Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 435 Shenshu Camp

Zhengde meditated. Song Nan's proposal could not be agreed casually. Increasing troops in the capital not only involves the rationality of the military system, but also involves the security of the capital. Sometimes it is not a guarantee, but also a threat.

Of course, the outside voice of Song Nan's suggestion of this move can still be heard. Song Nan's best strategy is to add a new soldier and horse to let Song Nan lead, so that he can reasonably arrange Song Nan's position without grabbing the position with the group camp.

Song Nan knew that it was the critical time. He wanted to hold military power and get the reward he deserved to see if he could persuade Zhengde, so he took advantage of Zhengde's hesitation and added a fierce fire.

"Your Majesty, I have always spoken bluntly. Today, I speak to the emperor out of my heart. If there is anything wrong, I hope the emperor will forgive me."

Zhengde said, "You're right, there are no outsiders here."

Song Nan thanked and said slowly, "Your Majesty, I have no prejudice against the regiment camp in Beijing, but I sincerely do not intend to enter the regiment camp as an admiral. But all the generals are proud to be the leader of the regiment, but in my opinion, this is not an honor.

Zhengde said in astonishment, "What do you say?"

Song Nan said, "I think that the army's loyalty to the emperor is the first element, and the second element is to have the capital to be loyal to the emperor."

Zhengde's face changed and said, "Do you mean that Beijing Camp has no capital to be loyal to me?"

Song Nan said: "If you are equipped with money, the Beijing camp is more than several times more than other troops. The soldiers in the Beijing camp have been replaced with a new set of armor blades in three years, and the money is as high as two taels a month, while it is not enough to change the armor of officers and soldiers of the local guard in ten years. It's ridiculous that some people don't even have armor. When they fight, they tie two boards to their chests. It's really funny and bitter, and there are very few silver pay. I came from Weizhou and knew that the money of the Weizhou soldiers was only eight yuan a month plus ten catties of corn flour. If the military family hadn't been hard to reclaim the fields, even his parents, wives and children would be hungry.

Zhengde frowned and said, "What are you talking about? Why don't I expect that all my soldiers and horses in the Ming Dynasty are well-equipped and have enough money, but the finances are tight. What can I do?

Song Nan said, "I don't ask the emperor to do anything, I just want to make a comparison. What is the combat power of the Beijing camp when the treatment equipment is many times higher than that of the local guardhouse? Taking the Battle of Xinpingbao as an example, we won a complete victory in this battle, with more than 13,000 people from Weiwei 600 border troops in Weizhou and the Shenji Camp of the Beijing Camp. In this battle, the emperor witnessed with his own eyes that more than 6,000 people in the border army of Weizhou faced several times more than his own Tari cavalry before reaching the Beijing camp. Purely resisted the army of Tatron with flesh and blood, only a few hundred survived, abruptly annihilated tens of thousands of Tatrons, and dragged them to the Beijing camp soldiers and horses. The emperor knows that the performance of the soldiers and horses of the Beijing battalion in the battle is not appreciated.

Zhengde naturally understands that Zhang Lun's fighting camp and Shenji camp are the elite among the elites in the Beijing camp, but their performance in the battle is not outstanding. If it hadn't been for the heavy damage of the soldiers and horses in Weizhou, coupled with the strength of firearms, the face-to-face hard fight between Shanjing battalion and the soldiers, it is difficult to predict whether they will win or not.

"This is still the Beijing camp led by Zhang Lun. The little father-in-law is a diligent general with troops, and the training of the Beijing camp is also conscientious. Even so, it is still unsatisfactory. Imagine, if with the same equipment and the same troops, who can win against the Beijing camp with the Weizhou border army?"

Zhengde scratched his head and said, "I'm afraid it's a great victory for the Weizhou soldiers."

Song Nan got up and saluted: "The emperor's candle shines on the holy light, and he does not protect his prevaricate. This is exactly what the wise king did. As the emperor said, the Weizhou soldiers will win, and it is a great victory. The intention of the minister is to say that when the capital is in trouble, although the troops of the Beijing battalion are large, no one dares to bear the responsibility of defending the capital. However, the safety of the emperor and the safety of the capital are not ambiguous.

Zhengde finally understood Song Nan's painstaking efforts. A new army that can only fight can not completely press the treasure on the Beijing camp. In times of crisis, there will be a soldier and horse who can only fight or even die, which will be more reassuring.

"Soong Nan, I have made clear your intention, but what I want to say is that since the combat power of the Beijing camp is rotten, why don't you want to transform the battalion?"

"Your Majesty, the transformation of the Beijing camp is naturally a good strategy once and for all. However, I asked myself that I don't have this ability. It is not difficult to train soldiers alone. The difficulty is that the top-down generals of the Beijing camp are either marquis or count. If it is inconvenient, they are the children of honored by the emperor. If I go to dictate, isn't it boring? I can't do it, and I don't want to be the target of public criticism.

Zhengde looked up and sighed, "Yes, I know this is difficult to do, but it is not a way to go on like this. If my Beijing camp can't be responsible for the safety of the capital, why do I still raise these hundreds of thousands of people?"

Song Nan said, "The emperor, don't worry. The establishment of a new camp can just stimulate the generals who are safe in the Beijing camp. If the emperor really wants to transform the Beijing camp, I would like to be a pawn to solve the problems for the emperor."

Zhengde was refreshed and said, "You said that you couldn't do it first, and you were afraid of receiving the * of the many people. What's a good move now?"

Song Nan said, "As long as the emperor agrees to build a new camp, I will have a way. Next year, let's have an opportunity to have a competition in the Beijing camp. If the newly built camp can sweep the 12th regiment camp and the Shenji camp, the emperor will order the rectification of the Beijing camp. Does anyone dare to say half a word?"

Zhengde looked at Song Nan in astonishment and said, "How dare you praise such a sea mouth?"

Song Nan said proudly, "Although I am not talented, I have still fought in the Beijing camp, otherwise I don't have to worry about building a new battalion to protect the safety of the emperor and the capital, because to be honest, I simply scoffed at the strength of the Beijing camp."

Zhengde pondered for a moment and said, "I have been convinced by you, but I can't be arbitrary about this matter. If it is discussed by the court, I'm afraid it will attract the opposition of many people. I'm afraid it won't work."

Song Nan said, "The emperor rest assured that I will mediate. If there is an exciting opposition from the group, I will never mention it again. I have to consider this move for myself, and I don't want to be the admiral of this new camp. I would like to recommend Jiang Bin and Xu Tai to lead this camp. I can not take the emperor's reward, but I can't hurt other meritorious people. The heart."

Zhengde waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about it later. This may not be easy."

Song Nan said, "I'm afraid that my father-in-law Liu will oppose it. If my father-in-law doesn't understand my painstaking efforts, it will be difficult for me to convince him."

Zhengde said, "You don't have to worry about this. What I'm worried about is the reaction of the cabinet ministers, the military departments and the nobles. There is no precedent for this move. Foreign troops entering Beijing are all directly trained soldiers and returned in a few months, but this is a soldier resident in Beijing, and many things are not very compliant."

Song Nan laughed and said, "What the emperor said, but why can't the emperor establish new regulations and break the old rules? If it really doesn't work, just put the old bottle of new wine and gag their mouths.

Zhengde said, "What's the old bottled new wine method?"

Song Nan said, "There are not only regimental camps and Shenji camps in Beijing, but also other famous military camps. This number is the old bottle. As long as it does not touch the reverse scales of the marquis, no one will insist on being serious with the emperor."

Zhengde thought for a moment and said, "There is only one 3,000 battalion in the Beijing camp, but it's too wrong for you to lead 3,000 battalions. The 3,000 battalion was originally 3,000 cavalry formed by Mongolian soldiers during the Yongle period, and it has no place in the Beijing camp for so many years. When Liu Daxia was in office, he wrote to me to join the regimental battalion. I want you to take 3,000 battalions... This... is not suitable."

Song Nan smiled and said, "What's wrong with that? I am confident that I will revive the heroism of 3,000 battalions. As long as I can lead the army for the emperor, these are nothing."

Zhengde took a few steps and said, "I can't let you be so faceless. This time, I want the court to understand one thing. I will never be willing to reward anyone who is loyal to serve me. I have thought that the 3,000- feathers of the forest army of the imperial horse prison is the status of a prison guard, and I will merge it into your commander-chief. What do you think?"

Song Nan's heart was moved. The 3,000 imperial army of the imperial horse prison is the main force in the internal prison. It is responsible for the imperial guard and is not part of the military department and the capital. It is with this identity that the inner court can participate in military affairs and sit on an equal footing with the military department and the governor's office. If it can be obtained from Liu Jin, it will be a great victory.

But Song Nan quickly gave up this idea, not to mention whether Zhengde was testing his mind or sincerely wanted to hand over the responsibility of the imperial guard, but in terms of the special status of the 3,000 imperial army, he could never get the opportunity to command this army; the emperor of the Ming Dynasty needed this kind of internal and external court. The political mechanism of mutual containment is not only the status of Si Lijian relative to the 'internal minister' of the cabinet, but also the leadership power of the imperial horse supervisor independent of the military department and the governor, which is a restriction and balance between the foreign court. No matter how much Zhengde trusts himself, he will not hand over such an important power to himself, and what he can only seek is It's just the military position of the Beijing camp.

Thinking of this, Song Nan hurriedly shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, I dare not agree to this matter. The three thousand imperial army of the imperial forest guards are the internal guards of the palace. They have always been the commanders of internal supervisors. I can't take this heavy responsibility if I am not an internal officer. This move is also suspected of excess. Not only do I want to oppose it, but I will also oppose it. I can't agree."

Zhengde smiled and said, "Well... what you said is also reasonable, so you will be wronged in the 3,000 battalion first? Hey, I'm really sorry. I have made such a great contribution, but I can't reward you. Well, I promise you to transform 3,000 battalions, and the number of troops can also be expanded. I hope you can revive the prestige of 3,000 battalions and give me a long face.

Song Nan quickly thanked him and said, "I will live up to the emperor's expectations. Well... Since it is the expansion of the army, the name of these 3,000 battalions must be changed. Please give me a name.

"Change your face? What's the name of the same?

"The name of Shenji Camp is quite majestic, but it has been occupied. How about changing it to Shenshu Camp? The cardinal is to protect the backbone of the emperor.

"A good name, it's called Shenshu Camp."

"I have one more thing to report to the emperor."

"Say it."

"In this expedition, Zhang Yong, the supervisor, performed well and came up with a lot of good ideas for me. I have a sentence that Eunuch Zhang was really buried in the imperial prison. I could not intervene in the affairs of the court affairs, but I really thanked him for his help and asked the emperor to convey his gratitude to Eunuch Zhang for me."

"Well, I know that I will tell Zhang Yong that the inner court finally has a competitive person, and at least I am not all waste."

"That's natural. It's all the emperor**."


After leaving the palace, Song Nan was comfortable and looked up at the stars in the sky, and the air was cold and fresh. The lights in the capital were bright, and every family laughed and cheered. As the New Year was approaching, ordinary people slept later and later, dealing with more and more busy business during the day. In the evening, they had to prepare New Year's ingredients and kill chickens and pigs under the lamp. The clothes are all done after dinner.

Song Nan felt this real thing and sighed in her heart. She walked all the way, but she never stopped in her mind. The key to this matter lies in the attitude of the foreign cabinet and the regiment camp above the court.

Of course, Song Nan knows that the opposition of the Xunqi is not enough to worry about. Song Nan's not grabbing the position in the regiment camp with them is already their bottom line. It needs to worry that it is the foreign court. The 3,000 battalions are now under the charge of the Ministry of War. Although it is not an important force, after all, it has been snatched from others, which may cause opposition from the foreign court. However, Song Nan has his own way to deal with them. Tomorrow will be a busy day. In addition to having a showdown with her husband, he also needs to make a deal with Yang Tinghe.

But that's all about tomorrow. Song Nan is now eager to go home and spend a night with her wife and concubine. Only in their warm and soft arms can she really get peace.