said, "Eunuch Zhang, please bring some water and food. Don't be hungry and thirsty."

Zhang Yong wanted to ask Liu Jin to show it, but finally nodded and said, "Okay, let's get it."

Liu Jin looked at Song Nan with a sneer on his face.

The literary ministers were ungrateful and shouted one after another, "I'm thirsty and starving to death has nothing to do with you. If you are a fool, don't get out of here."

Song Nan looked at Li Dongyang and said, "Mr. Li, is this the result you want? Lord Dai died, and Lord Wang was killed by the imperial staff. All of you are tired. Is this your original intention?

Li Dongyang said in a wooden way: "There are some things that Lord Song will never understand."

Song Nan sighed, "Don't think of others as too stupid. Do you really admonger Liu Jin? But it's just for your face and dignity, sacrificing human life in vain in exchange for respect? I can't see it."

Li Dongyang and others were shocked, and the secret in their hearts was broken by Song Nan's words, but they did not want to admit it: "Lord Song uploaded a message on behalf of the emperor? If not, please go away."

Song Nan sighed and ordered people to lift Dai Mill's body, scrub it and put it aside. He turned around and slowly left the Qianqing Palace. The situation had been out of his control. He had persuaded Zhengde in the study for a long time, but Zhengde didn't know why he couldn't listen to it at all. On the contrary, Song Nan's fault. If you are tough, you will compromise with yourself later.

Song Nan smiled bitterly, and Zhengde didn't understand what he said to him in the back garden at all. Toughness is not equal to extreme, and compromise is not equal to weakness. He wants him not to be coerced by civilian officials, but he doesn't want him to condone Liu Jin to start killing; but Zhengde can't listen to these words at this time. Zhengde In a confrontational excitement, even when the news of Dai Milling's death came in, Zhengde did not frown or even show surprise. Song Nan knew that Zhengde had gone astray.

In the evening, the news came from the palace, and the cabinet ministers submitted their resignations, and more than a dozen important civil servants also submitted their resignations. Unexpectedly, Zhengde actually approved the resignation, which was like a child's play. The three cabinet bosses were sucked to the end. Song Nan knew that this must be Liu Jin's idea.

Song Nan hurried into the palace and wanted to contain it before the situation further fermented, otherwise the court would be in chaos, and the complete collapse of civil officials would give Liu Jin a chance to expand his power. If the two sides were not at an equal position, Liu Jin would become worse.

Today, Liu Jin's actions have made Song Nan subvert her impression of him for more than a year. No matter how he wants to leave a fire in the foreign court, even if he will react to himself in the future, it is much better than Liu Jin controlling the whole situation. There is a grudge between himself and Liu Jin, and Zhengde will let Liu Jin control the situation. It's equally unfavorable to myself.

In the bedroom, Zhengde drank happily and celebrated the victory. When Song Nan asked to see him, Zhengde happily pulled Song Nan to sit down and drink and smiled, "Song Nan, you don't know that when I approved their resignation, the scene was so funny."

Song Nan smiled and said, "What's a good way to play?"

Zhengde said, "Liu Jin said that several people fainted on the spot and cried, like mourning."

Song Nan said, "Is this scene really funny?"

Zhengde said, "Isn't it funny? They just wanted to scare me, but they didn't expect me to make a plan and allow them. Hahaha, this is clean."

Song Nan frowned and said, "So what about the government affairs of the court in the future? What about the emperor's country? How to govern the country without the foreign court?

Zheng Deqi said, "Isn't this simple? Just promote a batch.

Song Nan said, "The general is dead. Can you take the army to win the battle by promoting one from the soldiers?"

Zhengde was stunned and said, "How can that be done? How can a small soldier lead the army?

Song Nan said, "It can be seen that there is no heavy minister in the foreign court, and the government affairs must be in chaos. The emperor thinks twice."

Zhengde calmed down and was happy, but he didn't expect that the foreign court was dealing with thousands of trivial matters and state affairs. Who can bear the heavy responsibility in the future?

"This... I have been approved. Am I going to beg them to come back?" Zhengde shook his head and said, "It will never work."

Song Nan said, "I'm going to do it for the emperor."

Zhengde said, "They hate you to the bone. How will they agree if you go?"

Song Nan said, "How can personal grudges be above state affairs? I am willing to go."

Zhengde thought for a moment and said, "In this way, I can't take advantage of them. You only go to see Li Dongyang. If he agrees to come back, I will meet him in the palace and comfort him with a gentle face. Other people still forget it. Didn't you say that they wanted to control me. I can easily raise my eyebrows and exhale. How can I be coerced by them again?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "Well, Li University is highly regarded. If he can preside over the situation, it doesn't matter if he has a few mediocrity."

Zhengde smiled and said, "Song Nan, don't be bitter. I'm still very happy today. Let's have a drink with me."

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "The wine is smoked. How to show sincerity? I'm going."

Zhengde was stunned and looked at Song Nan out of the hall and shook his head with a smile. Liu Jin came out of the shadow and drank for Zhengde. He said, "Lord Song seems to be angry. Lord Song has been very angry recently."

Zhengde looked at Liu Jin coldly and said, "Is that what you are talking about your life-saving person behind your back? If Song Nan hadn't reminded me, you would have fallen to the ground.

Liu Jin knelt down and said, "The emperor calmed down, and the maidservant just said it casually."

Zhengde said, "You are not allowed to say such a thing in the future."

Liu Jin wiped the sweat on her forehead and got up and clapped her hands. The sound of silk bamboo suddenly rose, and a bunch of enchanting dancers came out from behind the curtain and began to dance. Zhengde stared at the dancers in front of him with wine glasses. Liu Jin came up and whispered, "Dai Mill to slander the emperor..."

Zhengde frowned and scolded, "I'm drinking. You come to ask questions. Do you still need me to deal with these things myself? What's the use of you slaves?"

Liu Jin repeatedly sued and retreated aside with a cold smile on his face.