Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 333 Wedding Day

Chapter 33 (I have to go out to do business today, so I have two chapters in a row. Thank you for the monthly ticket of Wangtx, and thank you for the generous reward.)

The news that the inner court was about to reopen the west factory and add a new inner factory quickly spread. The court and the opposition suddenly talked about it like a pot of explosion. The shrewd people could see the hidden signals at a glance, which was obviously aimed at Song Nan, the powerful Jinyiwei command. The emperor agreed, which just sent the signal of Song Nan's loss of favor to everyone. At the same time, another signal was sent that Liu Jin and Song Nan had completely torn their faces.

Li Dongyang summoned Wang Yuyang Tinghe and some civil servants of the foreign court to discuss this matter, and finally unanimously decided to change the foreign court's tradition of pointing fingers and keep silent. It was easy to wait until Liu Jin and Song Nan fight each other, and they have to do a good look on the wall.

At the beginning, the foreign court, which was jointly rectified by Song Nan and Liu Jin, will never be extinguished. Now there is finally an opportunity to watch the dog and bite the dog. In any case, the foreign court will not extinguish the fire or help one side. It is almost enough to pour some fuel on the fire at the critical time.

British ancestors and grandsons expressed great surprise. They thought that Song Nan must have a way to prevent Liu Jin from reopening the West Factory. Now it seems that they not only failed to stop it, but also added a new factory in addition to the West Factory, which is even worse for Song Nan's Jinyiwei Yamen.

Song Nan's attitude was thought-provoking. When Wen Wuxunqi of the Man Dynasty hid aside and pointed at his spine, this gentleman seemed to be fine and talked and laughed heartlessly, as if it was not Song Nan who was unlucky, but someone who had nothing to do with it.

Of course, everyone thinks that Song Nan is pretending to be calm. Everyone believes that Song Nan will definitely have a big counterattack before the establishment and operation of the internal and western factories. However, the expected scene did not come. Liu Jin quickly set up the framework of the inner factory and the west factory in seven or eight days. The opening of the inner factory and the west factory was just around the corner, and Song Nan did not make any action. Instead, she took the initiative to dispatch nearly 3,000 elite people to fill the inner factory and the western factory and arched her hands in vain. Give it to Liu Jin.

For a while, the rumors were very angry. Song Nan was covered and laughed behind his back, and the internal servants were also arrogant and domineering. When he met the brocade guard on the street, he was also arrogant and ridiculed with some words.

The brocade guards have not been angry with the fans for a long time. How can they stand the blatant ridicule? Zhengnanfang Jinyiwei Office, which has a fine tradition of confrontation with Fanzi, took the lead in making trouble. At the head of the Huima Bridge, it fought with the fans and overturned more than a dozen servicemen. Just as people thought that this matter would become the Jinyiwei's counterattack*, Song Nan ordered people to bind dozens of Jinyiwei who participated in the fight and plead to the inner court to plead guilty. He punished the brocade guards who participated in the fight, which made the vast number of brocade guard schools so angry that they were about to vomit blood.

Not only that, Huang Hui, a thousand households of Jinyiwei in Zhengnanfang, incited his men to participate in the fight because of his extreme words, but was severely blamed by Song Nan in public. He was beaten with tears and cried loudly. Everyone knew that it was not that he couldn't hold back these twenty mulberry sticks, but a grief and humiliation in his heart that could not be relieved.

After this incident, everyone finally understood that Song Nan was completely cowardly. Liu Jin had an absolute upper hand. Song Nan, who was very popular, was destined to fall like a meteor. This young and light young man, went straight up and did a lot of amazing contributions, finally recovered. After returning to his original face, Song Nan, who was as shining as a comet in his mind, was not more than you.

After entering the twelfth lunar month, the first heavy snow fell this winter. One night, someone piled up a large snowdrift of turtles on the Jinyiweiyamen Square and ridiculed Song Nan's incompetence. Song Nan passed by and looked at the turtle with a faint smile. Unexpectedly, he said that it was strictly forbidden to investigate this matter, and let The brocade guard bit his steel teeth up and down, and the people watching the bustle laughed out of their teeth.

The 18th lunar month came in a blink of an eye. At least, the British government did not terminate the marriage contract because of Song Nan's loss of power. Song Nan's wedding to marry the little princess was carried out as usual, as if to dilute her bad luck. The wedding ceremony of Song Mansion was extremely grand. Hundreds of chariots and horses were hired and lasted for miles in the market; while Britain The dowry of the Guogong Mansion is also rich and shocking, and the cart pulling the dowry is lined up from Yongdingmen to Yuema Bridge.

Horse luxury cars, tables, chairs and benches, bedding, clothes, shoes and hats, gold and silver utensils, jade and jewelry, slag bucket wax tables, pen, ink, paper and inkstone are simply everything. People who have calculated the value of these dowry on the surface, which is worth at least 100,000 taels of silver.

"No wonder he wants to be a shrinking turtle. Marrying the little princess of the Duke's Mansion is equivalent to going home with Jinshan. It's enough to eat dowry for the rest of his life. Of course, he won't go desperately."

"It's a pity that the husband of the Guogong Mansion has been a hero all his life and was brought to ruin the reputation of the Guogong Mansion by Song Nan. I'm afraid that his husband will spit blood angrily."

"Princess Shuyi is pitiful. Who is better than marrying this shrinking turtle? A flower was inserted into the cow dung.

There are all kinds of gossip and blessings in private, and slander is even more full of eyes. Song Nan, the groom, unconsciously, sat on a high-headed horse and welcomed home with a smile. The 200 tables of banquets originally prepared were only filled with more than 100 tables in the end. Many people saw the wind and ruddered that Song Nan was about to lose power. How could the grass on the wall not If you lie to him again, this congratulatory gift will be avoided.

However, what is shocking is that in the morning, people from the palace brought the emperor a congratulatory gift and gave the emperor a plaque written by himself, which suddenly made the specifications of the whole wedding very small. Many people originally planned not come to congratulate, but when they heard that the emperor also sent people to congratulate, they also hurried to say He, the cabinet ministers who did not intend to attend, also decided that Yang Tingyu would come as representatives to congratulate him.

Jiang Bin, the new deputy general of Datong, galloped thousands of miles with dozens of cavalry to congratulate people, which made people stunned. At noon, there was another row of honor guards in the palace. It turned out that Princess Corning came to congratulate him in person, which was even more confusing.

Everyone really can't figure out whether Song Nan has gained power or lost power, but whether he has fallen out of favor or favor. How did the emperor and princess come to congratulate him? This face is really not small; but one point is still very clear that no one has come to congratulate him from the beginning to end. Obviously, the bad relationship between Liu Jin and Song Nan is obvious. It seems that the emperor I guess he came to congratulate the princess by looking at the face of the British father-in-law, not Song Nan's face.

In a warm pavilion in the backyard, Song Nan stood in front of Corning uneasily. He did not expect that Corning would come to congratulate him in person. He was vaguely uneasy. He was afraid that Corning would come to smash the scene. Recently, he has been swallowing his tail between his legs. Today is a day of great joy, and nothing can happen. There is no mistake, otherwise I'm afraid I can't control my anger.

"Sit down." Kang Ning couldn't take his eyes off Song Nan.

Song Nan said quickly, "I'd better stand."

Corning smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I will come to your wedding? Don't worry, I won't. I sincerely congratulate you. Well, this is the jade butterfly given to Princess Shuyi by this palace. I relayed it to her for me, and said that I wish you a hundred years of good old.

Corning took out a brocade box and opened it. The two jade butterflies in it were exquisite, which was obviously extraordinary. Song Nan reached out and took it, thanked it in a low voice, and then was speechless.

Kang Ning smiled and waved his hand to the two maids around him to go out. He got up and walked to Song Nan. He reached out and stroked Song Nan's face and said, "Song Nan, do you remember what you said to me?"

Song Nan said, "I remember."

Conning said, "Today is your wedding day, I shouldn't say this, but I feel very uncomfortable. If you hadn't given me hope that day, I would have returned to hell. I think it's better to go there, and there will be so much less suffering."

Song Nan hurriedly said, "Princess, don't think about this. I will do everything I can to do it."

Conning said, "How do you do it? You have married Princess Shuyi. Can you still divorce her? In fact, I know in my heart that this matter is very difficult, but I can't let you go and I can't bear to see you from now on. It's really sad.

Song Nan was speechless. He didn't want Corning to die because of his life, so he had to make an empty promise, but he didn't know how to complete this promise. This is the dilemma of the whole thing. However, in any case, Song Nan is one thing clear, that is, no matter what, he must not let Corning have the idea of suicide.

"You haven't come to Shouning Palace for a long time. Today, I also took the opportunity to visit you by the way. You are fine, so I'm relieved; you look much thinner." Zhu Xiufu held Song Nan's face and looked at it.

Song Nan looked at Kang Ning's pretty face and was both embarrassed and moved. Today, she was overjoyed, but she was sticky here with Corning. If the little princess knew, she was afraid that her angry air would smoke, but Kang Ning was as tender as water, how could she refuse?

"I heard that your business has not been going well recently, right?" Corning asked in a low voice.

Song Nan was stunned and said, "How do you know?"

Cang said, "I'm not a dead person. How can I not know this? The palace is just a little big. I don't know what's going on? Besides, Liu Jin said bad things about you in front of the emperor several times, and I heard it with my own ears. Did the emperor annoy you?

Song Nan shook her head and said, "Nothing, the emperor has been very kind to me. Today, the emperor also sent a congratulatory plaque."

Corning whispered, "I can see that although I don't know much about these things, I'm not blind and deaf; tell me, what can I do for you?"

Song Nan shook his head and said, "No, I can handle it myself."

Kang Ning frowned at Song Nan and said, "Are you afraid that people will gossip? Aren't you and the emperor good friends? What the hell happened?"

Song Nan shook her head resolutely and said, "Princess, don't get involved. I will deal with these things."

Corning sighed and nodded and said, "Well, it's not easy for me to participate in business. If I speak, it seems to hurt your man's ambition. I won't interfere in randomly. Today is your big day, and I can't dominate you, otherwise Princess Shuyi is afraid she will be jealous. I'll leave and take time to go to Shouning Palace to see me, okay?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "Okay, I will definitely go."

Kang Ning smiled, came up to hook Song Nan's neck, looked at Song Nan's eyes and whispered, "Take care."

Song Nan knew what she meant and kissed her lips. Kang Ning let go of Song Nan and turned around and went out. There was a shout of 'princess driving back to the palace' outside. Suddenly, there was a noisy voice. Everyone in the Song family and the guests knelt down to see Princess Corning and leave.