Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 343 Thought Work

Chapter 34 (Thanks: YULANWANG, thousands of miles of pursuit, impure house, 100 monthly tickets of possible brothers.)

Song Nan smiled, got up from her seat and arched her hand and said, "Isn't it me? Grandpa Ma, long time no see.

Ma Yongcheng found that the person standing next to Song Nan was Her Royal Highness. He had no time to reply to Song Nan's words and hurriedly saluted Princess Corning again, with many doubts in his heart.

Although there has been a discussion between Song Nan and the princess, this matter has long been abandoned. As a foreign minister, he can go in and out of the inner palace and be alone with the princess. This is a crime of blasphemy. Is it possible that the connection between Song Nan and the princess can be broken?

"Eunuch Ma is exempt from the gift, please sit down." Corning said with a smile.

"I dare not." Ma Yongcheng said in a hurry.

Kang Ning smiled and said, "Don't be restrained. It's snowing outside. Let's go out to enjoy the snow. Lord Song greet Eunuch Ma for me."

Song Nan said, "Yes, the snow is cold every day. The princess should be careful of the cold and wear more clothes."

Kang Ning smiled and opened the curtain and went out. There were only Song Nan and Ma Yongcheng left in the room, and the atmosphere was a little silent for a moment. Ma Yongcheng frowned and wondered why Song Nan appeared here, but heard Song Nan laugh and said, "Mr. Ma, please sit down and have a cup of hot tea to warm up."

Song Nan personally made tea for Ma Yongcheng and put it in front of Ma Yongcheng, which was like the owner of Shouning Palace.

Ma Yongcheng thought for a moment, simply lifted his robe and sat down and arched his hand and said, "Thank you, Lord Song."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Mr. Ma must be thinking about why he saw my figure in Shouning Palace. I'm afraid there is a cloud in his heart."

Ma Yongcheng shook his head and said, "That's not true. Lord Song is the commander of the Jinyiwei. He can go in and out of the imperial city. Maybe it is possible to come to the inner palace to see the princess and report something, or to come here with the emperor's permission."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Mr. Ma is indeed a good man, but I came here not to see the princess or have any official business, but for personal reasons."

Ma Yongcheng was shocked and thought to himself that this boy was bold and came to Shouning Palace to say that it was for a private matter. Is it true that there was some private affairs between Princess He? Thinking of this, Ma Yongcheng immediately became nervous and broke the secret of the princess and Song Nan, which caused a big trouble. Although the princess in the royal family was capricious and liked to hook up with foreign ministers, it was not that such a thing had never happened in the previous dynasty, but these things were all secret things. Whoever bumped into anyone would be unlucky in the end. I'm out of luck today.

Song Nan didn't expect that Ma Yongcheng had made up so many plots in a moment and said to himself, "This private matter is not my personal matter, let alone the princess's private matter, but about your father-in-law Ma."

Ma Yongcheng's face changed dramatically and he was shocked, "About our private affairs? Lord Song, our family is in charge of the internal transportation warehouse, but the accounts are conscientious and clear. You Jinyiwei can't frame our family at will. Our family is not greedy for money and goods in the ink treasury. Please check it clearly.

Song Nan was stunned and immediately laughed and said, "Grandpa Ma, where do you think? I'm not here to check whether your Grandpa Ma is greedy for the carrying property in Mexico. Although since the case of Wang Yue and Fan Heng and Xu Zhi's greed for Moku silver, the emperor has clearly asked me to stare at the internal treasury to enter and exit the accounts, but your father-uke Ma is sitting in the transportation library. How can I not believe your character? Anyway, we used to be old acquaintances around the prince, and we have some friendship.

A stone fell to the ground in Ma Yongcheng's heart, and there was a slight sweat on his forehead. The accounts of the internal transportation warehouse were not as innocent as water. Since Liu Jin took charge of the inner court, there have been many large expenses. Each expenditure means that there are tricks, although he deliberately made a lot of hands. Cover up, but if someone is determined to investigate, it is not difficult to find out the loopholes.

"Lord Song, don't scare our family. We are honest people, but we can't stand your shock." Ma Yongcheng laughed.

Song Nan said, "I didn't make it clear. I specially asked the princess to borrow the princess's Dongnuan Pavilion of Shouning Palace and asked the princess to invite Eunuch Ma to talk about this matter. This matter is not small. Eunuch Ma should also be psychologically prepared."

Ma Yongcheng muttered in his heart that Song Nan deliberately saw himself here, and the princess didn't need anything at all. It was just an excuse to call herself over. Such a mysterious move was also said to be a private matter of his own, and Ma Yongcheng couldn't help but become nervous again.

"Lord Song, but I don't know what's the matter?"

Song Nan said, "There are some rumors in the palace today. I don't know if my father-in-law has heard of it?"

Of course, Ma Yongcheng knew what Song Nan meant, but pretended not to know: "What rumor? Our family doesn't like to join in the fun, but we haven't heard any rumors.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Eunpa Ma is a sincere person, and he doesn't speak honestly. I cherish it when I see Grandpa Ma here. Does Grandpa Ma think I'm full?"

Ma Yongcheng thought for a moment and said, "Since it's rumors outside, how can we believe it? Moreover, these things are not in our family's control. Even if we hear it, we will listen to it."

Song Nan said, "Mr. Ma, if the rumor is true, don't you have any idea in your heart? What do you think if Qian Ning is really appointed as the governor of a factory by the emperor?

Ma Yongcheng laughed and said, "Those who can work hard and seek things in power. What can we think of? We just need to do our own things."

Song Nan laughed and said, "I don't mean it, Eunuch Ma, you know the situation in the inner court better than I do now. Although I am outside, I have heard of it; Eunuch Liu has promoted many newcomers, including Qian Ning; I don't break his intentions. As an old man beside Eunuch Liu, you should know what I'm talking about. "

Ma Yongcheng said with a serious face: "Lord Song, although you and I are not good friends, we are not ignorant passers-by to each other. Everyone knows what happened between you and Eunuch Liu. Our family can never participate in the affairs between you. If you want to do something unfavorable to Eunuch Liu with words, you are futile. Our family can I don't like to listen to these words."

Song Nan looked sideways at Ma Yongcheng and said, "Eunpa Ma is a generous statement, but there is no need to be excited. I'm not pulling you over. It is because you are an acquaintance that I come to you to say this. Doesn't Grandpa Ma feels that he can no longer protect himself?"

Ma Yongcheng said coldly: "Our family is just doing our best to do bad and loyal to the emperor. How can we protect ourselves? Lord Song doesn't have to be alarmed.

Song Nan sighed: "Mr. Ma, you just don't want to face the reality; your Mr. Ma is loyal to Liu Jin, but what did you get? Although the inner transportation warehouse is poor, I dare to say that your behavior is completely worthy of Liu Jin, and you dare not listen to Gao Fenggu and others. Didn't you think about fighting for this position when the inner court added a new factory? You can't deny that I know what you think in your heart. You just feel that you have no chance of winning, so you give up the idea of competition. Just like you asked to be the eunuch of this waste-like internal carrier; to be honest, your behavior seems wise, but you think you can win the trust of Liu Jin and pray that he can give you benefits with great kindness, you are a big mistake.

Ma Yongcheng's heart was turbulent. Song Nan was like a roundworm in his stomach and saw his psychology clearly. This time, two new powers were added to the internal court. Why didn't he want Liu Jin to remember him? So far, the candidate has not been determined. When Qianning took action to get one of them, Ma Yongcheng was both disappointed and angry, and he also thought it was Liu Jin's intention to do it.

"Eunuch Ma, you made a big mistake. Liu Jin's intention to promote the newcomers is to complete the replacement of you old people sooner or later. In time, not to mention the promotion, even the eunuch, the leader of your carrier warehouse, may not be able to keep it. I see that you go to Shangchenjian or Shangyijian to be the leader eunuch. It's even more There is no dispute with the world."

"Lord Song, why insult me? You don't have to take care of my business." Ma Yongcheng said angrily.

Song Nan smiled and said, "It seems that Grandpa Ma is still a little bloody, and he also knows that this is an insult. If one of the eight tigers came out of the prince together, the eight tiger eunuchs that the foreign court can't defeat is reduced to the eunuch of the unimmediable Shang Yijian, it's really laugh."

Ma Yongcheng stood up and said, "Lord Song, we don't have time to listen to you here. Say goodbye."

Song Nan sneered, "Do you still know how to be angry? To tell you the truth, Liu Jin didn't give you any chance at all. Before that, he had decided on a candidate, but it was not your father-in-law Ma, but Gao Feng and Gu Dayou. It can be seen that you are nothing in Liu Jin's mind. This time Qian Ning's matter is also true. Yesterday, the emperor personally promised Qian Ning the position of factory supervisor. Qian Ning and other newcomers cultivated by Liu Jin gave Liu Jin a surprise. Even Qian Ning, whom he promoted, could not be suppressed. Grandpa Liu was also a talent.

Ma Yongcheng said in horror, "How do you know these things?"

Song Nan sneered and said, "How do I know that you don't have to worry about yourself? You'd better worry about yourself; you are still waiting for others to give alms, but you don't know that you have fought for me to rob me outside. It won't be long before you can't keep your fat. Qian Ning is stable, but Liu Zhong? What about Zhang Rui? These two are internal eunuchs. Maybe one day, they will also follow Qian Ning's pleading in front of the emperor. Maybe the emperor will give him the position of the leader of the internal transportation warehouse when he is happy. You and I both know that this is not impossible. Who in today's internal court is more pleasing to the emperor than the head of the leopard room?

Ma Yongcheng shook his head and muttered, "No, no, how will Grandpa Liu not interfere?"

Song Nan sneered and said, "interference? Qian Ning is an example. I'd like to see how Liu Jin made the emperor recover his life. I can guarantee that Qian Ning's tenure has become a forgone conclusion. Therefore, it can be predicted that when Liu Zhong and Zhang Rui work hard in the future, Liu Jin will still be powerless, which is called throwing a stone at his feet.

Ma Yongcheng rolled out of sweat on his forehead and knew that what Song Nan said was not completely alarmist. Maybe Liu Jin would retaliate against Qian Ning's deeds, but how to stop Qian Ning from reaching out and taking out a piece of gold from the pocket of the eight tigers.