Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 213 Who is the sycoon

Chapter 2III

The night is windy, and there is no one on the streets. The night of early winter is cold. Today's turmoil in the morning has obviously affected the people of the capital. The weather is cold and people's hearts are cold.

Song Nan took the guard to ride a horse on the empty street, went straight to Li Dongyang's residence in Yongfang, got off his horse in front of Li's house, and ordered people to knock on the door.

The small hole in the door was half open, and someone showed half of his face and asked vigilantly, "Who are you? What are you doing so late?"

Song Nan came forward and arched his hand and said, "Please inform Lord Li, and then say that Song Nan, the deputy envoy of Fusi of Jinyiwei North Town, asked for a meeting."

The family inside was obviously a little flustered. They looked around along the small hole and found that there were more than 20 fully armed brocade guards standing beside Song Nan. They closed the door with a crash and ran to inform them.

Song Nan stood on the doorstep with her hands behind her, staring at the two bright and dim lanterns on the doorway. When she was unlucky, even the lantern in front of the door looked so listless, and the halo looked very bleak.

There was a noisy footsteps inside the door, and there was a faint sound: "Master, you can't go out. I'm afraid it's not good for you to come here."

Li Dongyang's angry voice came: "I'd like to see if Liu Jin wants to take me to the court staff. I've lived enough."

The door opened with a crash, Li Dongyang strode out of the door, and several servants quickly followed with lanterns.

"Good Lord Li, Song Nan is courteous." Song Nan arched his hand.

Li Dongyang's face turned a little and said coldly, "I dare not, I dare not accept the gift of Lord Song; I will go with you, but don't scare the women and children in my house."

Song Nan was stunned and said, "Go? Where are you going?

Li Dongyang sneered and said, "Don't pretend to be garlic. Didn't you come to take me by Liu Jin's order? Although I admit that I am not guilty, you always have a way to get some charges. Don't talk nonsense. Let's go."

After saying that, Li Dongyang stepped down the steps. Song Nan smiled bitterly and said, "Lord Li, you misunderstood. I didn't come to get you, nor did I take Liu Jin's order. The subordinate and Liu Jin are not the same person."

Li Dongyang looked at Song Nan with a sneer and said contemptuously, "Oh? This is strange. This is the funniest joke I have ever heard; you and Liu Jin are not the same person. Am I? Hahaha."

Song Nan said, "Can I come to your house to talk about it? It's not convenient to stand on the street and talk.

Li Dongyang said, "There is nothing to talk about between me and you. If you come to take me, please do it. If you don't take me, please leave."

Song Nan said seriously, "The subordinate came under the emperor's order. Lord Li really doesn't want to talk to the subordinate?"

"Imperial life?"

"Yes, I just came out of the palace. The emperor wants to come to see you and discuss something important."

Li Dongyang was suspicious and thought for a moment, "Since it is the emperor's order, how dare I not comply? Come in."

Li Dongyang turned around and entered the door. Song Nan followed him, and the brocade guard behind him was about to come in. Song Nan stopped and turned around and said, "You all stay outside the house. Don't scare the people in Lord Li's mansion."

Li Daniu and Wan Zhi Wang Yong and others who followed Song Nan were still waiting to say. They were stopped by Song Nan with their eyes and had no choice but to stop outside the door. Li Dongyang's face was slightly grim when he heard the words and said lightly, "Let them come in. There are a large group of brocade guards around the door. I don't know what I think Li Dongyang has committed a big crime."

Song Nan laughed and said, "How come, but it's quite cold outside. Li Daniu, Wan Zhi and Wang Yong, lead the team to stay in the yard. They are not allowed to walk around casually. They are not allowed to enter the hall without my order."

The three agreed and led the team to stand on the open space by the door. Of course, the housekeeper of Li's house did not dare to neglect it. He made hot tea and snacks and sent them over, but none of the brocade guards touched it. This is the rule developed by Wan Zhi and Wang Yong. They will never be distracted when protecting adults and never eat anyone's things to avoid intention. Outside.

Li Dongyang led Song Nan to the flower hall. The servant made tea and brought it up. Song Nan took a sip of the teacup and took a sip. Li Dongyang obviously heard it. Li Dongyang also heard it. He frowned and asked a maidservant to come forward and shouted, "Go and tell them not to cry. I'm not dead yet. It's really a woman. "

The maid hurried to send a message. Li Dongyang looked at Song Nan with a little guilt and said, "My wife and daughter cried in the back hall and laughed."

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's the subordinate's fault. The subordinate should not have come with the brocade guard in the middle of the night. I'm very sorry."

Li Dongyang waved his hand and asked, "Lord Song came on the order of the emperor. Does the emperor have anything else to say to me? By the way, I'm not a cabinet scholar now. Cao Minjie, will the emperor have something to say to Cao Min?

Song Nan put down the tea cup and smiled, "Lord Li is the pillar in the middle corridor. The emperor is extremely dependent. Why should he say these angry words?"

Li Dongyang laughed and said with a cold laugh, "Extremely reliable? It's just a big joke."

Song Nan said, "Lord Li, today, the lower official came under the order of the emperor to ask Lord Li to resume his position. The emperor said that there must be no Lord Li in the court, and the foreign court still needs Lord Li to be in control of the emperor to be assured."

Li Dongyang shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Lord Song, don't come to entertain me. I have seen through it. Our important ministers of the former dynasty are as light as a feather in the emperor's mind. The emperor's favorite is Liu Jin, these sycomers who have voted for him. Li Dongyang and others in the foreign court. No one in this world is indispensable. I know Yes, you'd better talk about the real purpose of coming here.

Song Nan scratched his head and said, "This is the purpose of coming here. The emperor asked Lord Li to still be in charge of the cabinet. Today's matter is also impulsive, and now he regrets it."

Li Dongyang frowned and said, "Oh? Did you really want me to be reinstaed?"

Song Nan said, "That's true."

Li Dongyang said, "How about Xie University Scholars and Liu University Scholars? What about Dai Milling?

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "Lord Li, with all due respect, it is not completely appropriate for the adults of the outside court to stop today's affairs. You and jointly impeached Liu Jin. In terms of this matter alone, Song does not dare to say that it is right or wrong; but the adults seem to be more aggressive, which makes people feel that they are not only against Liu Jin, but also to compare with the emperor. Energetic, I don't know if Song has guessed one or two?

Li Dongyang sneered and said, "Shouldn't Liu Jin be killed? The eight tigers are in the inner court, led by Liu Jin. They do not want to assist the emperor's diligence in government affairs. On the contrary, they encouraged the emperor to abolish the government and do something out of the palace, which is simply shameful. If the eight tigers are not eliminated, the government is difficult to clear, and the emperor will also be addicted to play. What's wrong with these shanties?

Song Nan said: "The subordinate does not mean that the impeachment is wrong, but your way is too radical. To be honest, Liu Jin and others are guilty, but they don't deserve to die. The emperor has promised to send them to Nanjing to live idle, but you still won't let go. The emperor is an affectionate person, after all, as At the time of the prince, only Liu Jin and others served him and asked him to kill him. Of course, the emperor did not want to. However, when the adults made trouble in the Qianqing Palace, you threatened each other with resignation and thought about it in detail. Is your behavior really appropriate?

Li Dongyang frowned and said, "Is this what the emperor told you?"

Song Nan said, "The emperor didn't say that these are what Song saw himself. Although the emperor is young, he is intelligent. Can't he see it?"

Li Dongyang said coldly, "Does that also depends on the cause? Yes, I and others did use Liu Jin's incident to warn the emperor. That's not because the emperor's behavior was misconducted. Think about the former emperor, and then look at the new emperor. It's simply a world of difference! We have the responsibility to bring the emperor back to the right path. This is the duty of our ministers. Throughout the ages, we don't know how many straight ministers have been exaled, and there will never be a shortage of such ministers in the Ming Dynasty. What if we lose an official? How can you frustrate your arrogance and sharpen your spirit?

Song Nan stroked his palm and praised, "White hair is still proud, why am I not young!" Unfortunately, there is no wine, otherwise these words will be in vain for Lord Li.

Li Dongyang sneered and said, "Don't laugh at me. You and others won't understand."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Maybe I don't understand what you said, but I know how to take care of the overall situation."

Li Dongyang said, "Let's make it clear, who doesn't care about the overall situation and doesn't know the general situation?"

Song Nan said, "Although it is very pleasant to vent your anger, the court will definitely be purged after today. Liu Jin will take this opportunity to seize the court and monopolize power from now on. Is this the purpose you want to achieve?"

Li Dongyang said angrily, "Can you blame me for waiting?"

Song Nan said, "Isn't it the emperor's fault for you? The emperor ordered three university scholars to take care of their lives. Are you so concerned about your lives? Is it a direct minister to make a statement? Is it a virtuous minister? From a simple point of view, the so-called virtuous minister is the right to judge the situation, be the rudder of the boat on the tip of the wind and waves, cleverly avoid the danger of subversion, and ensure the stability of the society. This is the real ability. To say something that Lord Li doesn't like to hear, you are too arrogant and always want to leave a name in history, and do not hesitate to care about the stability of the court. Unfortunately, there are not many people who leave a reputation in history, and I'm afraid there are many people who will be criticized by future generations.

Li Dongyang was furious and shouted, "Ignorant boy, you are just a courtier. How can you teach me a lesson?"

Song Nan patted the table and said angrily, "Jichen? When did the magistrate persuade the emperor to do something against the country? Is it wrong for me to play ball with the emperor and play some useful games? According to your meaning, the new emperor should work hard every day like the previous emperor, and then dies in his thirties in his prime? Do you think the emperor is happy? The emperor once mentioned the matter of the former emperor. The former emperor was tired of that kind of days and deposited in trivial matters every day. Subject to your various requirements, even the concubines could not ask for more. You thought it was a victory of the foreign court, but you didn't know that from this perspective, you were the sylang ministers.

Li Dongyang trembled and smashed the tea cup on the ground. The tea cup fell to pieces, and the sound of cracking was harsh and loud in the quiet night. He was shocked that the guards and the servants of Li's family rushed to check, but they saw that Li Dongyang and Song Nan looked at each other like two fighting chickens, and their faces were red.