Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 380 Meet a distant guest in autumn

Chapter 38

For several days in a row, Song Nan took leave and stayed in the house to enjoy a good time. Sun Xuan was also very interesting and included all the chores in the Jinyiwei office. Except for the things that must be made by Song Nan, Song Nan did not bother Song Nan.

But in fact, Song Nan's life is not easy. Of course, it's not the busy room, but after experiencing the thieves, she witnessed the ravages of thieves outside Beijing. In any case, she can't pretend to be nothing happened. But Song Nan also figured out her husband's warning. At this time, it is a wise choice to choose to shut up and be patient. Perhaps the Ming Dynasty really needs a huge pain to make some people really wake up.

It's easy to say whether it's broken or not, but Song Nan really thinks about how much money it will cost, how much head will be lost and how much blood will be shed.

The daughters of the Song family also knew that Song Nan was worried and knew that Song Nan could not completely relax herself, so Ye Fanggu proposed that the whole family go out for an autumn trip and got everyone's response.

In nearly October, it is better to go to the place where autumn is drunk, and the best way to reflect the autumn in the capital is to go to Xiangshan to see the red leaves.

Song's mother, who rarely went out to play with Song Nan and others, also rarely agreed to go together. Song's mother naturally had no idea about the red leaves and autumn, or Lu Qingli said: "The Bodhisattva of Dayong'an Temple is very effective. Her mother-in-law must have gone to the temple, either seeking prosperity and blessings for her descendants, or for family peace. Ann."

Everyone is deeply convinced.

After choosing a sunny and haze-free day, the whole family of Songfu took an early trip. Several big cars slowly left the West Gate under the escort of more than a dozen tall horses' Jinyiweiqi School. Xiangshan was about 40 miles outside the west gate. When they arrived, they arrived at the market town at the foot of the mountain. Everyone got out of the car and found a tea shop to rest and had some snacks. The tea slowly hiked up the mountain from the stone steps on the east slope; along the way, everyone was full of interest, pointing to the scenery in the mountain and chattering and laughing.

The crowds on the stone mountain road covered by the sun were bustling, and many dignitaries in Beijing came to enjoy the scenery. Looking at the beautiful mountain scenery and blowing the cool autumn wind, Song Nan also felt much more comfortable. She talked and laughed with the crowd and climbed to the Pingshan Pavilion, and the Dayong'an Temple was near the left of the Pingshan Pavilion.

After a turning rock, there was a flat rock platform. Seeing Song's mother gasping, Song Nan and the little princess helped the old lady take everyone to sit and rest on the platform. At this time, Wang Yong quietly came behind Song Nan, who was talking and whispered, "Your Excellency, take a step to talk."

Seeing Wang Yong's serious look, Song Nan tightened her heart and got up and followed him to the side of the rock and asked, "What's wrong?"

"My lord, I feel something is wrong with my humble position."

Song Nan was shocked and said, "What's wrong?"

Wang Yong whispered, "From the town at the foot of the mountain, someone has followed us. Don't look back. There are two scholars dressed in the back, and there are four businessmen in satin in front of them who have been keeping a distance to the left, looking like they are staring at us."

Song Nan whispered, "How can I see it? Maybe they also went to the mountain to play, so naturally they are together.

Wang Yong said, "These people's footsteps are vigorous. The mountain road is so steep that they are a little breathless when walking. These people don't sweat a drop a drop of sweat. Just now, the blue-shirted scholar stepped on the empty space on the cliff. Ordinary people must have fallen down, but he reacted quickly, and the humble position concluded that he must have martial arts."

Song Nan bit her lower lip and said, "Can you judge their intention? Is it a friend or an enemy?

Wang Yong shook his head and said, "I dare not judge, but I'm sure that they are staring at us. Your excellency is surprised. I suggest canceling the trip and go down the mountain. After passing the Pingshan Pavilion, the mountain road is even narrower. At that time, I'm afraid that our manpower will not be well taken care of."

Song Nan turned her head to look at the excited Song's mother and a wife and concubine, and thought for a moment, "Don't be busy. First of all, find out whether they are following us and their intentions. After all, we have a lot of people, and they don't dare to do anything on this journey."

Wang Yong said, "Do you want to take people to arrest them directly and ask?"

Song Nan shook her head and said, "No, you take someone to protect the old lady. I have my own way to test it."

Wang Yong nodded and said, "Your excellency, be careful."

Song Nan nodded and turned around to the rocky platform where the wives and concubines rested. The little princess smiled and said, "My husband just missed the good play."

Song Nan smiled and said, "What's a good play?"

The little princess said, "Qingli wrote a poem just now. It's so funny that my stomach hurts."

Lu Qingli patted the mountain stone and said andly, "Don't say it."

Song's mother touched her head and said, "My son, what's so ashamed? I'm not an outsider to tell your husband."

The little princess laughed and said, "Yes, yes, what's the matter? The Qingli girl saw that the two scholars sitting on the stone steps below were always glancing this way, so she made an oil poem to satirize them. The poem said: Two sour scholars, a pair of toads, looking at this side, ordered people to break their teeth!"

Everyone leaned forward and backward again. Dai Suer covered her mouth with a silk scarf and almost smiled. Lu Qingli said angrily, "Isn't it well written? Why are you laughing at me?"

Song Nan couldn't help looking down, but she didn't see any scholar's shadow, so she asked, "Where's the toad? Why didn't I see it?"

Everyone looked down and saw no trace of the two people. The little princess said, "The person who was sitting there just now pretending to see the mountain scenery may have been ridicicated by the Qingli girl and fled shyly."

Song Nan was puzzled, winking at Ye Fanggu, and leaned close to Song's mother and said, "Mother and daughters-in-law will rest here for a while. I'll come as soon as I go."

Mother Song said, "What's the matter?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's okay. Just go down and see the scenery. The scenery here is good. I want to see more."

Song's mother smiled and said, "It's really good. Let's stop here."

Song Nan got up and walked down the stone steps. Aunt Ye Fang got Song Nan's eyes and also got up to catch up. The little princess joked, "My husband seems to be looking for trouble with the toads. This is a glance at the Qingli girl. If he peeks at Su'er, won't you take the flag schools all over the mountains and fields?"

Dai Suer blushed and said, "Don't get involved with me."

Lu Qingli said leisurely, "If you peek at the little princess, not only will all the staff of the brocade guard government office go out, but also the martial arts camp, the magic machine camp, and the guards of the prince's mansion all go out?"

The little princess said, "Dead girl, you have a sharp mouth. I'll pull it for you." After saying that, she stretched out her hand to pinch Lu Qingli's mouth. Lu Qingli quickly shrank behind Song's mother and spit out her tongue. The two women laughed and became a mess.

Dai Suer frowned slightly and looked down. Seeing Song Nan and Ye Fanggu whispering a few words on the stone steps below, Ye Fanggu obviously reached out and touched her waist, and her face was also a little serious, and she suddenly became alert.

However, Song Nan reached out and pressed Ye Fanggu's hand. The two talked a few words and walked side by side to the bottom of the stone steps, gradually disappearing.


Song Nan quietly informed Aunt Ye Yong's warning. Ye Fanggu stretched out her hand and was about to pull out the dagger at her waist. Song Nan quickly stopped them and whispered, "These two scholars are fixed on the left. Don't be impulsive. Let's find them and catch them to force them to question their identities and intentions."

Ye Fanggu nodded and looked down the stone steps. The mountain road all the way down was clear, and there was no figure of the two scholars just now. Ye Fanggu pointed to the branches and leaves that broke the narration of the mountain stone and whispered, "It must be hiding. There are traces here."

Song Nan whispered, "Pret to see it. Let's go around from behind."

The two pretended to point out the scenery and walked down the mountain steps side by side. After walking a hundred steps, they estimated that they could no longer see themselves. The two stepped into the bushes from the cracks on the right mountain wall and quietly climbed up the depression on the mountain wall. After climbing less than dozens of steps, they saw a corner of their clothes exposed under a huge rock. A head with a square scarf was leaning out of the rock and peeking at the Song family on the mountain road.

Song Nan gestured, and the two slowly approached a few feet and suddenly heard a few sounds. The two scholars noticed it at the same time and turned their heads back. Aunt Ye Fang jumped down from the rock like a big bird, and the short sword in her hand came out of the sheath and drew a dazzling flash to split the face of the blue-shirt scholar's face. The scholar had no choice but to show his original shape and retreated back. , a little fast on the rock, the folding fan in his hand opened, with a horizontal gear, which actually blocked Ye Fanggu's sword, and the folding fan was safe and sound.

Aunt Ye Fang was a little stunned. Song Nan's voice came from behind and said, "The fan bone is made of fine steel, and the fan surface is not made of paper. With martial arts, it turns out to be two fake scholars."

The two scholars turned around and left. Song Nan shouted, "Friend, do you want to leave?"

The blue-shirted scholar turned around and said with difficulty, "What do you want to do? We didn't provoke you."

Although the voice is official, it sounds strange and awkward.

Song Nan frowned and said, "You just peeped at my concubine. This is not done by a scholar. In my opinion, this is an insult to me. How can you say that you didn't provoke me?"

The blue-shirted scholar and the black-shirted scholar looked at each other and arched their hands almost at the same time and said, "It turns out that it's because of this matter. I didn't mean to provoke the driver's family. I just looked at the scenery unintentionally offended. I hope you can forgive me."

Ye Fanggu frowned and said, "Where are you from? Why do you talk like this?"

The two scholars did not answer. The black-shirted scholar stretched out his hand and took out a silver ingot from his arms and said, "If there is any offense, these ten taels of silver will be an apology. You won't be unrelent because of this matter."

After saying that, he threw the silver to Song Nan. Song Nan reached out and took it and smiled and said, "What a big hand. I will give ten taels of silver at a glance. You know that if there is such a good thing, I would like to ask you to take a look a few more time."

Two scholars arched their hands and said, "Farewell."

Song Nan shouted, "Can I allow you to leave?"

Two scholars frowned and said, "You also took the silver..."

Song Nan spat and said, "Is the silver amazing? What's more, if you want to be so cheap, you can go home and bring the women in your house and let me watch it freely. How about watching twenty taels at a time?

The two scholars frowned and said, "It turns out that the driver is determined to find us."

Song Nan sneered and said, "Bah, how free is the young master to find your stubble. What's the intention of you two sneaking from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside? If you say it, I'll let you go today. If you don't say anything, you will be in big trouble today.

The two scholars were shocked, and the black-shirted scholar smiled and said, "You are so careful. We are just looking at the red leaves of Xiangshan Mountain. We are not staring at you. We don't know each other. Why are we staring at you?"

Song Nan shouted, "It seems that you two are not going to explain honestly, so don't blame me for being rude."

The blue-shirted scholar said coldly, "What can I do?"

Song Nan said, "I can't do anything. At most, I caught you and went through all 18 tortures."

The blue-shirt scholar sneered and said, "It's up to you? I'm not afraid of ten more.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Then try it."

The smile on the faces of the two scholars became cold, showing a fierce color. The folding fan in their hands shook gently. After the folding fan unfolded, they heard the sound of vicissitudes. More than a dozen keels at the front end of the folding fan actually stretched out thin blades like cicada wings, just like a blooming blade flower, which is also makes people ridges. My back is cold.

Song Nan was stunned. It was the first time to see such a strange blade, but Ye Fanggu looked serious and whispered, "Be careful, there are strange things, follow me."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern, but don't worry. I'm enough alone."

Ye Fanggu was stunned and saw Song Nan stretching out her hand to throw the silver high in mid-air and shouted, "Return it to you."

The silver fell high from the air, and the blue-shirted scholar stretched out his hand to take it. The black-shirted scholar beside him hurriedly took his body. At the same time, he heard a loud noise that was deafening. The silver was hit by a strong bombardment on the rock. Suddenly, stone debris flew and smoke and dust filled it.

The two scholars unfolded their folding fans to block the splashing stone crumbs, and Song Nan's voice came from his ears, "No matter how high your martial arts are, I will blow you into meat slag with one shot. I don't believe that you are iron."