Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 243 Strange Request

(Thank you for the monthly pass of the Ye Shuo Brothers) Chapter 243

Mashuikou was originally a small town, which was later turned into a fortress, but because the mountains were blocked in the northwest, and the Tatar riders never went deep into it, so the fortress was gradually abandoned, and the people and horses stationed in a hundred households here also withdrew to the Bauhinia Pass 80 miles to the south.

There are only more than ten people left here. The main responsibility is to guard a beacon tower on the left mountain peak of the fortress. If the beacon fire in the border town in the direction of Weizhou ignites, it can also convey a message to the defenders of the south guard.

When the sunset wiped the top of the mountain and fell slowly, and it was like a bloody red glow, Song Nan arrived at the Mashuikou fortress at the foot of the mountain with more than 20 horses. The Ming army in the fortress just returned to the fortress after a day's inspection. When they saw Song Nan and others flying over and gathered on the wall to check.

"Do you dare to ask which Shangguan came?" The highest officer in the fort was a small flag officer. Seeing the visitors riding high-headed horses in brocade robes, he knew that the status of the visitors was not low.

Wan Zhizong immediately shouted, "Jinyiwei North Town Fusi Song Zhenfu is here. Open the door of the village and let us enter the village."

The little flag was shocked and quickly took people down to open the village door. After Wan Zhi showed his waist card, the little flag official did not dare to neglect and came forward to salute.

"Lord Zhenfu came to welcome me, and I will forgive you. The humble position is Hongchou, the small banner of the Bauhinia Pass Guard Institute."

Song Nan nodded and smiled and said, "Haili, Hongqi, I'm waiting to pass by here. Seeing that it's getting late, I want to spend the night in the castle. I don't know if I can meet the rules of the army."

"What did Song Zhenfu say? It's up to us to take a break at my village castle in Mashuikou. Please invite us quickly."

The gate of the village opened, and Song Nan took everyone into the fortress. After disaring from the horse, several brocade guard flag schools gathered their horses together to feed water.

Dai Suer's legs could hardly move. Although she sat in front of Song Nan and her thighs had not suffered much in the afternoon, the horse's back was bumpy, running fast, and the two sides were sore and swollen. On the road, she did not dare to lean against Song Nan's arms, and her body was more stiff.

Song Nan helped Dai Suer and asked, "Can you go?"

Dai Suer whispered, "You help me go, and I can't walk."

Song Nan didn't say much. She reached out and picked her up with Dai Suer's legs. Dai Suer shouted softly and struggled. She had to reach out and gently hold Song Nan's neck. When she got to the fortress hall, Song Nan put her down and put her on a chair and sat down.

Hong Chou was stunned. Wang Yong stabbed him in the waist and said, "Hong Qiguan, what are you doing? Let's go."

Hong Chou hurriedly agreed. He had already seen that Dai Suer was a woman in brocade and guard clothes. Lord Zhenfu took his women's wife from the capital to the northwest, but he didn't know what special official business was. Most of them were fake public and private, but it was not his turn to worry about such things.

When everyone came to the hall, Hongchou ordered people to bring tea and attentively greeted everyone to drink tea. Song Nan looked around and asked with a smile, "Hong Qiguan, this fortress has not been repaired for a few days. Just then, I saw that the wall collapsed several places. The hall was also very dilapidated. The court did not allocate funds to repair the fortress?"

Hong Chou arched his hand and said, "Your excellency is joking. Mashuikou Zhaibao has been revoked. We just rotate on a monthly basis to guard the beacon on the north slope. As long as we can shelter from the wind and rain, it doesn't have to be so strong."

Hong Chou laughed and said, "It's a pity... you can't drink... otherwise it tastes better."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Hong Qiguan, I'm also a soldier of the guard. Don't say that. You can do whatever you like. I don't even have to talk about drinking."

Hong Chou was overjoyed and secretly praised that Lord Zhenfu was an interesting person. He was stationed in the barren mountains and mountains, how could he not drink secretly, but just to test his mouth. With Song Nan's consent, Hong Chou immediately ordered people to carry out a few jars of wine. Although it was not a good wine, barbecue and some bad wine became a good wine. The soldiers had a good time eating and drinking, but in the Jinyiwei, except for Song Nan, the other 20 people only ate meat and did not touch a mouthful of wine.

Song Nan cut a thinner piece of meat and handed it to Dai Suer, but Dai Suer shook her head and didn't eat it, but silently chewed dry food.

Song Nan knew that the pork was really delicious, but it had a smell of coquettishness. At present, she didn't force it. She turned around and took a sip of wine with Hongchou and said, "Hong Qiguan, I have something to ask for."

Hongchou said, "What did Lord Zhenfu say? It is my honor for Hongchou to serve Lord Zhenfu."

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "I didn't tell the truth before. It's not that I don't believe in the Hongqi official, but it's a big deal. To be honest, I didn't come here to swim in the mountains and rivers by myself. I'm standing in front of a person."

Hong Chou said, "Who is it? Is Lord Shi the commander of Jinyiwei?

Soong Nan waved his hand and said, "No, it's..."

Song Nan dipped wine and wrote two words on the back of Hong Chou's hand. Hong Chou's wine bowl fell to the ground and shouted, "Huang...Huang..."

Song Nan quickly said, "Hist up, this is confidential. Don't make noise."

Hong Chou's hands softened and said in a trembling voice, "Lord Song... Song, you deserve to die, but why did you tell such a big thing?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "The emperor is inspecting the defense of the border town this time. It's just passing through here. Eunuch Liu, who accompanied the emperor, saw the emperor's journey and planned to let the emperor find a place to rest and relax. The emperor did not want to disturb the local state capital and guardhouse, so I took people to find a place to relax the emperor; you are very good here, and then In addition, you are familiar with the terrain, brother, your opportunity has come. If the emperor is happy this time, you will be promoted, and you don't have to stay in this mountain field anymore.

Hong Chou said happily, "Is that true? I immediately ordered someone to repair the fortress and clean the house. When will the emperor arrive?

Song Nan shook his head and said, "Your Majesty can't live in this dilapidated place. The emperor should arrive at noon tomorrow. The emperor wants to hunt here. I am not familiar with this place. The arrangement of this place and the choice of camping sites need your advice. Naturally, the place where the emperor hunts cannot be a place where tigers, leopards and beasts are haunted. It will be dangerous, but you can't get nothing. You have to use your brain to do this well, which is a great success.

Hongchou patted his chest and shouted, "Don't worry, this matter is on the humble job, and it must be done properly."

Song Nan smiled and got up with a wine bowl to toast the other soldiers.

Hongchou was about to follow, but he heard the concubine sitting there suddenly wave at him and quickly came up and laughed, "What do you want me to order, madam?"

Dai Suer whispered, "There is one thing for the slave family that I want to ask the general for help."

"Madam, just tell me."

Dai Suer whispered, "The slave family doesn't like wild fishy, but the slave family prefers snake soup. Can you grab a few for the slave family to stew the soup tomorrow?"

Hong Chou said stunnedly, "This mountain is full of poisonous snakes, red-bellied snakes, and soldering iron heads. They are all very poisonous and deadly after a bite."

Dai Suer smiled and said, "Can't I let the snake bite me?" Don't worry, the slave family will be careful, but the slave family wants to live. The slave family likes to slaughter and stew soup in person.

Hong Chou looked at Dai Suer, who was covered with a veil, and said to himself: This concubine who appeases the adult really has a strong taste. She actually likes to eat poisonous snakes and kill them with her own hands. However, it is not difficult to meet this small requirement. He immediately smiled and said, "It's a small matter. Tomorrow, the brothers will grab a few for your wife to taste. By the poisonous snake The meat is more delicious.

Dai Suer nodded and smiled, "General, but don't tell my lord that he... won't allow me to eat these strange things."

Hong Chou looked back at Song Nan, who was laughing and talking to the soldiers, and turned his head and said, "Follow the lady's order."