Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 244 Foreshadowing

Chapter 244

In a slightly neat stone house behind the Zhaibao Hall, under the candlelight, Song Nan spread a piece of paper and circled a picture on it. That is the topographic map of the northern hillside described by Hong Chou. More than a dozen large and small hills are connected, forming a lush climate.

Song Nan drew several small circles around a mountain marked with a circle, which is the place to be vigilant tomorrow. Although Liu Jin and Shi Wenyi may not adopt their own methods, they still have to prepare themselves. The emperor's safety is still the first priority.

The second hill in the north is the place to hunt tomorrow. According to Hongchou, although there are tigers, leopards and beasts on the mountain, the number is small, and I don't know where it will appear. Because there is a large pool in the valley, the wild animals on the mountain will gather to drink water, so there are the most small beasts near the left of the mountain, and the wild deer Mountain Pig Mountain. There are chickens and wild roes. In addition, there is a flat grassland in the valley, which is convenient for camping, so Song Nan chose this place to camp after the arrival of the emperor tomorrow.

With gentle steps, Dai Suer rolled up her sleeves and brought a basin of hot water in and whispered, "Son, wash your hair and face early and rest."

Song Nan tilted her head and saw it. She quickly picked it up and said, "I said I don't need you to serve you. You're tired on this day. Go and rest quickly."

Dai Suer said, "The slave family came to serve the prince. If you don't let me serve you, how can I explain it when I go back?"

Dai Suer took a towel and soaked it in hot water and twirled it and handed it to Song Nan. Song Nan took it and wiped it aside randomly. Dai Suer sighed softly and said, "You don't need to be served. Your face is simply walking through the motions. The dust fell on your head and face along the way. It's okay if you don't wipe it down. It's more obvious when you wipe it down."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Men are dirty, and it's nothing."

Dai Suer picked up the towel and rinsed it and wiped her feet on Song Nan's face. Song Nan had to move. She closed her eyes and let Dai Suer gently wipe the plaster on the back of her ears and neck. She felt Dai Suer's soft fingers rubbing against Song Nan's face. A strange feeling rose in her heart, and Dai Suer's gentleness came from her nose. The gasp was even more rippling. I hope that time can stop, and Dai Suer's hand will never stop.

"All right." Dai Suer whispered.

Song Nan opened her eyes, and Dai Suer suddenly laughed and said, "Look at this basin of water. It's really dirty."

The basin was dark, like sewage in a stinking ditch. Song Nan laughed at herself and said, "No wonder people say that men are made of mud and women are made of water; this time I have learned it."

Dai Suer squeezed her lips and said with a smile, "Don't move. Let's go to fring water again."

Song Nan said, "No, tomorrow will be gray again."

Dai Suer said andly, "Today's meal and tomorrow is hungry, so why do you eat him?"

Song Nan shook her head with a bitter smile. Dai Suer took out a basin. After a while, she brought a basin of water in and wiped Song Nan's head and face again. Song Nan simply let her toss around. It was easy to wipe her head and face clean. Dai Suer squatted down and reached out to hold Song Nan's ankles.

Song Nan said, "What are you doing?"

Dai Suer didn't answer, removed Song Nan's boots and socks, and actually washed Song Nan's feet; Song Nan quickly stood up barefoot and said, "No, really no; Miss Suer, you really don't need to treat yourself as a slave. I'm telling the truth."

Dai Suer said, "Isn't Qingli a slave? Doesn't she wash your feet every night?"

Song Nan said in astonishment, "How do you know?"

Dai Suer smiled and pointed to the stool and said, "Sit down, you can rest after washing the slave's house."

Song Nan had to sit down and reach into the clear water. Dai Suer squatted in front of her. A pair of slender hands were as soft as cotton and rubbed Song Nan's feet, making Song Nan stiff and full of goose bumps.

The white and clean Song Nan had nowhere to go but to bed. Dai Suer also washed her face, washed her feet with her back, and rolled up the bedding from the corner and spread it on the ground. Song Nan said in consternedly, "Are you... sleeping here? Didn't I ask Wanzhi to arrange a separate room for you?

Dai Suer blushed and said, "There are fewer houses that can live here. There are more than 20 more people at once. Each room is crowded with four or five. The slave family is really embarrassed to occupy another room. Everyone is tired of rushing on the road. The day slave family has nothing to do. They all have errands, so the slave family will deal with it here for one night. ."

Song Nan quickly jumped out of bed and said, "Then sleep here, and I'll squeeze with Wan Zhi and others."

Dai Suer frowned and said, "Son, don't go away. Let's go out to find a nest under the eaves for one night."

Song Nan whispered, "I don't mean that. I'm thinking about you... You and I live together in a room. It's nothing. It will damage your reputation in the future."

Dai Suer looked at Song Nan with bright eyes and said, "I'm not afraid of what are you afraid of? As long as you don't have evil thoughts, you have a clear conscience."

Song Nan whispered, "I'm afraid I can't control myself."

Dai Suer blushed and whispered, "A gentleman does not bully the dark room. The slave believes that you are a gentleman. If you want to be a villain, the slave family is unable to resist. Everything depends on your self-discipline."

Song Nan sighed and said, "Well, then you sleep **, I'll sleep underground."

Dai Suer was still waiting to argue. Song Nan stretched out her hand, picked up her light body and walked to the bedside. Dai Suer was shocked. She was afraid that Song Nan would have anything out of the mark. She closed her eyes and did not dare to open it, but she heard a poof. Song Nan blew out the candlelight and lay on the ground. In a short time, she breathed.

Dai Suer opened her eyes wide in the dark and listened to the night wind outside. In the mountains and forests in the north, she didn't know what she was thinking and always couldn't sleep. She finally fell asleep in the middle of the night.


The next morning, Dai Suer suddenly woke up and opened her eyes and saw that the room was full of sunshine. The bedding on the ground had been neatly folded and leaning against the corner of the wall. Dai Suer moved and felt sore all over, especially the part of the root of her thigh that was rubbing on horseback yesterday. She sat up and rested for a long time before recovering. Come on, slowly get up and tidy up your clothes, wash your hair and face.

The two flag corrections were chatting in front of the door. Seeing Dai Suer come out and get up quickly, Dai Suer blessed and said, "Two generals, where's my son?"

A flag school arched his hand and said, "Miss Dai, Song Zhenfu took people into the mountain to check the camp for the emperor. Seeing that the girl was sleeping soundly, he did not wake up the girl. Song Zhenfu left a message and asked Miss Dai to stay in the fortress for a half-day rest, and he would come back to pick up the girl at noon."

Dai Suer nodded and looked north of the fortress. At the foot of the mountain in the distance, the dust flew straight to the valley. It must be Song Nan and the team to enter the mountain. The flag school handed over a pancake and a pot of clear water and said, "Lord Zhenfu said, riding a day of horse will be bumpy today. Pain, let me walk with the girl in the fort, and it's good to move my muscles and bones.

Dai Suer's heart was agitated. She took the dry food back to the room and chewed slowly, and suddenly a fog rose in her eyes. Song Nan was very careful and took good care of herself, but the more so, the more Dai Suer uncontrollably remembered that her father's death was related to Song Nan, and the more contradictory she was.

Dai Suer has always had a plan in her heart, which is to use Song Nan's good impression of her and use her innocent body as a bargaining chip to let Song Nan kill Liu Jin to avenge her father. After revenge, she died. However, when she implicitly hinted to Song Nan, she was rejected by Song Nan. In addition to disappointment, Dai Suer also had Some glad that Song Nan is not that kind of despicable and shameless person. Although Song Nan's words also showed the intention to deal with Liu Jin, Dai Suer could not wait any longer.

Dai Suer had to reconsider her revenge plan. This time, she took the initiative to follow Song Nan, knowing that Liu Jin must accompany her. Since Song Nan did not help her, she had to find her own opportunity to assassinate Liu Jin.

Wiping Song Nan's face and feet and other things are all in order not to arouse Song Nan's suspicion. If Song Nan is not lowered and pretend to have adapted to reality, she is likely to be recognized by him and will be stopped by him.

Of course, Dai Suer also felt apologetic when she did this. Even if Song Nan did any bad behavior to herself last night, Dai Suer decided to obey Song Nan. This time, she must find an opportunity to assassinate Liu Jin. Whether she can succeed or not, Song Nan will be implicated, which can be regarded as compensation to Song Nan.

Song Nan looked at herself so carefully that Dai Suer was very hesitant whether to do it this time, which made Song Nan really unbearable. However, when Dai Suer thought of her father's tragic death, her mother committed suicide, she became a slave, and her family was ruined. Suddenly, her silver teeth were broken and Xiumei frowned together.

Now, I don't have to think too much about it. My father's hatred is so big that I can't care about anything.

At noon, Song Nan led the team back, and Hongchou and ten guards went with them. Several horses of the brocade guard flag school carried wild animals such as pheasants and hares. Everyone talked and laughed and talked about their hunting experience.

Dai Suer unloaded Song Nan's armor and fed water to let Song Nan clean it. While asking, "Have you chosen a good place?"

Song Nan happily washed the dust on her face and smiled, "It's a good place. There are many things in the mountains, and the valley is flat. It's an excellent camp just by cutting down a few big trees."

Dai Suer whispered, "Your Majesty, why haven't they come yet?"

Song Nan asked strangely, "Why are you in a hurry? Don't you care about these things?"

Dai Suer blushed and said, "They also want to see how to hunt."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Does your leg still hurt? Do you ride a horse in the afternoon?

Dai Suer whispered, "Thank you for your concern. It's okay."

Song Nan nodded and walked outside the house. Dai Suer suddenly grabbed Song Nan's sleeve and said, "Mr. Song..."

Song Nan smiled and said, "What?"

Dai Suer whispered, "Suer was supposed to take care of the prince, but now it has become a burden for the prince, and she is really uneasy."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Nothing, I shouldn't let you suffer."

Dai Suer bit her lower lip and said, "Son, the slave family is very stupid. If you do something wrong, will you blame me?"

Song Nan turned around and looked into Dai Suer's eyes and said, "What do you want to say?"

Dai Suer said, "I'm just asking."

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's natural to be punished for doing something wrong, which is my rule; but I can't bear to blame you for half a word. If you do something wrong, it's my fault, because you are from Song Nan's house, and I will be responsible for you."

Song Nan patted Dai Suer on the shoulder and turned out. Dai Suer stood still and looked complicated.