Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 241 Patrol

(Thanks to fishtank for the monthly ticket reward gift, and thank you for the reward.) Chapter 241

The Wanjiu case in Wanjiazhuang caused a great uproar. Wan Biao, the cavalry commander of Dongchang, was furious when he learned the news. He cried and found Qiu Ju, the admiral of Dongchang, and asked Qiu Ju to be his master and avenge his father's death.

When Qiu Ju heard the words, he immediately reported to Liu Jin. Liu Jin was furious. In his opinion, Song Nan's move was a naked declaration of war on him. Although the two had torn their faces, they always thought that they had taken the initiative and could go to trouble with Song Nan, but Song Nan should never trouble him, but obviously Song Nan did not That's what I think.

Liu Jin wanted to immediately move the public to go to the Jinyiwei office to settle accounts with Song Nan, but after a night of calm, Liu Jin decided to figure out the reason of the matter and find out the context of the matter. Since Song Nan killed more than a dozen lives, if there is a mistake in the evidence, he can take Song Nan as an attack point. .

Liu Jin called Shi Wenyi and asked him to go to the Fusi of Beizhen to review the evidence of the case to see if Song Nan had been improperly dealt with. However, Shi Wenyi left aggressively, but tilted his head and came back.

The joint confessions of hundreds of villagers were clearly written. Tens of thousands of people acted in Wanjiazhuang, killing and injuring many people, looting property, occupying people's wives and daughters, and intending to arrest and assassinate officials of Jinyiwei, etc. Hundreds of big red fingerprints pressed behind the confession, which was shocking. Liu Jin was also silent. Song Nan didn't even need to provide other evidence and testimony. This joint witness testimony of hundreds of people was enough to make Song Nan kill Wan Cui and his minions on the spot.

What's more, with the continuous confessions of Mrs. Wan Kui and her family's minions provided by Shi Wenyi, which confirmed that the people's testimony was not false, and Liu Jin had no way to do it.

This case is already an iron case, and Wan Gui's death is his own fault. No matter how unwilling Liu Jin is, he can only choose to give up working on this matter.

Liu Jin still knows something about Song Nan, and he is also afraid of Song Nan. Whether it is the impeachment of Fan Heng and Wang Yue or the joint impeachment of the ministers, it proves that Song Nan is not a soft persimmon, but a tiger that will bite back at any time. If you want to deal with Song Nan, you must have conclusive evidence, so that Song Nan has no power to fight back. Even if the emperor wants to protect him, there is no reason. Liu Jin will never do anything that hurts the tiger instead of slaming the tiger.

Although Wan Biao was furious and wanted to take people to Fusi Yamen in Beizhen to make trouble several times in private, Liu Jin told Qiu Ju to restrain Wan Biao's behavior. At this end, he could not put himself at a disadvantage. In order to appease Wan Biao, Qiu Ju promoted him to the third grade of Dongchang and strictly warned him that he could not bear to plot a mess and one day avenge his father's murder.

Wan Biao had no choice but to look for opportunities in private. He asked several good men of Dongchang to monitor Song Nan's whereabouts and planned to do it secretly. Unfortunately, Song Nan was not as careless as before. Not only did he not give them a chance to do it, but on the contrary, the people sent twice were almost captured by Song Nan. Qiu Ju general who learned about this matter Wan Biao scolded and threatened to remove his post, which forced Wan Biao to stop acting against Song Nan.

Suddenly, a month has been in a hurry. After the Dragon Boat Festival, the spring is strong. With the fragrance of locust trees, the weather is gradually getting hot.

The back garden of Song Mansion is also full of flowers and plants. Song Nan lazily leaned on the lounge chair on the grass and squinted to enjoy the spring. There was fruit tea on the white round table beside her, and the breeze blew as comfortable as living in a painting.

A wisp of flute sound came to her ears, and Song Nan knew it without looking at it. It was Dai Suer playing the flute in the pavilion above. Dai Suer was no longer like the melancholy and sadness when she first came. In the comfortable life of the Song family, the pain in her heart gradually healed, and she no longer avoided the Song family and gradually integrated into the Song family.

With Lu Qingli's liveliness and sociableness, he naturally became a good sister who talked to Dai Suer. The two often ate and laughed behind their backs and glanced at Song Nan. Song Nan suspected that Lu Qingli's mouth was open and told Dai Suer about some of her usual outrageous behaviors as a joke, but Song Nan was originally an open-minded person, and also I won't care about it.

There was a delicate cry under the swing, which made Dai Suer's flute stop abruptly. Song Nan hurriedly got up and saw Lu Qingli crawling from the grass, and the pomegranate skirt was stained with a piece of grass juice.

Song Nan laughed and said, "Qingli is driving in the clouds again? You won't feel at ease if you don't fall a few times one day.

Lu Qingli herself was also funny and pouted and said, "Break the swing, break the swing."

Song Nan walked over and took off the grass on her temples and smiled, "You still blame the swing for being bad. Every time you swing to the highest place, you will naturally fall."

Lu Qingli was speechless. She limped to the chair with Song Nan's arm and sat down. She took Song Nan's teacup and took a few breaths and gasped.

Dai Suer on the pavilion walked slowly in white to check. Seeing that Lu Qingli was fine, she turned around and walked away. Song Nan quickly said, "Sit down. I have something to tell you."

Dai Suer sat down and pinned the jade flute to the ribbon around her waist. Song Nan couldn't help looking at her beautiful face and sighed, "This period is very leisurely, but it's a pity that the good days are coming to an end."

Lu Qingli said, "What's wrong?"

Song Nan said, "The emperor summoned me yesterday. The emperor personally patrolled the side. He asked me to accompany him. Hey, it's not so comfortable on the way."

Lu Qingli said in astonishment, "Is the emperor going on a tour? This emperor is really true. Are there still few followers on the tour? Why do you want your husband to accompany you? How many days will it take?"

Song Nan said, "You don't understand, this is called the emperor's kindness; Besides, the emperor doesn't want to make a big trip, otherwise the ministers of the court will inevitably oppose it, and there are not many accompanying people. As for the length of time, it's hard to say; the emperor has to go to Datong, and then go through Datong to Xuanfu, an important town in the north. I estimate that this journey will be as short as three months, and half a half long. Year."

Dai Suer gave a soft voice, and Song Nan said, "What's wrong?"

Dai Suer bowed her head and said, "Nothing, I just feel that the time has been too long, half a year."

Lu Qingli's eyes had already opened and said, "What? Half a year? Then I'll follow."

Song Nan smiled and said, "This is to patrol the edge. Do you think it's a tour of mountains and rivers? Along the way, the hardships are indispensable. I can't take you there. Besides, you followed me. Who will take care of you? Who will take care of the shop?

Lu Qingli said, "Will that cousin follow? There may be danger on the way, and my cousin can also protect your safety.

Song Nan shook her head and said, "I want her to follow, but when I think about it, as soon as I leave home, I need Aunt Fang more. With her at home, I can feel at ease, and the young people dare not come to the house to disturb."

Lu Qingli said, "But how can you be taken care of by someone?"

Song Nan said, "It's okay. It's just that what others eat and what I wear. I also have to take the guard on the road. They will take care of me."

Lu Qingli shook her head and said, "No, half a year is not a few days. The men of the guard will not take care of people. What if they are sick?"

Song Nan laughed and said, "Can't you think about the benefits? Why do I get sick?

Lu Qingli was speechless, but obviously disagreed with Song Nan's words.

Dai Suer suddenly said, "Why don't the slave go with the prince, and there will be a care on the way."

Song Nan was stunned and said, "You? No, no."

Dai Suer tilted her head and said, "Why not?"

Song Nan said, "I'm afraid it's difficult for you to take care of yourself and come to take care of me."

Dai Suer said, "Do you look down on people? The slave family is not as delicate as you think. If you don't believe it, you can ask Wan'er. What can't the slave family do at home? Besides, Qingli's words just now also reminded me that the slave family has read medical books, and it is inevitable that there will be some minor problems when sleeping in the wild, and the slave family will also be cured. It may be useful to follow you, and it is useless to stay at home.

Song Nan just waved his hand and said, "No, how can I let you suffer? None of you are allowed to go and stay at home."

Dai Suer looked at Song Nan and said, "Isn't the slave your maidservant?"

Song Nan said, "I didn't treat you as a slave."

Dai Suer said, "But the slave family is always the slave of the Song family. This is an unchangeable fact. There is nothing wrong with me to follow, so that Sister Ye and Qingli can settle down the family at home. You can also go with the car at ease. The slave family can take care of you, and the old lady can also rest assured at home. If you are not free, I can still write Isn't it good to go home and report that you are safe?

Song Nan looked at Lu Qingli. Lu Qingli nodded and said, "Suer is right. There must be someone to follow her. Su'er is actually very good at taking care of people. I'm in Suer's room these days. I don't know how considerate she is."

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "I'll ask what Aunt Fang means later. It will take a few days to leave. I still have to prepare some accompanying items and decide in the evening. I haven't told the little princess about this. The whereabouts of the emperor's trip this time is a secret. Don't say it."

The two women nodded and agreed. From Dai Suer's eager eyes, Song Nan felt a trace of doubt. Why did Dai Suer, who has always been far away from herself, take the initiative to ask her to follow her long journey? There must be a scy in it.

Zhengde's tour was extremely secret. Zhengde knew that such matters could not be discussed with the ministers. The discussion must be a snowflakes-like proposal to oppose it, so he also cut off the ministers first and then, ready to leave an edict to the eunuchs of the inner court, and let the eunuchs officially announce it three days after leaving.

And he also played tricks in the edict. It was originally a patrol route from Weizhou to Datongfu and then along the south of the Great Wall to Xuanfu. The edict wrote the route of returning to Beijing after inspection from Jizhou to Juyongguan. One takes several months, and the other takes more to return to Beijing in more than ten days. The first is to prevent ministers from chasing and blocking the driving. The short days can also reduce the anger of the ministers.

Everyone tacitly said that the emperor's visit was just a tour of the mountains and rivers. If he did not return for a few months, the ministers would never agree, but if it was only more than ten days, he could just open his eyes and close his eyes.

In order not to be found when leaving the city, the accompanying personnel could not make a big deal. Twenty guards with knives accompanied him, Shi Wenyi took 100 Han generals, and Liu Jin ordered Qiu Ju to also choose 100 Dongchang Fanzi. In addition, there were more than 40 eunuch palace maids accompanying them, with a total of more than 200 people.

In order to keep it secret, no people have been mobilized to follow in the regiment camp, Shenji camp and 3,000 camps. It can be said that it is really light and simple.