Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 342 Adding fuel to the fire

Chapter 342

Although the letter was not detailed, Kang Ning, who was a new spy, obviously didn't figure out what the key point was. He wrote two miscellaneous pieces, but Song Nan saw only three or five sentences of useful words: "... Yesterday morning, the emperor hunted in the royal hunting forest on Qionghua Island. He was attacked by wolves and was rescued by Qian Ning, the general manager of the leopard house. Soon Liu Jin went there. Xing Shi pleaded guilty, had a quarrel with Qian Ning, and became angry..."

Maybe the hands sent to inquire or the people called to ask questions are small feet. Liu Jin and Qian Ning's dispute is not known at all, but this is enough to make Song Nan conclude what happened between Liu Jin and Qian Ning.

Qian Ning saved the emperor, but Liu Jin ran to scold Qian Ning. Is it possible to blame Qian Ning for not saving him? Naturally not! Most of the time, the strategy worked, and the bait was put down. Qian Ning took advantage of the battle, which ruined Liu Jin's plan. And Qian Ning actually dared to face the quarrel with Liu Jin, which made Song Nan look different from Qian Ning.

This Qian Ning became Liu Jin's confidant after saving Liu Jin in Xinpingbao. He became the position of the general manager of the leopard house. It should be known that this position is a close minister around the emperor, and even many favored people in the inner court can't get it. Liu Jin can let Qian Ning take on the position, which shows his trust in Qian Ning. And it's really a little strange that Qian Ning would turn against Liu Jin.

Song Nan didn't mean to think about whether Qian Ning ate bear bile or leopard gallbladder. He only knew that the bait had worked, and the sharks began to grab food. In Liu Jin's position, he must be trying to remedy it in order to calm his disobedient confidants. At this time, there is only one thing Song Nan can do: add chaos! Constant chaos has caused many sharks to join the competition, making everything chaotic.

Song Nan immediately acted and quietly rushed to the imperial supervisor to exchange information with Zhang Yong. After discussion, he focused on Ma Yongcheng's next goal. Ma Yongcheng was silent, the oldest among the eight tigers, and looked a little honest. However, several details provided by Zhang Yong made Song Nan feel that this person was not simple; At the beginning, when Wang Yue and Fan Heng were defeated in the inner court, Ma Yongcheng took the initiative to take the position of Xu Zhi to sit as the eunuch, the leader of the inner carrier, which formed a great contrast with the important power of Gu Dayong Gao Fengqiu and others.

Liu Jin naturally hoped that his confidants could listen to what he gave and eat without making any noise. Ma Yongcheng took the initiative to withdraw from the competition, which was exactly what Liu Jin meant. Ma Yongcheng not only obtained the position of eunuch, the leader of the most oily internal transportation warehouse, but also avoided the unhappiness and grudge caused by grabbing the position with others.

This move seems to be negative, but Song Nan doesn't think so. Among the eight tigers, Ma Yongcheng's position is at the end. If it is according to the normal distribution of rights, Ma Yongcheng can't even touch the internal carrier, so he is taking advantage of everyone's psychology of missing one competitor to first withdraw from the power struggle of the key departments, and then put the big difference of the internal carrier into the bag. Real and exquisite.

At present, under the chaotic situation, Song Nan is very much want to talk to this Ma Yongcheng. If he is as thick as Ma Yongcheng comes out to compete, it will undoubtedly give others a boost; no one will see Ma Yongcheng, a coward, dares to come out to compete for the position of factory supervisor, but he does nothing. Do it.

Although Zhang Yong agrees with Song Nan's view, he believes that Ma Yongcheng is loyal and treacherous. His loyal appearance hides his exquisite heart first, which is not easy to touch him. However, Song Nan insists on trying. Song Nan believes that if Liu Jin can't control Qian Ning's news, it will obviously make others be able to Liu Jin. Whether to settle down Qian Ning is skeptical. If even Qian Ning can't be equalized, how can Liu Jin issue an order to decide the position of factory supervisor? Why can't you get a piece of the pie?

Zhang Yong volunteered to act as a pawn to improve the news, listening to the emperor and going to the Xiyuan leopard room. It is unlikely that he will meet Liu Jin. Zhang Yong wrapped two bags of good wolfberries from the imperial prison and strolled into the leopard room in the name of sending goji berries to Liu Zhong to stew mutton to replenish his body.

Liu Zhong and Zhang Rui are nesting in the public house, while Qian Ning does not know where they are going, which is also in line with Zhang Yong's intention; Liu Zhong and Zhang Rui, who are reluctant to defend Zhang Yong, were trapped in just a few words to get rid of the conflict between Qian Ning and Liu Jin yesterday. In addition to being happy, Zhang Yong also secretly smacked his tongue in his heart. Qian Ning was not simple. Judging from the tone of Liu Zhong and Zhang Rui, Qian Ning's rescue was a designed bitter meat trick, and then he dared to turn against Liu Jin head-on. Obviously, he got Zhengde's approval, and he may hold Liu Jin's handle in his hand.

Zhang Yong did not dare to stay any longer and comforted Liu Zhong and Zhang Rui. After making some false ideas to keep quiet, he hurriedly passed the message to Song Nan, who was waiting.

Song Nan was also very surprised. If Qian Ning really used tricks to win the trust of Zhengde and let Zhengde support him, then this man's plan would be extremely difficult and sinister. Everyone, including Liu Jin, never dared to act with the emperor's safety as a bargaining chip. If Qian Ning really dares to do so, he should be guilty. Death.

Song Nan secretly made up his mind that after the matter calmed down, he would thoroughly investigate the matter and never let go of Qian Ning, a desperate person like him who only cares to climb up; but at present, he needs him to stir up the situation and is not busy sett settle accounts with him.

confirmed that Qian Ning and Liu Jin were creating a conflict for the job of an unwarranted factory government, which also proved that their own strategy was effective. This kind of trick that blossomed in the wall gave people the pleasure of killing the enemy with a knife. This is also a kind of IQ superiority and crushing. Song Nan has almost predicted the end of this matter.

What is interesting is that many things have happened, and there seems to be no gossip in the inner court. Song Nansi felt that Liu Jin may deliberately hide this matter. Before he comes up with a way to solve this matter, Liu Jin will definitely hide it with her confid, and Ma Yongcheng will not know.

Song Nan decided to help. The face-to-face notification may make Ma Yongcheng think that Song Nan is spreading rumors and making trouble. The most convenient and effective way is to spread it with gossip. Sometimes people are mean, but you will think it's cheating to tell you the truth face to face. Gmons are not credible, but you talk about it with relish, knowing that you can't believe it, but you have to find something credible.

It only took one morning. Within two or three hours after lunch, there have been rumors in the inner court that various versions of the quarrel between Liu Jin and Qian Ning have spread among the internal prisons; all versions have remained unchanged, that is, Qian Ning is about to take office as the governor of a government, and it is Liu Jin could not stop the emperor from appointing it himself.

The news reached Gu Dayong and Gao Feng's ears, which was as shocking. Liu Jin had already exposed the two people one-on-one in private. Both of them had also dreamed of their Russian-crowned black style in the past two days, and suddenly seemed to have been hit by a stick in the head.

Surprisingly, the first reaction of the two was: Liu Jin was acting and deliberately made his confidant Qian Ning take up the position of factory supervisor of the East and West factory in this way, involving the emperor's appointment. In fact, he gagged his mouth and put aside the fact that he secretly designed the matter; Liu Jin trained his confid newcomers to replace him to replace him. I have been thinking for a long time, and this time it seems that I really want to take it seriously.

New hatred and old hatred surged together. Gao Feng and Gu Dayong were willing to take a break, and came to Liu Jin's theory one after another.

At this time, Song Nan was in Shouning Palace, taking the opportunity of Ma Yongcheng, the prince, to send things to Shouning Palace from the carrier warehouse to meet this taciturn honest man.

Since yesterday, the gloomy sky has finally floated snowflakes; like a person who has been holding his shit for a long time. Once the gate is opened, it will be out of control. Snowflakes are falling. Suddenly, the sky and earth are white, and the roof on the top of the tree almost instantly turns white.

Ma Yongcheng commanded several little eunuchs in the inner transportation warehouse and hurried to Shouning Palace with a pair of bamboo. He didn't know what Princess Kangning wanted to do about this thing in the cold weather. This thing was windy on all sides. It was originally convenient for enjoying the scenery in spring and summer. Even if the princess went out in winter, she would take a warm sedan chair; but Ma Yongcheng was just a heart It's just doubt. He won't ask more questions.

Hongyu, a female official of Shouning Palace, stood in the porch and said, "Thank you, Grandpa Ma. The princess said, please go into the house to warm the fire, eat some snacks and use some hot tea before leaving."

Ma Yongcheng was flattered and hurriedly said, "I thank the princess for your grace, but I dare not appreciate it. It's all my business."

Hongyu pinched his waist and said, "Doesn't Grandpa Ma want the princess to invite you in person?"

Ma Yongcheng was stunned, immediately changed his face, and said with a smile, "Thank you very much, maidservant, thank you princess."

As he spoke, he walked from the snow to the porch, carefully patted the snowflakes on his body, and tossed for a while. Hongyu lifted the curtain and said, "Please come in."

Ma Yongcheng quickly thanked him and bent down to get into the warm pavilion. The light in the room formed a big contrast with the snow outside. For a moment, Ma Yongcheng only saw two figures in front of him. One figure sat by the table, and the other stood aside. Ma Yong could think that this was the princess and knelt down to the sitting figure. He saluted and said, "Ma Yongcheng, the slave maidservant, please safety the princess."

The man in front of him was stunned and said, "Mr. Ma, what's wrong with your eyes? I'm not a princess, and she gave me such a big gift.

Ma Yongcheng was shocked. It was a man's voice. He looked up doubtfully. His eyes had adapted to the darkness in the room. He saw a young man sitting at the table with a python in a jade robe and a black gauze hat. Looking at it carefully, he was shocked and said, "Lord Song, why are you?"