Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 242 Bird Out of the Cage

Chapter 242

Song Nan accompanied him with more than 20 brocade guards selected in the Fusi government of Beizhen. The emperor did not need Song Nan to lead more people on the tour, but Song Nan still asked Zhengde to allow himself to take 20 guards. Although it was for the sake of increasing defense, but also for his own safety, more than 200 people accompanied him. Almost all of them are Liu Jin's people. In case Liu Jin is unfavorable to him halfway, he has no power to fight back.

Although the number of more than 20 guards is small, they are all capable and good at fighting, and they are also equipped with magic weapons. Song Nan is confident to retreat in the face of emergencies.

In view of his understanding of the fierceness of the border town, and the harassment of the Taran has never stopped. Song Nan had a long mind and went to the government to meet Zhang Lun before leaving. Under the premise that Zhang Lun vowed not to leak the news, she told Zhang Lun of the news and route of the emperor's tour, and asked him to take it at any time when necessary. Soldiers came to help.

Zhang Lun was surprised. They didn't know anything about the emperor's secret tour. Even the old man didn't know that Song Nan could tell himself the news, which was a great trust in themselves. However, Zhang Lun also felt that Song Nan was a little worried. The route of the emperor's inspection was a border town, and there were heavy troops guarding. How could there be trouble and he needed to help himself?

However, after careful consideration, Zhang Lun still decided to accept Song Nan's suggestion and mobilized 10,000 soldiers and horses of the Fenwu battalion and 3,000 people from the Shenji battalion to the northern suburbs 30 miles north of the capital for the annual summer training in advance. Although this move seemed abrupt, under Zhang Lun's strong request and defense, Zhang Mao, the governor of the regiment camp, could not refute Zhang Lun's face. Besides, training the Beijing camp was also a business, so he agreed.

At midnight on the tenth day of May, Shi Wenyi opened the gate of the North City in the name of going out of the city, and hundreds of soldiers rushed out of the north gate with seven or eight cars and disappeared into the night.

At dawn, after a night's rush, the emperor's car has left the capital for more than 50 miles. When the morning sun rose, Zhengde poked his head out of the carriage, and his face was full of excitement, like a caged bird.

"Your Majesty, it's time for us to rest all night. It's nearly 50 miles from the capital. Let everyone drink water and eat something." Liu Jin rode close to report.

Zhengde nodded and said, "Ok, I will also come down and walk."

Liu Jin ordered to go down, and everyone rested in place, drank water and ate dry food.

Song Nan got off his horse and chewed dry food to the emperor's car. When he passed a big car with a black canopy, he suddenly heard a man shouting in the car: "Song Nan!"

Song Nan was stunned and turned her head to look. She was shocked. In the window of the car, Zhu Xiufu, the princess of Corning, covered her face with a light veil to block the dust, and a pair of watery eyes looked at her with a smile.

Song Nan hurriedly saluted, "Princess, why are you here?"

Zhu Xiufu smiled and said, "Is it an accident? Do you like it?"

Song Nan was speechless and only heard Zhu Xiufu say, "I heard the emperor say that he was coming out of Beijing, so I asked the emperor to take me out to see the scenery; but in fact, there is still a little secret in this palace, do you want to know?"

Song Nan looked around and said hurriedly, "Since it's a secret, the princess, don't tell me."

Zhu Xiufu sneered and said, "You can know this secret and come here."

Song Nan looked around and said, "It's not good."

Zhu Xiufu said, "You are disobedient?"

Song Nan had no choice but to close her face. Zhu Xiufu raised the veil on her face and blew a hot air in Song Nan's ear, "The secret is that I know that you are going to drive with you, so I will follow you. You won't come to me for a few months. Are you embarrassed to come to me in the palace? Now you don't have to be afraid to leave the capital.

Song Nan was shocked and felt that Zhu Xiufu's wet lips kissed her face. She hurriedly shrank her head back, stretched out her sleeves and wiped her face, fearing to leave lipstick marks.

Zhu Xiufu giggled, and Song Nan, a pair of beautiful eyes, was shocked, and Song Nan quickly arched her hand and fled. This trip is extremely dangerous. It is really hard to serve the emperor and guard against the princess.

Zhengde got out of the carriage and walked back and forth on the dusty ground. Looking at the undulating mountains and endless fields in the distance, he said happily: "I have long dreamed that one day, I can finally enjoy my great rivers and mountains. Where is this place?"

Liu Jin was not very clear. He turned his head to ask others. Song Nan just approached and smiled and said, "Your Majesty, this is still the boundary of Shuntian Mansion, but if you go dozens of miles, you will reach the boundary of Baoding Mansion."

Zhengde said, "I haven't left the capital for a long time. Hurry up. The farther away, the better."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Don't worry. You have to make your brothers full. You must go to the north of Zijingguan in Baoding this evening."

Liu Jin suddenly said, "Is there a mountain in the north of Zijing Pass?"

Song Nan said, "It's true that there are continuous mountains and dense forests in Ma Shuikou."

Liu Jin arched his hand to Zhengde and said, "Congratulations, Emperor."

Zhengde said, "What? What's the congratulations on this?"

Liu Jin said, "Didn't the emperor always want to hunt tigers, leopards and bears in person? The dense forests of mountains can just let the emperor show his power. After arriving at Mashuikou, we can stay for a few days to hunt and visit the mountains and rivers. Since the emperor has come out, he can't always rush all the way. That's too boring.

Zhengde stroked his palm and smiled, "Yes, yes, yes, it's a good idea, little Jinzi, you really know what I'm thinking. Song Nan, are there any birds and beasts on that mountain?

Song Nan said, "There are many, but the mountains and forests are dense, and the road is difficult, so it may be difficult to hunt."

Liu Jin frowned and said, "Lord Song, you are familiar with the place. Why don't you take someone to make a front stop for the emperor, figure out the way into the mountain, and see where it is easy to hunt, and it will be easier for you to do when the emperor's car arrives."

Zhengde said, "Why do you need Song Nan to go to this? I still need Song Nan to talk with me."

Liu Jin said, "Your Majesty, the people brought to Beijing are not as familiar with the terrain as Lord Song. It's just one day, just to let the emperor enjoy hunting."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Your Majesty, it's good for me to go to the front station. No one is more familiar with this road than me. I'm willing to go."

Zhengde spread out his hands and said, "Well, I also want you to tell me about what happened in Weizhou. After the Baoding boundary, it's Weizhou. In fact, I want to kill a few tas."

Song Nan smiled and said, "How can the Taran want the emperor to go out? The emperor's tour is to boost morale. It's not a fight with the Tarats. We only have such a few people, and we can't take risks."

Zhengde was slightly disappointed and said, "So, I don't have a chance to fight with the Tarans?"

Liu Jin hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, don't listen to Lord Song's nonsense. When we meet the Tarat, we will do them. The maidservant is the first to lead the horse for the emperor to kill."

Zhengde said happily, "Okay, it's settled."

Song Nan sighed slightly and arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty, I will take a step ahead and wait for the holy driver at the mouth of Ma Shui."

Zhengde said, "Be careful on the way. If you meet a tiger and leopard, you should keep it for me. Don't finish shooting."

Song Nan smiled and said, "I know."

Song Nan knew that this was Liu Jin's intention to transfer him away from Zhengde's side. This time, Zhengde asked him to follow him. Liu Jin failed to obstruct it and was very unwilling.

Driving in the palace can certainly enhance feelings, but once you get out of the capital, it will be very different. The advantage of driving outside is that the emperor has nothing else to rely on and can only rely on the people around him. The princes and ministers are not here. The only thing the emperor can rely on is the drivers around him. In this case, the relationship between monarchs and ministers will explode. Liu Jin can't understand the rapid progress; if he is transferred away from himself, he won't give himself such a chance.

But Song Nan did not want to look at Liu Jin's face beside Zhengde. He was more worried about whether he would encounter Tasars after crossing Mashankou. Only Song Nan knew that this patrol route was actually very dangerous. The only thing Song Nan could do was to stay vigilant and try not to let Zhengde make mistakes in this trip. Explore the situation on the front line in Weizhou and deal with it according to the situation.

Song Nan galloped west with more than 20 horses. At noon, he found a place to rest in the shade to drink water and eat. Song Nan suddenly remembered something and looked around and saw Dai Suer leaning under the tree with her eyes closed.

Originally, Dai Suer was sitting in a big car with several maids of honor. Song Nan wanted to leave the army. Of course, she could not leave Dai Suer with Zhengde and Liu Jin. Liu Jin couldn't do anything. She couldn't let Dai Suer stay here for adventure, so she asked Dai Suer to ride away with him in flag school clothes; but all morning Speeding, I actually forgot whether Dai Suer could stand the bumps on the horse's back.

"Daw, I should have left you in the brigade." Song Nan looked at Dai Suer's pale face and whispered.

Dai Suer was shocked by the voice in her ear. When she opened her eyes and saw that it was Song Nan, she sighed, "It doesn't matter, I'm just a little tired."

Song Nan grabbed her hand to check, and a red mark was strangled by the reins on her little hand. Dai Suer withdrew her hand and said, "Really, I really don't matter."

Song Nan said, "I shouldn't have taken you out."

Dai Suer lowered her head and said, "I'm useless, isn't it?"

Song Nan didn't answer, but only asked, "You... should have a lot of pain in your thighs. People who don't often ride horses only need to ride for an hour or two to grind their legs. I actually forgot this. Damn it."

Dai Suer's face turned red. Song Nan was right. Her inner thighs were so painful that she couldn't stand it, but she was embarrassed to say it.

"It doesn't matter, the slave family still insists."

Song Nan shook his head and said, "This is not a matter of persistence. After riding for a long time, you can't walk at night, so I have to order someone to send you back to Beijing."

Dai Suer said hurriedly, "No, I won't go."

Song Nan said, "You can't ride a horse from now on."

Dai Suer said, "Then how can I keep up with you?"

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "If you don't think I'm abrupt, you can sit in front of me when you come back. Sitting on your side will not aggravate your injury. In the afternoon, you will feel relieved after a rest for a while."

Dai Suer thought for a moment and nodded with a red face.

Song Nan said, "I'm not going to take advantage of you. Don't misunderstand me."

Dai Suer whispered, "Who...who misunderstood you? Are you a gentleman?"

Song Nan smiled, handed over the kettle and dry food and said, "Drink water and eat enough, we're about to go."

Dai Suer took the kettle and dry food and chewed it silently.