Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 332 Pick up the tail and be a man

Chapter 32

Song Nan left the palace with a gloomy face and immediately ordered people to gather a few confidants to discuss countermeasures; Sun Xuan, Hou Dabiao, Zheng Da, Wan Zhi, Li Daniu and others put down the affairs at hand and rushed from their respective government office one after another. Song Nan shouted anxiously, and they did not know what had happened.

The atmosphere in the master's public room was solemn. Song Nan sat behind the case and seemed to talk lightly about what happened in the morning, but everyone could hear the suppressed anger from Song Nan's tone. After saying the whole thing, several backbones of the Jinyiwei Yamen also opened their mouths and were at a loss.

"How could this happen?" Sun Xuan frowned into a pimple, "Lord Song, according to what you said, it seems that the emperor supports Liu Jin to divide my right to the brocade guard? This is a big trouble."

The rest of the people also understood the seriousness of the problem. When they sighed, no one mentioned Song Nan's internal factory outside the West Factory. Everyone felt that maybe the commander was too frightened, which made such a faint move and was embarrassed to break this section.

Song Nan waved her hand to signal everyone to calm down and said slowly, "Sun Zhenfu's doubts are also my doubts. It is reasonable that the emperor will not help Liu Jin to divide my rights. The emperor has always been good to me. On the way back from the palace, I was wondering if some of our recent behaviors have made the emperor dissatisfied with us. Come and punish my brocade guard, otherwise it won't be like this.

Everyone looked at Song Nan and said to himself, "If you want to offend, it's not that Lord Song has offended the emperor. The lord called you to be the emperor's son-in-law, but you pushed it clean and almost made the princess suffer from lovesickness and die. Even if you hold the emperor has the grace of life, it is inevitable to cause the emperor's displeasure."

Song Nan knew that everyone would be the first to think of recruiting son-in-law, but he felt that the emperor would not do so with that matter alone. Moreover, he handled it properly. The princess took the initiative to give up. Later, the princess was seriously ill and saved Kang Ning herself. The emperor may have grudges in his heart, but he would not help. Liu Jin will definitely not support himself to deal with himself.

"Think about whether there are any cases involving the inner court or the imperial relatives in the recent big case handled by the government, and whether it has offended someone who made the emperor unhappy?"

Sun Xuan shook his head and said, "There has been no major case recently. It's all about daily official business and trivial matters. It should not be a problem in my government."

Zheng Dabiao also shook his head and said, "There is no big case in Fusi, Beizhen. The only bigger case in the past two months is just Ma Ang's case..."

Song Nan said, "Has Ma Ang's case been closed?"

Zheng Dabiao said, "It has not been completed yet. This case involves Xu Yande, the son of Duke Dingguo. The lord has instructed that this line should be clarified before the case can be closed. The humble position is that it is difficult to verify this line."

Song Nan frowned and said, "What's the difficulty?"

Zheng Dabiao said, "Following your instructions, although the inferior position has not made public about his collusion with the Duke of Dingguo, it has not given up the evidence... However, the clues have been broken, and the inferior position can't continue to investigate."

Song Nan interrupted: "Is it so difficult to check its relationship with the Duke of Dingguo?" Ma Ang sent his wife and sister to have fun with Xu Yande to establish a relationship. After Ma Ang's case, the Duke of Dingguo will be busy wiping his buttocks. Ma Ang's wife and sister are important witness. Unless the Duke of Ding Guofu kills his mouth, will he not find the connection between the two?

Zheng Dabiao hurriedly said, "I understand what you mean, but the problem is that if the dog jumps over the wall and kills the two women, we can also investigate with murder, but in fact, the government did not kill Ma Ang's wife and sister. On the contrary, as far as I know, these two women are living well now, but they can't ask them.

Song Nan said, "Why is this? Who dares to shelter? Where are these two women?

Zheng Dabiao said, "It is verified that the two women are now in the leopard room in Xiyuan. It is said that they are deeply favored by the emperor..."

"What?" Song Nan suddenly jumped up from the chair, patted the table and said angrily, "Zheng Dabiao, are you confused that you don't say anything about such a big thing?"

Zheng Dabiao was shocked and knelt down and said, "Your Excellency, the humble position also knew about this matter a few days ago, or entrusted us to find out by an eunuch in the East Factory; the humble position is confirming this matter. How can we report it to your adult before it is confirmed?"

Song Nan vaguely felt what the problem was. Xu Guangzuo was worthy of being an old fox. On that day, he did not point out the dirty relationship between Xu Yande and Ma Ang. The reason why he did not cause it was that he wanted to make mistakes in the chaos and reveal more clues. Even if it can't be punished, it can at least be held as a handle. , so that Xu Guangzuo will not blatantly oppose himself.

Song Nan got up and paced slowly. Everyone knew that Song Nan was thinking seriously and did not dare to disturb him. Song Nan slowly connected the clues and assumptions in his heart, and the context of the whole matter slowly became clear in his mind.

Originally, Song Nan was forced by the Duke of Dingguo to take action in order to get rid of the relationship with Ma Ang. The most important witness is Ma Ang's wife and sister. In Song Nan's estimation, the Duke's government will either expel Ma Ang's wife and sister and die without admitting it; or simply kills it, but no matter what the Duke of Dingguo does, it will be secretly watched by the Northern Town Fusi, which is Song Nan's wishes.

However, what never expected was that Xu Guangzuo did not make these two choices, but chose another wonderful method: to send Ma Ang's wife and daughter to the palace and enter the leopard room to serve the emperor. The women who enter the palace need to verify their identity, especially the women who directly serve the emperor, such as the leopard room, need to strictly check their identity. If these two women can easily enter the palace, it is obvious that Liu Jin will participate in the matter. Maybe this method is a plan planned by Liu Jin.

Since these two women can be given by Ma Ang as gifts for Xu Yande, they must be beautiful. After entering the leopard room, as long as Liu Jin instructs the female official to make a little arrangement, it must not be difficult for the two women to become the new favorites of Zhengde leopard room. Liu Jin will not expose his identity at the beginning, but once Zhengde falls in love with these two women, Liu Jin will definitely find an opportunity to break through the identities of the two women. Even if Zhengde is stunned and regretful, he can't recover and scolded Liu Jin at most.

However, since the two women have been accepted into the leopard room, they will never publicly blame themselves with Zhengde's temper. On the contrary, they will cover it up. Once this matter is known by foreign ministers, it will definitely lead to criticism, which is Zhengde's biggest headache. At this time, if Fu Si of Beizhen is still persistently pursuing the whereabouts of the two women, it will inevitably touch Zhengde's reverse scales and cause Zhengde's dissatisfaction.

North Town Fusi is now under the control of Hou Dabiao, with a little perseverance in handling and inspection, but the more the investigation is, the more uneasiness it will cause Zhengde. In this case, if Liu Jin blows a wind that is unfavorable to himself again, it will easily make Zhengde have a difference to His dissatisfaction is the reason why Zhengde agreed to set up a decentralized government to suppress himself.

In a word, the passive situation caused today is that, on the one hand, the Jinyiwei government office has been too popular recently, and the top and bottom are a little fluttering, thus forgetting that no one in the court surrounded by wolves is a fuel-efficient lamp; secondly, it is also their own fault. Recently, they have not been concerned about official affairs, so that such a big event has not been diligent. As for the development to this extent.

Song Nan stopped and looked at the people in the hall: "Gentlemen, from today on, we need to pick up our tails and be human beings. I announce that the expansion of recruitment of each government office is temporarily suspended. Although the investigation activities of each government office is carried out normally, it needs to be kept low-key. In addition, Ma An's case must be closed quickly, and the investigation will be stopped if the case is unclear. , the closing file will be sent to my public house for review and report this afternoon.

Everyone was stunned. Zheng Dabiao said, "But my lord, many clues have not been found out yet."

Song Nan shouted with a calm face, "What are you saying? Just do it. It's almost the end of the year, and everyone has been tired in the past few months. From tomorrow, there will be a rotation. The adjutant of the government office will take turns to rest, and everyone will also relax.

Sun Xuan said, "Lord, do you leave it to him to set up the factory in the west factory in the inner court?"

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "Didn't you hear me pick up my tail to be a man? Listen to me. From today on, if anyone makes trouble because of this matter, don't blame me for being rude; just say a few words outside and warn your brothers to have a good relationship with the inner court. If anyone makes trouble, please ask him to leave the brocade guard office.

Everyone stared, as if they didn't know Song Nan. Song Commander, as a small hundred households, dared to fight with Dongchang. In recent years, whether in the face of foreign court bosses or powerful inner court Liu Jin and others, they have never seen Song Commander admit his cowardice. Today, he seems to have changed, not only allowing Liu Jin to ride around his neck. He pooped, and he seemed to be extremely scared. It didn't count if he shrank his head, but everyone would be a shrinking turtle.

"Your Excellency...what's wrong with you?" Zheng Da asked with his eyes wide open.

Song Nan stared and said, "What are you talking about? Just do it, especially you. Don't make trouble for me.

Zheng Da touched his nose, stretched out his fist to hit his thigh, and got up angrily.

Song Nan said indifferently, "Please come back. I'm not going to have lunch for you."

Everyone was helpless and got up and went out unhappily. Song Nan winced at Wan Zhi, who was walking at the end. Wan Zhi turned around and asked Song Nan to show it.

Song Nan whispered in his ear, "Go back to the palace to find Grandpa Zhang and ask him to help find out if the matter in the leopard room is true. In addition, please leave the palace for a while tonight. I have something to discuss with you."