Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 345 Honest Face

Chapter 345 (A big chapter of 5,600 will be refreshing. All kinds of request!)

At the end of the afternoon, Liu Jin was about to rush to the Qianqing Palace. At this time, it was time for the emperor to fall asleep in the morning. Although it snowed heavily, Zhengde, who loved to play, would not let go of this good time to enjoy the snow. He should also wait for the opportunity to persuade Zhengde to take back his life.

When Liu Jin was changing his high boots and putting on his cloak, he saw a little eunuch hurried from outside and report: "Fair-in-law, the internal carrier Kuma is looking for a meeting outside."

Liu Jin frowned. He didn't have time to talk to Ma Yongcheng. This man was submissive and has no ability. At present, he can't help him. He can't waste time with him, so he waved his hand and said, "Tell him that our family is going to the Qianqing Palace to serve the emperor. Let's talk about it later."

The little eunuch turned around to send a message. Liu Jin took people out of the second-entry public housing compound and walked out of the gate. She walked to the outside yard and only heard a message at the door: "Oh, Eunuch Ma, don't break through. Eunuch Liu said that he has no time to see you. Please come and see you later."

Ma Yongcheng's voice came: "Get out of here. I must see Eunuch Liu today. I have something important to report. If it is delayed, you can't afford to take it."

After saying that, but listening to his footsteps, the short Ma Yongcheng appeared on the steps at the gate of the gate of Si Lijian in a big cloak and a snow hat. A little eunuch next to him followed him to pull his arm and was kicked by Ma Yongcheng.

Liu Jin was furious and shouted loudly, "Ma Yongcheng! What are you going to do? This is Si Lijian. Do you think it's the carrier?"

Ma Yongcheng saw Liu Jin coming towards him, and there was a trace of panic on his face, but it soon disappeared. He smiled and arched his hand and said, "Eunuch Liu is good. I can't see his father-in-law. This little slave said that he can't see each other because of important things. Look, isn't his father-in-law enjoying the snow in the courtyard?"

Liu Jin suppressed his anger and said, "Our family is going to rush to the Qianqing Palace to serve the emperor, but we have no time to enjoy the snow. If you have anything to do, you can wait until I come back from the Qianqing Palace. I don't have time to invite you in for tea now."

Ma Yongcheng said, "Eunuch Liu doesn't have to go to the Qianqing Palace. As far as I know, the princess and the emperor went to the imperial garden to enjoy the snow and enjoy the plum blossoms."

Liu Jin was stunned and said, "Are you going to enjoy the plum blossoms? Who will attend? Qian Ning?"

Ma Yongcheng smiled and said, "Eunuch Liu is relieved that it is not Qian Ning's attendant, but Jinyiwei's commander Song Nan and General Dahan command Wanzhi."

Liu Jin was secretly relieved, and his expression was much calmer. Ma Yongcheng saw it in his eyes and said to himself: Song Nan is absolutely right. Liu Jin has lost control of Qian Ning. In front of the emperor, Qian Ning's status should indeed not be low, otherwise Liu Jin would not have such a performance.

Liu Jin suddenly noticed a trace of strangeness in Ma Yongcheng's words. Ma Yongcheng said that he was worried about his father-in-law, not Qian Ning's attendant. How did he know that he was worried about Qian Ning's attendant? However, as soon as he thought about it, he was relieved. It must be Ma Yongcheng who heard rumors.

"In that case, our family will go to the imperial garden to attend, and Grandpa Ma will leave by himself." Liu Jin didn't want to be asked about Qian Ning. He had concluded that Ma Yongcheng had heard rumors and came to gossip about it. He couldn't tell Ma Yongcheng about this matter at all.

Liu Jin led people to leave, but Ma Yongcheng said lightly, "Eunuch Liu, the emperor has Song Nan's attendant there. It doesn't matter if Eunuch Liu doesn't go, but the matter at hand of Mr. Liu should be solved quickly."

Liu Jin turned his head and said, "What do you mean?"

Ma Yongcheng smiled and said, "Don't you understand what I mean? Do you want us to say it in front of everyone?"

Liu Jin's anger surged. Today's Ma Yongcheng is completely different from the former Ma Yongcheng. It is unpredictable everywhere, and his words are also a sandal insinuation, which is completely different from the silent and submissive Ma Yongcheng in the past.

"Eunpa Ma, are you idle and have nothing to do? Come to our house to grind your teeth. Our family is very busy and doesn't have time to talk to you. It's easy to be your job." Liu Jin said coldly and turned around and walked out of the door again.

"Eunuch Liu, don't regret it!" Ma Yongcheng suddenly shouted, "I, Ma Yongcheng, know that it's just a straw in the eyes of your father-in-law, but today I'm not here to ask you to do something. I ask you to give me a favor. I have something important to tell my father-in-law. If you don't listen, something happens later, don't blame us for saying anything unpredictable."

Ma Yongcheng sneered and stood in the snow and stood with Lyon's chest out. That momentum made Liu Jin a little confused for a moment. When Liu Jin saw Ma Yongcheng's style, she was also a little suspicious. Is there really something important to say? At this juke, you can't make a mistake again, otherwise you will really be worried.

"You guys stand back and wait." Liu Jin waved his hand and ordered several eunuchs and guards who followed. Those people retreated one after another, and the huge Si Lijian compound was suddenly empty, leaving only Liu Jin and Ma Yongcheng.

Liu Jin walked to Ma Yongcheng's side and looked at Ma Yongcheng's big cake face and said coldly, "Eunuch Ma, you'd better report something important, otherwise, I won't be polite to you."

Ma Yongcheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's not just an important thing. It's simply a big thing that can make your father-in-law jump."

Liu Jin snorted coldly, "When did you learn to be slippery? What's the matter? Why don't you talk about it quickly?"

Ma Yongcheng said, "Are you talking here?"

Liu Jin frowned and said, "Is it possible to hold a banquet and make some singing and dancing? Our family is not as free as you. Come on, we still have to do business.

Ma Yongcheng thought for a moment and said, "Well, in this case, let's talk to my father-in-law. We know that my father-in-law has been very upset these two days, and we also know what's bothering about. Our family has a way to solve our father-in-law's problems. I don't know if my father-in-law is interested in listening to my plan?"

Liu Jin's heart moved, but her face was as quiet as water, and she said quietly, "You must have heard the gossip outside, right? Do you believe those words? Our family has issued an order, and if there are people who are slandered, they will be beaten to death. Isn't it possible for you, Grandpa Ma, to join the army of rumors?

Ma Yongcheng said, "Esir Liu, if you talk like this, how can we be confised today? Whether it's a rumor or not, it's up to you. What the facts are? We are not fools and have our own judgment.

Liu Jin said angrily, "Do you mean that our family is hiding and deceiving you?"

Ma Yongcheng said, "How dare we be so suspicious of our father-in-law, but what can be the result of our cover-up words? Tell my father-in-law the truth that I know the details of Qian Ning's matter. There is no permeable wall in the world, and my father-in-law doesn't have to pretend not understand anymore. Knowing that my father-in-law is now in a dilemma, Qian Ning privately stretched out his hand and asked the emperor to give him the position of governor of the factory. The father-in-law's secret promise to Duke Gu and Duke Gao could not be fulfilled. We also know that Grandpa Gao and Grandpa Gu came to see you just now. I'm afraid they came to argue with Grandpa Liu. In fact, it is no wonder that if it were our family, they would think that Eunuch Liu deliberately gave Qian Ning the position, which was rewarded by the emperor, just to get rid of this matter. After all, no one would run to question the emperor, right?

Liu Jin was shocked that Ma Yongcheng actually mastered everything so clearly. It seemed that he was prepared. The sentence that people can't look was really nonsense. In front of him, Ma Yongcheng's loyal and honest face in front of him was suddenly covered with fangs in Liu Jin's eyes, which looked ferocious and horrible.

"What else do you know?" Liu Jin sighed, stabilized his mood, and asked in a calm tone as much as possible.

"Our family also knows a big secret, which is enough for Grandpa Liu to seize Qian Ning's life, punish his infidelity to his father-in-law, and solve this matter in a hundred years." Ma Yongcheng smiled.

"Oh? I don't think you will say it easily. There must be any conditions to deal with us. Liu Jin said lightly.

"Don't say that. Our family is loyal to Grandpa Liu. If we talk about the deal, won't hurt our old brother's feelings? It's just asking Grandpa Liu for justice."

"Don't talk nonsense. Since you want to be honest, just say it directly."

Ma Yongcheng smiled and said, "Well, our family has been following my father-in-law for years. From the prince's mansion to now, my father-in-law can do whatever we want us to do, but I have never said a word. Our loyalty to my father-in-law must also be seen."

"Lao Ma, we are all old brothers. Do you still need to say these words?"

"Hey, Grandpa Liu, we dare not call you brothers. Our family is loyal to you, but what did we get in exchange? Our family is just a leader and eunuch of the inner carrier warehouse, and in the past two years, other people have been very beautiful. Needless to say, the old brothers, Qian Ning, Liu Zhong and Zhang Rui are all more beautiful than me. Do you think you have me, Ma Yongcheng in your eyes?

Liu Jin said, "You can't say that. The position in the inner carrier warehouse is an important position. Besides, you also volunteered to take up the post at the beginning. Didn't we say a word? Haven't you fulfilled your wish?"

Ma Yongcheng's face changed, spat and spit and said, "Open your eyes and tell lies. If our family is not self-aware, how can you step back and seek second if you know that you will not give me the real important position at all? Domestic transportation is a job, but how have I ever had the slightest right to autonomy? You have already said that the money and goods in and out of the internal carrier need your approval. I'm just a puppet placed in the internal carrier, which is convenient for you to take money and goods from the internal carrier, control the supply of money and goods of other government in the inner court for you, and limit their behavior. Although I, Ma Yongcheng, am stupid, I am not an idiot. Some of my heart is like a mirror."

Liu Jin's face turned pale and sighed, "Of course you are not an idiot. You are better than them."

Ma Yongcheng sneered and said, "I dare not do that. I, Ma Yongcheng, am also a human being. Unfortunately, Eunuch Liu has never regarded me as a human being. I always hope that Eunuch Liu can understand that I, Ma Yongcheng, am a loyal confidant, and think of me, Ma Yongcheng, and can flatten a bowl of water. Others eat meat and soup all day long, and one day I can get a bowl under my father-in-law's grace; unfortunately, I waited for two years, but I didn't wait for this day.

Liu Jin slammed, "This... In fact, our family has planned to..."

Who are you cheating? Do you think it's interesting to talk like this?" Ma Yongcheng interrupted Liu Jin with a sneer: "If you want to do so, isn't this the best time to add a new government? Have you ever thought of me, Ma Yongcheng? Haven't you decided to use Gao Feng and Gu Da? These two people quarreled and quarreled with you, but they valued you; I'm not noisy, conscientious and loyal, that's what you do to me?

Liu Jin was speechless. What Ma Yongcheng said was indeed true. He did not consider Ma Yongcheng at all. He thought that Ma Yongcheng might be satisfied with the status quo and would not quarrel endlessly, but he did not expect that Ma Yongcheng had accumulated so much anger in his heart.

What Brother Ma said is that you have so many complaints. Why didn't you confide in our family earlier? Our family thought that Brother Ma was indifferent to fame and fortune and didn't want to bother. If you had said it earlier, wouldn't our family try our best to arrange for Brother Ma? Hey, it's also my fault. I'm usually busy with trivial things and don't make much friends with my old brothers, but I ignore their feelings. In a word, it's our negligence, and it will definitely be corrected in the future. Don't worry. Liu Jin looked sad.

In any case, Ma Yongcheng should be stabilized today. Ma Yongcheng took the initiative to come and claimed that he had mastered the countermeasures to solve Qian Ning's matter and made some gestures**.

However, Ma Yongcheng smashed Liu Jin's attempt in one sentence: "Esir Liu, you don't have to do this. Maybe I don't know others, but I know you, and I don't expect you to benefit me. In this inner court, it still depends on my own ability; so today I came to ask Eunuch Liu for an official. If Eunuch Liu can promise me, I will help you solve Qian Ning, and not leak water.

Liu Jin was silent, stared at Ma Yongcheng for a while, and sighed, "I didn't expect that Brother Ma had been disappointed with me, okay, there was no need to explain more, and the explanation seemed to be very hypocritical. What do you say you want?"

Ma Yongcheng said, "I want to move my position."

Liu Jin said, "How about Si Lijian's pen? This is the close servant of the emperor, and his status is also high in the inner court. Our family is in charge of the Si Lijian, but it is a matter of one sentence, except for a pen name.

Ma Yongcheng shook his head and said, "I don't care about the position of eunuch."

Liu Jin frowned and said, "What is this? The eunuch Bingbi has a great responsibility. The emperor's decree and even the red folds are borne by Bingbi. How can you be so unbearable in your mouth?

Ma Yongcheng sneered and said, "Our family is talking about things, and the power to write is naturally not small, but in your Duke Liu's ceremonial prison, who is not a puppet? How can you have half the power? Tell me that it's not as good as being free in the inner carrier.

Liu Jin was furious and shouted, "Then what do you want? Do you want me to give way to you? Can you be the head of this ceremonial supervisor?

Ma Yongcheng said, "Our family doesn't dare to think so. Who dares to grab the position of Eung Liu? Isn't this looking for death? As long as our family is in charge of the position of eunuchs, the 3,000 imperial troops of the imperial horse are not allowed to send eunuchs.

Liu Jin laughed angrily, and the laughter was sharp and harsh. The thick snow piled up on the tall trees in the courtyard seemed to be disturbed by sound waves. It fluttered all over the sky and made their faces white.

"Eunuch Ma, I'm afraid you've gone crazy and come to me for a lot of nonsense. Our family remembers the friendship of the past. Today, we don't care about you. It's better to go back to your inner carrier warehouse as a job. Don't have this daydream."

Liu Jin shook the snow on his body and raised his feet and left. Ma Yongcheng shouted in a low voice, "If Grandpa Liu doesn't agree to me, I will go to the Royal Garden to ask the emperor to give me a position as a factory supervisor. Anyway, there is still a shortage. If I prefer to get it, I won't want it?"

Liu Jin was stunned and immediately sneered, "How much face do you think you have? How much credit do you have? Will the emperor take care of you?

Ma Yongcheng responded with a sneer: "Our family naturally has a small face, but what about the princess's face?"

"Princess?" Liu Jin sneered.

"Exactly, Princess Corning has agreed to our family's request to recommend me as the governor of the factory in front of the emperor. Don't say you don't believe it. Our family will prove that you see it."

Liu Jin's mind turned around. Ma Yongcheng did this to muddy the water and add chaos to himself when Qian Ning was in chaos. If the emperor really agreed to Ma Yongcheng, the positions of two new governors of the factory will all fly away. Aren't Gu Dayong and Gao Feng crazy?

In addition, Qian Ning and Ma Yongcheng, two anti-bone people, are in charge of the second factory in the east and west, and Song Nan's Jinyiwei government is not dealing with them. In this way, what's the use of holding the empty shell of an internal factory? How can the joint expansion of the Wudong factory play a role in weakening the power and responsibility of the Jinyiwei government? Isn't everything you carefully planned to become a bubble? What's more depressing is that he has also cultivated two powerful figures in the inner court to become his own heart. Isn't it uncomfortable for himself?

All kinds of disadvantages surged up like floods and beasts. Liu Jin suddenly found that he was helpless. He didn't expect that things would have developed to this point, and this wave of huge waves suddenly overturned the extremely stable ship he operated.

Liu Jin suddenly felt that these things broke out in just a few days, and she had no estimate at all beforehand. Step by step was like a big net covering herself step by step, which was obviously strange; as if someone had planned it.

Like Ma Yongcheng, even if he is scheming and good at tolerance, how can he know the beginning and end of the whole thing? Even if Qian Ning is dissatisfied with himself, he will not explain this matter to Ma Yongcheng, a coward. Besides, how could Qian Ning master Qian Ning's so-called handle and dare to come forward to trade with him? Seeing that he is in chaos, he will come to fish in troubled waters. The grasp of this opportunity can be said to be wonderful. Ma Yongcheng has Is this ability?

Questions and unusual places filled Liu Jin's mind in an instant. Liu Jin slowly took care of the complicated clues, and suddenly there was a flash of lightning in a dark cloud in his mind, and everything suddenly opened up in an instant.

If what Ma Yongcheng said is not a lie, Princess Corning will speak for him in front of the emperor, and how can Princess Corning speak for Ma Yongcheng? She had no reason to interfere in the appointment of the inner court for Ma Yongcheng. The only explanation was that someone asked the princess to do so.

And this person who can influence the princess, except for the empress dowager, there is only one person, this person is Song Nan!

At the thought of this name, Liu Jin felt that everything was logical; during this period, there has been a shadow in his heart: Song Nan easily succumbed to him and agreed to the dizziness of the proposal to open the West Factory and add an internal factory government. With Song Nan's shrewdness, how could he be so dizzy? Such an obvious flaw was in front of him, and he turned a blind eye to it. If Song Nan had been so easy to deal with, he would not have mixed from a border town general to the current Jinyiwei commander, and even the British prince married his granddaughter to support his position behind his back.

And although the princess and Song Nan seem to be clear, in Liu Jin's view, there are other hidden feelings. If it is not involving the princess, Liu Jin does not dare to send people to explore. I'm afraid that he has already found the evidence of the connection between Song Nan and the princess; if the princess has no feelings for Song Nan, I'm afraid she will play with the princess with Song Nan's ability. In the palm of his hand, let alone let the princess say a few good words for Ma Yongcheng.

Liu Jin sweated on the tip of his nose, and his body trembled unconsciously because of horror and anger. His face was also ferocious and twisted, and he couldn't help muttering and cursing.

Ma Yongcheng saw Liu Jin's appearance and was guilty. He was afraid that Liu Jin would cut himself first in anger. Liu Jin would really do this, and he must have a way to prevaricate afterwards.

"Eunuch Liu, what's wrong with you, Mr. Liu?" Ma Yongcheng asked with a trembling voice.

Liu Jin woke up and made a decision in an instant. Since Song Nan is behind the scenes, he can't chew his tongue with Ma Yongcheng here. If he wants to solve this matter, he has to find Song Nan. At present, he wiped the cold sweat on his face and reluctantly smiled and said, "Brother Ma, this matter is too big. Let me think about it? I will give you an answer early tomorrow morning.

Ma Yongcheng breathed a long breath and was secretly proud. Liu Jin finally gave in. Song Nan said that he would definitely give in. Sure enough, he had no plan. At present, he recovered respectfully and smiled and said, "Obey the order of the father-in-law."