Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 544 I hope for world peace

In fact, everything tonight was the decision made by Song Nan and Yang Yiqing after the secret consultation before dinner. It only needed Zhang Yong to cooperate, which led to the secret negotiation after Zhang Yong's banquet. As for why Zhang Yong wanted to cooperate, the reason is very simple.

It is not appropriate for Song Nan to personally impeach Liu Jin. As Song Nan told Zhang Yong, Zhengde once warned them not to attack each other in front of Song Nan and Liu Jin. The conflict between Song Nan and Liu Jin has been around for a long time. Zhengde is not deaf and fool. How can he not know? From Zhengde's point of view, it is really difficult to tell which is more important in his mind. If these two people quarrel, it is difficult for Zhengde to favor anyone in their attitude.

Zhengde's view of the problem has always been simple. He just believes that Song Nan and Liu Jin are a conflict caused by the competition for favor, which is not a big deal.

If there is a fight between the two, it is obvious that Liu Jin will have an absolute upper hand. If it hadn't been for Zhengde's ban, the foreign court officials under Liu Jin's manipulation may not have to remove Song Nan once a day. However, because Zhengde strictly prohibits the two from attacking each other, although there is some friction in the court, in general, it is The wind and waves are calm and peaceful.

However, how did Zhengde know that the two people had been stabbed by each other secretly? The continuous rise of Song Nan has made Liu Jin very panic. When all kinds of calculations could not succeed, Liu Jin in Ningxia Town finally ordered Song Nan to take his life. Although Song Nan is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he is also looking for Liu Jin's flaws all the time and launching various counterattack methods.

Before Li Zeng assassinated himself, the fight between the two had not involved extreme means such as assassination, and Song Nan did not decide to bring down Liu Jin so quickly. But after that, Song Nan no longer stayed behind. Liu Jin wanted his own life, and so blatantly assassinated, Song Nan would not bypass him.

Originally, Song Nan planned to find an opportunity in Ningxia Town and take Li Zeng to ask for some confessions, but Li Zeng, Zhou Dong and others were killed by King Anhua, but killed Liu Jin. Song Nan was unwilling to rest. From the moment Zhu Huan was caught, Song Nan was already brewing Zhu Yu's rebellion with Liu Jin, as long as this matter It can convince Zhengde that Liu Jin is a dead man.

Of course, this matter is not easy. Although Liu Jin is full of hatred, everyone has to admit that Liu Jin is loyal to Zhengde. Song Nan has witnessed Xinpingbao trapped on the beacon. Liu Jin saved water to let Zhengde drink. When the Tats shot, he did not hesitate to cover Zhengde with his body. Zhengde must also know that Liu Jin is absolutely loyal. If Song Nan and Liu Jin are weighed at both ends of the balance and put aside the factors of credit, Zhengde will be closer to Liu Jin in terms of personal feelings alone.

Because of this insight, Song Nan must pull Zhang Yong into a link in his plan. The emperor's trust in the inner court is obviously greater than the outer court. The people outside are not as good as the eunuchs close to the inner court. Zhang Yong is an old man beside Zhengde. There was a period of time when he was excluded by Liu Jin to serve Zhengde. Outside, Zhengde may not be as close as Liu Jin in his mind, but Zhengde often mentions him. After suppressing Liu Liu and Liu Qi's rebellion with Song Nan, Zheng De immediately promoted him to the position of the leader of the Royal Horse Prison without even discussing with Liu Jin.

Obviously, Liu Jin's recent actions made Zhengde very dissatisfied. First, it was the matter of Gu Dayong, and then he asked for Zhu Yu to increase the number of soldiers in the Qingwang Mansion, and then Zhu Yuqi began to rebel. These two things hit Liu Jin very hard. Under the end of the other, Zhang Yong was in Zheng De's position in mind must have been improved, as evidenced by the fact that he was sent to supervise the army this time, so Song Nan chose to let Zhang Yong tell Zhengde.

It can be predicted that after Zhu Yuqi's rebellion, Liu Jin must have used some method to exonet herself and win Zhengde's forgiveness. Otherwise, the news of Zhu Huanqi's incident would spread to the capital, and Liu Jin should have been arrested long ago. In fact, Liu Jin was still stable in the inner court, and Zhengde did not have the intention to punish Liu Jin. Obviously, Or because Zhengde did not believe that Liu Jin would collude with Zhu Xiaoqi to rebel.

Let Zhang Yong stay and return to Beijing and personally dedicate Zhu Yuqi to Zhengde. This is a clever arrangement of Song Nan. It gives the impression that Zhang Yong made his first contribution to Zhu Yu in this rebellion. At the moment of offering Zhu Yu, Zhengde's trust in Zhang Yong will definitely reach a peak; and at that time, if It is undoubtedly extremely effective to let Zhang Yong say something.

Of course, these are not enough, so Song Nan arranged follow-up means. Zhengde is an emotional person, so he has to take advantage of this to make an article and make a quick decision on Liu Jin's affairs. Once Zhengde calms down, it will be difficult to deal with.

Of course, Song Nan will not be desperate to knock down Liu Jin. The emperor's first reaction decided the follow-up action of this matter. If the emperor has no response at the beginning, Song Nan will immediately stop the matter and let everyone retreat completely. Zhang Yong's place only uses rumors as a real reason. As long as Liu Jin doesn't know about this, there will be no sequelae.


Early the next morning, Yang Yiqing and Zhang Yong first took important prisoners such as Zhu Xiaoqi back to Beijing, while the peaceful rebel army of Shenshu Camp stayed in Ningxia Town for three days and successively pacified some of the rebels in Zuo*capture City and Shizui Shanzhai Castle, and fully stabilized the situation.

During this period, Qiu Yu also completed the collection of the remnants. After such a tossing, there were only two guards and horses left. For the safety of this important town, Song Nan asked Peng Yue to lead the original guards to stay here for the time being to help stabilize the situation in Ningxia Town; because there seems to be Tatars outside the north and east of the Great Wall Pass of Helan Mountain. Soldiers are ready to move, these are places that must be guarded.

On February 12, when everything calmed down, soldiers and horses from all over the country returned to the station one after another, and Song Nan also led the Shenshu camp to prepare to leave Ningxia Town and return to Beijing. On the evening before leaving, Princess Ping'an sent someone to invite Song Nan to the West Tower for a banquet. Song Nan also wanted to say goodbye to Princess Ping'an, so she walked slowly from the Heart Hall to the West Tower alone after sunset.

These days, the wind and the sun are gentle and the sun is beautiful. As the day enters February, the temperature of the daytime also rises, and the snow next to the road is almost melting. The road is wet, full of traces of melting ice and snow, revealing the grass stems and soil below. The royal palace has also been sorted out in the past few days. Many houses and trees were destroyed when the royal palace was attacked that day. Now these messy things have been cleaned up and everything has returned to calm.

In front of the round gate of the West Building, two maidservant were standing there with their heads up. Seeing Song Nan coming, she hurried to greet Shi Li. Song Nan knew one of them, who was the beautiful maidservant beside Princess Ping An.

Under the guidance of Qingluan, Song Nan stepped into the West Building. The maidservant and women in the hall all bowed their heads and saluted. Song Nan specially looked at it. None of these people were old faces, knowing that the maidservant and women in the West Building before may have been replaced.

When she came to Princess Ping's boudoir on the third floor, Song Nan straightened her clothes outside the door, coughed, and heard the sound of ordinary clothes inside. Soon after, the curtain opened, revealing the beautiful face of Princess Ping'an.

Song Nan bowed his hand and said, "Good night, princess, I'm polite."

Princess Ping'an squeezed her lips and smiled and stretched out her hand and said, "Lord Song is very grateful to come to the banquet in your busy schedule."

Song Nan laughed and said, "It's my honor to be able to climb the princess's hall."

Princess Ping'an said, "Let's be polite. Let's enter the house quickly."

When Song Nan raised her feet and entered the room, she felt a warm fragrance coming to her face. The room was burning with charcoal. Cigarettes curled in the mouth of the copper crane, wine cups and dishes were placed on the table, and the bright red candles were full of joy.

"Please sit down and have a cup of hot tea first." Princess Ping'an pointed to the hot tea cup.

Song Nan looked carefully at the tea cup this time before holding it up, so as not to drink the princess's tea like the last two times. Seeing that Princess Ping An stood still and was about to speak, she suddenly saw the princess restrained Yingying and said, "Thank you for saving my Qing Palace. My uncle did his own sins and almost destroyed my Qing Wang Mansion. If it hadn't been for you, the consequences would not have been. It's imaginable. Please be worshipped by Fengtong.

Song Nan quickly got up and said, "Don't do this, isn't this killing me? You saved me first. It's my turn to thank you. Thank you for your profound righteousness. Song Nan almost broke the halberd here. Fortunately, she was helped by the princess. Please accept my worship.

Princess Ping'an had already got up. Seeing Song Nan bowing and bowing, he hurriedly and bowed his head to return the salute. Song Nan couldn't help laughing and said, "What are we doing? It's like worshipping heaven and earth..."

Princess Ping'an blushed and lowered her head. Song Nan hurriedly said, "Daw... I said something wrong, I mean..."

Princess Ping'an whispered, "Don't explain. I understand. Come and have a drink."

The two sat down again. Because of some embarrassment, Song Nan did not dare to talk any more. For a moment, the atmosphere was a little cold, but when she saw Princess Ping'an drinking two glasses of wine, her face blushed. She put down her chopsticks and broke the silence and said, "Is Lord Song going back to Beijing tomorrow?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "Yes, although I came to Ningxia Town for a short month, I didn't expect so many things to happen. It's really unpredictable."

Princess Ping'an smiled and said, "Does Lord Song regret coming here?"

Song Nan asked, "How do you say this?"

Princess Ping'an said, "Lord Song has experienced several dangers here and almost lost his life. If you die here, won't you be regretful? You only need to live a stable and peaceful New Year in the capital."

Song Nan laughed and said, "There is no comfortable and clean place in the world. People like me have trouble wherever they are, and there are half a clean day at the end of the year."

"Lord Song is a major minister of the imperial court, and the red people around the emperor naturally have no free time. Isn't this the life that Lord Song yearns for?"

Song Nan raised his glass and drank all the wine in the glass and said, "Do I have a disease to yearn for such a life?"

"What kind of life do you yearn for most?"

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "If you have to describe it, personally, I hope it's okay to sleep until you wake up naturally, count money until your hands cramps, indulge in the mountains and rivers during the day, with green clothes with inkstones around you, and red sleeves with fragrance to accompany reading."

Princess Ping An sneered and said, "It turns out that Lord Song is a layman. This wish is too vulgar and too small.

"I also have a big wish."

"What is it?"

"I hope for world peace." Song Nan said solemnly.