Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 381 This prince is not very familiar

Chapter 381

The roar of fire resounded through the valley, and the tourists on the mountain road looked at them one by one. Wang Yong quickly ordered the guards to gather in all directions and make strict preparations; the four men above dressed as rich businessmen also obviously felt that it was not good. They wanted to come down from above to check, but they saw the brocade guard flag school staring at the platform at the turning point. I didn't dare to break down and only hesitated from above.

Lu Qingli recognized the sound of fire and asked in shock, "Lord Wang, go and see what happened."

Wang Yong bowed and said, "Madam, don't panic. Lord Song has ordered that it is important to protect the old lady and the ladies. Lord Song will be fine."

The women became nervous, but there was no choice. The little princess got up to follow the sound to check. Dai Suer whispered, "Princess, if you can't help, but also go back to distract your husband. According to your husband's instructions, sit here and protect your mother-in-law."

Song's mother said as usual, "Come and sit down. My son has his own way of doing things. It will be fine."

Seeing the old lady's determined appearance, the women also settled down a little and gathered together, waiting for the news under the protection of Wang Yong and the guards.


In the open space between the rocks on the mountain wall below, Song Nan smiled and looked at the two scholars with a smoke. The two scholars were obviously knowledgeable and knew the power of the fire. They saw the large and small potholes on the rock, looking frightened.

"You two don't want me to smash your bodies, so I obediently put down my weapon and was captured. You claim to be good people. What are you afraid of since you are good people?"

The green-shirted scholar suddenly jumped a few feet away from the black-shirted scholar and sneered, "I'm afraid there is only one round of ammunition. We are two people. Even if we are hit by you, the other person is enough to kill you two here. If you don't want to get out of control, let us go. We have nothing wrong with you. Qiu, I don't want to fight with you.

Song Nan smacked his tongue and said, "So you know that there is only one round of ammunition left. It's amazing."

The green-shirt scholar said, "Firearm is a superior thing. We have seen a lot, but we just disdain to use it; the firearm in your hand seems to be a little different and powerful, but most of them are similar. Although we may have avoided iron sand, we are really not sure. We don't want to take this risk, and please don't force us to take risks.

Song Nan laughed and said, "You cherish your life. You are so confident that you can kill the two of us alone. We are also capable, especially my wife, who is extraordinary."

The green-shirted scholar sneered and suddenly raised his hand to roll out the strange blade in his hand. The blade rotated with the sound of screaming, lifting the rows of dwarf trees and shrubs above, and then rotated back and fell into the hands of the green-shirted scholar.

"In such a small place, are you confident that you can stop my deadly flying fan attack? To tell you the truth, there is a strong poison on the blade. As long as you get to the side, you will die immediately. Do you want to take a risk?

Song Nan was shocked and looked at Ye Fanggu. Ye Fanggu shook her head solemnly. Obviously, in Ye Fanggu's eyes, the power of the two could indeed not match the spiral blade shrouded in the range.

Song Nan sighed, and the green-shirted scholar said proudly, "How about it? Everyone takes a step back to avoid losing both sides.

Song Nan said, "It's really awesome. Where did you get such a great ability? I haven't seen you in the capital. You two must not be from the capital."

The black-shirted scholar frowned and shouted, "What are you saying? Agree or not."

Song Nan smiled and said, "You two are well-informed. I'm sure that I only have one ammunition left. At the moment I load the bomb, one of you can kill us, right?"

The young scholar said, "You are right."

Song Nan smiled and said, "But...didn't you think of this?" As soon as the words fell, Song Nan lifted his long clothes like lightning in his left hand, and another double-cylinder fire gun came to his hand, holding one in each hand, and the black hole of the fire pipe was shrouded the two people.

The two scholars were stunned. Unexpectedly, Song Nan took out another handle and was stunned.

"Two people, do you have any other tricks this time? Why don't you bet to see if the iron sand emitted by the fire is faster or your body is faster.

The two scholars shook their heads and said, "No."

Song Nan smiled and said, "You two are straightforward and can bend and stretch."

The green-shirted scholar said, "We don't understand why you can't get along with us."

Song Nan said, "I don't understand why you are staring at us all the way. Do you know me?"

The two shook their heads and said, "I don't know."

Song Nan said, "That's amazing. Why did you follow my family?"

The two squeezed their lips and did not answer. Song Nan's face turned cold and said, "If you don't give me an answer, then I won't be polite to you. Within ten breaths, if you don't restrain your hands, I will smash your chests and see if you can still live."

The two scholars looked at each other and nodded at the same time. The blue-shirted scholar said, "I really don't want to be against you, and I don't know who you are. We just carry out orders. Killing them is not good for you and will bring you trouble. Why bother?"

Song Nan said, "I'm not afraid of trouble. It's better to have more trouble."

The black-shirt book said angrily, "We can tell you why you are staring at you, but you can't say it, because it has nothing to do with you, and we are just ordered to act and tell you that you need to let us go."

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I promise you, I hope it's not an unspeakable secret. You have to tell the truth, but there is a lie. I guarantee that you can't leave the boundary of the capital. Believe it or not."

The green-shirted scholar said, "We believe that your guards are all good. When we see it, you must wait for idle people. We don't need to offend you."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Quick words, frank and straightforward enough, dealing with you is just one word: cool! Let's start and listen carefully.

The young-shirted scholar paused and finally hesitated to say, "Your guess is very accurate. We are not from the capital."

Song Nan nodded and said, "You don't have to guess. Your accent is not a Beijing accent at all. Although the capital is mixed, your accent is not from the surrounding state capital."

The green-shirted scholar said, "Yes, we are from Gamdusdas Mawanhu, so we have different accents. We seldom come to the capital. Of course, you have never heard of our accent."

Song Nan was stunned and said, "Gangdu Si? It's five or six miles away from the capital. What are you doing here?

The green-shirted scholar said, "Do you think I'm willing to wait? Although the capital is good, the food is not delicious. It is noisy all day long, and we don't sleep well. If we hadn't been ordered to come, we wouldn't want to come here.

Song Nan frowned and said, "Who ordered you?"

The young scholar said, "We are the entourage of King Anhua, and we will follow wherever the prince goes."

Song Nan frowned and said, "King Anhua? Who is that?"

The green-shirted scholar was stunned and said, "Don't you know?"

Song Nan didn't want to admit her ignorance and shook her head and said, "Since you are the prince's entourage, why are you staring at us all the way?"

The green-shirted scholar said, "The prince met guests on the mountain and ordered me to monitor the idle people at the foot of the mountain. We saw that your party was so powerful that we could keep an eye on them. Your guards were all dressed in brocade clothes. The prince specifically ordered not to let the brocade guards know his whereabouts."

Song Nan frowned and said, "Why do you take special care to not allow Jinyiwei to know his whereabouts? He is the prince. What are you afraid of doing? We can't control him either."

The green-shirt scholar shook his head and said, "Then I don't know. We are really just on orders."

Song Nan said, "Who does your prince see on the mountain?"

The young scholar said, "I don't know."

Song Nan said, "Where is your prince's fief?"

The green-shirt scholar said, "The fief is in Qingyang, Gansu."

Song Nan frowned and thought about the essentials for a long time. The green-shirted scholar said, "I told you everything we know. Can you let us go?"

Song Nan shook her head and said, "No."

The two scholars said angrily, "What's the reason why you don't keep your word?"

Song Nan said, "How do I know that you are telling the truth? What should I do if you are just perfunctory and will be against us later?"

The green-shirted scholar said angrily, "I swear in the name of Allah that what I said is not untrue."

Song Nan shook her head and said, "I don't know who you are."

The two scholars said angrily, "Do you dare to blasper us Allah? I will kill you here when I die." After saying that, he frowned angrily and wanted to do it.

Song Nan hurriedly said, "Stop, I'm not blaspheming you and Allah. I just don't believe you. Well, I'll believe you once, but you have to tell me where your prince is meeting guests, and I'll see your prince."

The green-shirted scholar shook his head and said, "No, it's not right to tell you this. I am the guardian of the prince. How can we ignore the prince's safety and reveal his whereabouts? Even if you killed us, we can't say."

Song Nan is intimidating, threatening and seductive. These two people just don't let go. On the contrary, they have the intention of fighting for their lives. Song Nan has to give up. Song Nan, the prince's guard, does not dare not provoke him. Whether he knows the prince or not, he is always the prince. He is only a count in the title, and he is 108,000 miles away from him and offends him for no reason. A prince is really unwise.

"Well, you can go, but if someone stares at us again, I will order you to shoot together. Don't blame me if you are dead; I just took my mother and family to the mountain to see the red leaves burning incense, not to peep at your prince."

The blue-shirted scholar and the black-shirted scholar were overjoyed and hurriedly agreed and said goodbye.

"Wait a minute." Song Nan stopped them.

"What? Do you regret it again?" The two scholars are on a desperate posture.

"Don't be nervous. I just want to remind you that you should not only hide your body, but also disguise yourself. If you look at the capital, are there such a powerful scholar as you? Besides, your appearance is also different from our Han people, so don't pretend to be Han scholars.

"This... we only say that scholars are the most ordinary among the Han people, and most of the scholars who swim in this mountain are also scholars. In addition, the blade we are waiting for is also a folding fan commonly used by you Han scholars, so... Oh, I'm ashamed!" The two fake scholars are very ashamed.

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "Come on... go."