Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 434 Another way

Just after the time, Zhengde returned to the Qianqing Palace from the leopard room. Because of the recent shocking events in the court, from the courtiers to the Empress Dowager of the harem and others stared at Zhengde. Zhengde himself also understood that his behavior at this time should be slightly restrained, so he was no longer in the leopard room. Generally, he fooled around in the afternoon and would go back to the bedroom before dark. Go to bed.

The maid of Shouning Palace quickly reported the news of Zhengde's return to the palace to Song Nan, and Song Nan reluctantly left Kangning to go to Qianqing Palace to meet him.

Zhengde was slightly drunk and was sitting at the table blindfolded and looking at the memorials handed in the day. This was a hypnotic method he found. He only read a few memorials and immediately fell asleep. That night, he must have slept very sweetly.

The little eunuch came to report that Song Nan had met him. Zhengde was quite surprised and ordered the little eunuch to let Song Nan go to the imperial study to wait. As soon as Song Nan sat down in the imperial study, the laughter outside the door came in.

"Soong Nan, why did you enter the palace at this time? Didn't I ask you to rest for a few days?

Song Nan hurriedly got up to worship and said with a smile, "I'm working hard and worrying about my life. After a day's rest, my body hurts. I really can't sit still."

Zhengde laughed and said, "You have to learn to relax. You can't reach me at this point."

Song Nanxin said: You are not relaxed and Taoist. You will always be Chi, and there is no time for Zhang. But he said, "How can I compare with the emperor?"

Zhengde sat down with a smile and motioned Song Nan to sit down. The little eunuch held tea and served it. Song Nan asked tentatively, "Didn't Eunuch Liu follow the emperor?"

Zhengde said, "Xiao Jinzi accompanied me for a day, and I allowed him to go out of the palace and go back to his house to rest."

Song Nan breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Liu Jin was not present, today's things would be much easy to do. With the wisdom of virtue, she was under little pressure.

"Song Nan, I thank you very much. If you hadn't come forward, I don't know how far Liu Liuqi's chaos will be. I know that you won't let me down. Compared with the rest of the court, my trust in you is unmatched. I can't say this in front of others, but I can say it calmly when I am alone with you. Zhengde looked at Song Nan with a smile.

Song Nan quickly got up and said, "Thank you for your kindness. This is all my job."

Zhengde waved his hand and said, "Sit down and talk, don't be courteous. At this moment, you and I are not a king or minister. Do you remember what I said to you after my father's death? I want to be friends with you in private. You and I have the righteousness of kings and ministers, as well as the righteousness of friends.

Song Nan nodded with a smile, and Zhengde smiled and said, "If you don't come today, I also plan to call you to the palace tomorrow, because I have something to tell you."

Song Nan said, "It's just that I have something to say when I come to see the emperor today."

Zhengde said, "Then you say it first."

Song Nan said, "Yes, after two months of suppressing the thief this time, I have traveled thousands of miles. Fortunately, I have lived up to the emperor's kindness and destroyed the bandits. However, every time I think about the thief and soldiers, I have a sense of fear. At midnight, my dream back is always cold. This time, outsiders naturally said that I was brave and invincible, but I wanted to speak from the bottom of my heart in front of the emperor. This time, I was as frightened as walking on thin ice.

Zhengde opened his eyes and said, "Oh? How can you feel this way? I see that you swept the thief soldiers all the way, and it seems that it is effortless.

Song Nan shook her head and said, "Of course not. It was the first time that I led the army. The number of the thief soldiers was as high as 670,000, which is not the same as the number of officers and soldiers. Several thieves are also cunning people, and the hardships are not enough for outsiders. Among them, only those who are on the war know the difficulties and dangers."

Zhengde thought for a moment and said, "Song Nan, I know that you shoulder a heavy burden this time. I will not treat you badly. I will reward you well. The officials of the imperial court know that there will be * Yao who work for the country. Don't worry."

Song Nan shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, you misunderstood me. I didn't come here today to ask for a big reward from the emperor. Yesterday, the emperor led people out of the city to welcome him, which was already the greatest honor for me. The emperor should be very clear about what kind of person I am. I will never ask for this and that with some small credit this time.

Zhengde nodded secretly. What Zhengde hates most is the person who invites people to be rewarded with merit. Song Nan is by no means this kind of person. In terms of credit, is Song Nan's credit still small in recent years? Not to mention helping himself establish a powerful group of ministers at the beginning of his accession to the throne, so that the literary ministers of the foreign court no longer dare to blame their actions arbitrarily; Xinpingbao rescued himself from the siege of tens of thousands of Tatari soldiers in World War I; not long ago, he stood up when he was panicked in the court to redress the thieves. Speaking of credit, no one in the Manchu Dynasty has made great contributions to Song Nan over the years, which are obvious to all.

"Your Majesty, I know that the emperor is very embarrassed about the reward in the early morning today. The main intention of my coming into the palace today is to ask the emperor not to bother. I don't plan to take the reward this time, and I don't want to be unhappy with the admirals of the regiment camp because of this matter. After all, although I have meritorious deeds, they have nothing to do. I will be very uneasy if I deprive them of their positions and give them to them.

Zhengde was stunned. He never thought that Song Nan went to the palace today to persuade himself not to reward him. Zhengde was a little suspicious. He suspected that Song Nan was saying the opposite. Song Nan did not show his desire for an official position, but he was not so indifferent to fame and fortune.

"Well... If this doesn't work, you will be rewarded if you have made such a contribution. If I don't reward you, who will be willing to share my worries in the future? Song Nan, aren't you trapped in me? I have made up my mind. Don't think too much about it. You have the talent to lead the army. After Jiajue, the admiral's regiment is also logical. As for other people's thoughts, you don't have to care too much. I know it.

Song Nan said, "Your Majesty, I am not pretentious, and my move is also for the sake of the overall situation. The Beijing camp is the foundation of the stability of the capital. I never want to think that this makes everyone unhappy. The defense stability of the capital is the overall situation. I dare not say what others will do, but if the Beijing camp is unstable, the capital will be unstable. If something happens, isn't it? What's wrong with me?"

Zhengde pinched his chin and frowned, "Do they still dare to disobey my will? Everything about them is given by me. What's wrong with me taking them back to others?

Song Nan said, "Naturally everything in the world is the emperor's, but the wise king will not go back on his word and will not give things to his ministers but bring them back for no reason. I don't want the emperor to leave a handle on others."

Zhengde said, "But the wise king will not be rewarded without merit. Then I will not be sorry for you."

Song Nan smiled secretly. Things are completely in the direction of his own design. Now he is not here to ask for the official position, but his own death, but Zhengde is desperate to give.

This is completely in line with Zhengde's character, which is Zhengde, a kind emperor who is a little smart but politically confused. Liu Jin has made good use of this, and she will also make use of it today.

"What the emperor said is also reasonable. How can there be a two best policy? It does not make the marquis of the Beijing camp unhappy, but also has the clear intention of reward and punishment for the emperor to protect his ministers." Song Nan frowned and thought.

Zhengde said, "I'm afraid there are two things. I've made up my mind. You don't have to think about it."

Song Nan slowly shook his head and said, "There may be a way. In fact, there is still one important thing to advise the emperor when I come today."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, this Liu Liu and Liu Qi's rebellion was very powerful. The momentum of the thief soldiers once reached 70,000, which harmed millions of people. I just said that I dreamed of returning to the spine at midnight, not because I was worried that the situation of the thief soldiers could not be extinguished, but because things did not develop in another direction, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

Zhengde said, "How do you say this?"

Song Nan said: "When the Duke of Dingguo was the governor of suppressing thieves, Xu Yande led the army in Shandong to suppress the thieves once. It was at this time that the thief's army was in full swing, and Liu Liu on the east road quickly developed to 60,000 people. When the minister took office, he was busy mobilize the border troops in the same place of Xuanfu to suppress the thieves, during which there was more than ten days of empty period; Liu Six was eager to go south at this time and did not choose to go back to the north, which can be said to be a strategic mistake.

No matter how stupid Zhengde is, he understands what Song Nan means and is shocked: "You mean they will turn their heads north to kill the capital?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "Although there are not many troops in Damingwei south of the Yellow River, it is not so easy to cross the river; during this period, I was able to calmly gather troops to encircle it. If the thief soldiers change their minds and look back to attack the capital, the guards and horses in front of Yingzhou were mobilized by Xu Yande to go to Shandong, and were defeated by the thief soldiers. The remnants were huddled in several state capitals east of Shandong to protect themselves. The south of the capital can be said to be a flat river. If the thief soldiers go all the way north and wait for the soldiers and horses of Xuanfu to arrive, they can go straight outside the capital. At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Zhengde woke up most of the time with shock and said in surprise, "Isn't there a regiment camp in the capital? With more than 100,000 troops of the 12th regiment battalion and 3,000 battalions and other Beijing divisions, how can the thief soldiers win?

Song Nan nodded and said, "What the emperor said is that the strength of the capital is enough to protect himself, but the emperor should not forget that at that time, the thief soldiers were in a prosperous situation, and he did not estimate how many troops could be added along the way. The emperor did not know the methods of the thief soldiers. Everywhere the thief soldiers went were coke. Even if the thief soldiers could not attack the capital, the south of the capital Large areas will also be reduced to scorched soil. The regiment camp is rooted in the capital, and it is impossible to go out to fight against it unless it is a rescue driver. Isn't it watching the thief soldiers go wild in the capital of Beijing?

Zhengde's eyebrows beat silently.

Song Nan continued: "Besides, no one can guarantee that the thief soldiers will not break the capital. After all, it is a group of 70,000 thieves. I dare not say what the combat effectiveness of the Beijing camp is, but the thief soldiers I know are not a mob. This time, I killed and injured nearly 10,000 soldiers and horses. This is still issued the law of abolishing Shiwu Lian sitting in the imperial court. After all kinds of measures to ease the people, such as the policy of forcing land cultivation, it was also under the situation that the thief soldiers had to divide their troops to guard the back road because they tried their best to cross the Yellow River. It is clear that the thief soldiers on the West Road guarded the Taihang Mountain, and the minister almost lost his life in the thief's hand.

Zhengde licked his lips and said, "But what do you mean is...?"

Song Nan said, "I have been thinking for a long time. The safety of the capital is a great thing. I think it is necessary to strengthen the strength of the capital. In addition to the 12th regiment battalion, it is also necessary to increase the mobile strength. If there is chaos in the capital, this force can not only defend the city, but also maneuver out of the city to fight against the enemy, so that the troops of the local capital can be assisted. Enough time."