Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 433 Rendezvous

After Zhang Lun left, Song Nan immediately ordered someone to change clothes for himself. The little princess sent Zhang Lun back. Seeing that Song Nan's face was not good, she wanted to change her clothes and go out. Combined with Zhang Lun's face when he left, she understood * points in her heart, so she asked timidly, "Is your husband unhappy with your brother?"

Song Nan said while tidying up his clothes in the mirror, "Your brother is a good man. How can I be unhappy with him?"

The little princess was silent. Song Nan admitted that she was unhappy, so she helped Song Nan change her clothes and whispered, "My husband, no matter when, I stand on your side, but my brother is not bad intentions. If there is any inappropriate words, please ask my husband..."

Song Nan turned around and saw that the little princess's face was full of sadness. She leaned over and kissed her lips and said, "Don't worry, it's not as serious as you think. Since I married you, how can I turn against your mother's family? Some people are messing around behind their backs. I'm going to rectify them."

The little princess turned worried and said happily, "That's good. In the evening, I'll ask the chef to cook a few big carp on the Yellow River and wait for you to come back."

Song Nan nodded with a smile and walked out. Wang Yong only rested for half a day and took the guard to Song Mansion after noon. At this moment, the horses were already ready. Song Nan turned over and left the house.

The streets of the capital are as prosperous as before. In recent years, the heavy snow and cold and the chaos of Liu Liu seven some time ago have not stopped people's expectations for the new year. Everyone is busy shopping for New Year's goods and making new clothes. The fragrance of various snacks in the shops next to the streets and alleys floated along the street, and colorful platforms have been set up on several street corners. These are all opera troupe from all over the country who go to Beijing to sing and entertain on New Year's Day.

Song Nan looked at the lively scene on the street and felt a little better. Wang Yong followed and asked, "Your Excellency, where are you going?"

Song Nan saw that it was still early and waved his hand and said, "Let's go to the government post to visit Jiang Bin and Xu Tai first."

Wang Yong nodded, and more than a dozen rode along the street and rushed to the post house; Jiang Bin and Xu Tai drank some wine at noon, and the capital was not very familiar with each other. Song Nan told them not to walk around before going to court, so both of them nestled in the hall to sleep. Song Nan talked a few words with them and ordered the good care of the school of the school. An hour later, Song Nan has appeared in the palace.

Along the avenue on the side of Fengtian Hall, Song Nan went straight to the Qianqing Palace. He was going to see Zhengde. Although it was a little inappropriate to see Zhengde at this time, it was usually time for Zhengde to drink and have fun in the afternoon. If he did not play in the leopard room, he would ride a horse and shoot arrows in the backyard of the Qianqing Palace and happily dream of a general in the battlefield. .

Sure enough, Zhengde went to the leopard room in Xiyuan. The little eunuch said that he could not ride and shoot in the backyard after the heavy snow. The emperor spent the afternoon in the leopard room. Song Nan had no intention to go to the leopard room to see him, because Song Nan did not like the smoky place, not to mention that Song Nan did not want Liu Jin to be present.

I asked that the return time of the little eunuch Zhengde was around Youshi. At present, there is still one hour left. Song Nan decided to go to see Princess Kangning first. Yesterday, although he saw Kangning on the long pavilion, there were many people, and he could only politely salute and greet him. He could also see the love in Kangning's eyes, not to mention I miss her very much.

The Shouning Palace was quiet, and the snow in the yard was white, and there was no one in the warm pavilion. Song Nan walked on the bluestone road to the apse and met a female official walking with a food box. As soon as he looked at Song Nan, he recognized that it was Cui Hongying, the female official next to Kang Ning.

Cui Hongying also recognized Song Nan, covered her mouth in surprise and hurriedly bowed. Song Nan smiled and said, "Where is Cui Shanggong going?"

Cui Hongying answered the question, "This is too coincidental. Just now, when I mentioned the adult, the adult was in front of me in the blink of an eye."

Song Nan smiled and said, "What do you say?"

Cui Hongying whispered, "Just now, the princess... also told the maidservant... Lord Song, I was just about to get some dried fruit snacks, but I didn't expect the lord to arrive."

Song Nan said, "Oh? Speaking of me? No wonder your ears are itchy just now. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Cui Hongying blushed and said, "Your excellency asks, I dare not move my mouth and tongue."

Song Nan smiled and pointed to the front of the corridor and said, "Is it in the back garden?"

Cui Hongying nodded and said, "The princess is enjoying the snow in the garden corridor. The adult went by herself. The maidservant went to get some food and ordered someone to send two braziers."

Song Nan nodded and said, "Cui Shanggong is at his own."

Cui Hongying saluted herself. Song Nan walked along the corridor to the back garden and met several maids of honor along the way. Since Song Nan was a regular guest in the Corning Palace, she also knew Song Nan. At the end of the corridor, he entered the hanging flower round door and entered the back garden of Shouning Palace.

Several eunuch maids squeezed behind a rockery and frowned at each other. When they saw someone coming in, they hurriedly dress up. Seeing Song Nan coming, just as they were about to salute, Song Nan waved her hand to silence, pointing to the flower corridor behind the rockery and whispered, "The princess is on the porch?"

Ser eunuch maids nodded, and Song Nan said, "I'm going to see you, and I won't bother to inform you."

Everyone around the princess knew the business between Song Nan and the princess. She nodded and agreed. Song Nan gently walked along the path on the side of the rockery and saw Princess Corning sitting on the side between the flower corridors from afar.

Corning wore a thick brocade robe and dressed elegantly. He sat on a chair covered with soft felt and looked at the snow outside the corridor. Song Nan stood in the porch and quietly looked at Corning's side face. His soft side face was matched with Shengxue's skin, and his small body was wrapped in a thick brocade robe, which looked petite and lovely. Corning's slightly frown showed that she was falling into a kind of meditation.

Song Nan couldn't bear to break this beautiful scenery and just stood still looking at Kang Ning. I don't know how long it took a bird on the willow branch beside Song Nan flew up and fell with a pile of snow. The sound shocked Kang Ning. Kang Ning turned his head and saw Song Nan smiling at his face with his hands down, and suddenly in his eyes. The confusion turned into surprise, and the eyes were wide open.

"Soong Nan?"

"Song Nan saw the princess." Song Nan smiled and saluted.

Corning waved and said, "Come up and warm it. How cold it is to stand below. Why don't you call me?"

Song Nan stepped up the flower gallery along the stone steps and looked at Corning's flower-like face and smiled, "I saw that the princess was thinking about something, so I didn't dare to disturb her. I dare to ask the princess what she was thinking? Are you thinking about a handsome boy, or this year's new top student?

Cang Ning sneered and said anly, "I'm thinking about an ugly man, an unintentional ugly man."

Corning's eyes were shining, and his eyes were full of warmth. He looked extremely shy. Song Nan turned his head and made sure that no one dared to peep at him, so he reached out to hold Kang Ning's arms and kissed the two red lips fiercely.

Kang Ning put his hands around Song Nan's neck and spit out his little tongue fiercely. The two kissed silently until they couldn't breathe.

"I miss you so death, sweetheart." Song Nan whispered in Corning's ear.

Corning closed his eyes and nodded, "Me too. For the past two months, I have been waiting for your news every day. I went to ask the emperor about the progress of the war every day, and you have returned safely."

Song Nan said, "Thank you, princess."

Corning said with a smile, "You're welcome."

Song Nan loosened Kang Ning's body, but their hands were twisted together and did not let go. After sitting down, Song Nan described the story of the war to Kang Ning. Kang Ning listened with relish, sometimes frowned angrily, and sometimes showed joy. Especially when Song Nan said that she was caught by Liu Liu, Kang Ning's little hand tightly grasped Song Nan's hand tightly. The palm of my hand is full of sweat.

"Don't worry, didn't I come back completely?" Song Nan smiled.

Corning exhaled, "I prefer to take risks. Xinpingbao was helpless that day. Now as the commander-in-chief, he goes out with a large army, but he has to play forward by himself, which is not good."

Song Nan said, "I also know it's not good, but in fact, everyone is raised by their parents. Everyone's life is life. I'm confident that some things can be perfect, and I'm not sure others will do it."

Corning nodded and said, "I understand, there is a reason why you work so hard."

Song Nan nodded and said slowly, "It's another year. After the New Year, I will be 21 years old, and the princess is also 19 years old. I can't help but seize the time. Seeing you delay the great Shaohua for me, how can I not work hard?"

Kang Ning looked at Song Nan, reached out and touched his thin cheek and said, "This is my volunteer. Don't be in a hurry to achieve success because of this. I can wait. This time the emperor made great achievements, and we took another step forward. One day, you will have the ability to marry me without worrying about the words of the world.

Song Nan smiled and said, "I firmly believe in this. Of course, I hope you suddenly don't like me. If you find a Ruyi Langjun to marry me, then I will feel more at ease."

Kang Ning looked at Song Nan and said, "At this time, do you still say such a thing? I will be very sad."

Song Nan said quickly, "It's just a joke. How can you take a fancy to others? I, Song Nan, am a unique man in the world. After the princess saw me, she naturally regarded the men in the world like grass."

Corning sneered and said, "It's stinky!"

Song Nan hugged her, and the two met again and kissed her endlessly.